We're not allowed to whore-out our own comics, but I'm sure we're allowed to whore-out comics that we've discovered through other QC Forumers... often times, it's their own comics that we discover.
Well, thanks to QC, I discovered
http://www.sockyspace.com and I urge all of you to go and read it.
The art is always great, and consistent (something a lot of webcomics can't claim). Our pal Socky also has an excellent grasp on backgrounds, and proportion. Very nice stuff!
I'll admit that sometimes I don't 'get' the joke in the comic, but that's only because it may refer to something I'm totally unaware of (Socky being of UK origin, and me being a filthy Canuck).
So Check it out, click that link, it's worth your while!
(I just wish Socky had the time to update more regularly... hint... hint...)