metal gear solid 2...
haha hiding in the box... i swear i'd dick around with that for hours and just laugh.
I've always loved the fact that the soldiers don't even notice it unless they run into it, and when they do, they take half a minute just to figure out there's someone under there.
Some of my all-time favorite games:
Soul Calibur II (I'm still building up my Cassandra on Conquest Mode in the arcade...)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Before the VS. games went all to hell)
Space Channel 5 Special Edition
PaRappa The Rapper
Dance Maniax
Toejam & Earl (Possibly my favorite game EVAR)
Kingdom Hearts (I heart this game so much, and will probably orgasm when I pick up KH2....)
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Devil May Cry
Hot Shots Golf
Earthworm Jim
DDR (Yeah, I'm one of those.)
the .hack series
GTA: San Andreas
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants (It was hella hard, but hella fun.)
Battletoads (Ditto.)
Mega Man 4 (I played the hell out of this one when I still had a functioning NES.)
That's all I can think of right now.