Hmm... my initial sceptical response went something along the lines of:
"I can pretty much picture this already - a clumsy, poorly-executed team-based third-person shooter with puzzles being solved purely by the "intelligent" application of each of the four characters and their "unique" abilites - if you need to decipher some script in Ancient, then have Daniel read it. Need to fly a Goa'Uld cargo ship? Just make sure Teal'c gets to it intact. Need to access a computer network? Get Carter to do it. Mission briefings are supplied at a pre-rendered SGC, the stargate Wormhole effect make for a nice, handy, cheap cop-out loading screen, and if a single one of the characters gets killed in action, then you presumably have to restart the level. I predict a crappy camera, abominable physics and collision detection, horrendous AI and, at best a mediocre game."
But then I checked out that website. In retrospect, the above is HIGHLY unfair. Guess I should give the guys behind Stargate enough credit to at least look after their material and make sure it gets turned into a respectable game. Stargate Infinity notwithstanding, the Stargate crew seem to be pretty tight on quality control. The graphics displayed in the "screenshots" section alone were enough to make me reconsider...
If nothing else, that is a genuinely gorgeous-looking game. Looks like the Unreal 2 engine to me, but I might be wrong... If those screenshots are anything to go by, this game is going to be reaaaal easy on the eyes, if nothing else. I mean, seriously.
THIS would sell pretty much any game.
And while good graphics do not necessarily make for a good game, I have to say that, in this case, i'm converted. I can't help but think that, this being Stargate AND being such a good-looking game, that it'll be worth buying. Lucky me, the stated release date is October - just in time for ma burthdays! Lucky, lucky me.
including Spader would be odd since Shanks plays the same character, but you knew that I'm sure
And Michael Shanks does a much better job of it, too. Among other things, he's been Daniel Jackson for years now, whereas Spader just did the movie.
admittedly, however, the number of times that Daniel Jackson has died and come back is plain ridiculous. That guy has a "get out of death free" card...