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Author Topic: Games you got stuck in  (Read 36451 times)


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Games you got stuck in
« on: 20 Jun 2005, 19:57 »

It just occured to me that most of the games I own that actually have an ending I've never actually finished, and often I just abandon them. Does anyone else have this happen to them? Repeatedly?


Super Mario Land 2 [GB] (Very last level vs. Wario)
Banjo-Kazooie (whatever that ship level is after the haunted house)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (the giant snow level)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (Ultra Cup Round 2)
Super Mario Sunshine (somewhere in the middle; the whole thing runs together for me)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (this inhumanely long Triforce chard search near the end)
Tony Hawk Underground (the part where you're in the hotel or memory is failing)
Halo 2 (Sacred Icon)

I could list a lot more, but it's just really sad.


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« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2005, 20:22 »

Every FF Ever.


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« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2005, 20:25 »

Every FF except 1 and 6.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #3 on: 20 Jun 2005, 20:30 »

i liked the Final Fantasy games, am i a freak?
fast-food for thought


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« Reply #4 on: 20 Jun 2005, 20:55 »

I just got too lazy to play them. I get about 2/3rds done and either A. I'm bombarded by school shit or B. I stop caring.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #5 on: 20 Jun 2005, 21:35 »

Yeah I got up to Final Boss in X, and I was just like Whatever. Same in 8

Something Witty

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Games you got stuck in
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jun 2005, 22:17 »

I can't stand not finishing games. It drives me crazy. Even if I am sick to hell of playing the game. If I've invested the time to get(anything, really. not just games) started, by fucking god I'm gonna finish it.
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« Reply #7 on: 20 Jun 2005, 22:41 »

Quote from: Something Witty
I can't stand not finishing games. It drives me crazy. Even if I am sick to hell of playing the game. If I've invested the time to get(anything, really. not just games) started, by fucking god I'm gonna finish it.

Very true; I'm sure that if my video game skills had ever progressed past the age of eleven, I'd have the same attitude. Platforming games are really the toughest for me; if my Mario or Banjo or Link misses the same ledge over and over again and I can't figure out how to do it and the player's guide doesn't help and it takes 15 min. to get back to the same spot (or in the case of Majora's Mask, simply having no idea where you are and not desiring to restart the entire game), then I tend to just put it off to the side and put in Super Smash Bros. for a while. I do go back, eventually, and whittle down the levels remaining until I get to the end; that's pretty much the only way I finish my Pokémon and side-scrolling Mario games.


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« Reply #8 on: 20 Jun 2005, 22:42 »

I also totally got stuck in Oddworld:abes Oddesy and Metal Gear Solid. It wasn't that I couldn't get any farther, I just didn't want to beat the game and get the bad ending, so I stopped playing. I must have tried that damn electric shock thing like 100000000 times.

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« Reply #9 on: 20 Jun 2005, 22:43 »

Miki: Quoting the person directly above you is for the no.
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome, Swooping down from heaven to carry me home.


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« Reply #10 on: 20 Jun 2005, 23:32 »

oops, double post


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« Reply #11 on: 20 Jun 2005, 23:33 »

I think the only games i've ever actually finished were FF 1 and FF 9.  i always hit some point where it's going to take me hours of leveling because i got too far too fast and i just can't bring myself to do it.


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« Reply #12 on: 20 Jun 2005, 23:46 »

Quote from: Something Witty
Miki: Quoting the person directly above you is for the no.

Damn. I haven't done the whole message board thing since 2000, give me time.  

[ponders why the hell he would even do that]

Um...look, a distraction. [runs]


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« Reply #13 on: 21 Jun 2005, 00:00 »

Let's see...stuck...stuck...stuck...

Vagrant Story. I didn't power my weapons up and got way too far, so every hit did 1 damage to like...every enemy.
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« Reply #14 on: 21 Jun 2005, 07:51 »

I got stuck on some wannabe Myst ripoff because it actually had points in which you could *die*.

Puzzles + boring story + death for no reason = stupid.

What else...

Goldeneye was one.  I'm not a fan of going pop every five minutes because I'm not skilled with a controller.  As a result, I'd enter the cheats and run through just for the story.  But as we all know, in Goldeneye, if you have the cheats on, you can't progress in levels.  And I didn't feel like entering those ridiculously long and complicated controller-codes to unlock all the levels.

I never finished the original campaign of NWN.  I just can't do it.  It's so...  Bland.  I haven't finished SoU either, but that one isn't entirely fun for a while.  (C'mon, start as a Fighter and you can't pick up Full Plate until after you get to town.  To get there, you have to get past a few kobolds that are readily able to hit you, and therefore kill you.  Fairly annoying, if you ask me.)


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« Reply #15 on: 21 Jun 2005, 07:56 »

NWN...I have trouble playing through the first chapter. Getting past the first few hours of chapter 2 is unheard of.


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« Reply #16 on: 21 Jun 2005, 08:19 »

The one game that really stumped me was Viewtiful Joe. That game is freakin hard. I just stopped playing after I got to the Shark boss.

What difficulty level were you playing in Halo 2? I beat it a while ago on Normal, and I'm playing it right now on Heroic.


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« Reply #17 on: 21 Jun 2005, 08:57 »

Quote from: Goat
NWN...I have trouble playing through the first chapter. Getting past the first few hours of chapter 2 is unheard of.


HotU wins over all the rest.  The story is actually compelling, and the action is challenging, but not overly difficult.  Plus, you start at level 15.  That's a plus and a half.  I hate starting at 1st level.  They're boring and tend to die five seconds into most combat situations.  Especially arcane casters.


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« Reply #18 on: 21 Jun 2005, 09:56 »

Quote from: pintsizeshomie
i liked the Final Fantasy games, am i a freak?


There's a thread on them. Only freaks don't like FF

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« Reply #19 on: 21 Jun 2005, 10:09 »

Quote from: ASturge
Quote from: pintsizeshomie
i liked the Final Fantasy games, am i a freak?


There's a thread on them. Only freaks don't like FF

*Get's a marker and spells out F-R-E-A-K on foreheard*


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« Reply #20 on: 21 Jun 2005, 10:39 »

Games I got stuck on? Resident Evil 2 and 3, Super Mario Sunshine, a number of others that I got bored of as well.


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« Reply #21 on: 21 Jun 2005, 10:49 »

I'm a little stuck right now, actually - I'm playing the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and I'm having an incredibly tough time passing a mission called "freefall", where I have to fly out to meet a plane halfway across the ocean, get behind it, and fly into a corona behind it's tail.

Seeing, however, as the plane I'm flying is a Dodo (ssingle engine prop crop-duster) and the plane I'm trying to catch from behind is a twin-engine private jet, I'm having a little trouble trying to fiugre out how the hell I'm meant to catch up a plane that can move faster than my plane.

Not fun.

I never leave a game unfinished, though - I WILL beat this mission, eventually.


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« Reply #22 on: 21 Jun 2005, 13:18 »

Quote from: Inanimate Object
The one game that really stumped me was Viewtiful Joe. That game is freakin hard. I just stopped playing after I got to the Shark boss.

What difficulty level were you playing in Halo 2? I beat it a while ago on Normal, and I'm playing it right now on Heroic.

[hopes quoting in itself is not frowned upon]

Yeah, Normal. My experience in FPS games is mostly limited to Doom, the Descent series, and the original Halo at others' houses, so I don't quite have the skills. I haven't given up, but progress is slow to come by.

I've realized it's actually faster to list the games I've beaten:

Super Mario (Bros. 2 & 3, World, 64)
Pokémon (RBYGSCSaRuFi, Stadium)
Zelda (Ocarina)

Which is literally less than 1/4 of the games I own. Sigh.


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« Reply #23 on: 21 Jun 2005, 15:09 »

I'm not very game-savvy,and I must say, my friends /still/ won't stop laughing at me for this.

I got stuck...=blushes= in FF7, right after rescuing Red, on the elevator. I can /never/ beat that part.

So says the best friend of someone who /still/ has the schoolwide highscore in every vid game comp we've ever had.

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« Reply #24 on: 21 Jun 2005, 16:07 »

I've been stuck in every FF I've ever played, although I managed to beat most of 'em. (IV4LYFE!)

I'm currently stuck in Half-Life 2, partially out of fear and partially out of having no time.
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« Reply #25 on: 21 Jun 2005, 16:27 »

Fucking goddamn Quest for Glory IV.  There were so many bugs in that game that it was basically impossible to beat unless you got a walkthrough and did exactly what it said.
Blue or plain?
Sometimes orange.


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« Reply #26 on: 22 Jun 2005, 02:54 »

Quote from: Johnny C
I'm currently stuck in Half-Life 2, partially out of fear and partially out of having no time.

I'm stuck in halflife 2 too. Partly because of steam, partly because it's a crap game and I can't be bothered.

(yes I am still bitter)
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« Reply #27 on: 22 Jun 2005, 09:06 »

Yeah, at that point I thought you could have the VTOL jet you steal from the mililtary in your hangar.  I am having trouble remembering.


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« Reply #28 on: 22 Jun 2005, 17:16 »

Wind Waker: The temple with Makar, I just don't know where to go.

FF VIII: This one thing that you fight.
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« Reply #29 on: 22 Jun 2005, 21:05 »

Legacy of the Wizard. omfg is that game hard.
also israel


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« Reply #30 on: 22 Jun 2005, 21:21 »

About Legacy of the Wizard:

Scroll down a bit.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #31 on: 22 Jun 2005, 21:48 »

i don't so much get stuck in games as get bored towards the end as they game designers stop thinking of new & interesting ways to challenge you and instead start just throwing more enemies at you.


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« Reply #32 on: 23 Jun 2005, 00:19 »

Blaster Master stopped me dead at about level, uh ... four or five. I never got past the ice one, and could only get through the third one on luck. There was this one boss there that was really only feasible to kill with the most-charged-up gun, so if you didn't get him on the first try you were whipped.

There's plenty of games I haven't finished, but not many that have defeated me — among them, BM still sticks in my head.

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« Reply #33 on: 26 Jun 2005, 18:10 »

The last level of Driver is my kryptonite.  Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl...

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« Reply #34 on: 26 Jun 2005, 22:26 »

Of the FF's I have yet to finish(of those I've played) IV(got so damn far, got bored, forgot what I was supposed to do), V(I've watched the opening vid), VI(I find it difficult to play for extended periods using an emulator and can't be arsed to buy anthologies), VIII(just have to fight the last boss), and X(underleveled and got stuck on the airship headed to bevelle and cant beat that "dragon").
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« Reply #35 on: 26 Jun 2005, 23:47 »

Quote from: Kai
About Legacy of the Wizard:

Scroll down a bit.

my my my. never heard of anyone beating Legacy.
also israel


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« Reply #36 on: 27 Jun 2005, 01:03 »

Quote from: Inanimate Object
The one game that really stumped me was Viewtiful Joe. That game is freakin hard. I just stopped playing after I got to the Shark boss.

What difficulty level were you playing in Halo 2? I beat it a while ago on Normal, and I'm playing it right now on Heroic.

I'm stuck on the damn last boss, you can't even touch him :(

I am kinda stuck on resident evil 1, its less of a stuck thing more of a can't be bothered thing to be honest...


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« Reply #37 on: 27 Jun 2005, 03:34 »

I never finished Skies of Arcadia on Dreamcast, and I've kinda given up on Disgaea on PS2


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« Reply #38 on: 27 Jun 2005, 05:57 »

This thread prompted me to take on my old Nemesis 'Vandal Hearts'. I beat the utter snot out of everyone.. I dunno how I didn't finish it the first time... now the sequel, that thing is just stupidly stupid and hard. Bosses that heal 25% each turn anyone?

Now onto FF IX, and THIS time I'm gonna pay attention to earning abilities!


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« Reply #39 on: 27 Jun 2005, 06:02 »

Meh, i suck at any c&c clone. Never completed any of them. Apart from that, never met an rpg i couldn't beat.


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« Reply #40 on: 27 Jun 2005, 06:08 »

I finish most of the games I get, but this does remind me of a rant I made once to a friend.  I was getting all annoyed by how some games feel the need to abruptly ratchet up the difficulty by several orders of magnitude right at the end boss.  Take Jak3: I eventually managed to beat that game, but I was stuck at the final boss for a while, because the final boss is WAY harder than anything else in the game.  At the time I was disputing the notion that a game should get harder as you progress (somewhat esoteric game design discussion, plus the definition of "harder" is kind of mushy.)  But even taking as an assumption that games should get harder as you progress, how does it make any sense for the entire game up to the final boss to have a consistent level of difficulty, and then the final boss is harder than the rest of the game combined?

The most notable (but not only) game in which I'm stuck at the final boss is Beyond Good and Evil.  That's a really good game (I recommend it to any PS2 owners who haven't played it) but the final boss is hard as nails.  You play through the boss in several "stages" of combat; one stage is a sequence of insanely fast monsters you have to fight through, and then you have to go through that section again, only with the controls reversed.  WTF?!?


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« Reply #41 on: 27 Jun 2005, 06:31 »

The last boss in beyond good and evil really is very hard, did it on 3rd try that whole bit with the reversed controlls annoyed me, also I had very few healing things, basicly had to not get hurt once, beyong good and evil is an underrated game.


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« Reply #42 on: 27 Jun 2005, 06:34 »

I think games are just getting easier. I play these games, complete them and go 'Wow! I'm a god!'. Then i go back and play old games that used to cause me loads of problems. The idea is i must be a better gamer, cuz i kick loads of ass in new games. So i go back, play older games, and get my ass handed to me. New games = easy, old games = difficult


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« Reply #43 on: 27 Jun 2005, 06:42 »

I agree most new games are much easier, authough I bought the remake of metal gear solid and I kicked ass this time arround and the only noticeable difference is a few new moves and the graphics.

Lots of games are far too easy by yesterdays standards, I played some NES game the other day and they are as hard as they were for me when I first played them.


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« Reply #44 on: 27 Jun 2005, 09:29 »

Quote from: Awkward Silence
Quote from: Switchblade
I'm a little stuck right now, actually - I'm playing the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"

Try to get a better plane. If you can't do that, check the marker for the plane on your map. Then adjust your height is neccesary.

Are you willing to use cheats? You can get a better plane that way.

Dude, there are Shamals (the same make of plane you're trying to catch) right next to the hangar. The game requires you, however, to use the fucking Dodo. There's a big blue arrow above it, and that's the only plane you're allowed to complete the mission in - the plane you're meant to be catching doesn't manifest into the game world unless you get into that specific Dodo, and you fail the mission if you leave that plane for any reason.

Which is a bit fucking crap, truth be told. I'd sooo much rather grab a Hunter and blow the fucking thing out of the sky than muck around with trying to catch the bastard thing in a bloody Dodo....

had a bit of fun lately, mind - I found what would appear to be the only jumbo jet in the game parked in a hangar in Las Venturas airport, so I took it out for a spin. Maxed out my flying skill just keeping going in a straight line, trying to find Liberty City, eventually gave up and tried to land in San Fierro, but the bloody wing tips scraped a runway-side sign, and the plane blew up.

And NO, I do not cheat on my first time through a game. EVER.

Quote from: Bishop
I agree most new games are much easier, authough I bought the remake of metal gear solid and I kicked ass this time arround and the only noticeable difference is a few new moves and the graphics.

Lots of games are far too easy by yesterdays standards, I played some NES game the other day and they are as hard as they were for me when I first played them.

A list of games you may want to try if you want a challenge:

Ninja Gaiden (on hard setting, you die a lot. On hard setting, ninjas come to your home, slaughter your roommate, and then beat you to death with his spleen...)

Tony Hawk's Underground (both 1 and 2, but especially number 1 - the final skate-off between you and your rival is INSANELY difficult)

Freelancer (Some of the big battles during the storyline still get me sweating when I replay them, and I'm fucking GOOD at that game...)

The Temple of Elemental Evil (Steepest. Difficulty curve. Ever. The damn thing throws giant frogs that can eat and instantly kill your characters without much trouble at you as one of the first damned encounters of the game, immediately followed up by a small army of bandits - all while you're still only a first level party)

The Lord of the Rings - the Third Age (no matter how good you are, and how much you train the party, I guarantee that the bad guys in the most recent chapter you reach will always be a genuine threat. I've seen the GAME OVER screen in that game a great many times)


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« Reply #45 on: 28 Jun 2005, 02:13 »

I destroyed freelancer inside 2 days. It is one of the easiest games i've ever played


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« Reply #46 on: 28 Jun 2005, 15:31 »

Slacker. I ripped through the storyline inside one day.

four battles that really slowed me down, however:

1: Escaping from Bretonia, and you run into a whole fleet of Rheinland capitol ships, and it's you, a heavy fighter, and three light fighters versus a battleship, three cruisers, five gunships and about ten wings of heavy fighters.

I was flying a Bretonia heavy fighter with starkiller torpedo launchers, four skyrail Bs and twinned cannonball missile launchers, advanced thrusters and a level 4 shield. Took out a battleship and a cruiser, but the first three or four times, I went down pretty quickly.

2: The return to  Liberty, when you first encounter the prototype heavy fighters with Nomad weaponry. owch. To make that battle easier, btw, don't be tempted to mount Order shields: They're graviton-based, and Nomad weapons do double damage to graviton shielding. Buy a good pair of shields on Kyoto, and stick with those until the end of the storyline, but buy an Order shield anyway - once the nomads are out of the way, the Order shielding's better for post-storyline playgrounding.

3: Tekagi's Arch.

4: The battle of Toledo, when you have to destroy two nomad battleships to progress.

My toughest battle ever in that game, however, was near planet Malta - Single-handed versus twenty Bounty Hunter Hammerhead class level 9 heavy fighters. That wasn't fun at all.

Those battles still get me sweating when I replay them, and I'm a damned good player by now...

As for Tony Hawk's 1: Max stats, and it still took me two hours of try-fail-restart-try-fail-restart-try-fail-restart...


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« Reply #47 on: 28 Jun 2005, 17:38 »

In recent memory I've failed to complete:

Abe's Exoddus (my memory card got wiped and I really couldn't be bothered starting again.

Final Fantasy IX - had to return the borrowed fourth disc... damnit

Grandia - just got bored

Final Fantasy X - I'm up to the last boss but I've been trying to beat Omega... which is not fun.

GTA: San Andreas - I'll go back to it, I promise!

Most of the time my attention gets distracted by a shiny new game, and sometimes I just can't be bothered going back to finish older ones. Grandia was probably the worst offender - most slow-moving RPG storyline I've seen.

There have been quite a few lesser games that I've given up on too. Does anyone else find that as you age, your tolerance for bad games goes way down? I remember the days on my Sega Master System, trying for hours to beat Ghost House. Man that was a crap game, but the mere fact that it was a game meant that I had to finish it. These days I'd give up after two minutes!

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« Reply #48 on: 28 Jun 2005, 18:17 »

my friend and I have a system where we put of aa game when we get stuck and come back to it later and seem to beat it easily.  The only game i remember getting stuck in is Metroid 2 for the GB.

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« Reply #49 on: 28 Jun 2005, 19:42 »

Quote from: Gryff

Does anyone else find that as you age, your tolerance for bad games goes way down?

Hells yeah, when I was younger I'd slog my way through any shitty game but these days I just don't have the time/attention span for it.  I always find myself hiring games and giving up on them after about 5 minutes.

I blame the game developers - hardly anyone makes original games anymore, especially not for consoles.  Take Tony Hawk for example, the first two were great but then they released about 15 more sequels that were pretty much exactly the same game.  Gran Turismo was fun back when modifiying your car in a racing game was a relatively new concept (let's not forget Street Rod), but playing GT4 I found myself thinking "This is exactly the same as GT2, only more linear"

P.S. Yeah NZ!!
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