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Author Topic: Games you got stuck in  (Read 33485 times)


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #100 on: 22 Oct 2006, 17:42 »

Someone in the "Best Game" thread mentioned Cave Story, and I'm playing through it the hard way, where after you beat the final bosses in the regular playthrough, you end up in a ridiculously hard secret level with an even more ridiculously hard FINAL final boss. So far the best I've done is getting to the second form of the boss (he has five). I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to finish this; it's incredibly difficult. To think that some people are good enough at platformers to attempt a speed run of this level (and boss) makes me slightly ill.
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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #101 on: 12 Nov 2006, 12:21 »


And I still am.


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #102 on: 12 Nov 2006, 19:30 »

Got stuck and quit Majora's Mask a year ago. Last night, I TOOK REVENGE


This sonuvabitch wasn't easy. Especially that there's a game timer and when lost had to do the dungeon again. 2 minutes were ticking, only a quarter of HP AND SUCCEEDED.

Now continuing!

Charming Liar

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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #103 on: 13 Nov 2006, 07:27 »

I don't know if you would define it as "stuck" exactly, since the progression of the game itself ran smoothly. Back in the day of the N64, when Zelda: Ocarina of Time was still fresh off the shelves... I tried for weeks to get a perfect score of 2000 on the Gerudo horseback archery course. My best? 1980, I think. I never managed it. The whole business sent me spiraling into a period of eye twitching frustration. I kept telling myself that it was just a question of averages. I could make all the OTHER shots, so surely I would-- in time-- manage to nail those last two. Bah.
« Last Edit: 13 Nov 2006, 07:46 by Charming Liar »


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #104 on: 13 Nov 2006, 08:50 »

i got stuck in neverwinter nights in that town with the little girl and her stupid diary.
it was pretty near the end, and i was like "oh fuck this shit."
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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #105 on: 14 Nov 2006, 12:25 »

Yeah I got up to the last boss in NWN and couldn't beat her,

SOU I didn't bother and I finished Hordes of the Underdark (which was the best one I think).

BloodRayne I got up to the last boss and he kept growing bigger and bigger, just gave up in the end.

Half Life 2 I got up to the zombie level (Ravenholme? I think) and just couldn't be bothered playing it anymore, never really like FPs games.

Lords of Magic I played for ages and gave up cause Balkoth was just to powerful.

Command and Conqueor: Tiberian Sun never finished it with either GDI or NOD, always used t oget stuck on the same missions.



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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #106 on: 14 Nov 2006, 14:10 »

Blood Rayne was one of the easiest games ever, except for that final boss.  It turns out, what you have to do is shoot his heart (which is contained withn the dude's skeletal body) about 15 gazzillion times.  Do this before time runs out, or he kills you, or the other dude kills you, or the game doesn't like you, etc, etc.  Nobody I have talked to ever pulled it off.


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #107 on: 14 Nov 2006, 14:21 »

Ravenholme (HL2), goddamn i had to use the gravity gun all the time in that level, ammo was really rare. But after that it got really good. You should play it again.


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #108 on: 14 Nov 2006, 15:20 »

Hmm I never really got into HL 2, some of the levels were cool, like that jet ski level but I dunno I just never "got" it when playing, something about the game just alienated me. Not suprising though, most First Person Shooters have that affect on me. I think the reason is when I was a kid I was obssessed with Doom and Quake, especially Quake, I used to overclock my 486 so I could get decent performance in Quake. I just absolutely loved that game, the weapons, the atmosphere everything about it was perfect. Then all these games like Sin and Half Life started comming out where they tried to append storylines onto FPS's and it kind of ruins it for me. I dunno I thought Unreal was pretty good it had a bit of a backstory but it still had that Quake feeling to it, the rest of them just kind of bug me. I guess when I play a shooter I want to run charging at hordes of monsters with a shotgun not sift through a heap of backstory and complete missions.

If I want a story I'll play an RPG, which I happen to love :)

I dunno maybe I'm just weird, I absolutely love Quake 3 and Unreal tournement, but of course they're multiplayer rather then single player fps's 


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #109 on: 14 Nov 2006, 23:47 »

I remember being stuck at the very beginning of Sam and Max for months untill I realized I was meant to use Max on the cat to get the orders, which led to one of the most hilarious video game scenes I ever saw.
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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #110 on: 15 Nov 2006, 13:49 »

lets see here games i got stuck in
paper mario (the first one)


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #111 on: 17 Nov 2006, 04:50 »

i got stuck in final fantasy 7.

i hate random battles so i avoided them as much as possible, levelling only as much as i needed to (which proved to be not enough)

needless to say I got stuck at the bottom of the golden saucer, because i couldn't beat barret's friend, because i was out of potions, broke, couldn't level up any further.  it made me so pissed that i very nearly didn't finish the game.


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #112 on: 17 Nov 2006, 05:10 »

One game comes to mind... my Dad beat it, but I know I never did:

The Original Prince of Persia

Now THAT game owned...


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #113 on: 17 Nov 2006, 11:55 »

Oooh fuck yeah, what was the level where you walked through the mirror and had to fight yourself (level 6 I think) that was my favorite part.


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #114 on: 17 Nov 2006, 12:44 »

there was this weird space fleet controling type game, that i got stuck in, but that was mainly cause it was SO DAMN CONFUSING!!! but i usually dont get stuck in games often, mainly cause i dont have enough time TO get stuck but also cause all i really need is a quite cool down and then im back and ready to get past the point of no return!!


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #115 on: 17 Nov 2006, 18:19 »

That mirror level crazy! Prince of Persia was amazing... they just don't make games like THAT anymore...


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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #116 on: 19 Nov 2006, 04:25 »

Games Ive A: Been stuck on.
               B:Given up On
Final Fantasy  8
Resident Evil 4
Dragoon Legend
DDR( I just stopped Playing this One an Sold it)
Banjo Kazooie.
and Mario 64
Older games are Much Harder.

Guardian 452

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Re: Games you got stuck in
« Reply #117 on: 19 Nov 2006, 05:20 »

Haha, so many to list.

Metroid Prime
Halo 1
Tons of RPGs
And many more that I probably can't remember.
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