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Author Topic: Memorable Gaming Moments  (Read 18713 times)


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Memorable Gaming Moments
« on: 13 Jul 2005, 03:27 »

This is a thread where you can shout about your most hardcore gaming moments. The moments that made you scream "Fuck YEeeeeaheaheah"


The first time I ran up a wall on Jedi Outcast, back flipped off and cut an enemy Sith's head off whilst still in mid air. I then landed, span round, cutting another one in half.

Fuck Yeah.


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« Reply #1 on: 13 Jul 2005, 04:57 »

"Ameeerica, FUCK YEAH!"


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« Reply #2 on: 13 Jul 2005, 05:11 »

Playing WoW and my lvl 40ish Gnome Warrior [booyah!] decided to take on a passing turtle that was a couple of levels higher than he was. Thing to remember with turtles is they aren't great in combat, they just have really high armour. Anyways, fight goes on for a good couple of minutes, healing potions are drunk and the thing still isn't dead. I eventually manage to kill the bugger with only 5hp left, from starting on about 1800ish.


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« Reply #3 on: 13 Jul 2005, 05:21 »

The very first time in Katamari Damacy that I rolled up 12 children at once. Ah yes. Muahahaha.


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« Reply #4 on: 13 Jul 2005, 05:24 »

I'm still chuffed about the classic "fake on the outside, cut back and overtake on the inside" manouevre I pulled on my brother playing one of the Gran Turismo games.


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« Reply #5 on: 13 Jul 2005, 11:26 »

When I learned that you could teleport right after someone to kill them in Doom/Doom 2.


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« Reply #6 on: 13 Jul 2005, 12:18 »

When I played WoW for the first time.

It was just me saying "WOW!" over and over.

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« Reply #7 on: 13 Jul 2005, 14:38 »

The first time I played the downtown level in Burnout 2. So many cars whizzing past in the opposite direction, and the intersections were just insane.


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« Reply #8 on: 13 Jul 2005, 15:37 »

Phantasy Star Online(back when it was on Dreamcast) There's a boss in a round room, he shoots out four tentacles and spins alot. The other 4 people on my team died and I wasn't very strong. I just kept running in circles avoiding the boss' shots and raising whoever I ran across. The fight took about 30 minutes I kept shouting "HA! Ya missed me you ugly fucker!" etc etc. It was like 3 am. I ended up with a horrible wrist cramp for a few days afterwards.

It's never been so satisfying to watch something blow up until you've fought it for that long and your are in physical pain trying to select items to use while running like a bat out of hell(those controllers were pretty uncomfy).


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« Reply #9 on: 13 Jul 2005, 16:02 »

From finally completing Alex Kidd in Miracle World. That final tablet puzzle  was a tricky one, and this was before the days of internet faqs.


Playing Virtua Fighter 4 against my flatmate (Aoi vs Lei Fei) to 10 wins, being down 9-4 and coming back with 6 straight wins. He's a really bad gloater when he wins so I celebrated to the baddest!

"I said Fuck Yeah!"

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« Reply #10 on: 13 Jul 2005, 22:21 »

solo tanking uldaman boss at 42with a 2hander while being healed b 42 priest, average level of group member was 44.  i never lost aggro :)

then in counterstrike i was playing counterstrike, i was ct, all my team members died, i was only alive.  i picked up a glock for some resaon, headshotted someone with scout, got his scout, no scoped someone, headshotted someoen else.  bomb was planted at ct spawn on dust. ran up the side, knifed TWO terrorists, noscoped last guy in the head and defused.


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« Reply #11 on: 13 Jul 2005, 23:32 »

The first time I played pac man, like twenty-five years ago. I got eaten by a ghost, and was like @#$##$#$#$. Yeah, that's what I said, because I was five, and I didn't know any profanity. All I knew was what Q-bert told me.

I'm such a @#$#@$@# smart ass. :P


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« Reply #12 on: 14 Jul 2005, 00:44 »

I slutted in for a clan against a higher ranked clan in UT once. Took 3 flags in the first minute and won decisively. FUCK YEAH!

This was capture the flag, I didn't just spell frag wrong
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.


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« Reply #13 on: 14 Jul 2005, 01:44 »

Haha I have no idea if this counts or not, and you might all laugh at me for being a nerd, but yeah.  I worked at the arcade, reason being I got to play pretty much whatever I wanted for free.  There were these punk ass middle schoolers on the DDR machine, and they obviously thought they were the shit.

Until I went on break.

I believe his exact words were "No man, just no.  That's sick.  I quit."



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« Reply #14 on: 14 Jul 2005, 01:50 »

In Torus Trooper, I reached level 13 in one go on Insane mode. I was pretty chuffed with myself afterwards.
Estuans interius ira vehementi.


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« Reply #15 on: 14 Jul 2005, 02:14 »

I was the head of a clan for the Excessive Overkill mod in UT. We were the newest clan in the community among YEARS-old clans, some ofus were ranked VERY high, others about average.

After a few months, everyone in it left and joined on of the two highest-ranking clans in the community. I was asked into the the high-ranked one that they DIDN'T join (and was glad to join). We trounced the other team in a clan match (against a few people who had left). Maybe I'm just petty...but it was neat.

Same game...It was me VS three people from "the other clan" (before I was even in one), and they weren't evening out teams. I just ordered the bots (which are unfortunately just cannon fodder most of the time) to defend and went into their base, shot down two guys that were heading towards mine, turned the corner and killed their bot and one guy who'd respawned, then jumped around the corner and got their defending player before he knew what hit em. Then held off their OWN flag room by myself before battling back to my base with just 1 HP left. Some people later in the came joined and helped out at least...later they said it was like trying to play against Neo.

Definitely an "awww yea" experience.

Now I wanna play it again...graaar.
The sad thing about tennis is that no matter how good you get, you'll never be as good as a wall.


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« Reply #16 on: 14 Jul 2005, 04:04 »

Quote from: Menzallol
Haha I have no idea if this counts or not, and you might all laugh at me for being a nerd, but yeah.  I worked at the arcade, reason being I got to play pretty much whatever I wanted for free.  There were these punk ass middle schoolers on the DDR machine, and they obviously thought they were the shit.

Until I went on break.

I believe his exact words were "No man, just no.  That's sick.  I quit."


Bwahahaha. Awesome. :D


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« Reply #17 on: 14 Jul 2005, 04:39 »

My other story goes like this. I was sitting in a net cafe after work one night minding my own business and playing some BF1942. Anyways, in comes this group of guys who are all talking about how they have this CS clan match to play, but they're short one player. One of them spots me playing an FPS and asks if I can sub for thier missing player. I've played CS before, but not in a long, long time at this point, but I still accept. I warn them that I'm a bit rusty, and in the first round I don't do too well. From that point on though I guess the old instincts kicked back in or something as I started doing a LOT better. In the end, I'm the best ranked out of both teams and these guys are just looking at me slack-jawed. It's then that I calmly go back to playing BF1942 :P

I guess being in a clan doesn't really mean what it used to, oh well.


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« Reply #18 on: 14 Jul 2005, 05:12 »

I'm having a blast playing Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero again.  I bought it over a year ago, and just started playing it again maybe last week.  Right now I have three people left before I face the final guy.  It's a lot of work to beat this game!  I could see this game becoming a majorly cool mmorpg.

And, if anyone here even knows what it is:  Avara!
Avara was an old mechwarrior style deathmatch type game for macs, way before broadband or OS X.  Tons 'o fun.


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« Reply #19 on: 14 Jul 2005, 05:44 »

When CS:Source first came out, and this is after me not playing CS for about two years mind you, I picked up the Para and went on a twenty-kill headshot spree. To this day, I don't know how I did it. (To this day, I've never seen so many gumbies yelling "HAXX!!!")

Or a recent game of Homeworld 2 against my best mate. He thought his ten torpedo frigates were so damn tough... Until 80-strong fleet rocked up.


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« Reply #20 on: 14 Jul 2005, 06:43 »


I was playing Assault New2005. It was 20 v 20 and i was doing ok. top 5 i reckon.

There were a clan on the CT team, bout 7 of them. THey were like
"Dude, join our clan, we effin rule!!!!"

I politely declined so they started calling me ungodly things.

So i rushed at the start of the next round and knifed all but one. My friend got the other with a grenade.



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« Reply #21 on: 14 Jul 2005, 16:34 »

The first time i cut down a human opponent with my lightsaber playing Jedi Knight : Dark Forces 2 online.

The first time I took down a plane with a bazooka in BF1942 (before they made the planes flying tanks).


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« Reply #22 on: 14 Jul 2005, 16:55 »

Playing Homeworld on a huge map with unit caps disabled and building a fleet that's too big for the screen. Then telling that fleet to move towards the enemy.
Fuck yeah.

Also, stressed slightly differently and with another punctuation:
Getting flattened once again in StarCraft by a friend of mine. It happens every time, no matter how well protected my base is or whether I attack him first. That guy is a fucking Zerg God or something.
"Fuck!" *seconds later, the base is destroyed* "...yeah."


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« Reply #23 on: 14 Jul 2005, 18:02 »

Playing F-Zero X with my mates, all of us stoned, with the volume turned up to 'floor shaking' on a huge TV. I'm particularly thinking of the point where I was taking the half-pipe at about 1000 KPH laughing crazily whilst Morgan was just screaming 'AAAH THE SPEED IS TEARING OFF MY FACE'.

And then, when the race ended, we all started air-guitaring to the victory music.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #24 on: 14 Jul 2005, 18:12 »

When I beat Skies of Arcadia for my first time...I cried... other moment was in UT04 when I jumped off a tower, was about to land on someone's head but shield gunned their sorry ass and landed all safely like.

[Edit:] Also when I got to level 10 in Nethack...that was my favourite moment out of the three.


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« Reply #25 on: 15 Jul 2005, 16:30 »

At a BIG LAN party:



M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL!!![/color]...

Later on we played Worms World Party, and some guy dropped a banana bomb perfectly under one of my worms, who just went into orbit. I swear, it took him like twenty seconds to come back down again.


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« Reply #26 on: 15 Jul 2005, 16:34 »

Serious Sam: Taking on all the AT-ATs on SERIOUS at the oasis in the first level. Dual-pistols, a knife, and 1337 skillz, y'all.

CSS- Flashbang headshot in Dust. 'nuff said.
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« Reply #27 on: 15 Jul 2005, 18:06 »

Final Fantasy XI - Killed Kirin with 17 members.. and we did it the long hard way of Aspiring him. About a 4.5 hour fight for us.. this was long before many American/European players even knew what Kirin was..

Quake II - I'm one shot from death and running towards some stairs from a guy hot on my heals.. I take a shot from my 'nade launcher and hit the wall above me and bounce the grenade behind me... I turn around and couldn't find the guy anymore, but apparently I killed someone.

CSS- Even teams, but I suck.. straight up. I must have hit a groove because it comes down to me versus 5 Terrorists... Some how.. I managed to finish it off for the win. Not just round, but match.. We ended up 10-9 when server changed maps.


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« Reply #28 on: 15 Jul 2005, 18:20 »

Oh man, I completely forgot about my record: the ten million+ point manual combo in THUG 2. No grinds, no grabs, lip tricks, kicks, or even ollies - just a dude balancing his board for a ridiculous amount of time. eventually, though, it was a choice between pressing the jump button, or losing the whole thing.

I rock at the Tony Hawk's games, actually. NEVER face me at HORSE, you will lose.


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« Reply #29 on: 15 Jul 2005, 21:01 »

If you have ever finished the game "Armored Core 2: Another Age" for PS2, then you should know how insanely difficult the last battle is. Took me dozens of tries with that stupid final boss flying around so fast that I couldn't hit him, complete with him filling the sky with warhead missiles, before flying down to laser-sword and machine-gun the crap out of me.

I think I actually cried when I beat him.


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« Reply #30 on: 16 Jul 2005, 00:05 »

when i first played final fantasy vii, not taking the time to understand the junctioning system or using str bonus, and beating ultemecia after about 1.5 hours.
now final bosses are made for people who havent leveled, and nemesis/trema are for those who have.
still, twas a fun time


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« Reply #31 on: 16 Jul 2005, 00:55 »

I was stunting across the entrance to a hall and put a bullet down it in the split second and fragged some chump.

that was sweet.
also israel


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« Reply #32 on: 17 Jul 2005, 06:03 »

Most awesome gaming experience, was about 4 years ago, i was at a PC bar in parramatta with my brother, his friend and his friends sister (whom i was dating at the time). Anyway, my brothers friend started up a game of Team Fortress, and i can't remember the game mode, it was somewhat of a domination map, where one team has to place 3 flags and the other has to stop them, and when you place a flag it becomes a spawn point.

Anyway, essentially, everyone in the PC bar at that moment was playing on our server, and it was like maybe 20 on each team and it was just utter, awesome chaos. Everyone gasping and cheering at the same time people yelling out "Damn you GebStar" when i would kill them or place the flag. In the end we got to the last point and with three seconds to go i jumped from a ledge getting heavy damage from gun emplacements and JUST before the time ran out i slammed that flag in and won it for my team.

Then on the next map, our time ran out, and my brothers friend said "See you suckers" and shut down the server the entire placed moaned because of it.
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« Reply #33 on: 17 Jul 2005, 14:03 »

Once on Xbox Live in a Halo 2 I killed two people at once using only two grenades and an SMG.
My friend was just killed by them, so I ran at them with my SMG and threw a grenade at their feet.  I then jumped over them and finished the rest of their health off with the rest of my SMG clip.


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« Reply #34 on: 17 Jul 2005, 14:39 »

The first time I played Doom. The first time I discovered another continnent with my trireme after I had settled thoroughly my native one and wiped out the rival civilisation there, in Civilization I. When I got a lot of cool games for my new NES, I used to have an Atari for a while before that. "F-117" for the Sega Mega Drive. Then there's too many good games to mention; and for the last few years, almost none :). Also the first time I played Soul Calibur, and Tekken. I'll think of some things that's I'll feel awful about missing later, I'm sure.
I, for one, welcome the fragmentation of deeper levels of shared reality.


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« Reply #35 on: 17 Jul 2005, 15:13 »

The first time I stuck a lighting rod to somebody's ass in Deus Ex and watched them fall asleep. That was cool.


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« Reply #36 on: 17 Jul 2005, 19:27 »

I almost got a hole-in-one in Golden Tee once...



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« Reply #37 on: 18 Jul 2005, 08:30 »

The first time i got 12 battlecrusiers in starcraft.

In Halo, blowing up two people with grenades, then jumping down and getting the guy trying to snipe both of now respawning fighters with a face full of shotgun.

actually playing on my gameboy (zelda) while the long sequence for (final) sepiroth's attack played in final fantasy 7.

the thrill of unadulterated speed of Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega genesis.

The entirety of Chrono Trigger before the game gets to the end and Lavos goes into "super god asskicking mode"

Playing the old school version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat-em up with my friend until 4 am.

10 kill spree on call of duty running around like a madman.


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« Reply #38 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:34 »

When I completed my first RPG, I felt so damn proud and higher than everyone else!

When I first beat my brother at Crash Team Racing.

When I beat my brother a DBZ: Budokai 3 and he let me have one of his games.

The list goes on...


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« Reply #39 on: 18 Jul 2005, 12:06 »

Final Fantasy VII. 2 long months, many sleepless nights, blood sweat and tears, and it was down to the final battle. All that is left to do is strike the final blow and sweet victory is mine. Cloud lifts his blade and goes for that final swing. It's just about to connect....

Power Cut.


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« Reply #40 on: 18 Jul 2005, 16:47 »


Actually, I inadvertantly killed my sister's gerbil with a Megadrive (UK version of the Genesis) one time - the dumbass thing leapt out of her hands, dashed behing the TV, and bit a cable while I was playing the Lion King game. Pretty colours flashed across the screen, and there was a smell of burnt fur.

Just had a genuinely funky moment on Jedi Academy - The tomb level before you fight Marca Ragnos. I always take two lightsabers to the party (one orange, one purple)

Anyway, me versus two Reborn. Pretty nifty fight, I didn't bother attacking at first and just maneuvered and blocked. Then I used Force Push, they went flying. As they got up, I ran towards them, ducked, rolled between them, and stabbed sideways.

With two lightsabers, you can stab left and right at once. One attack, two dark Jedi taking lightsabers to the groins. Slight rockage ensued with a slow-motion twin jedi kill.

I got Marca Ragnos by using force speed, dodging behind him, and using a Kata attack that took out all his HP in one move, actually.


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« Reply #41 on: 18 Jul 2005, 18:18 »

OH MAN I forgot about Starcraft. I used ot play that gam like no other. One 1v1 match I had, I managed to get a second base up and running well...the other guy was focusing on trying to take out my first base, and when he was about to destroy it started talking way too much smack...and just as he wiped out teh last building at my first base all my troops came out from their holes in the ground. Two blocking his troops from getting back to his base from my newly-destroyed one, another that enearthed RIGHT next to his base (he was so focused on blowing up my first base that he didn't see me bury teh shitload of troops right next to his base).

In about 5 minutes I'd wiped him clean off the map.

I did a similar thing in Command and Conquer: Red Alert. Man, strategy games were weird. They were ALL about being patient and building up your forces.
The sad thing about tennis is that no matter how good you get, you'll never be as good as a wall.


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« Reply #42 on: 19 Jul 2005, 03:03 »

4 player game of Mario Kart DD, I forget the name of the track, but it's that small oval where you do like 7/8 laps.

I had dropped into last place by the final lap, then I got an outrageously flukey combination of events, listed here for your amusement:

1st place guy hit a fake item.  Swore.

2nd place guy threw a bomb at 1st place guy as he caught him up, but didn't steer clear of the blast in time.  Two people swore.

I (4th place guy) get a star and a giant shell.  I activate the star.

3rd place guy uses a lightning bolt the instant I use the star, leaving me immune, and 1st and 2nd place guys shunk.  Three people swear, as I am now invincible, and right behind 3rd place guy.

I smash through the player-formerly-known-as-3rd-place-guy, fire the giant shell across the enbankment in the middle of the track, and hit both 1st and 2nd place guys.  Three people swear.

I skid around the corner as my star runs out, and get a green shell and a mushroom.  I use both, boosting past 1st place guy (who has somewhat confusingly dropped into 2nd place by this point), and blasting the shell into 2nd place guy, inches away from the line.  He goes up, I go over the line, three people swear.

I then get pounded for 'being a lucky smartarse'.

We had a rematch and I got my ass gift-wrapped and handed to me, but that one race was sweeeet.
Actions speak louder than words, especially if you have a giant moon laser.

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« Reply #43 on: 20 Jul 2005, 13:04 »

Got a few:

Very early in my (short and ignominous) WarCraft III career, I was playing on one of the winter maps (had crescent-shaped forests at each point of the compass, can't remember the name) as Humans. Enemy was Undead. We played for a bit, had a few fights, nothing major. I started building Siege Tanks like mad, then snuck an invisible footman into the back of his base and teleported them all inside. Gutted the place. He still won, but I was just so excited that the maneuver had worked it didn't matter.

Also in WC III, I had a very long and drawn out match, NE vs. NE, that ended with both of us scouting around for the other's hidden Moonwell. That one I DID win, just as her soldiers found me, by spamming the Goblins' telescope all over the map.

In Halo, shooting down my first Banshee and having it LAND ON ME and scrape a huge rent across a frozen lake. Also, the first time I stormed the beach.

In GTA:VC, driving a fire truck up a flight of stairs and jumping it onto another building.

So many more ...


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« Reply #44 on: 20 Jul 2005, 17:16 »

Quote from: Sarcasmorator
Got a few:

Very early in my (short and ignominous) WarCraft III career, I was playing on one of the winter maps (had crescent-shaped forests at each point of the compass, can't remember the name) as Humans. Enemy was Undead. We played for a bit, had a few fights, nothing major. I started building Siege Tanks like mad, then snuck an invisible footman into the back of his base and teleported them all inside. Gutted the place. He still won, but I was just so excited that the maneuver had worked it didn't matter.

Siege tanks? In Warcraft III? Am I missing something?

Had a funky moment playing San Andreas just now: I pulled a wheelie on a BMX down the entire length of the Las Venturas strip.


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« Reply #45 on: 21 Jul 2005, 00:30 »

Dwarves had wierd steam powered mobile things. You even see them in WoW.
also israel


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« Reply #46 on: 21 Jul 2005, 00:31 »

Oh, bah. Steam tanks. You know what I meant.

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« Reply #47 on: 21 Jul 2005, 02:31 »

WoW: The very first raid I went on. We went to Darnassus. About 80 of us. It was SICK.

I was lagging aso bad.
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« Reply #48 on: 21 Jul 2005, 05:38 »

Quote from: Something Witty
WoW: The very first raid I went on. We went to Darnassus. About 80 of us. It was SICK.

I was lagging aso bad.

was that the one just a few days ago? i didnt go because i knew my computer would explode.

mighty zanbowser

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« Reply #49 on: 21 Jul 2005, 07:16 »

currently on top is a game of BF2 a few days ago.  in one match (30 minutes or so), i got my airborne ribbon, a bronze star, my air defense medal, and my special forces medal.  i had nearly 65 points from total ownage.  i was rocking the blackhawk with touch and gos (took top transporter AND top chopper that game) for my SpecOps boyz, and taking hover-flags by setting nearly down on the flag and switching between pilot's chair and door guns.

in MxO, the first time you get into an Agent fight as an Aikido Grandmaster is pretty fuckin' riot.  all hyper-dodge and rocking that suit like nobody's business.

and i think all WoW players have those fav moments - my L23 priestess going up against the Defias with a group of three other relative n00bz.  solid.  was thinking of going back to WoW, but the pull of CoH is just stronger.

probably way out on top was the first time i flew in CoH.  really flew - not just the "hover" power.  THAT was bitchin.  i'll be going back this weekend, so if anyone wants to rock the CoH, i'll be playing either Tonweight, Clarion, or Zanbowser on Virtue server.
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