So I went to see it, 9:10 PM show.
Ok, I didn't go in with high expectation and the most experience I had with Doom 3 was a demo in an Xbox kiosk at a Virgin Megastore. HOWEVER... I will say this:
I didn't think it was bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't the piece of shit I expected. I wanted to see the BFG, I wanted to see the FPS, and most of all I wanted to see the chainsaw. Mission and objectives accomplished. There was a lot of stuff plot wise that was just hinted at, such as Grimm's family, the other monsters, etc. They did include Hell in the plot, albeit metaphorically. The creatures were few and far between, but what we did see was really good. The scene in the sewer was good, and they did create some finely tense moments that made me jump. I allowed myself to get into the movie, so sue me. Karl Urban did a bang up job as Grimm, albeit the character's your standard badass with a heart of gold. The other soldiers (exception of The Rock's character) were good to raise the bodycount, add some humor, even progress the plot maybe a bit to heavy handed though. THE ROCK WAS PRETTY COOL. He elected to take the "Sarge" role because it interested him more, according to and to be honest, it really was. It was a different character from what we've seen him do(seriously!) in the past, so it was a stretch to see a DIFFERENT FACE (wrestling fans should get that term) from The Great One. There was only one scene where I think the dialogue could have been trimmed, but it leads to better things in the film.
The scenes worked and it didn't seem too dark/lighted/whatever (psst... they had FLASHLIGHTS ON THE GUNS! ZOMG!) and they got the claustrophobic feeling of the game pretty dead on. To their credit the plot was KIND of fleshed out, and the characters were KIND of personal, but the movie was just too jam-packed and the audience wasn't there to care. The FPS sequence was short, and my friend enjoyed it that way. He found it too disorienting. I however, thought it could have been used more. There were hints and pieces FPS throughout the movie, but the dedicated sequence was WAY cool, and WAY BETTER than I expected. I liked the disorienting, and the little shoutouts they had to the games during the sequence. I was expecting the HUD to appear at some point.
They did your standard action movie conventions, then survival horror, FPS, and even hand-hand combat in this film, and the heroic sacrifice at one point is just too awesome to describe. It's why you know these guys are badasses. At least one of them. It felt to me though they tried to do too many genres in this flick.
Chainsaw vs. Pinky. AWESOME.
Ehh, still not sure I liked the chop socky stuff, but I GUESS if you want to say that was "berserker" then it's cool. The explanation of the virus kind of reminded me of "Serenity." Fair warning. Decent enough fight, too.
They didn't have enough of the guns; all I saw was the rifles and the BFG but very little of the chain gun, no rocket launcher, no shotgun. But there was the chainsaw.
Rosamund pike is HOT.
Overall, I didn't mind paying to see the movie and was satisfied with the end product. Yeah, hell is used metaphorically and we only REALLY see zombies and only one or two monster types from the entire series, but with only 90 mins. there's only so much one can expect.
High body count, too. And one particularly funny moment that really shouldn't be funny. But it was.
I would emphasize going to a matinee if you're going to watch it. Full price...... meeeeeh. Middle range of 3/5 pintsizes on the scale.