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Author Topic: D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..  (Read 12481 times)

Something Witty

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« on: 08 Sep 2005, 14:41 »

Here is the situation:

I just started a D&D 3.5 campain. In the first round of combat I was taken to -3 health(Due to several poor rolls on my part all in a row), after my life was restored, I returned to the place where it happened, tracked those who did it, and slaughtered them swiftly and in a most brutal fashion, without mercy. Later, in a town, being that I am a 9.5 foot tall half-ogre, I managed to strike fear into the hearts of the town-folk, despite the fact that I was doing my best to be polite and such(Including using a gold-nugget the size of a troll's head to purchase a drink and room for the night). Then the other 3 PCs in the campain rol in and assault me, dragging me down to 0 hp and off to face the Druidic Council of the forest That the first part of the game happened in.

The Head Druid(A level 20), put me under the effect of "Quest" the spell, on a quest to "learn how to forgive." The problem with this is: The way I designed this character, forgiving is just not going to happen, save extenuating circumstances.

He does not just go about rampaging and slaughtering the masses, but if he sees an action against himself as unjust or otherwise not "fair," he will carry out swift and brutal retaliation. Basically, "Don't start any trouble, and I won't finish it." There's a lot more to him, but that is all you need to know at this point.

My question is this: Is there any way to void the effects of "Quest" the spell, without actually completing the quest, or suffering the dire consequences of not completing the quest? Short of going to the DM and saying "This is stupid, it is going to force me to entirely change the way I play my character," I mean.

Ideas or suggestions are welcome. The session starts in 3.5 hours, so come up with some ideas pretty quick if you can.  

I have this running on 3 different forums right now, hopefully I'll get several different ideas.
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Re: D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep 2005, 15:01 »

Quote from: Something Witty
"Quest" the spell

Bah. quest is just the crappy cleric version Geas. You can try to force the druid to cancel it. Other than that, I don't think there's another way. I think it's your fault for creating a difficult character, especially on your first game.
also israel

Something Witty

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep 2005, 17:05 »

Yeah. I'm going to force a level 20 druid to cancel a spell. That's what I'll do. :P
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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #3 on: 08 Sep 2005, 17:56 »

Look, either you complete the quest or get the druid to cancel it.

Those are your options.

or you could meta-game it.
also israel

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #4 on: 08 Sep 2005, 23:03 »

Explain the Meta-game idea. Bribe the GM?
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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #5 on: 09 Sep 2005, 00:15 »

Could you explain the premise behind this campaign maybe? The whole plan you have going on here? I am a bit confused.


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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #6 on: 09 Sep 2005, 13:35 »

I don't have a copy of the 3.5 rules here, so I'm not familiar with the precise wording of the spell.  I'm going to assume it does something like magically compel your character to perform the action with penalties for failing to do so?

Personally, I'd just roll with it.  You created a character with a certain temperment, and now that temperment is being put to the test.  "Learning how to forgive" is an abstract goal, so your character's notion of forgiveness might be quite different from the druid's.  Maybe he still exacts revenge, but now he feels bad about it.  Maybe he tries to be polite and forgiving, but still ends up hurting people.  Just have fun with it.  You can't create a character in a sandbox and expect him not to be affected by other characters/game actions.  That's not how gaming works.


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Re: D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #7 on: 09 Sep 2005, 17:19 »

Quote from: Something Witty
Here is the situation:

I just started a D&D 3.5 campain. In the first round of combat I was taken to -3 health(Due to several poor rolls on my part all in a row), after my life was restored, I returned to the place where it happened, tracked those who did it, and slaughtered them swiftly and in a most brutal fashion, without mercy. Later, in a town, being that I am a 9.5 foot tall half-ogre, I managed to strike fear into the hearts of the town-folk, despite the fact that I was doing my best to be polite and such(Including using a gold-nugget the size of a troll's head to purchase a drink and room for the night). Then the other 3 PCs in the campain rol in and assault me, dragging me down to 0 hp and off to face the Druidic Council of the forest That the first part of the game happened in.

The Head Druid(A level 20), put me under the effect of "Quest" the spell, on a quest to "learn how to forgive." The problem with this is: The way I designed this character, forgiving is just not going to happen, save extenuating circumstances.

He does not just go about rampaging and slaughtering the masses, but if he sees an action against himself as unjust or otherwise not "fair," he will carry out swift and brutal retaliation. Basically, "Don't start any trouble, and I won't finish it." There's a lot more to him, but that is all you need to know at this point.

My question is this: Is there any way to void the effects of "Quest" the spell, without actually completing the quest, or suffering the dire consequences of not completing the quest? Short of going to the DM and saying "This is stupid, it is going to force me to entirely change the way I play my character," I mean.

Ideas or suggestions are welcome. The session starts in 3.5 hours, so come up with some ideas pretty quick if you can.  

I have this running on 3 different forums right now, hopefully I'll get several different ideas.

*Dons DM hat*

Fact is, your DM's a pretty crappy one  if he's had an NPC give your character such a nebulously worded Quest. The "Quest" and "Geas" spells only work properly with specific instructions: "Go to the tomb of Elirak the red, and bring me his spell book." or: "Kill Sherriff Meegan, and bring me his tattoed left hand as proof of his death." THOSE are quests - clearly defined goals that a character can work towards achieving through perceivable effort. What you've been given is an example of your DM bullying you over a decision he disagreed with, rather than doing the sensible thing and talking to you first.

A quest that says "learn how to be more forgiving." is FAR too loosely phrased. Frankly, you could complete the quest just by saying to the druid "okay, I won't smash your face in for  knocking me out, dragging me here, and putting me under some idiotic spell... This time. But you'd better bloody hope you don't cross me again."

Quest complete, spell lifted, 100XP bonus.

In all seriousness, I'd have words with your DM over this one. Don't be abrasive, but make it clear that you think he's grossly misused the spell, and that such nebulous wording makes it impossible for you to actively work towards completing the quest. Your PHB should be ample backup for this. And I'd ask him to talk to you about any grievances he has over you or your character's behaviour (justified or not) before slapping you with a bloody stupid spell.

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #8 on: 09 Sep 2005, 20:19 »

I actually do not have a PHB. But I will most definately be doing some hardcore reading into it, and sending my DM reeling as best I can..
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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #9 on: 17 Sep 2005, 04:45 »

This is exactly the problem with D&D. Too many bloody rules.

I like rules. I'd love to play a game to the rules. Unfortunately, not everyone, actually MOST of everyone, knows the rules, or interprets them as I feel is most correct.

Hence, normally we play something different, like CP2020 or WoD.


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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #10 on: 19 Sep 2005, 16:14 »

bad use of a bad spell.

as a former-d&d-junkie(currently converting to IH/d20) i always thought that geas/quest has to be ultima-ratio'd. it's a DM's ultima ratio as a plot device.(although a crappy one, i admit. why? read further:)
yet it ultimately restricts the player's free choice. while this may always be the case considering the DM, it's a bad way of control for all its "in-your-face" strength and vulgar display of DM/caster power.

now, considering your case, i would not have let your druif cast quest in the first place. it's a spell that stunts your character development and, being cast by another partymember, means being controlled by another player. that's a bad situation and one that could very possibly destroy your whole group. i know that it would have let to multiple tpks in any of my groups. or at least to some retaliatory killings. not good.

whew, became quite a rant there...anyway, talk to your druid in privacy(in game or meta) and discuss this. if he is unable to explain or you are not satisfied by this, ask your DM to rule 0 it(yeah i know, it's not really 0ing but still...) but accept his word. if he says the quest goes off, good for you, if he says it stays, then...well, i would consider it bad DMing, but that's just me. do your best or leave.

i just saw that i was a good week too late to post this, but anyway, here's my two cents.

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #11 on: 19 Sep 2005, 20:46 »

The problem: The DM is the one controlling the druid. He's an NPC. The DM apparently has some personal problem with me, and is chosing to metagame-fuck my character. I would seriously quit if I had any other game to join.
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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #12 on: 20 Sep 2005, 04:34 »

you, sir, are officially in the worst player-situation ever: having a DM who controls a superpowerful(and yes, lvl 20 druids are freaking h-bombs) NPC and apparently plays favors...this just sucks. i would talk to him. even if it is the only group you could join,. playing D&D isn't worth getting bullied by a jerk on a megalomania-trip(most DMs are ;-)  )


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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #13 on: 20 Sep 2005, 05:13 »

The style of the gaming group makes a huge difference over your enjoyment of the game.  I started roleplaying with a gaming group that put a premium on interesting characters and narratives (a number of us were theater dorks.)  I eventually dm/gm'd, and was a pretty popular choice for that position.  But then I moved (to this country; that was Egypt,) and tried twice unsuccessfully to play with new groups.  When I realized both times the people had very different gaming interests and priorities from me (the first group ousted me as dm because my adventures involved too much dialogue, and then I got bored of the hack-n-slash play in the second group,) I just gave up roleplaying games.

If you and your DM are up in arms over your characterization decisions, then you should probably just quit and find something else to do with your time.

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D&D 3.5 - "Quest" The spell..
« Reply #14 on: 21 Sep 2005, 05:52 »

What it boils down to in the end: He threw too much at me for a first-time, low-level character(3 level 4s at a ECL5), I got pissed, Ripped them apart in a most brutal fashion(Come on. I'm half fucking ogre. Isn't that what they do?), and the DM is off on a trip about it. I have actually been looking into joining a game with a different DM. Short of that, I might have to mega-ultra-bullshit change my character. I could still have fun with him as a Neutral Good, just not as much fun as say a Chaotic Neutral.

The worst part is the way that last week, on play-night, two hours before time, he says "No D&D tonight. I don't feel like it." Asshammer.

Meh. I'm a big kid. I'll deal with it.

[edit] Turns out the DM is seriously hung up on the "Hero" aspect. If he wants a hero, I'll give him a hero. Fun times![/edit]
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