Here is the situation:
I just started a D&D 3.5 campain. In the first round of combat I was taken to -3 health(Due to several poor rolls on my part all in a row), after my life was restored, I returned to the place where it happened, tracked those who did it, and slaughtered them swiftly and in a most brutal fashion, without mercy. Later, in a town, being that I am a 9.5 foot tall half-ogre, I managed to strike fear into the hearts of the town-folk, despite the fact that I was doing my best to be polite and such(Including using a gold-nugget the size of a troll's head to purchase a drink and room for the night). Then the other 3 PCs in the campain rol in and assault me, dragging me down to 0 hp and off to face the Druidic Council of the forest That the first part of the game happened in.
The Head Druid(A level 20), put me under the effect of "Quest" the spell, on a quest to "learn how to forgive." The problem with this is: The way I designed this character, forgiving is just not going to happen, save extenuating circumstances.
He does not just go about rampaging and slaughtering the masses, but if he sees an action against himself as unjust or otherwise not "fair," he will carry out swift and brutal retaliation. Basically, "Don't start any trouble, and I won't finish it." There's a lot more to him, but that is all you need to know at this point.
My question is this: Is there any way to void the effects of "Quest" the spell, without actually completing the quest, or suffering the dire consequences of not completing the quest? Short of going to the DM and saying "This is stupid, it is going to force me to entirely change the way I play my character," I mean.
Ideas or suggestions are welcome. The session starts in 3.5 hours, so come up with some ideas pretty quick if you can.
I have this running on 3 different forums right now, hopefully I'll get several different ideas.