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Author Topic: Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)  (Read 3055 times)

Tenshi No Kira

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Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)
« on: 19 Aug 2005, 12:57 »

Does anyone know where to get programs that let you do all the funky stuff Jeph does with his webcomics? I mean, I know it's mostly hand-drawn but there's gotta be some way of getting it on the net and doing all the colouring. I'm a budding artist myself, and I'm honestly looking for a good program to help me put out my work. Right now the only thing I have is a big sketchbook and an old set of pencils. Any ideas?



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Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2005, 14:28 »

get photoshop, or illustrator. if you can't afford that then get gimp. it's the next best thing to photoshop and its free.


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Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)
« Reply #2 on: 19 Aug 2005, 20:25 »

My good friend Google has proven a great help to me in such matters. I found had some great stuff in their links area.


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Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)
« Reply #3 on: 21 Aug 2005, 06:02 »

I prefer Photoshop over Illustrator for comics, myself, but to each their own. Photoshop comes in a couple of stripped down options which are a heck of a lot cheaper than the full beasty. I use Photoshop Elements 2.0, which I got for 60 bucks, and got a second copy of it when I bought my Wacom drawing tablet. It does everything I need for my work style.


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Programming. (Yes, this is webcomic related.)
« Reply #4 on: 09 Sep 2005, 12:03 »

Go opensource, save yourself some money, and learn some great software while you are at it.

The suggestion for the gimp is a wonderful one. If you are looking to touch up or colour in a scanned image or simply draw wacom style, that's the program to use. Also, if you are more familiar with Photoshop, check out Gimpshop, a hack to make it appear and feel more like PS.

However, if you wish to draw directly in a program with just a mouse, I'd recommend Sodipodi. There's a windows version out there (even though it can be a hassle to install-check out this page to see how to correct the installation errors it provides). Sodipodi straightens your lines as you draw (much like Flash if you've used it).
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