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Author Topic: 1001 craziest gaming experiences  (Read 32223 times)


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« on: 28 Sep 2005, 14:32 »

I just got back from a LAN party, where 12 people were squeezed into the same 1-on-1 CTF map in UT2004. It was basically impossible to remain alive for more than about five seconds, regardless of how good you were - the only two weapons on that map are the lightning gun and rocket launcher...


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« Reply #1 on: 28 Sep 2005, 16:26 »

Do real-life experiences count? Because one time, I was playing Mario Superstar Baseball with my friend Julia. I did a little too much bragging and she literally beat me down in several places with the gamecube controller.


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« Reply #2 on: 28 Sep 2005, 19:09 »

In James Bond: Agent Under Fire, I once sniped someone from across the map using JUST THE MINI MAP.
This was in game while they where running.


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« Reply #3 on: 29 Sep 2005, 01:59 »

I was fighting the "Big Boss" in Morrowind (so quite a big buildup as to how nasty and powerful he is, how little chance I have againtst him, resistance is futile etc etc), so I levitated away from him & he tried to follow me, & fell off the causeway into the lava pit below & spent the rest of the game making "ouch" noises.


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« Reply #4 on: 29 Sep 2005, 04:24 »

Jarne's reminded me of a time I was playing Counter Strike on the Artic map (basically two towers, with a bunch of tunnels and shit between them) and a guy was sniping with an AWP in the one tower, and I popped up in the opposite tower and killed him with a MP5 headshot (complete luck). He was a little angry.


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« Reply #5 on: 29 Sep 2005, 07:18 »

I'm not a big fan of FPS games, but Halo will always have a soft spot in my heart due to one LAN party.  We got two XBoxes and two TVs going, with three people on one box (my team) and four on the other.  Holy crap did my team kick ass, and quite unexpectedly.  The guys on the other team were better players individually, plus they had the advantage of HDTV (ours was regular,) but somehow my team achieved this magic synergy where the three of us were invincible.

The highlight (among many memorable moments) was when the other team actually managed to snag our flag.  Fred and I chased down the intruder and took him out right next to their base.  We were playing with a countdown flag return (as opposed to the flag returning when we touch it,) so Fred and I had to keep the other team from touching it for ten continuous seconds.  Bear in mind we were right next to their base, so every time we killed someone, that person spawned back right next to us.  All four of their teammembers went nuts trying to get that flag; we kept killing them, but they kept touching the flag to reset the countdown.  Finally, just as we were running out of ammo, the flag returned.  For our return trip, Fred dropped a grenade to kill us and we respawned back at our base.

To add insult to injury, while the other team was occupied fighting Fred and I, my other teammate Eric slipped into their base and grabbed the flag.  He was patiently waiting back at our base when Fred and I returned.  1 for us, 0 for you.  Literally.


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« Reply #6 on: 30 Sep 2005, 08:33 »

<3 @ Hocking

I odn't have anything really zany, but i did manage to drive a scorpion tank on halo (Complete with full bunch of people) Into the middle of another team's base quite stealthily....why? because we had two guys who had hoarded the fuel rod cannons on our map...You should have heard the cheering xD it was like...WEEEEEE


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« Reply #7 on: 30 Sep 2005, 14:01 »

Once, on a TFC clan server, I was playing a sniper, and they made a flag rush. It was my shitty team (about 3 actually decent players out of 13, and way too many spies) against 14 of them. They were all pretty damn good. I was alone as a sniper, and managed to take out 9-10 of them before getting killed, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO HELP. Everyone else was babysitting the goddamn flag.

Also, i beat the final boss of Beyond Good and Evil on accident. I was just kind of showing my brother how to fight him, and poof, he died.
i don't understand why you're implying that i have to come to terms with your crippling failings as a person


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« Reply #8 on: 30 Sep 2005, 14:12 »

Quote from: neomang5
i beat the final boss of Beyond Good and Evil on accident. I was just kind of showing my brother how to fight him, and poof, he died.

That there is impressive.  I have yet to beat the final boss; every time I try, he rapes me good.


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« Reply #9 on: 30 Sep 2005, 14:24 »

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« Reply #10 on: 30 Sep 2005, 16:35 »

Quote from: Sythe

What game is that? It looks like HL2 to me.
Lets see... Clocked MGS1 in less than an hour is about my best.
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« Reply #11 on: 30 Sep 2005, 17:28 »

Killed Sephiroth in like two turns — broke his barrier, did a string of counterattacks when he hit me and then an Omnislash. Dead.

Popped a grenade over a wall in Pandora Tomorrow's hospital level on a hunch, and got the spy.

Got so many kills in a game of PS2 Tribes that they kicked me out.

Snuck up on a sniper in Soldier of Fortune 2 LAN play and gave him a load of buckshot in the head.

Killed the last boss of Final Fantasy IX when everyone was dead except Zidane, who was poisoned and berserked with very little life and then did an uncontrolled normal attack to win.


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« Reply #12 on: 01 Oct 2005, 14:49 »

Quote from: Tedd
Do real-life experiences count? Because one time, I was playing Mario Superstar Baseball with my friend Julia. I did a little too much bragging and she literally beat me down in several places with the gamecube controller.

That's one of the funniest damn things I've ever read.
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« Reply #13 on: 01 Oct 2005, 15:55 »

I am terrible at video games (as a general statement).

One time I spent 5 hours straight (he refused to quit) kicking my gamer friend's ASS at Soul Caliber II. With every single character. Including Charade w/ Ivy's joke weapon.

He was literally this color red with anger. That night he did the old hand in warm water trick on me. It works. Bastard.

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« Reply #14 on: 13 Oct 2005, 10:45 »

I was playing Medal of Honor: European Assault in the Single Player Mode, cause evrybody just got a bloody good hiding from me and as they were pissed I won evry game xD I had to play alone then.
So I was hiding at some small wall from the bullets and stuff and I just readied a grenade and threw it when some crappy CPU ALLY (!!!) walked in front of me shooting and the grenade dropped back against a wall behind me and right under my Butt >.>''
It really looked kinda funny and also the noises of the grendae bumping around lol ... The funny thing about it was, that I was just talking about how I'm gonna kick the Nazi-Soldiers Asses with my extreme throwing techniques ._.''


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« Reply #15 on: 13 Oct 2005, 12:37 »

in a game of halo i was driving a warthog under a bridge when someone standing on the bridge shot a rocket at me. the rocket struck just in front of my vehicle, sending it careening into the air, over the bridge itself. as it flipped through the heavens, i fell out and while still in midair i gunned down the man with the rocketlauncher and landed safely on the bridge just as my warthog came to a crash on the otherside. completely luck, but completely rad.


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« Reply #16 on: 13 Oct 2005, 12:49 »

That is fucking awesome!  I love it when something unfortunate happens, but then I recover so smoothly that I end up looking like a badass.  In games or in real life.


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« Reply #17 on: 13 Oct 2005, 14:57 »

SSBM- played a friend and had it set so you had to be winning for two min. to end the match.  The battle goes back and forth between me (shiek) and him (fox) until he finally gets a 2-kill lead an hour in. Thinking that it's finally over, I change up my attack pattern just to have some fun.  The result? It went on another 1/2 hour, after which I won.

Fps moments?

I was playing a game of ET and had a sniping spot from within the enemy camp.  After shooting an experienced (competitive clan matcher) medic that I knew, he took cover under a bridge that would protect him from anything in my team's direction.  After I killed him he started screaming hacker until he saw my spot next spawn, and shut up.

^all luck.


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« Reply #18 on: 13 Oct 2005, 15:34 »

Once when I was playing Halo's co-op with my friend Jim until the sun came back, he fell asleep. I only noticed 'cos his half of the screen quit moving. I carry on as per normal, and about five minutes later there's sporadic fire from his half. He's dreaming about playing Halo, I guess.


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« Reply #19 on: 13 Oct 2005, 15:46 »

We have one of the most intense 2 v 2 CTF games ever a few weekends ago.  It was the best of 5 games each with 3 captures to win in Jedi Academy.  In the end it came down to the last game.  Each team had captured the flag twice and we both currently had each others flags...several times one flag carrier would be killed but somehow, someone managed to grab the flag again.  This went on for literally 2 hours.  

After this long, my team mates screen froze, which almost caused the match to end. However the game was paused and we got him situated again.  Soon after that, with much camping and cheap lightning shots on my part, we won.  Haha, they want a rematch still.  Good fun.


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« Reply #20 on: 13 Oct 2005, 16:24 »

Halo - Blood Gulch. 2 Warthogs + friends being stupid. Need I say more? The fun you can have with head on collisions over grenades... Ahh.

SSBM - Beating my friends 3v1 with Yoshi. I despise the little green turdnugget.

CS - Headshot through the roof of cs_assault with a Desert Eagle. I was called a hacker :(

Red Alert 2 - Playing Libya with superweapons on. Iron curtain about 9 Demolition Trucks, send them to my friends base, scatter and nuke. Game over :D


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« Reply #21 on: 11 Feb 2006, 16:59 »

Back when I had my first PC years ago, Doom had just recently came out. I had played it quite a bit, but without a soundcard, so all the sounds were basic bleeps. Our neighbour's son was a computer technician at the time and did us a big favour and installed a soundcard.

The first time he got it working, we only had a pair of earphones with a small cord. I put them on, but since the cable was so short I had to duck my head down, so I could just see the screen, reach the keyboard and hear the awesome new sound at the same time.

Then I opened a door and this huge horned demon with a gun arm came through and let out an almighty roar. I fouled myself, and simultaneously jumped out of my seat, ripped the earphones out of my ears, and smacked my head on the part of the desk I had to duck behind in order to use the earphones and see the screen at the same time. The claim that I let out a girlish scream cannot be verified.

Needless to say we bought some speakers sharpish.

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« Reply #22 on: 11 Feb 2006, 18:36 »

Mine is probably no where near as cool as any of yours but here it is. I was recently at my boyfriends LAN, and there was this guy there that was like and FPS god. We were playing Quake, because there were people there that werent used to FPS's. Basically, we set up this game, with everyone capable of playing quake, against him, so it was about 6-1. To put it bluntly. We got pwned.
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« Reply #23 on: 11 Feb 2006, 18:51 »

Okay, first story: My friend came over for the night and we played Call of Duty single player all night for 13 hours straight and my mother board burned out. Completely.

The second one: At a lan party, we were playing Halo on two different tv's, with three of us on one, and one kid on the other. We're just messing around, and the single guy starts running off the edge of the map. We think he's joking around so we keep playing and just try to kill him before he falls off. But eventually we look over after about 25 minutes or so and see he's fallen asleep while pushing the analog stick forward. Good stuff...


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« Reply #24 on: 11 Feb 2006, 22:15 »

So many good lans. I've been to a few WALANs which has attendances ranginf from 450 to 600 people. The largest one that had was held in a pavillion at the showgrounds which was like a warehouse. Right in the middle there were 2 people playing DDR, I think pretty much all 600 people were watching them. At these lans they always have other RL games to get people off their computers. At the first one I went to they had a badger dancing competion. That was interesting to say the least.

Another lan that I went to was one for the local NS community so there was alot of people there who all knew each other and played games over the net but this was the first time alot of people had met. It was great, everyone got along really well despite being almost compleate strangers.

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« Reply #25 on: 11 Feb 2006, 22:46 »

Quote from: DustyLens
I was playing a game of ET

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[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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« Reply #26 on: 12 Feb 2006, 01:15 »

Hmmm, don't really game too often, but I did get a 1-second finish on Easy mode for Minesweeper!

almost thursday

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« Reply #27 on: 12 Feb 2006, 06:33 »

Quote from: Sythe

oh my fucking GOD.


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« Reply #28 on: 12 Feb 2006, 11:21 »

Me and my friends have Xbox lan nights quite often. The most xboxs we've ever set up was 8 (bearing in mind Halo can only have 16 players in a game, but obviously a TV sectioned into 4 is shite)

I remember one time when I was running about and I just threw a grenade at one guy I saw run past on a platform above me and then about 3 sections later: "Triple kill"

It was pretty slick. :-)

Also I love it in Rome Total War when you have a huge army and are fighting a small one. Like the time I had three groups of cavalry, two groups of archers, a couple of veleites, one group of triarii, and 3 hastatii. Fighting a rebel army of 2 town watch with that is fucking hilarious. You just go in all controlled and as soon as you get close enough the town watch charge you, which is when you hit them with the archers and veleties have the triarii and histatii stand their ground and charge them from the side with cavalry. They don't even have time to flee.

:-) 'mon the unfair tactics.


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« Reply #29 on: 12 Feb 2006, 11:44 »

playing Dystopia recently  - I managed to take down a light, a medium and two heavies as an assault rifle medium.

We were playing fortress. I dropped a grenade reight in front of the corp spawn door, which opens and four guys step out just as the grenade goes bang. Then I just sprayed them with assault rifle fire and killed all four.

TOTAL moment of glory.


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« Reply #30 on: 12 Feb 2006, 18:43 »

Nolaw_Nocrime's story remind me of this time when we played Rome: Total War at a LAN and a friend decided to use only the cheapest units. His army was massive, it made the whole game lag for everyone because there were so many units. He still lost.


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« Reply #31 on: 13 Feb 2006, 10:20 »

During the DOD: Source free weekend (no-strings-attatched demos ROCK), I was up against a team of about 7-8 normal players, who had had the game for months. Bear in mind that I was LITERALLY playing for the first time. My Teammate (singular) and I rushed the level, and ended up taking all the flags but the 2-man center flag. In a rush of desperation, I had him smoke the main entrance from their base (where the last flag we got was).

I set my Machinegun and took out THE ENTIRE TEAM. They kicked me after that. I cant figure why.
i don't understand why you're implying that i have to come to terms with your crippling failings as a person


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« Reply #32 on: 13 Feb 2006, 19:44 »

SSBM - Back in my high school days, there were these two brothers who claimed they were better than everybody at SB...  Near the end of the school year, somebody brought a game cube into our class (it was a technology type class with a wide screen plasma tv) with SB.  I challenged the brothers; they were on a team against me.  I beat them as Link (my main character back then), then with Samus (my secondary character), then as the Ice Climbers (who I never use).  They became annoyed.

My only 'true' LAN experience - I had been to a few LANs in my friend Daren's basement, but had never been to a real LAN.  One of our mutual friends reserved a club in Fort Smith for a night.  It rained.  It rained hard.  Power went out all over Fort Smith, big signs were getting blown down; we had to block the doors so they wouldn't blow open.  The storm subsided at around 8:00 that night, but the power hadn't been turned on yet (for some reason, every other block -ours included- had lost power).  Instead of disbanding, we messed around downtown.  We got traffic cones and yelled through them to see how far we could throw our voices (6 blocks, I was amazed).  Around midnight, the power came back on.  The gaming was relatively boring (most of it was spent distributing the games to LAN-virgins).  Around 2:00 AM, we took a break and drew a "spaceship (in all actuality, it was a penis)" on some snooty girls' windshield.  The LAN lasted until daylight... greatest day/night of my high school life.


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« Reply #33 on: 14 Feb 2006, 02:41 »

One more i remember. I was playing AOE with my boyfriend, and we were on one team, his brother on the other with a computer ally. I totally destroyed the brother with one stone thrower. Yes. One.
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« Reply #34 on: 19 Feb 2006, 01:29 »

the most memorable moment for me would have to be the one time that I decided I wanted to go into the local HMV store after school and have a look around. They had a dreamcast with Soul Caliber playing on it, and I thought why not. 2 Hours later I had beaten every single guy who had played against  me (they had 2 controllers hooked up, so yes real peoples). They were all like "wtf dude do you play this 10 hours a day or something?". I just found it to be very easy, and I told them so. The looks on their faces was like "STFU NOOB". These guys were up to like 4 times my age (I must have been about 12 or 13 at the time). Heh I can remember when my mum came along to pick me up the guy I was playing against didn't know how to reply to "I'm sorry, my mummy is here now. It's been fun beating you."


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« Reply #35 on: 19 Feb 2006, 02:12 »

This was a memorable moment for me: I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 1 and this was the could city level with all the computer players running around and I'm shooting away in my spaceship cos I just wanted to bomb the c**p out of the enemy and then I notice that my team with beating the c**p out of the enemy team and then a enemy spacecraft came out of nowhere and I started to shoot it down and then the 2 computer players in the spacecraft just jump out of the spaceship in midair and kill themself in the process And I'm just sitting going WTF.

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« Reply #36 on: 19 Feb 2006, 11:17 »

Me and my bro used to host Halo LAN tourneys. Usually about 10/12 players, it kicked serious ass.
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« Reply #37 on: 19 Feb 2006, 20:59 »

Thats nice


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« Reply #38 on: 20 Feb 2006, 15:58 »

Well, most of my "memorable things" come from Battlefield: Vietnam.

The main one beeing, me with 2 rl buddies getting a bit scary with RPG-7's (they) and a mortar (me). Mind you, the mortar in BF:V was a very rarely used weapon, due to the time it took to learn to operate it.

We were running on top of a hill in Operation Irving, playing as NVA. A chinook comes flying towards us. Que 2 rpg's narrowly missing it. The chopper starts to circle, to see where those came from. In the meantime, i had set up my trusty mortar.

Just as the chinook was about to open up on my buddies, who were still reloading, I shoot. I hit. I blow the chopper out of the sky.

Actually, that wasnt the only chopper I downed with a mortar, but it was my best. :)

There is also the shooting planes that make a  dive for you with rpg's, only to have the wreckage skid to a halt 2 meters in front of you.
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« Reply #39 on: 20 Feb 2006, 21:52 »

280-12 personal score, Call of Duty TDM, Mostly using the PPSh41.  Was glorious.


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« Reply #40 on: 21 Feb 2006, 04:49 »

Bunnyman:  First CoD or second?  If the first, we need to play sometime.  I need someone who's really good to compete against so I can get better.

I have a lot of funny CoD stories.  This server me and my little brother played on a long time ago used to keep track of stats.  We'd have a competition amongst ourselves to see who was better.  Thing is, so did a lot of other regulars on that server, including the guys in the clan who hosted it (who, before they moved on to other FPS games, were first in 6v6 on the TWL ladder, if I remember right, for like 6 months).  My brother and I used to run around with a sniper rifle (both of us suck with snipers) and literally only fire off the hip, bash people (which is next to useless in CoD as compared to Halo), or pull out our pistol whenever someone who was actually a challenge popped up.  There's no greater feeling that popping a guy to death with a Luger that's lugging around a Bren gun or a PPSh.

One time, at this map called Nueville, my brother and I were on opposing teams.  I saw him jump out of a window and I was using a gun that's notoriously innacurate while moving, the MP-44.  I fired off a shot while jockying to get into a position where I could go prone so I'd be super accurate just with my crosshairs (the reason the MP-44 is a good weapon) he'd have no chance, but my random stray bullet caught him in the head before he even hit the ground from jumping out of the window.  He is still mad about that because I ended, like, a 40-kill streak for him.

I also remember one time, at this map rocket, I was the only guy on my team with a positive kill/death ratio.  I'm talking, like, there were only two other guys that were only slightly doing worse on kills to deaths (let's say 15 kills to 20 deaths) and 5 guys that were, like, 0 and 30.  The server only went to 200 kills and the matches were relatively short (I want to say 20 minutes), so it's next to impossible to get 100 kills on your own.  Well, I did.  Not only that, but my team won the match.


Three of the best players in the server were on the other team, too.  I was damn proud of myself.  I believe I was like 120 and 6.


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« Reply #41 on: 25 Feb 2006, 10:22 »

My craziest video game moment probably occured in SSBM. My brother and I continually played after it came out but it actually wasn't until about a year after we got the game that we figured out you could kill the cars on Mute City. After that we just had to try to destroy them all as fast as we could. So we set it for bomb-ombs and mines and set it for a 20 minute clock.

We destroyed maybe 3 in that time...

BUT not to be discouraged we did it again and destroyed them with about a minute left. We lowered the clock to 15 mins. To cut a long story short we finished it in 6:44 as our fastest time ever. I just would like to know if any one has beaten this time.


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« Reply #42 on: 25 Feb 2006, 16:36 »

Probably when I first played an online game and came across a group of people cybering.  I was twelve :p so then I looked up some of the words they used on google. I was scarred for life.


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« Reply #43 on: 25 Feb 2006, 19:58 »

but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

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« Reply #44 on: 25 Feb 2006, 20:05 »

I was playing one on one Halo with my friend.  He was in a Ghost and I had a rocket launcher with one rocket left.  He decided to charge me while shooting and I held off firing knowing that I only had one shot left, and I'm rubbish with lead.  Well, he gets closer and closer, and finally, I fire.  Both of our screens go completely white, and when it clears, he's respawning and I'm still alive.  At that point, he said, "I don't even want to win this match."  Of course, there's been tons of times with Super Smash Brothers (not Melee, the N64 version), but I can't remember most of them.
Who?  Me?  Couldn't be.


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« Reply #45 on: 25 Feb 2006, 20:43 »

Killed the last boss of Final Fantasy IX when everyone was dead except Zidane, who was poisoned and berserked with very little life and then did an uncontrolled normal attack to win.

Not bad. Mine was even crazier. All my characters except DAGGER were dead. She had no MP to bring anyone back, no Phoenix downs left, and I just said, "Screw it attack." I killed him by dealing 8 damage.


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« Reply #46 on: 25 Feb 2006, 20:56 »

Quote from: Narr
Bunnyman:  First CoD or second?

First, of course.  I refuse to so much as look sideways at #2.

Awesome experience: Stumbling through pitch-black jungle in Vietcong, trying to get to the evac point, hoping I don't get jumped by VC.  Then having to hold said LZ for a good five minutes as VC roll in through the haze and darkness in droves and my ammunition supply dwindles away to nothing.  Truly amazing.

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1001 craziest gaming experiences
« Reply #47 on: 05 Mar 2006, 08:16 »

The scariest thing I ever did in Halo was during a 3 on 3 match with the system link.  The other team was in the ajacent room to allow for talking and strategy without having to whisper.  It was Blood Gulch.  We got both the warhog jeeps jammed in the entrances of our base so that you couldn't jump over them and you couldn't drive them out.  Wen they saw what we did, one of the guys we were playing aginst ran out of the room like he was gonna slice us up with a razor.  After the game, he let us know that we had cheated and were wusses for doing so.

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1001 craziest gaming experiences
« Reply #48 on: 05 Mar 2006, 20:40 »

Getting every character to level 100,hunting down every piece of equipment to create everybody's ultimate weapons,and learning every single Guardian Force ability for every single Guardian Force in Final Fantasy VIII.
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1001 craziest gaming experiences
« Reply #49 on: 06 Mar 2006, 00:31 »

Playing Dystopia: playing on a public server with the world's most horifically unco-operative team (Dystopia is very much a game that requires teamwork)

I single-handedly cleared out the guard room for the second objective of the map "Vaccine" as a Heavy class with a minigun (no easy task) and then succesfully held it, without backup from my team who were all off doing fuck knows what somewhere else instead of ATTACKING THE MAIN FRACKING OBJECTIVE THAT WOULD ALLOW THEM TO WIN THE GAME, against two consecutive waves of enemies.

Then, after my team finally rolled in, captured the objective and gave me some backup,  I got killed in the third wave, at which point the server transferred me across to the other team (the one I'd just been kicking around for three minutes) in order to keep the numbers balanced.

To be fair, I far preferred playing with the other team, though. They actually knew how to work together, and we went on to win the next three rounds before I logged off.
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