I don't like straight edge tattoos. Though I should probably elaborate - I don't like when teenagers get straight edge tattoos. It drives me nuts. It's like getting someone's name tattooed on yourself except A MILLION TIMES WORSE.
A good friend of mine is planning out a huge straight edge chest piece for himself, and everytime he talks about it I feel nauseous. He's been edge for about 3 years now, has "broken" edge like 4 times and at the tender age of 19 is making a huge expensive commitment that will sit there on his chest for his ENTIRE LIFE. Getting your husband or wife's name tattooed is already a big enough commitment, but even straight edge lately isn't so much a commitment as a lame trend that just fits hand-in-hand with being "scene". Hell, even I was "edge" (Argh! I hate that word.) for a year. When you're a kid and you're keeping up with what's cool, getting inked and making a commitment for your entire life as major as NO ALCOHOL, OR DRUGS, OR CIGARETTES, OR FOOLING AROUND, EVER AGAIN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE just seems.. well, irresponsible. When you're a teenager, how can you even make a commitment like that? Even if I was edge, I'd wait until I had been for a good 10 years or so at least before I did something like that.