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Author Topic: Most Awaited Games  (Read 23161 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 17 Nov 2005, 10:13 »

I thought so!

I mean, current-gen technology is pretty good, quite graphicall impressive... but that just seemed unreal.


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« Reply #51 on: 18 Nov 2005, 17:33 »

Civ4 is at the top of my list, but I have a sub-par computer right now. I might wait until it ports to mac as an excuse to buy a mac mini, but I'm not sure.


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« Reply #52 on: 01 Dec 2005, 00:27 »

Even though it isn't coming out till next year- Metal Gear Solid 4 is on the top of my list.
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« Reply #53 on: 16 Dec 2005, 02:56 »

Kingdom Hearts II COME ON!!! Any idea when the exaxt date it comes out in the UK is.


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« Reply #54 on: 16 Dec 2005, 06:47 »">dude


Okay, it might be out by now, but I neither have it or the means to get it so I'm still anticipatin'.

[edit] oh fuck this. god damn forums don't want my god damn post to look how I god damn want it to. fuck's sake.
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« Reply #55 on: 17 Dec 2005, 19:46 »

Kingdom Hearts 2. Sorta. Kinda. It'd be interesting?

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Glee!

>_>    <_<

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« Reply #56 on: 22 Dec 2005, 01:43 »

No love for DOA4? also looking forward to Oblivion...

xbox360 ftw
I'd rather be skiing.


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« Reply #57 on: 22 Dec 2005, 03:20 »

WHAT is ftw, again?

I'd rather hold off on that statement until wave two of games comes out.  THEN the noise will be brought.


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« Reply #58 on: 22 Dec 2005, 03:25 »

I'm really looking forward to getting a copy of Warhammer 40K: Dawn Of War, admittedly it's been out a while but I'm eagerly awaiting it.

Please Cheesepie, your image disrupts the whole page and xbox360 is t3h suckz0rs.
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« Reply #59 on: 22 Dec 2005, 20:26 »

final fanasy XII

Chesire Cat

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« Reply #60 on: 23 Dec 2005, 16:48 »

Quote from: Hoverthrone
Quote from: 1patheticloser
F.E.A.R.- Hyper realism mixed with creepy as shit surrounds and bullet time? Count me in.

I don't want to burst your bubble, but realistic this game ain't. It's still pretty awesome, though. It more than lives up to the Monolith standard.

Monolith as in Blood 2, Monolith?  Dont sully F.E.A.R.'s rep/hype.  

Anyway, anticipation, well most of the games I have no real way of playing but:

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion(I've been there since the days of Arena)
Call of Cthlulu(isn't it out yet?)
MGS 4(Im watching the trailer now, ho-ly shit!)
The Legend of Zelda: Whatever the new one is called
The new smash bros, if its even in production.

And of course, anything awesome on the revolution.  Sure the PS3 and Xbox 360 are pretty, but I've had a long standing hate for controllers and the Mouse+Keyboard combo, and have been anticipating a new way of controlling for a dogs age.

Really of course, my short list is Oblivion and the Revolution, teh other stuff is nice and all but doubt I'll play it through actions of my own.
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« Reply #61 on: 23 Dec 2005, 17:31 »

halo 3 FTW! ("for the win," from what i gather)
final fantasy xii (when it comes out, i'll buy a ps2 again so i can play starocean as well)
splinter cell: double agent
blue dragon
lost odyssey
final fantasy xi for x360

IMO (look at me with all the cute abbreviations!), the revolution's gonna crash and burn...


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« Reply #62 on: 30 Dec 2005, 23:13 »

T3h list!

Halo 3, since the ending of two pissed me off so much that I have to give Bungie and MS MORE money.
Project:Offset, which I actually ran across on some random post here.
And because I'm an addict, WoW: The Burning Crusade


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« Reply #63 on: 30 Dec 2005, 23:27 »

FFVII: Crisis Core
Kingdom Hearts 2
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy XII(it'll happen eventually... I think... <_<)

Probably a few others, but they're not coming to mind at the moment.


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« Reply #64 on: 31 Dec 2005, 04:02 »

I determine what crashes and/or burns around here! The Revolution will be hot, hot, hot.

Kronos' Advocate

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« Reply #65 on: 03 Jan 2006, 20:13 »

Quake 4, Oblivion, Mass effect, Gears of War, Too Human, Halo 3, , The Darkness (that suit is awesome), and Dark sector


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« Reply #66 on: 04 Jan 2006, 00:08 »

Quote from: Chesire Cat
I don't want to burst your bubble, but realistic this game ain't. It's still pretty awesome, though. It more than lives up to the Monolith standard.

Monolith as in Blood 2, Monolith?  Dont sully F.E.A.R.'s rep/hype.[/quote]

Blood2 was mediocre, sure, but mediocre with attitude.  Shogo wasn't bad either.  But it's obvious from your dismissal of Monolith as a whole that No One Lives Forever has temporarily exited your consciousness.  And for this I mime a single, solitary tear.


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« Reply #67 on: 04 Jan 2006, 01:52 »

Gonna have to get Oblivion when it evetually comes out. THAT is game of the year. If they do it right, or MOST ANNOYING game of the DECADE if it all goes horribly wrong. I'm betting on the first possibility.

Civ 4, Arena Football League (that's right, i'm a sports fan), FFXII (but only if it doesn't suck as badly as FFX-2 sucked) and the next Dawn Of War expansion, if they decide to do one.

The revolution will burn and die a horrible, horrible death. PS3 and XBox360 are the way to go.


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« Reply #68 on: 05 Jan 2006, 03:59 »

Is anyone other than the Japanese excited about Nintendo console releases anymore?  Sheesh.

XBox360 is a platform waiting for a killer app.  When stuff like Halo 3, The Outfit, Ghost Recon 3, and so forth start pouring in, then it'll be a console to watch.  PS3 will have a handful of killer titles but given their entirely new architecture titles will be rather sparse.

Draw your own conclusions.  Though I find the fact that Quake 4 chugs like a mother at 1080x720 on what's essentially a 1 terahertz machine disheartening.


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« Reply #69 on: 05 Jan 2006, 17:09 »

Forget about me? ^^ And for all those oblivion fans out there (Meself included) I've found out thanks to a helpful gamestop employee that oblivion..will come out...March 21st....Woohoo! and i'm also looking foreward to...well...nothing, really, maybe FFXII and MGS4, but that's aboot it


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« Reply #70 on: 06 Jan 2006, 08:50 »

Quote from: Bunnyman
Is anyone other than the Japanese excited about Nintendo console releases anymore?  Sheesh.

I am super totally stoked for the Revolution! I don't see why everyone hates on it even though its the most innovative thing that the industry has seen. Much like the DS, everyone hates it before its out. How can you hate Super Smash Bros. as a launch title. ONLINE! <3

Storm Rider

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« Reply #71 on: 06 Jan 2006, 12:15 »

Quote from: CRASH andor BURN

How can you hate Super Smash Bros. as a launch title. ONLINE! <3
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[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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« Reply #72 on: 07 Jan 2006, 22:13 »

I've never been a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but ever since I saw the Oblivion trailers, I can't wait for it to come out... For those of you who haven't seen them yet, go here and be amazed...

Oh, and yes, Okami alwso looks really cool.


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« Reply #73 on: 07 Jan 2006, 22:15 »

I've never been a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but ever since I saw the Oblivion trailers, I can't wait for it to come out... For those of you who haven't seen them yet, go here and be amazed...

Oh, and yes, Okami also looks really cool.[/url]


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« Reply #74 on: 24 Jan 2006, 09:51 »

New Zelda Footage!!!

Seriously, except for some camera issues, this looks amazing.
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« Reply #75 on: 24 Jan 2006, 14:47 »

I don't know about you guys, but I reckon" target="_fresh">Galactic Civilisations II: Dread Lords looks freakin sweet. You can build your own units!


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« Reply #76 on: 13 Feb 2006, 05:09 »

the game im most looking forwerd to is dynasty warriors 5XL (seeing as im in brotan we dont get it for a while)


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« Reply #77 on: 13 Feb 2006, 06:59 »

It is ALL about the new

WARHAWK for the PS3. Oh my god.. my Crimson Skies obsessing bones are starting to become alive again! Flying fortresses!! Dogfights galore! Oh... I think I'm in love.
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