First thing's first: Has anyone even heard of Haibane Renmei? It seems pretty difficult to find anyone familiar with it.
Anyway, it's this little thirteen-episode anime series, and possibly my favourite anime in the world right now. It seems to be pretty much impossible to find anything past the sixth episode in English, so after renting the first six from Blockbuster about a year ago, I got fed up and used bittorents for the rest just this week.
It's about this race of people called Haibane, and their existence inside the town of Glie, which is surrounded by walls. No one is allowed to enter or leave. The Haibane are similar to angels, in that they have halos and wings. They're born(or rather, hatched) inside these enormouse coccoons, and named based on the dreams they have inside them. The main character is named 'Rakka', or 'Falling', as her dream was of falling. They aren't born with halos, but rather, they are metal discs that are placed on their heads. And, the whole story is based on this girl, Rakka, trying to figure out why she's there, and what exactly the Haibane are.
It's a very good series, but very sad, as well. I kind of cried all the way through the last two episodes.
If you like something outside the normal style of anime, seriously, take a look at this series, it is something else..
Has anyone seen it?