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Author Topic: The Ask Jeph thread  (Read 1315561 times)


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1900 on: 25 Jun 2009, 08:18 »

dear jephy,

when the hell will you make your avatar even creepier? I'm no longer phased by this one... and that makes me sad... :|


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1901 on: 25 Jun 2009, 14:27 »

Dear Jeph,

When recording songs via an interface on your Mac, do you ever have a problem where you get hard waveform clipping even at painfully low volumes? If so, how do you solve this problem? Do you merely clone that track? Kinda curious how your shit always sounds so clean even though you're using a USB interface. Mine have never done anything but give me nasty distortion that can't even be turned musical.

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1902 on: 26 Jun 2009, 11:34 »


I know that you've said crowds are an ass-pain to draw, but I was wondering if there's any chance you might eventually have Deathmole play at a club.  I know there are plot-things that would need to get resolved before that could happen, but . . . I think that would make some pretty sweet art.  Heck, even if Nat never comes back, Pintsize could sub for her, thus reprising his amp-jump from the discontinued t-shirt.   :wink:

Or maybe I just miss Amir.  Just wondering.  And yes, I'm still loving the Awkwardness Defeated silly outfits thingie.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1903 on: 26 Jun 2009, 14:43 »

Jeph, if you wanna talk about the tablature, contact me at (pretentious but fitting-if-you-knew-me email address) VikingRockGod@hotmail dot com.  My AIM is ClaudioThirteen.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1904 on: 28 Jun 2009, 20:51 »

Jeph, breaded or grilled chicken sandwich?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1905 on: 28 Jun 2009, 21:58 »

I bet he likes it still clucking


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1906 on: 29 Jun 2009, 00:43 »


Is there any chance you might be able to make the last panel of 1425 (With Maximum Ridiculosity) available as a vector-based image or in a higher resolution? I'd love it for a background.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1907 on: 29 Jun 2009, 05:24 »

Dear Jeph

Any chance of QC wallpapers? I know there are a few floating around in the newspost but I can never find them.



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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1908 on: 30 Jun 2009, 00:44 »

Sir Jacques, would you do a (non-pornographic of course) drawing of young Veronica Vance over at Jeph Draw? Better yet a retro comic with everyone's parents? 'T would be most prodigious.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1909 on: 30 Jun 2009, 07:04 »

speaking of veronica's... have you ever googled veronica varlow? :-D just curious!


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1910 on: 30 Jun 2009, 09:20 »

Hey Jeph, if you met a dude at a con that had tattoos of your characters what would you say/do to him?
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Rizzla: Fuck
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1911 on: 30 Jun 2009, 09:40 »


Is there any chance you might be able to make the last panel of 1425 (With Maximum Ridiculosity) available as a vector-based image or in a higher resolution? I'd love it for a background.

Thanks in advance!

Someone posted this:


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1912 on: 30 Jun 2009, 15:05 »

Hey Jeph, if you met a dude at a con that had tattoos of your characters what would you say/do to him?

my guess?


(Not that your characters dont rock, they kick ass... its just... come on!)


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1913 on: 30 Jun 2009, 17:10 »

Monsieur Jaques,

 If I offered you monies for a commission of two separate pieces for tattoos (small ones, like, two inches tall or so), one of Pintsize pre-joints with lazer body, and one of Winslow with eyebrows. Would you do so? And what would the cost be?
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1914 on: 30 Jun 2009, 19:40 »

Was this inspired by Jace's post?
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1915 on: 30 Jun 2009, 20:17 »

Nope, it was from this..

If a comic strip...

I'm going to say that again:

If a mother fucking comic strip is being cited as one of the things that influences your life...  Skip the tattoo.   Seriously. 

  Questionable Content has influenced my life, or more exact, Jeph's writing has influenced my life. Yes, yes, I know he never studied psychology, but the man has said things that make me think, and make me realize my life isn't that bad. Sure, my parents are a tad oppressive, my job is menial and boring, not to mention the idiots that work there...but all in all, QC and Jeph have shown me that life isn't that bad, and that one should always think with a humorous side and give people the benefit of the doubt.

So, sue me if my life isn't that fantastical, and webcomics influence my life. But Jeph is an amazing man with impressive writing skills/insight.

I view that as something that I should give praise to, he's given his time and a lot of effort into putting pen to screen in writing this comic, and I'm going to honor that with an inked needle to skin.

I might also send him money and buy some shirts too.

Email Jeph and get a commission. Don't rip it from a comic. Compensate the dude if he's had as much influence on your life as you say.

Nothin' wrong with a comic tat if you do it right.

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1916 on: 30 Jun 2009, 23:15 »

dear jephy,

when the hell will you make your avatar even creepier? I'm no longer phased by this one... and that makes me sad... :|

Eh. I like this one.

Dear Jeph,

When recording songs via an interface on your Mac, do you ever have a problem where you get hard waveform clipping even at painfully low volumes? If so, how do you solve this problem? Do you merely clone that track? Kinda curious how your shit always sounds so clean even though you're using a USB interface. Mine have never done anything but give me nasty distortion that can't even be turned musical.


 I've never run into that problem unless I have the master output on my POD turned up too high! I just plug everything into the POD and run the POD 1/4" outputs via a Y-cable into the audio input on my Mac. Just set the volume on the POD somewhere comfy (usually about 50%) and I'm good to go.


I know that you've said crowds are an ass-pain to draw, but I was wondering if there's any chance you might eventually have Deathmole play at a club.  I know there are plot-things that would need to get resolved before that could happen, but . . . I think that would make some pretty sweet art.  Heck, even if Nat never comes back, Pintsize could sub for her, thus reprising his amp-jump from the discontinued t-shirt.   :wink:

Or maybe I just miss Amir.  Just wondering.  And yes, I'm still loving the Awkwardness Defeated silly outfits thingie.

I actually had a whole "deathmole's first show" story plotted out in my head only to realize it was basically exactly the same as the "band's first show" story in Nothing Nice to Say. So obviously I scrapped it.

It'll come up eventually, it's just on the back burner right now.

Jeph, breaded or grilled chicken sandwich?

Breaded, which is probably why I'm a fatty.

Dear Jeph

Any chance of QC wallpapers? I know there are a few floating around in the newspost but I can never find them.


check my Livejournal and its archives

Sir Jacques, would you do a (non-pornographic of course) drawing of young Veronica Vance over at Jeph Draw? Better yet a retro comic with everyone's parents? 'T would be most prodigious.

ehhhhh that sounds boring to me right now

speaking of veronica's... have you ever googled veronica varlow? :-D just curious!


Hey Jeph, if you met a dude at a con that had tattoos of your characters what would you say/do to him?

It would be extremely awkward for me, I think. If it was shitty I obviously couldn't say anything, and I'm not sure what would constitute a "good" QC tattoo. Maybe one of the girls, pinup style, but my art is so bad and/or changes so rapidly I can't imagine anyone would get one of those and not regret it in a few years.

I keep meaning to offer commissioned artwork, but I'm afraid I'll have to spend 90% of my time going "no, I really REALLY don't want to draw you a Pintsize tattoo." Still, to each his/her own. I'd probably draw QC tattoo art for someone if they begged hard enough and paid enough money and the design idea wasn't total shit.

If I ever meet one of the people who stole my bird tattoos for themselves, though, I am going to punch them in the dick/clit. That is just not cool at all.

Monsieur Jaques,

 If I offered you monies for a commission of two separate pieces for tattoos (small ones, like, two inches tall or so), one of Pintsize pre-joints with lazer body, and one of Winslow with eyebrows. Would you do so? And what would the cost be?

See above. I really, REALLY discourage people from getting AnthroPC tattoos. Please, please don't do it. If you're dead set on getting some of my art carved into your flesh, email me and we'll work something out. But it's not gonna be little robots.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1917 on: 30 Jun 2009, 23:26 »

Why the AnthroPC tat hate?

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1918 on: 01 Jul 2009, 00:45 »

I know exactly how Jeph feels (though not to put words in his mouth)... I've been asked a couple of times to design tattoos for people, but it's just too much pressure.  If I were to design a tattoo, it would be for myself, that way I would be responsible for my own mistake, not another person's mistake.  There was a guy who asked me to do a tattoo for him that somehow incorporated soccer and music.  I was like, "what the fuck?  There is no way I can make that into any sort of bitchin'."  Tattoos, by nature, have to have a certain level of bitchin'-ness.  Maybe that's what Jeph fears about the Anthro-PC tats?
It has little to do with lumberjacks or ninjas.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1919 on: 01 Jul 2009, 02:39 »

I think it's more that he puts a lot more effort and thought into the design of the human characters he draws rather than the AnthroPCs, whose designs have remained more or less the same for most, if not all of the strip.  He's said in the past that after drawing an AnthroPC-only strip, he feels sort of like having cheated his readers, since it's so easy to draw and write.  In designing a tattoo, I think he's saying he would like a person to use the works of his that took a lot more to get to where they are now, and are being improved upon every day.
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1920 on: 01 Jul 2009, 03:10 »

Then shouldn't AnthroTats be more logical? If there's a Faye tattoo done now it would look different from Faye of strip 1,000, strip 750, strip 500, strip 100, and strip 2,120. Same goes for all characters.

If there's a Pintsize tattoo done, it would look like, well, Pintsize.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1921 on: 01 Jul 2009, 03:30 »

We're thinking on two different planes here.  It's not a matter of the character changing, it's a matter of the art itself; I'm finding it a little difficult to phrase my argument though, so I'll just leave it at that and see if Jeph answers this one.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1922 on: 01 Jul 2009, 05:17 »

See, the tattoos I was thinking of are set ones, at points that have already changed. IE: Pintsize pre-joints with the lazer and Winslow with his little eyebrows.

And on the subject of people vs. AnthroPC tats... I prefer the look of a little robot carved into my flesh rather than a person, it suits/fits me more. But if I was going to get people from QC rather than Pintsize and Winslow, it'd be Marten and Angus in the fancy outfits.

Like I said, the only reason for robots is because it's more befitting of my personality. I still respect and admire the dedication that Jeph has shown to his living, breathing characters; not only in the progression of artwork but also in their development to seemingly real people.

It's just me I suppose.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1923 on: 01 Jul 2009, 08:21 »

Personally, if I didn't already have the t-shirt, I'd go for a Pretty Isopod tattoo.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1924 on: 01 Jul 2009, 22:24 »

Giant fucking isopod all across your back, and damn if he don't feel pretty


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1925 on: 02 Jul 2009, 05:52 »

That'd actually be pretty damn funny/cool. :D
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1926 on: 02 Jul 2009, 06:30 »

Giant fucking isopod all across your back, and damn if he don't feel pretty

I'd get it as close to life size as possible

The reason I mention that is because it's not a character from the comic, so the art probably isn't ever gonna change on that guy. Maybe asking for a one-off design is less pressure on Jeph than a recurring character, because then he doesn't have to feel bad about his outdated art if he ever sees it in the future and realizes that it is PERMANENTLY PART OF SOMEBODY'S SKIN.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1927 on: 02 Jul 2009, 07:38 »

Jeph, have you ever considered experimenting with Flash or After Effects? A Deathmole music video could be a fun side-project.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1928 on: 02 Jul 2009, 17:00 »

Giant fucking isopod all across your back, and damn if he don't feel pretty

I'd get it as close to life size as possible

The reason I mention that is because it's not a character from the comic, so the art probably isn't ever gonna change on that guy. Maybe asking for a one-off design is less pressure on Jeph than a recurring character, because then he doesn't have to feel bad about his outdated art if he ever sees it in the future and realizes that it is PERMANENTLY PART OF SOMEBODY'S SKIN.

That's a good idea, maybe Marten's unicorn? lol
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1929 on: 03 Jul 2009, 19:01 »

Jeph said earlier that transcribing a comic would be welcome. (Transcribing basically stopped after 1290 for some reason).  Where can I post submissions?

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1930 on: 05 Jul 2009, 21:50 »

Jeph, is it possible for me to change my name, or would I have to start a whole new account and give up my legendary postcount?
« Last Edit: 05 Jul 2009, 21:52 by The Joker »
They say the Joker is a wanted man...


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1931 on: 05 Jul 2009, 21:55 »

If you message est he should be able to change your name for you, The Joker, if/when he gets the time.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1932 on: 07 Jul 2009, 06:37 »

I keep meaning to offer commissioned artwork, but I'm afraid I'll have to spend 90% of my time going "no, I really REALLY don't want to draw you a Pintsize tattoo." Still, to each his/her own. I'd probably draw QC tattoo art for someone if they begged hard enough and paid enough money and the design idea wasn't total shit.

I'd be down for some commissioned QC art on my wall (but not on my body, no worries).  I've been assembling some Webcomic artwork from various sources to make my blank walls less boring (plus I really like webcomics).  Looking forward to the possibility of this happening.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1933 on: 09 Jul 2009, 05:06 »

[...] but my art is so bad and/or changes so rapidly [...]

It's not, you know. It's actually good. One of the reasons QC is fascinating is the way the art changed and improved over time. Seriously ... isn't the fact that thousands of people read your comic every day some sort of confirmation that the things you do, you do bloody well?

My Art.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1934 on: 09 Jul 2009, 17:45 »

So Jeph, how come you don't have alt-text (aka mouse-text, aka extra words for the pictures)?  I'm sure you've seen it in other comics, so get with the times!

(obviously you may have some personal preferences about it, which would explain why your newsposts have degenerated to "here's a comic, have a nice day", or there's some sort of complicated coding issue, but I prefer to imply that you are either unhip or stupid with "get with the times!")
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1935 on: 09 Jul 2009, 18:08 »

What the bloody hell is alt-text? Like, describing the comic with words?
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1936 on: 09 Jul 2009, 20:59 »

It's a little text box that comes up when you hover over an image.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1937 on: 09 Jul 2009, 22:25 »

Hold your mouse over any episode of xkcd for an example of how it can be used for humor.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1938 on: 10 Jul 2009, 03:24 »

No, that's title text - the title attribute is not the alt attribute - if your browser implements W3C standards correctly, it only displays alt text if it can find (or doesn't want to in the case of Lynx) the image. So yes the alt tag is often a brief description of the content of the image.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1939 on: 11 Jul 2009, 08:52 »

I was reading the basic rules and I was wondering about the images... Gore, porn, that kind of thing:

1) Do you think that the famous scene of "un chien andalou" would be gorish? Because I really want that gif as an avatar. I've been using it before in other forums but the other ones didn't have some kind of rule against those images as long as they were on spoiler. So that's why I'm asking.

2) I was posting and I got this message that I wasn't allowed to use spoilers. What happened? Did I read the message without my glasses again? Or it's some kind of rule?

3) I've seen a lot of funny questions with funny answers following... Exactly how many kinds of things are we allowed to ask you? I mean... Would I get banned if some boring day I decide to ask you a really useless question about the weather or what kind of ice cream do you preffer?  :-D

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1940 on: 11 Jul 2009, 09:32 »

Honestly, I think you'll find that common sense will get you pretty far! I may or may not be going out on a limb here but I think that "gore" includes actually severed body parts and, you know, really gross and bloody things, not things with actual artistic merit? A scene from a Dali film should be okay (as far as artistic value goes that's pretty much a given), and if it ain't, you won't be banned, just politely asked to change it. Without saying that it's okay to behave like a dick (which WILL get you banned), bans are pretty rare round these parts of the internet.

Yeah, I was going to use it anyway, the thing is that I've been in the situation before when I met an user that just said that "the scene was just NOT nice", good thing was that the user wasn't an admin or mode so I just didn't care.

I actually enjoy and visit many gore sites and find it amusing, so I knew that the gif wasn't gore, but hey... I met that guy once so I wanted to make sure. Thanks for the answer

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1941 on: 11 Jul 2009, 10:07 »

You're welcome! Oh, and you probably shouldn't make your posts all italics. makes it harder to read :-)

O well, At least I got my avatar, so I can live without my pretentious kind of writing in forums.  :-D


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1942 on: 11 Jul 2009, 18:01 »

I watched it for like 4 or 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell was happening in it. Then I realized it and moved on.

Jeph, which is your favorite of the original Power Rangers?
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Rizzla: Fuck
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1943 on: 11 Jul 2009, 22:00 »

Is the author of Minimalist Stick Figure Theater named Eric Ciocca?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1944 on: 13 Jul 2009, 04:05 »

It's completely unreasonable to expect someone to read the whole thing.

I read all of every thread in any forum I post in, for the express purpose of not saying anything anyone else has said unless I want to back up their point.

Mr. Jeph:

I'm a huge metalhead, and I recall you mentioning Deathspell Omega for one comic's newspost. Besides your Kralice recommendation, what other black metal do you like? I can imagine you might like Emperor, perhaps, and others like that (Borknagar also comes to mind). What about the more raw stuff, like 1349 or Anaal Nathrakh? Any interest there?

You've also said, somewhere in this thread, that you don't like grindcore. Does this mean that you generally don't prefer death metal? (The two do share some similarities). Any gems from that genre you'd care to name?

Finally, do u liek mudkips?


Edit: Remembered my other question. :)

Do you see yourself as primarily a story teller or an artist for QC?
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2009, 04:08 by Godfiend »

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1945 on: 13 Jul 2009, 11:22 »

I'm a huge metalhead, and I recall you mentioning Deathspell Omega for one comic's newspost. Besides your Kralice recommendation, what other black metal do you like? I can imagine you might like Emperor, perhaps, and others like that (Borknagar also comes to mind). What about the more raw stuff, like 1349 or Anaal Nathrakh? Any interest there?

You've also said, somewhere in this thread, that you don't like grindcore. Does this mean that you generally don't prefer death metal? (The two do share some similarities). Any gems from that genre you'd care to name?

Jejeje... I was searching for some Deathspell Omega pics in google and I found that comic. That's how I discovered QC... Through good French Black Metal. A shame that Jeph doesn't like Grindcore then. But I understand it, it's not an easy genre... But there's good stuff like !T.O.O.H.! which sounds like if Pink Floyd played Grindcore highly technical.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1946 on: 13 Jul 2009, 12:05 »

Jeph, have you ever considered experimenting with Flash or After Effects? A Deathmole music video could be a fun side-project.

I know just enough about animation and video production to know that I hate it

[...] but my art is so bad and/or changes so rapidly [...]

It's not, you know. It's actually good. One of the reasons QC is fascinating is the way the art changed and improved over time. Seriously ... isn't the fact that thousands of people read your comic every day some sort of confirmation that the things you do, you do bloody well?

The fact that it's improved doesn't necessarily mean it's any GOOD yet.

So Jeph, how come you don't have alt-text (aka mouse-text, aka extra words for the pictures)?  I'm sure you've seen it in other comics, so get with the times!

(obviously you may have some personal preferences about it, which would explain why your newsposts have degenerated to "here's a comic, have a nice day", or there's some sort of complicated coding issue, but I prefer to imply that you are either unhip or stupid with "get with the times!")

Impossible to code in, given the extremely simple and archaic PHP running my site. YES it will get updated SOMEDAY but I've been saying that for YEARS NOW

I watched it for like 4 or 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell was happening in it. Then I realized it and moved on.

Jeph, which is your favorite of the original Power Rangers?

FUCK the Power Rangers. VOLTRON

Is the author of Minimalist Stick Figure Theater named Eric Ciocca?


It's completely unreasonable to expect someone to read the whole thing.

I read all of every thread in any forum I post in, for the express purpose of not saying anything anyone else has said unless I want to back up their point.

Mr. Jeph:

I'm a huge metalhead, and I recall you mentioning Deathspell Omega for one comic's newspost. Besides your Kralice recommendation, what other black metal do you like? I can imagine you might like Emperor, perhaps, and others like that (Borknagar also comes to mind). What about the more raw stuff, like 1349 or Anaal Nathrakh? Any interest there?

You've also said, somewhere in this thread, that you don't like grindcore. Does this mean that you generally don't prefer death metal? (The two do share some similarities). Any gems from that genre you'd care to name?

Finally, do u liek mudkips?


Edit: Remembered my other question. :)

Do you see yourself as primarily a story teller or an artist for QC?

Black and Death metal, just like all music genres, are 98% crap so it's very difficult to find good current bands. I seem to have the best luck going back a couple years to records that people more in touch with "the scene" have declared "classics"- that's how I got into Opeth and Deathspell. Brandon Stosuy's metal column for Pitchfork is great at introducing non-metal fans to good stuff- I think that's how I first heard of Krallice and WitTR. Basically I have a pretty limited scope of bands I listen to at any given time, in any given genre. Right now the new Wolves in the Throne Room and the most recent Meshuggah are the two metal albums getting the most playtime.

The problem I have with black metal is so much of it is just punk chords and sloppy drumming, recorded badly. The problem I have with death metal is so much of it is just needlessly technical riffs with idiotic grunty "demon" vocals. But bands that can avoid these cliches, now, those are the bands worth listening to. As far as death metal goes, I like earlier Opeth before they went all proggy. Arsis can be fun depending on mood. People keep telling me I'd like At the Gates but I have yet to check them out.

Oh god and GOJIRA how can I forget about them. They are so good. Even the goofy keyboard song on the newest record. Dude has the best voice in metal.

I liek mudkips okay I guess

For the day-to-day, I'm definitely a gag writer and artist before I'm a "storyteller." The story unfolds over such a slow, long-term arc, that it's only taking the work in as a whole (which, I should add, I have NEVER DONE BECAUSE AUGH MY OLD ART) that I could describe myself as a storyteller.

Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.

Mr. Doctor

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1947 on: 13 Jul 2009, 12:17 »

I agree with Jeph here... It happens with all the genres. And when it comes to metal it happens mostly with the most extreme acts as Grindcore, Death and Black Metal. 90% goes from shit to just almost decent.

I was surprised that you enjoyed more the first Opeth albums... I really though you would like the last ones as most of the people I know do. I also agree here since I think every album that came before Blackwater Park is way better than that album so called magnus Opus..

Hey Jeph... some little questions.
Have you ever seen a person in real life and think: "Thisdude/gal would look interesting for a new character?
And also... How did you create the characters [I'm just talking about the looks here]. Those faces came out of nowhere?
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2009, 12:19 by Mr. Doctor »


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1948 on: 13 Jul 2009, 16:52 »

Black and Death metal, just like all music genres, are 98% crap so it's very difficult to find good current bands. I seem to have the best luck going back a couple years to records that people more in touch with "the scene" have declared "classics"- that's how I got into Opeth and Deathspell. Brandon Stosuy's metal column for Pitchfork is great at introducing non-metal fans to good stuff- I think that's how I first heard of Krallice and WitTR. Basically I have a pretty limited scope of bands I listen to at any given time, in any given genre. Right now the new Wolves in the Throne Room and the most recent Meshuggah are the two metal albums getting the most playtime.

The problem I have with black metal is so much of it is just punk chords and sloppy drumming, recorded badly. The problem I have with death metal is so much of it is just needlessly technical riffs with idiotic grunty "demon" vocals. But bands that can avoid these cliches, now, those are the bands worth listening to. As far as death metal goes, I like earlier Opeth before they went all proggy. Arsis can be fun depending on mood. People keep telling me I'd like At the Gates but I have yet to check them out.

Oh god and GOJIRA how can I forget about them. They are so good. Even the goofy keyboard song on the newest record. Dude has the best voice in metal.

I looked up Gojira on myspace... I think we have some very different ideas on good metal, sir :P.  I'd still recommend Emperor, assuming you haven't heard them, and you might also enjoy Summoning (slower, epic, more atmospheric LotR-themed black metal) and Keep of Kalessin (I can't think of any good way to describe it, but it's some good BM).

Everyone knows the best vocalist in metal is... damn, I can't pick anyone in particular. Lord Worm? Nergal? Dead? There's some good ones. I'unno about any DM bands I'd name-drop, besides perhaps Decapitated. Check out Winds of Creation or their song "Spheres of Madness," they're some of my favorites and might qualify as some good deth metul.

ATG is melodic death, similar to Dark Tranquillity, and pretty good. I prefer earlier In Flames (Lunar Strain, The Jester Race) for my melodeath fix; I'd recommend that too - but check out TJR first, I think you'll like that a lot more.

Do you like any industrial? You've mentioned techno a couple of times, don't remember if that came up, though. Anything there you'd recommend? My favorite is Psyclon Nine, you heard of 'em or enjoy it?

I liek mudkips okay I guess

So then, out of curiosity, how much of a /b/-tard are you? It would explain where Pintsize's twitter comes from...

For the day-to-day, I'm definitely a gag writer and artist before I'm a "storyteller." The story unfolds over such a slow, long-term arc, that it's only taking the work in as a whole (which, I should add, I have NEVER DONE BECAUSE AUGH MY OLD ART) that I could describe myself as a storyteller.

I was wondering because I've read the comic a couple of times through (I need a hobby) and I've always seen it as a story, moving at its own pace, with lots of tangents. I also see evidence of that in the individual comics. However, this might also stem from how I am artistically retarded, so while I notice the gradual changes, the day to day stuff is utterly lost on me. You've certainly done a great job of making the comic accessible from all sorts of perspectives. :)


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1949 on: 13 Jul 2009, 17:48 »

Estatic Fear is really a worthy listen.  Symphonic/Doom with hints of Black.

Somnium Obmutum is such a great song.

Estatic Fear- Somnium Obmutum part 1
(Edit: BTW it's a 32 minute song  :-D the rest is here : Part2 Part3  Part4 )

However, I'm still only a music noob. Probably there are so many great bands and songs that I've never heard of, buried under piles of garbage.  :-(

I have a question. Jeph, what you think about Neurosis?

« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2009, 23:19 by lijenstina »
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