Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is some sort of statistical/mathematical genuis and I'm hitting a gazelle in the head with a rock and screaming at the sky when there's a storm.
power metal set in the present is basically crunk
Red Harvest
Oh-kay, now that I've reached 1,500 posts, I miss McLusky. But this is not true. I do not listen to them. But I promised myself I would start when I got to 1,500. So. Where do I start?
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.
Scared of ChakaSoviettesBroadwaysApocalypse HobokenHot Water MusicI FARMHot SnakesHorse the BandLillingtonsBouncing SoulsThe TransitThis Bike is a Pipe BombDillinger FourThe EvensSlapstickAtmosphereGreen CarnationStrapping Young LadSamaelBands that I've heard a song or two by and want more:HelloweenKid DynamiteGorilla BiscuitsThe QueersFugaziBands I just need to get more of:Three Inches of BloodEelsTom WaitsTomahawkIron MaidenJudas PriestDanzigSlayerMotorheadMinistry
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there
Widow. Widow is an American heavy metal band, but they're so obscure that even if you're from the US, you need to import their CDs! I thought that was very funny.
And I've got one to three albums by a LOT of the others. If you've got DC, what we should do at some point is meet up on a hub and exchange file-lists, then er, discuss Neitzsche.And by discuss Neitzsche, I mean perform enough illegal filesharing to make an RIAA exec explode.
Laid-back tripped out psychedelic 70's rock mixed with late 90's punk-influenced drunken Welsh rock? That's like mixing vodka and red bull. Might kill you.