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Author Topic: The Most Fantastic Fantasy!  (Read 23063 times)

Cartilage Head

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The Most Fantastic Fantasy!
« on: 26 Jan 2006, 13:50 »

There is much debate on the subject,and it has been argued in other threads (and possibly this particular one,though I did not see it) But,which is YOUR favorite addition into the Final Fantasy series? Personally,I believe that the ninth in the series is the cat's pajamas,but a good deal of others depise this one or label it juvenile..bastards.
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« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2006, 14:01 »

Hmm, FFVIII was the one I probably played the most, but I do recognise its deficiencies in magic system and story (what was with the last disc? I don't know). I did love IX - I thought it had much better battle and experience systems - but I didn't quite finish that one (mostly 'cause my friend wanted his borrowed game back). X consumed a lot of my time as well and had the funnest mini-game (blitzball) of all of them. Hmm.

Most people will say VI or VII though, I guess. I never really played either of them that much I will admit.

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« Reply #2 on: 26 Jan 2006, 14:07 »

i loved nine because it was so childish, but my over all favourite was definitely seven. it was the first RPG i ever played, and i owe my undying love of this genre to seven. it also has the ebst storyline i've ever come across, the best charecters in any game ever, and just more good ideas in total than probably any other game in history. so, final fantasy seven wins hands down. and i guess that six comes second.


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« Reply #3 on: 26 Jan 2006, 14:24 »

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is the only one i've played (other than FFXI Online, which was fun while it lasted).  i racked up about 120-140 hours on that game over a year or so of playing it on the train on my way to and from work, so i can say that i got a lot of replay out of it.

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« Reply #4 on: 26 Jan 2006, 19:06 »

People seem to find IX hard to accept because it's characters are cute..but it has all of the damns and hells of any other Fantasy! The ability system can get annoying though..I think VII's materia system would have to take the cake there. Golly..My love of Final Fantasy is the only thing that is still stereotypically nerdy about me.
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Storm Rider

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« Reply #5 on: 26 Jan 2006, 19:23 »

I still say FFVI takes the cake. Good gameplay (every character had a unique skill), (most of) the characters are well developed, and the storyline isn't quite as ridiculous as many of the later ones.

FFVII is a close second, though.
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« Reply #6 on: 26 Jan 2006, 19:23 »

well that and IX's story was pretty cliche, boring and shitty.

I'm a big VI fanboy. I didn't play VII much. VIII blew. Didn't get into X, nor X-2.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

I Am Not Amused

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« Reply #7 on: 26 Jan 2006, 22:57 »

Okay, so here's my take on every Final Fantasy game I've played to completion in my own personal ranked order

7.) Final Fantasy VI
     Analysis: Not my cup of tea at all. The characters were developed okay, but there were too many to do justice in that short of a game. The idea of the story was decent, but was not executed as well as in subsequent Final Fantasy games. The magic system was pretty good, but not all that great. Also, I felt a lot of the dialogue was very campy and this grated on my nerves a lot throughout the game.

6.) Final Fantasy X-2
     Analysis: Again, campy, but this one was campy from beginning to end and made it more tolerable. Plus, I am sucker for closure and with Final Fantasy X ending the way it did, I really needed the closure of beating this one 100%. Not much of a story, really, but a good continuation of the FFX universe that I liked to see. Plus, an incredibly satisfying ending (if you got 100%) Call hersey all you want, I won't put this one under VI.

5.) Final Fantasy Tactics
     Analysis: Very fun little game. The class system was very well executed and the characters were done pretty well. The story felt a bit rushed at the end, as most of the game seemed to be developing a bunch of twists and turns and then they rushed to tie all the loops together at the end. Still a very cool concept (Start the biggest war in the history of the world? How badass is that?) and a good ending that I enjoyed.

4.) Final Fantasy IX
     Analysis: Very underrated game, in my opinion. How are these characters 'cute'? They're just as cute as any other Final Fantasy characters, I think. Anyway, a good abilities/magic system - one of my favorites - and a pretty good story. I really liked that you actually HAD to lose in some places to continue the story and I very much enjoyed the ATE feature. Although Necron kind of comes out of nowhere, the ending is one of my favorite parts of this game and chocographing is a terrific minigame.

3.) Final Fantasy VIII
     Analysis: I guess this could be called my guilty pleasure, but I don't feel guilty about liking this game at all. Characterization is probably better here than any other Final Fantasy (save X) and the snowball effect of one thing turning into another turning into another during the story I always felt was great. I really enjoyed the magic/skills system and the drawing of GFs from enemies. The ending is great, too. For awhile this was actually my favorite Final Fantasy and, on a given day, still could be.

2.) Final Fantasy X
     Analysis: Great game, the first of the voiced over PS2 era and it got the critics of VIII and IX off Square's back pretty quick. Every step closer you get to Zanarkand, you just start holding your breath more and more. It really gets you involved in the story. Probably the best Final Fantasy in terms of characterization, or maybe thats just due to being able to hear their voices. Only a few rough patches in the voice-acting, but I was able to forgive those few instances. Terrific ending, real tear-jerker and definitely makes you wanna play X-2.

1.) Final Fantasy VII
     Analysis: C'mon. The best overall set of characters, the materia system, the best enemy of any Final Fantasy. Best TWIST! Of any Final Final Fantasy. Throw in The Death Scene, limit breaks, politics. God, I could go on. That and the ending was probably the best of an Final Fantasy, allowing for tons of 'what ifs' and theories on what the ending meant. I am so awaiting Advent Children (I refuse to watch it subtitled) and Dirge of Cerberus (!!!).
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Storm Rider

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« Reply #8 on: 26 Jan 2006, 23:17 »

God, Sephiroth is such a freaking stereotypical villain. He's a standard effeminate, 'misunderstood' psychopath with a mysterious past. There's nothing that separates him from any of the other billion characters just like him. Stop worshipping him, dammit.
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« Reply #9 on: 27 Jan 2006, 02:36 »

Quote from: est
FFXI Online

Man FFXI was a blast, wasn't it?  I played the FUCK out of that game before I switched to WoW.
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« Reply #10 on: 27 Jan 2006, 02:57 »

I'm not really as much of an FF nut as some, and there's now way I'm a purist  - the real FF fanboys would probably kill me when they learn I've clocked more hours in X-2 than any other FF...

But I really enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. seriously, the skill, class and level system in that FF incarnation is teh funkey.


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« Reply #11 on: 27 Jan 2006, 03:11 »

I've finished 1,2,3/6,7,8,9,10,10-2 ans tactics advance.

My favourate was 9 by far but i loved tactics, a close second.


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« Reply #12 on: 27 Jan 2006, 03:25 »

i think that ffviii is my favourite, just as it was the first one i have played and completed completely several times. i liked the leveling system of X but 800 nodes? i havent been bothered to level my guys up enough to beat the dark aeons and other scary things. that and blitzball.


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« Reply #13 on: 27 Jan 2006, 04:16 »

they are so different its hard to chose between 7 8 9 or 10
i never got to apreciate 1-6 fully due to playing seven first!


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« Reply #14 on: 27 Jan 2006, 10:08 »




FFs I hated :  X . . X-2 . . worst games ever.
                    In X you played around 1/4 of your playtime, the rest was    
                    reading scripted text . . which wouldn't bother me that much
                    if the story wouldn't have been completely pointless and stupid

                   X-2 too many grievences to mention

I Am Not Amused

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« Reply #15 on: 27 Jan 2006, 23:59 »

Quote from: Storm Rider
God, Sephiroth is such a freaking stereotypical villain. He's a standard effeminate, 'misunderstood' psychopath with a mysterious past. There's nothing that separates him from any of the other billion characters just like him. Stop worshipping him, dammit.

It's not so much his attitude that makes him the best villain of any Final Fantasy, its what he does and how ruthless and powerful he is. He burns down an entire town, kills the leader of the Turks, possesses Cloud, unleashes the Weapons, creates a nearly impenetrable barrier around Northern Crater by sheer force of unconscious will...

Kuja is number two on my list because he destroys an entire world, creates an army of Mages who he forces into his bidding knowing full well they're only made to die and tries to destroy all life as we know it.

Compare that to -
Ultimecia, who possesses first Edea then Rinoa

Kefka, who moves some statues around and uses their power to do the badass stuff he did

Yu Yevon, who is a parasite and uses his armor to do the cool stuff he did

or Shuiyin, who possesses a couple people and tries to take over a giant machina.

Thumbs down to those four. Thumbs up to Sephiroth and Kuja.
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« Reply #16 on: 28 Jan 2006, 06:20 »

Quote from: I Am Not Amused

Kefka, who moves some statues around and uses their power to do the badass stuff he did

Dude. HE BURNED DOWN ONE TOWN, POISONED ANOTHER. Even though he used statues, he still killed shitloads of people, brainwashed a huge mass of people, formed a cult, And generally just tries to destroy and fuck up everything he can. So sephiroth is stronger? He's still a fucking pussy.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #17 on: 28 Jan 2006, 10:02 »

Quote from: I Am Not Amused
I am so awaiting Advent Children (I refuse to watch it subtitled) and Dirge of Cerberus (!!!).

what the fuck?

dubbing will ruin it, i don't want anything but subtitled dirge of cerberus, speaking of which
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« Reply #18 on: 28 Jan 2006, 15:54 »

Quote from: Storm Rider
God, Sephiroth is such a freaking stereotypical villain. He's a standard effeminate, 'misunderstood' psychopath with a mysterious past. There's nothing that separates him from any of the other billion characters just like him. Stop worshipping him, dammit.


Cartilage Head

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« Reply #19 on: 28 Jan 2006, 17:45 »

Personally,I think Kefka is the shit as regards being an evil bastard,but he dosen't show much more personality then just being a dick (at least up until the later parts of the game.) Ultamecia would be better if she were a better developed character. Now that I think about it,she reminds me alot of Zemus in IV.
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« Reply #20 on: 28 Jan 2006, 18:04 »

I do agree they could have probably fleshed Kefka out a bit more, but what the hell.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #21 on: 29 Jan 2006, 09:16 »

I liked Kuja and Sepiroth until I realized that they're the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING. Of the ones I've finished I'd go

Tactics Advance

I haven't beaten VIII yet, I'm stuck at the beginning of the last disc, and X-2 hasn't been played since my brother wrote over my file, destroying my zeal for it.
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« Reply #22 on: 29 Jan 2006, 15:21 »

sephiroth pwns man - he looks cool, he's compeltely insane, and he has the most awesome weapon in any final fantasy. plus, he's just a way more interesting charecter than anyone else. he wealks away witht the best villain award.


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« Reply #23 on: 29 Jan 2006, 22:44 »

my favorite is VIII because of the card game :P

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« Reply #24 on: 31 Jan 2006, 08:10 »

shit, i forogt about the card game. i don't think it's as cool as blitzball but it was a really nice touch. i managed to get every card without losing a single game... although to my eternal shame i kept saving and loading to do it. also, that sorta rhymed. i should be an emcee.

Qui Gon Zel

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« Reply #25 on: 31 Jan 2006, 08:14 »

How can you not think that Kefka is the greatest villain of the Final Fantasy series?

The man weaseled his way into the inner circle Gestahl's empire. Watched and waited for the moment to strike all the while building his magical power.

When the time was right, he killed the Emperor and harnessed the statues of the GODDESSES OF MAGIC!! ALL magic!

Using that power, he rearranged the face of the planet. The planet. Countless millions(possibly billions) of lives lost.

Sephiroth. Has mother issues. Killed really a very minor character who didn't have any real importance until the finale when holy was used. Sephiroth burned one village down (oooh, scary).

The forms you fight at the end, Bizarro Sephiroth and Safer Sephiroth aren't even the real Seph. They're botched clones.

Plus Kefka's "Goner" beats the hell out of "Supernova" any day of the week.

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« Reply #26 on: 31 Jan 2006, 18:10 »

Necron's main attack (something Circle,I can't quite remember..) causes quite a RUCKUS as well!
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« Reply #27 on: 01 Feb 2006, 05:13 »

man, kefka was some fat psycopath on a power trip. there's nothing cool about that. saying kefka is cooler than sephiroth is like saying nazi's are cooler than ninja's. there's more to being badass than death counts and status.

I Am Not Amused

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« Reply #28 on: 05 Feb 2006, 00:29 »

Fighting Kefka was the biggest anti-climax of any frigging final battle I've ever played in any game ever. He was, seriously, so fucking easy I could have cried. Showing that he was, actually, a giant fucking pansy. And how can a giant fucking pansy be the best Final Fantasy villain?

Also, if you wanna go on a pure destruction route, then you have to say Sin/Yu Yevon over Kefka. Sin destroyed every city in the world about fifteen billion times in the course of 2000 years, racking up quite the fucking death toll, creating a religion which hid the truth of his nature from the entire plane and forced hundreds of human sacrifices over the years in the name of aforementioned religion - both summoners, their guardians and the fayth. The fayth, in response to Sin, created an entire dream plane of existence in order to find someone who could possibly combat Sin. Sin also ran the entire daily lives of everyone on Spira so every single thought started first with Sin.
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« Reply #29 on: 06 Feb 2006, 02:11 »

V for the job system, for having pirates, and for Gilgameshes theme music.

I don't give a crap what anyone else says, seriously, that was a fucking great theme song.
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« Reply #30 on: 06 Feb 2006, 14:00 »

i never played five, so i have to take yr word for it.

i did however play ten and have to admit that sin sure is a tough motherfucker. and blitzball is the best sugame by a hundred miles.


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« Reply #31 on: 06 Feb 2006, 14:21 »

restarted 7 a couple of days ago, i'm 13 hours in and just past costa del sol

level 25 wooo

jenova was too fucking easy, and i beat yuffie in 2 moves :(

i didnt need no chocobo to get past the zoloms neither
i have 4 of clouds limits, and 4 of tifa's too... am i going too fast (tifa only has 5, they all string together)
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« Reply #32 on: 06 Feb 2006, 20:25 »

Quote from: almost thursday
man, kefka was some fat psycopath on a power trip. there's nothing cool about that. saying kefka is cooler than sephiroth is like saying nazi's are cooler than ninja's. there's more to being badass than death counts and status.

So wait, being psychotic is only cool if you're skinny?
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« Reply #33 on: 06 Feb 2006, 21:42 »

...Kefka was fat?!
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

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« Reply #34 on: 06 Feb 2006, 23:32 »

OK I really havent played many Final Fantasy games.  And I'll immediately eleiminate all sprite based ones from contention simply because it is near impossible to actually relate on any level or actually car too much about hte characters.  Sure interesting story is a possibility but not actually caring.

Now of course, Im gonna say FFVII was prime.  Great cast of chars, love'em or hate'em Sephiroth and Cloud were giants among men.  Great twists, the scope of the game grew with your characters.  This wasn't your typical new-badass-mofo-trying-to-open-the-gateway-for-ultimate-evil-in-which-he-ultimately-succeeds-but-you-kill-him-then-the-ultimate-evil-anyway.  If anything it was your atypical plot of the same with a deep engrossing story full of memorable characters with so many layers that you dont really see how similar this game is to others.

I guess what I am trying to say is, you may knock FFVII for being have a contrived synopsis, but its a game of characters you feel for.  The ultimate plot your running through is reflected through the characters and how they deal with the situations.  Starting off as a simple just cause vs unjust cause.  Turning into a general good vs evil fight.  And ending with a battle between the goodness vs evilness innate in all mankind.  An allegory for whatever.
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« Reply #35 on: 07 Feb 2006, 14:16 »

Quote from: Storm Rider
So wait, being psychotic is only cool if you're skinny?

as far as i can tell.

Quote from: kai
...kefka was fat?!

hell yeah. fatter than sephiroth, anyway.

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« Reply #36 on: 08 Feb 2006, 11:41 »

I think we can all agree that Sin was the fatty. I have yet to defeat VI,but only because I have taken a long hiatus from a very long leveling up session before entering his tower. As far as music,I believe that IX takes the cake among cakes,not only because it is my favorite,but because it is so! If you disagree,play or replay the segment in Terra in which Zidane is completely delirious after being told of his origin by Garland. Absolutely fucking brilliant.
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« Reply #37 on: 08 Feb 2006, 12:27 »

Quote from: almost thursday
shit, i forogt about the card game. i don't think it's as cool as blitzball but it was a really nice touch. i managed to get every card without losing a single game... although to my eternal shame i kept saving and loading to do it. also, that sorta rhymed. i should be an emcee.

Same with the card game for me (besides the rhymes).  The card game, initial plot, and visual elements of FFVIII are almost enough to make it my favorite, but FFVI is infallible.  Any game that can get me to spend 255 battles "double-checking" on a known hoax (Cursed Ring --> Paladin Ring) is total tits IMO.

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« Reply #38 on: 10 Feb 2006, 14:55 »

FFIX was the best. Tactics, VII, and X are close behind (in no particular order). and VIII was utter rubbish.
Special recognition also goes out to FFII for getting me addicted to rpgs at a very young age (i didnt know what i was playing or doing but i loved it).
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« Reply #39 on: 15 Feb 2006, 18:35 »

When I first palyed VIII,I was very turned off by it,unable to grasp the extremely complicated Junction system..but once I matured,I gave it another shot,and pulverized the shit out of the game. Can you say learning every single GF ability in the game? Getting to level 100 (which you can do in VIII,unlike the others)? I can,bra'.
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« Reply #40 on: 17 Feb 2006, 10:58 »

yeah i've been thinking about doing that very thing actually. thought i'd start ffviii all over and give it another chance but yesterday i started playing through IX again and now im sucked in.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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« Reply #41 on: 17 Feb 2006, 12:01 »

Quote from: almost thursday

Quote from: kai
...kefka was fat?!

hell yeah. fatter than sephiroth, anyway.

Well, Sephiroth was secretly bulimic.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #42 on: 17 Feb 2006, 19:26 »

Quote from: Storm Rider
God, Sephiroth is such a freaking stereotypical villain. He's a standard effeminate, 'misunderstood' psychopath with a mysterious past. There's nothing that separates him from any of the other billion characters just like him. Stop worshipping him, dammit.

Who ever said Sephiroth was the main villian? Jenova, anyone? Still, Sephy is annoyingly worshipped. He wasn't that great. He's cool, but not that cool.

Oh, and Kefka sucked because he didn't have any depth. Sure he was crazy, but after a while, I realized that there wasn't any point to his existence.

FFVII is the best out of the series. At least, it was the most "successful" and "revolutionary". Either way, I have yet to find a game as solid as it. Everything was great, and it really changed my life in terms of what I looked for in games. It will always have a place in my heart.

Tactics was brilliant also, but it didn't really have as much overall importance as VII. Still, it has one of the best plots in any game, and it's the only SRPG I've fully enjoyed.

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« Reply #43 on: 17 Feb 2006, 21:52 »

I was going to mention Jenova being the one who pulled Sephiroth's strings (literally, anyone look above Bizarro-Sephiroth in the second to last battle? There's a Jenova, pulling Bizarro-Sephy along like a marionette). But I figured that could only diminish my argument against Kefka.
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« Reply #44 on: 19 Feb 2006, 05:03 »

Hey !
played and finished IV VI VII VIII IX X X-2 ...
IV was my favourite for a long time (i loved the Cain character as a whole...the theme of redemption was cool)

VI is tricky...i liked it , but i never really felt for the characters...I dont know if this was because i played it after VII or what , but I just wasnt huge into it (although i love the whole world change event , very cool)

VII My first and favourite - have never had so much fun with a game since (original metal gear solid on PS came close)...this game had everything , for me...even if Sephiroth can be called a big fat cliche , its the fact that he's the PERFECT he was just friggin cool , who didnt hate him after he plunged the sword ? that whole scene was mind blowing... oh my god im going to kill her ?? oh ok im not...wait whats sephiroth...ARRRG!!...then worst of all you have to fight Jenova with Aeris' theme playing . Gut wrenching !! Hated the ending though , thats the one pieve i have .

VIII Junction took a while to get used to but was very fun once you spent the time at it - no character development cept for squall and rinoa - but i loved the whole love-story thing and when rinoa gets possessed (on the space station ) its very creepy an well done . Best ending of the series in my opinion .

IX probably my second favourite...the characters had a cartoony look but the story was very very dark at times , especially anything revolving around vivi ,and i think it works great in contrast . Brilliant ending too , i especially love the line Quina gets...can't remember it now but it was something like "when cooking for friends cook with love" or something corny like that .

X Cool soundtrack , didnt like Tidus much as a main character though . Auron ws fun , and what the feck was with Wakkas accent...Good game but not in my top 3 i fear .

X 2 Fun but no replayability for me...just dont want to get that 100% . Cutscenes were cool though and it was a bold move from square so fair play . On a side note , the CTS battle system for X and X-2 was my favourite of the series .


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The Most Fantastic Fantasy!
« Reply #45 on: 19 Feb 2006, 21:06 »

The best Final Fantasy I think is Final Fantasy X-2 that was fucktastic I was a well done game and I loved the cut-scenes and the 2 songs that were done for the game 'Real Emotions' and '1000 words' were great songs. I even downloaded those music cutscenes cos they were kickass

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The Most Fantastic Fantasy!
« Reply #46 on: 19 Feb 2006, 22:28 »

One of the very cool things about the Final Fantasy series is, in my opinion, its contrast. Though it almost always deals with the exact same storyline in different variations (just above average guy thrown whose personal goals lead into a fight for the entire world) there's still enough variety for everyone to like the different games more than any other. I think, from VI to X-2, every single game has been counted as someone's favorite - to me, that's remarkable.
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« Reply #47 on: 20 Feb 2006, 03:54 »

1.Amazing story,and to me,the greatest of all FF's. Flawless character development,unbelievably deep plot,and I believe the deepest characters in any cast. Plus,the ending is the absolute best of any I have played,it leaves mysteries,sure,but less than ones such as VII (Goddamn your brilliant vagueness!)

2.Brilliant graphics,beautfiful music (OMG THE CLIMACTIC SCENES ARE LIKE OMG). While not as advanced as these new fangled role-players,the graphics are just so DIFFERENT. And I find them absolutely LOVELY and MYSTICAL. And good god at the music. I have brought up this scene before (it is one of my absolute favorites in the series),but the scene after Garland tells Zidane something SUPER-SECRET while in Terra,his moment of absolute doubt while his allies attempt at all they can do to help him,and finally bring him out of the darkness..beautiful.

3. Very fun skill system. The ability system is simple and very fun. My one gripe is that all of the different things you can do with your weapons leads to you having a very full inventory and not being able to sell if you need to. But,IX was the one that I spent the second most time with leveling up and gathering my shit. IX was an absolute brilliant and beautiful experience,and I do not like those who dissagree with me!
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« Reply #48 on: 21 Feb 2006, 11:52 »

i like the being able to change jobs. i always thought that was a fun system for abilitys. see: tactics, x-2, and XI. the materia system in VII was fun too because it was very unique. but as far as custimization...i think IX has the best (custimization wise) because you can pick every ability you do or dont want your characters to learn.
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The Most Fantastic Fantasy!
« Reply #49 on: 02 Mar 2006, 16:37 »

im a hardcore 7 fan.  it was the first game i bought for computer and i still play that game.  it was the first game ive ever gotten caught up in the story line.  i still play it to this day.
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