Ok, you're right monkeyangst, the shirt does just say pixies. I was just too lazy to actually draw the shirt. its just a ref sketch, lol. (it is my favourite shirt though, its got the guitar and bass tabs for bone machine on the front and tour dates on the back)
So you want a comparison eh? I actually don't do as much cartoon work as I used to. I would actually compare this more to me "real" art (I realize saying this on a comic forum may result in my death). Basically with my other work and my new cartoon, I'm working from actual photographs, most of the people in my comic are real. so here's what my usual photo art would look like
more to be foudn at
http://nemogrinder.deviantart.comOne of these drawings can take a few hourse to get just right (I draw large, my book is...I dunno 14 or 16" tall...or was until I lost it.)
In this case I guess a picture of the character would help as well
Ya, about the eyes, I dunno. I find I put a lot of work into eyes and I'm afraid that I'll be taking to long with the overall art. I'll continue with experimenting.
It's not a question of what the artist likes though, its more about what his girlfriend says (especially since she'll be in the comic as well...)
Thanks for the feedback!! I wouldnt mind seeing some of YOUR examples of detail and how much to have.