i think that you're breaking two forum rules straight off the bat:
#1. joining just to pimp your comics is definitely regarded as bad form, except when doing so in the "Comic pimping thread" here:
http://forums.questionablecontent.net/viewtopic.php?t=7725#2. Jeph has specifically asked for no sig imagessignature.
other than that, i've got some constructive criticism! webcomics will normally want to get their audience's attention as soon as possible. this usually means putting your comic on the front page, and not using a splash page that the reader is required to read and make a choice on. i mean, i appreciate that that screen is selecting a skin for the comic, but i'm sure that you could find a way to implement it (especially with cookies so that it's remembered) so that people could see the comic first, get hooked, then customise.
in addition, you don't have the comic on the first page after the click-through, either. in my opinion, the newest comic should be the first thing that anyone sees when they visit your site.
one more thing: scripts! i am using Firefox with a javascript blocking plugin, so your comic didn't even load at first for me. i don't really understand why a script is needed to show an image. there are plenty of other ways to implement this kind of thing that are more browser-neutral.
okays, i hope that you take all that as being constructive. i'm gonna take the image out of this and suggest that you put a link to your comic into the comic-plugging thread instead.