I like her shoes!
Quote from: Stifled DreamsI like her shoes!I have those shoes Brown leather with a cork heel - gorgeous!I think it's funky, and the hip actually creates mood, movement and style.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.
The details are gorgeous, so is her expression. She seems very lively. I'm just confused by the angle of the legs, but that could just be a style thing I'm not sure.
if you ever need some inspiration for some fun funky shoes heres a lady who makes some crazy ones http://www.beverlyfeldmanshoes.com/index1.html
that slogan is a good slogan. so good, in fact, I think it should be applied to other things. like, "there's no wrong way to hit your spouse." or "there's no wrong way to commit nonconsentual sodomy."