you've gotten past the masses. you've decided to devote your life to a webcomic. but this isnt like all the other times you've committed yourself to. this isnt like that flash comic that consisted of a bouncing ball and random distorted tweening. this time your what?
ok, thats my funny intro (who HASN'T tried to start a flash cartoon series?) anyways...
so I have 6 comics under my belt, draw, coloured, speech'd and people actually think they're pretty damn funny. whats next... OH SHIT I NEED A WEBSITE TO HOST THEM! lol, ya I don't even have a credit card, I know thats a first. basically this post contains 2 questions geared towards accomplished comic authors
I know good ol' JJ hosts through a freind but who are the rest of you hosting with? I was thinking of going with dh2...4 dollars a months with tons of transfer bandwidth and storage. I really can't complain. all their reviews have been great. any other website hosters that you guys adore?
part two...I got my hands on a copy of frontpage to start maknig my website and my first reaction was WTF!?!? people told me to use's adobe so it must be great, so I got that instead...but I'm still wtf!! I know that I can easily look on tutorial pages for help but do you guys have any specific pointers as far as layouts or tricks specific to web comics? theres one thing I REALLY want to know that most web comics use is the way most comics archive stuff....its like frames...but not. everything stays the same except for the comic. I understand that a php is some sort of script but how do I go about creating one?
OR should I just give up and get a webmaster for me site and I'll just stick to drawing?