Naw. No way. It's like asking if now that we have free music, are we going to stop shelling out the paycheques for our Sufjan Stevens CDs? The answer, of course, is hell no. I like to cherish the hope that despite the commercialization of the indie-boho-add your own effing label-here lifestyle, there is, inherent in it, a kind of integrity that will buoy the appreciation for DIY kids and their work.
It's weird, though, that you say the bookstore near you
sells them. I was at a 'zine fair in the Underground Cafe here and there was lotsa free free free! I think it's better for 'zines to stay free, and I like the open sharing idea of it. That being said, a lot of money goes into the production of some of the more prominent ones, and I guess I'm gainsaying myself, so I'll just shut up now...
Anyway, yeah. I think that there's a difference between webcomics and 'zines that's going to keep them in two different, and hopefully strong, genres, and both'll go strong. 'Zines will probably always be lower-profile, though, just because there's no way to reach as massive a ?market? as webcomics do. No internet, just hand-to-hand. There's something ineffably more charming that way, though, don'tcha think?