Mmm I love buttercream. Though I can't eat too much or it begins to get a bit sickly. Stupid lack of tolerance for sugar!
Beautiful photos though, you must post a link to your blog.
I love baking but I don't have much time or the stuff to do it now I've moved. I got a beautiful cakestand and cakeforks and stuff for my birthday this year, but again they're at the family home.
Here are some old photos:
Superchocolate brownies:
That's white chocolate chunks, not nuts.
Victoria Sponge - notoriously difficult!:
Not my hand though.
Pirate Birthday Cake2 layers of cake, buttercream but no jam and then rolled out icing to cover it.
Sorry for the giant photos.
Of course it goes without saying everything was made from scratch. Well not the jam. Though there's an idea...