How'd it go?
I couldn't make it, I got called into work
. Next time you have a show post about it again, or pm me, and I'll try and make it
It was a good turnout for a Thursday night. We put on a good show, if I do say so myself; and, Mondegreen was the best I've seen them. Good stuff.
On a side note, I think the Paper Heart just became my all time favorite venue to play. Very interesting art gallery/bar setup with a great stage, great sound, great beer and wine selection, great audience, and really nice owners. I highly recommend it to any band looking for a venue to play (although I don't think they do the screamy/metal thing if that's what you're into, but I could be wrong). They want us to come back for more shows, and Mondegreen wants us to book more shows with them. All in all, super positive night for a fledgling band.