None of you should ever ride with me in a car. I am a good driver, never hit anything or gotten in an accident, but still. I would rather drive than be driven, though, because the way people drive most of the time freaks me out. Especially if the car I'm in is a stick shift and makes the car jerk when shifting gears.
Bugs that are not green or brightly colored and are gross looking freak me out. Like, butterflies, ladybugs, praying mantises, and the cicadas that are blue with orange eyes - I am completely okay with insects like this. Even green spiders are okay, because I'm amazed with the fact they are bright green. But things like spiders that have a bigger body than the point of a pencil, roaches, millipedes (even though they are harmless), etc., and even the cricket that fell off of a fan and onto my head once will freak me out and either result in me screaming and flailing about or slowly backing out of the room to curl in a ball so someone else can kill it. I don't know if I mentioned this in the last phobia thread, but my 9th grade bio teacher had a millipede in a small plastic cage that she was carrying around the room and when she got to my table, I turned around and it was inches from my face, I fell off my chair. She laughed at me, so I yelled at her.
I tend to be more paranoid than have irrational fears. I don't like small elevators packed full of people, because the elevators in the building I'm in at school tend to break down a lot because of this very reason. I am afraid of walking around alone at night and sometimes driving, because I don't live in the best neighborhood and some asshole teenagers once tried to open one of my car doors while I paused at a stop sign and chased me down the street a bit once I realized what they were doing. I'm also afraid of people breaking in my house and I don't understand how some people don't lock their doors at night and I won't sleep over at my friend's houses if they don't lock their doors either. All of these make sense to me, so I don't think they qualify as phobias. The spider and bug thing, though, do not make sense, so I think I do have a phobia of nasty bugs.