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Author Topic: Fishing Talk  (Read 29083 times)


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Fishing Talk
« on: 12 Jan 2008, 15:52 »

This is the thread for talking about fishing.

I started fishing when i was about 8. Me and my dad would go up to the hill lochs around where i live and he would fly fish and i would use a small spinning rod. I hardly ever caught anything but it was always great when i did and i enjoyed it greatly anyway. I progressed to fly fishing when i was about 12, then didn't go fishing much. 3 or 4 years ago i got right back into fishing and i started fly tying. I mostly go fly fishing for brown trout in the lochs around where i live. Occasionally i will go fishing for sea trout in a river near where i live or i will go down to the bay and fish there.
 I practise catch and release and will occasionally keep a fish to eat but very rarely as i don't like killing things.

My biggest trout to date caught on the last day of the season last year, it went back.

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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jan 2008, 16:35 »

 I am really not trying to be mean but holy SHIT will this be a boring thread.

 Anyway I used to fish often, but I now can't bring myself to do it, even though I know it is very fun. I hate hurting stuff.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jan 2008, 16:37 »

For a second I read the title as "fisting talk"

I'm not sure which would be better.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jan 2008, 16:52 »

So is this like real fishing? Do we have to be drunk before we come in here?
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jan 2008, 17:26 »

I have had a fly rod for years and only last year learned how to use it.

I'd always used a spinner rod before that, and the relationship is so much more active fly fishing.  That said, I am terrible at fly fishing.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jan 2008, 17:35 »

One time I caught a fish THIS BIG!


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #6 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:23 »

When I was wee I used to catch little crappie and brim and stuff all the time when I would go fishing with my uncle and his son up in the north georgia mountains. And then when I was 7 years old I caught a huge 8lb large-mouth bass that my mother had mounted on a plaque, and to this day I have never caught another fish.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #7 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:24 »

one time i went fishing.  i caught a fish.

after we caught fish, we put them into a bucket full of water.  i was really excited because i thought we were going to keep them as pets.

it turned out that we were actually going to eat them.  i cried.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #8 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:25 »

I am really not trying to be mean but holy SHIT will this be a boring thread.

There are actually fishing games. They can actually bore people to death.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #9 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:25 »

When I lived in Texas my dad and brothers and me used to go on semi-annual fishing trips to the Gulf of Mexico, where we would meet up with his old sailing buddy and go fishing out on the Ocean for Marlin, bull reds, black drums, the odd shark. We'd also go as much as we could when we were up in Lubbock, but being as most of the lakes around Lubbock are man-made.... We would also fish for crappie and bluegill, sunperch and smallmouth bass in the small lake near where my grandmother lived, and we'd set out trot-lines for catfish. That lake actually had really good fishing, but we visited her about as much as we went to the Guld of Mexico.

Up here we've sorta given up. Don't have the money to go out on the Chesapeake, wouldn't want to keep what was caught there anyway, and none of the lakes has ever yielded so much as a bite for me in the nearly 3 years I've been here now.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #10 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:26 »

I've been fly fishing for about 11 years now, all spinning before that.
ledhendrix: Nice fish =) Mind me asking what fly you were using?

Photo of me with a good lake erie rainbow:
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:28 »

All of you retarded people who go "waaaah I wouldn't want to hurt the cute adorable fishies" have obviously never been to and eaten of a proper southern fish fry.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:30 »

Agreed.  A lot of my family lives in Alabama, and we have a fish fry every time we visit.  I have never tasted anything better in my life. 

We go fishing in Cedar Creek, and catch a lot of white perch.  There are tons of them, and if we get enough, we eat. 
I've got a small sticky-out scar like a third nipple just under my right manboob from where I was bitten by another kid in Year 3.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #13 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:30 »

or to a Lousiana seafood boil for that matter, though that's mostly clams, shrimp and crawfish. Still fuckin' good.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.

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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #14 on: 12 Jan 2008, 19:45 »

All of you retarded people who go "waaaah I wouldn't want to hurt the cute adorable fishies" have obviously never been to and eaten of a proper southern fish fry.

 Being from Florida I have eaten at hell-of fish fries. I don't like to catch the fish myself, though. I'll see it, but I don't wish to be the one harming it.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #15 on: 12 Jan 2008, 20:36 »

Catch and release fishing is like playing paintball with wild game except the animals don't know it's a game and they think you're trying to kill them.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #16 on: 12 Jan 2008, 21:25 »

Catch and release fishing is like playing paintball with wild game except the animals don't know it's a game and they think you're trying to kill them.

except catch and release fishing is done for the aesthetic beuty of the outdoors, and the complete angling experience, not just some base pleasure derived from cruelty.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #17 on: 12 Jan 2008, 21:28 »

There is nothing like taking the fish you just caught by the "neck", bashing it against the side of a rock until it stops jerking, and then throwing it into the cooler. Or if you're on boat with a livetank I guess toss em in, wait until you're done fishing, the chop their heads off their sitll living bodies, gut them while they're still moving, scrape the knife along the insides to get the guts out and then take a hose and rinse em, putting the finished job in Ziploc baggies in a cooler. And if after all that you still wanna eat 'em, you are a true fisherman.

And really, if you get worked up over a fish, my god man.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #18 on: 12 Jan 2008, 21:40 »

except catch and release fishing is done for the aesthetic beuty of the outdoors, and the complete angling experience, not just some base pleasure derived from cruelty.

So the aesthetic beauty of the outdoors entails jerking a creature from its natural habitat to a place it quite literally suffocates in, just to put it back in a bewildered and frantic state.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #19 on: 12 Jan 2008, 21:40 »

I imagine their day otherwise is pretty god damn boring, at least with lake fish.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #20 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:06 »

I love the aesthetic beauty of the outdoors, though I must admit I've never had any angling experiences.
What irks me about catch-and-release is the attitude that it's more humane than regular. Sure, you aren't killing them, but the point has been made that our lovely little atmosphere suffocates them. Regardless of your connection to the outdoors at the time, the fish is not your friend, it is a floppy little fish, gasping for air.
I guess I just like the thought of killing an animal for function more than harassing it for fun.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #21 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:09 »

Hear, hear!
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #22 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:15 »

*unless that animal is a calenlass. Then I am all about catching them on hooks an selectively suffocating them.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #23 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:19 »

Slick, baby, I have many kinks, but unfortunately that is not one of them. I am sorry. Try again.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #24 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:27 »

What irks me about catch-and-release is the attitude that it's more humane than regular. Sure, you aren't killing them, but the point has been made that our lovely little atmosphere suffocates them.

Not to mention that unless you're fishing with a net, the catching of a fish involved putting a fucking hole in the side of its face.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #25 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:29 »

...and I thought it was love.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #26 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:30 »

Steve-O put a hook in the side of his mouth, it looked like the worst thing someone could possibly do to themselves besides the Pain Olympics. And that thing wasn't even barbed, fish are in for a bad day if they're going to get caught at all. Of course, they'll forget about it within a few days.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #27 on: 12 Jan 2008, 23:08 »

Here's me with a Northern I caught this summer in western Ontario.

Forgive the image, I had to take a picture of the picture, I didn't have a digital copy of it.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #28 on: 12 Jan 2008, 23:11 »

i mined for fish once... does that count?


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #29 on: 13 Jan 2008, 01:11 »

How about you put on some scuba gear, stand underwater, and catch a bear with your rod. Reverse fishing!


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #30 on: 13 Jan 2008, 01:20 »

Not to mention that unless you're fishing with a net, the catching of a fish involved putting a fucking hole in the side of its face.


If you're gonna catch and release, you might as well go to a damn aquarium and stare at the fishtank.  Fishing, hunting; do it to solidify your place in the food chain and eat what you kill.  I would be pissed if a bear mauled my ass and didn't have the common courtesy to use my bleeding carcass to feed itself or it's young.

I mean, it would still suck, but at least it would suck creatively.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #31 on: 13 Jan 2008, 01:30 »

Interesting. Me, I wouldn't be pissed, I would be rather happy that I survived a bear mauling.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #32 on: 13 Jan 2008, 04:51 »

My most insane fishing i ever did, i was getting paid for!

I caught around 1500kg of turbot, in 4 consequetive days!

(yes, i was working at a turbotfarm, shut up, beat my epic volumes of caught fish)
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #33 on: 13 Jan 2008, 05:48 »

ledhendrix: Nice fish =) Mind me asking what fly you were using?

Was caught on a bibo, probably one of my favorite flies.

Not to mention that unless you're fishing with a net, the catching of a fish involved putting a fucking hole in the side of its face.


If you're gonna catch and release, you might as well go to a damn aquarium and stare at the fishtank.  Fishing, hunting; do it to solidify your place in the food chain and eat what you kill.  I would be pissed if a bear mauled my ass and didn't have the common courtesy to use my bleeding carcass to feed itself or it's young.

Yeah but staring at a fish tank is hardly going out into the countryside. You could argue that locking something up in a fish tank and taking it from its natural place in the wild is just as bad. Most people involved in fly fishing are also quite concerned about the welfare of the fish they catch, even if it is purely because they enjoy catching the fish at least they are taking an active stance in stopping them from becoming endangered. Take salmon over in Scotland, if it wasn't for anglers their stocks would be even more dramatically reduced than they are now. Netting and fish farming are incredibly detrimental to salmon stocks and where this has been stopped because of the actions of anglers fish stocks are increasing. A prime example is the increasing salmon and sea trout stocks on the east coast of Scotland where most farming and netting has been stopped because of angling pressure, whilst on the west coast of Scotland where there are still huge amounts of fish farming and netting wild salmon and sea trout stocks are  still on the decline.
 Would you rather people just ignored where there food came from and turned a blind eye to what was happening because they don't see the effects first hand or would you rather people went and did something they enjoyed, that gets them outdoors and gets them "in touch" with nature and are actually helping a good cause?

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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #34 on: 13 Jan 2008, 06:52 »

Personally I'd rather humans had the good sense to start eating something else when the food they like gets so rare that it's difficult to catch and/or prohibitively expensive. Humans are the only predators on the planet that, when faced with a situation in which one of their prey animals is becoming increasingly depopulated and difficult to catch, will continue hunting for that animal regardless, rather than switching to another animal and giving the first one a chance to get its numbers up again.

As for catching fish being an excuse to go into the wild, well . . . I accompanied a friend of mine a few weeks ago while she was fishing on the New South Wales coast. She didn't catch anything, and when it started getting dark and we decided to head home she chucked what was left of her bait into the water. All of a sudden the water was alive with a myriad of crabs and tiny baby fish. Saw 'em all. Right out there in the wild. Didn't have to catch a one of them.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #35 on: 13 Jan 2008, 07:56 »

I've never really understood the catch-and-release mentality.  The key factor here for me is that fresh caught fish is basically the tastiest thing ever.  If you can get a trout into a frying pan within ten minutes of the time you end its life then you are in for a fantastic meal.  I've never gone fly fishing without the intention of eating what I catch, though of course many of those trips ended with me not keeping anything because all I caught was small little fish without enough meat on them to be worth keeping (or to keep legally).

I haven't been fishing since I snapped my fly rod in half a couple years ago when I tripped and caught the tip of it under a rock, but my dad got it replaced for me for Christmas, and there are some great rivers down here in Southern Oregon, so I am GREATLY looking forward to this coming spring and some tasty tasty trout.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #36 on: 13 Jan 2008, 07:59 »

Personally I'd rather humans had the good sense to start eating something else when the food they like gets so rare that it's difficult to catch and/or prohibitively expensive.
You're absolutely right, but recreational fishing doesn't put the survival of species into jeopardy. Recreational fishermen want to make sure that those fish are around for a long time. This is why the individuals most instrumental in establishing conservation laws and ethics have been fishermen and hunters. Aldo Leopold and Roosevelt are good examples.

Not to mention that unless you're fishing with a net, the catching of a fish involved putting a fucking hole in the side of its face.


If you're gonna catch and release, you might as well go to a damn aquarium and stare at the fishtank.  Fishing, hunting; do it to solidify your place in the food chain and eat what you kill.  I would be pissed if a bear mauled my ass and didn't have the common courtesy to use my bleeding carcass to feed itself or it's young.

Inlander- Fish aren't human beings. A small hole from a small barbless hook (which do not go anywhere near the whole way through the mouth of a fish) and a few seconds out of the water are not the same level of cruelty as torturing a dog or housecat. This is a touchy subject among fisherman though, causing a lot of recent study into whether or not fish have a memory for trauma, and if they do how long it lasts. Some have even claimed that fish do not feel pain in their mouths, as a hooked fish, if no tension is kept on the line, will go back to feeding and acting normally. It is the pull of the line, not the hook, the causes the distress.

DonInKansas- I don't know if you've ever been a part of an organized sport, or if you enjoyed it, but the best way I can describe why just hiking or looking at fish isn't the same thing as fishing is to say this: the difference between looking at fish and fishing is the difference between staring at a football field with gear laying on it (or lacrosse, soccer ect) and actually playing the game. All the same elements are there, it should be just as rewarding right?
I've never really understood the catch-and-release mentality.  The key factor here for me is that fresh caught fish is basically the tastiest thing ever.  If you can get a trout into a frying pan within ten minutes of the time you end its life then you are in for a fantastic meal.  I've never gone fly fishing without the intention of eating what I catch, though of course many of those trips ended with me not keeping anything because all I caught was small little fish without enough meat on them to be worth keeping (or to keep legally).

I haven't been fishing since I snapped my fly rod in half a couple years ago when I tripped and caught the tip of it under a rock, but my dad got it replaced for me for Christmas, and there are some great rivers down here in Southern Oregon, so I am GREATLY looking forward to this coming spring and some tasty tasty trout.

I've never really understood the catch-and-release mentality.  The key factor here for me is that fresh caught fish is basically the tastiest thing ever.  If you can get a trout into a frying pan within ten minutes of the time you end its life then you are in for a fantastic meal.  I've never gone fly fishing without the intention of eating what I catch, though of course many of those trips ended with me not keeping anything because all I caught was small little fish without enough meat on them to be worth keeping (or to keep legally).
I'm the opposite. I Haven't kept a fish Ive caught in 4 or 5 years.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #37 on: 13 Jan 2008, 08:42 »

When I was little, we were at a charity fishing derby at a local pond and we caught the exact same fish over a dozen times. I swear to god.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #38 on: 13 Jan 2008, 09:27 »

That is a pretty goddamn stupid fish.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #39 on: 13 Jan 2008, 13:52 »

That, or the wee little Iron-O didnt realize yet that a individuals of a species of fish, look very much alike.

(well, to kids... for me, im afraid i get giddy about the behaviour of specific individuals, with as best example, one of the lumpsuckers i had in the aquarium at school, swimming along, getting caught in the stream of the pump, making a bunch of loops before beeing able to swim out (they arent that agile), and then going "wheee, that was fun!" and swimming into the thing again, to do more loops!)

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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #40 on: 13 Jan 2008, 13:57 »

While individual fish of the same species *can* look very similar, I know for a fact that when fishing in a river I've caught the same fish four separate times once (the hook marks were kind of a giveaway that it was, in fact, the same idiot of a fish).  "Four" is not "over a dozen", but it makes me less inclined to completely reject the claim.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #41 on: 13 Jan 2008, 13:57 »

All fish look alike.

Fucking racist.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #42 on: 13 Jan 2008, 14:16 »

I went fishing with my grandpa a few times. A bluegill looks nothing like a bass.

I don't fish anymore, though, because my grandpa died and I don't feel like sitting in a boat with my two uncles that do.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #43 on: 13 Jan 2008, 14:24 »

Fish aren't human beings. A small hole from a small barbless hook (which do not go anywhere near the whole way through the mouth of a fish) and a few seconds out of the water are not the same level of cruelty as torturing a dog or housecat.

I've heard this argument before. I find it highly doubtful and incredibly convenient. I know it's been studied, but not being an ichthyologist I don't know the extent of the study; however, I do know that feeling pain or experiencing trauma are real and vital biological processes. From an evolutionary standpoint it makes absolutely no sense to me to suppose that a fish can't feel pain.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #44 on: 13 Jan 2008, 18:07 »

That, or the wee little Iron-O didnt realize yet that a individuals of a species of fish, look very much alike.

Nah, this may sound cruel, but we saw marks from the other time it was caught. It was just one freaking stupid fish.
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No matches have been played since February 2007, however, when an elephant, protesting a bad call by the referee, went on a rampage during a game, injuring two players and destroying the Spanish team's minibus


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #45 on: 14 Jan 2008, 09:25 »

I've heard this argument before. I find it highly doubtful and incredibly convenient. I know it's been studied, but not being an ichthyologist I don't know the extent of the study; however, I do know that feeling pain or experiencing trauma are real and vital biological processes. From an evolutionary standpoint it makes absolutely no sense to me to suppose that a fish can't feel pain.

While I'm not arguing for the validity of the "fish can't feel pain" point, there are certainly spots on the human body that have very little feeling.  Perhaps fish lips aren't very sensitive.

Gills probably are, though.  I caught a rainbow trout on a mountain in upstate NY (near Keene) by hooking it through the gills.  My dad said if I caught anything we could take it home, but didn't have a bucket 'cause he assumed I wouldn't catch anything.

Darn fish probably bled to death.  Didn't get to eat it or anything.


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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #46 on: 14 Jan 2008, 09:56 »

The part I have difficulty with most is that as soon as they are taken out of the water, they are suffocating. And if you don't throw them back or put them in a bucket soon enough, they die. Fishing when you don't plan on keeping what you catch to eat it is pretty much cruel. Anytime I went, we brought a bucket and my g-pa had a cage permanently fixed to the dock on his pond/lake, because he went fishing several times a week, so that if he forgot a bucket, he could get one and then come back.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #47 on: 14 Jan 2008, 10:57 »

Humans are the only predators on the planet that, when faced with a situation in which one of their prey animals is becoming increasingly depopulated and difficult to catch, will continue hunting for that animal regardless, rather than switching to another animal and giving the first one a chance to get its numbers up again.

You're kidding, right? You think that a hungry wolf will see a rabbit and think "I better let that one go. Rabbits are getting pretty scare around here. Maybe I'll hold out for a raccoon or something."?

Animals, especially hungry ones, function on instinct alone. Hungry + food = eat. That's it. There is no fucking way that a predator other than man ever thinks about passing up a meal because its numbers are getting low. There are at least some humans out there who do.
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #48 on: 14 Jan 2008, 11:11 »

Good point Orbert, altough you happen to be conveniently forgetting the entirety of the Lotka-Volterra model/equations, which neatly explains the relationship between predators (and their population) and their prey (and their population).

Basically, if a predator finds low amounts of prey, they will reproduce less offspring (what with beeing to busy to get preggers and all), and the amount of predators in a certain area, will go down as well, untill it reaches a certain point at which the predation-pressure on the prey-population is low enough to allow it to recover back to its pre-bad-times place. A short delay after this, the population of the predators will also rise again, and the whole cycle starts over again.

Problem ofcourse with humans, is that our population has been on the rise for the last, oh, i dunno, millenium?

Aaaanyway, you can return back to the fishies now >.>

p.s. This is what you get for having a dutchie on the forum who had to study this at school. I actually bet im not the only one... Ohwell :D
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Re: Fishing Talk
« Reply #49 on: 14 Jan 2008, 11:13 »

Yes but scarce prey implies hard-to-find. If they can't find it, they can't eat it. That's why, using the wolf example, when the lemmings in Alaska go through population lulls the wolf population shrinks for a few years, too.

Edit: Fuck you, Vergo. Quit stealing my thundah.
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