It's not that I don't agree with them - I read reviews all the time that I don't agree with yet can still concede they make valid points. It's that, as bad as we all thought PFork was a few years ago, it just keeps getting worse. I am honestly amazed at how bad and how extensive this trend has become. By now they are such a large and well-known site they could at least hire writers who don't like an album but also don't devolve into parody in the review (and also don't get their facts wrong: the Silver Mt. Zion review claimed that vocals were "prominently" featured on their first two albums, when in fact, the first album had one song with vocals and the second had two - three if you count a short spoken-word piece).
I mean how many reviews start out with "I remember the first time I saw this band..." and include, at some point, "Of course, the apex of their career were those albums they churned out inbetween gigs sleeping on the floor of anyone who would let them pass out there after the show..."
Answer: A whole fucking lot.