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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 770696 times)


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Dear Blog Thread (and May):

She said Maybe.  She has plans this week(her birthday) and maybe next, but we are shooting for next.
Quote from: Tommy on Gabbly
i'm not paying for your boob jon
Quote from: Darryl
I fuck at typos
Quote from: Squiddy
but you haven't sig quoted me yet kevin
Quote from: Darryl on meebo
9 inches is pathetic by today's standard


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I have a strange and complicated history with people named Leah. I was just thinking about this a few minutes ago. Since this is a blog thread, I shall post my musings here.

There was a girl named Leah I knew in elementary school that I always had a crush on, but I was always too scared to talk to. Incidentally, we never really became friends because we never talked...

Then there was a girl named Leah that I met through friends, but on the internet. We started talking on AIM, and talked every night for like three years. We became about as good of friends as two people can be considering the type of relationship we had, and we both really liked each other, but nothing ever happened. We ran into each other once on accident, and talked for a few minutes, but yeah, nothing.

Then there was a girl I met at a party named Leah, and we started talking. She was really cute. And then the next monday we learned that we had a class together! So we started sitting next to each other and making jokes and stuff. Then we started hanging out a lot. Then we started making out a lot. Then she told me she didn't like me that way, so we stopped. We're still pretty good friends, but apparently we're just really good friends who occasionally make out, and that's it. Whatev.

So, today I went in to an employment agency, and the girl I talked to (who was really cute) was named Leah. And we basically flirted through the whole interview. So I'm considering calling the agency and asking her to have a drink or something when she gets off work. Just to see if she would be as interesting as the other Leahs I know... and to see if something might come out of it.

Is it weird that everyone I meet named Leah ends up being a weird and strange relationship? Or is it just a strange set of coincidences? You be the judge!


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Dear blog thread,

A couple days ago I bought some audio equipment.  It's pretty sweet.  I can make some nice-sounding recordings in my bedroom, now and I am super stoked.  I can do my music theory final project now!  Hooray!  I'm pretty positive it's the only one I have left to do.  My friend Ashley is all distraught because her boyfriend (who is currently in Wisconsin for the next five weeks) decided he was going to dump her (incidentally!) on the day one of her friends died.  So myself and one of her best friends drove an hour out to see her for like, a half and hour, and then I had to get the friend to an awards ceremony for my school.  Which I happened to win an award at, but I have no idea what it is because I didn't feel much like going since I found out about it at the very last minute.  I'll find out tomorrow.  Also, when  I was in town with my friends, we walked past some skateboarders, one of which said, loud enough for the three of us to hear, to his cohorts: "That kid looks like a little bitch in those pants." (Talking about me.)  It was really funny.  Mostly because I didn't care.  I ignored the cretins and went and got some bagel sandwiches.

Peoples, man, peoples.

Blue Kitty

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Catching up with friends is always fun, especially when sushi is involved.

Turns out the guy that designed the Pringles can passed away on Wednesday
« Last Edit: 05 Jun 2008, 22:25 by Blue Kitty »


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Blog thread,

Today I got offered a supervising position at my job for 5 days a week 6 hour days. 6am to 12pm, plus a $1.50-$2.00 pay increase.

I may just take it.

(I had rice Pringles today. Pringles made out of rice taste exactly the same as Pringles made out of potato)

Johnny C

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Happy birthday to me, I guess.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo

Storm Rider

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It's Johnny C's motherfucking birthday! He is pretty rad, guys. Basically, I give Johnny C's continued existence my full endorsement.

And no posting the Perry Bible Fellowship comic. That shit is played.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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Hey guys!  Good news!  I have a job interview on Wednesday!  It would be good if I could remember what the job was exactly, but I think it is an admin kind of position involving a Broccoli and onion grower and distributer.  Apparently the only people who want to hire me are peole who are inconviniently located far from any sort of public transport.  Sigh.  Looks like I will have to face my fear and get my liscence at some point!  But that is not the point.  The point is, if I get this job they will have to wait until after my Sydney trip to have me.  because I want to have adventures.

but it means people are looking at me again!  Crap, lucky I didn't shave my head again yet.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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Today after summer school some friends and I played Ocarina of Time and got really pissed at the stupid stupid Water Temple. After that some very dumb but incredibly fun hijinks ensued, involving magnets and styrofoam cups which led to the discovery of a large, rusty, abandoned fire extinguisher laying on its side in a parking lot. Now I am itchy. Yay summer.
Also I bought a hat, and found Tim Tams in World Market! Fuck yes!
it's time to stop posting


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I have no way to describe my day today. I got caught by year master for not being clean shaven and had to shave in the poorly illuminated 2nd floor bathroom with the aid of a very dull, scratched and graffiti-ed steel plate of a mirror, a BIC disposable razor and a 10c sized dollop of shaving foam. I accidentally cut myself a few times and bled for a while. I would have tried to take a little bit more care but when sir caught me I was already 10 minutes late for Physics. I've just gotten in trouble from mum for this, she says that I'm no better than your common high-school lout.

In Extension 1 English, we're studying the inter-textuality of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Apocalypse Now. I had two choices, watch Apocalypse Now during period 5 till 5 o'clock in the afternoon or watch it in class but the latter was going to happen anyway. My friend Olly and I had to go to German to ask our teacher, the head of the language department, if we could go and watch the movie instead of going to class she said yes so off we went. We'd (few other friends who were there) just got to finish watching the Ride of the Valkyries scene when one of the English teachers there told us that all year 11 cadets had to go and be at admin parade right now. So, we all went to our lockers got our jumpers, slouch hats, belts etc. and just stayed there for a while till the end of Admin parade and then went off to Q-store or the Risk Management lesson that all the Sergeants (of which I'm but one) had.

Yes, I live a boring life and there aren't may things I can do at my school for shits and giggles.


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Happy birthday to me, I guess.

Man. I thought we were tight, JC.

I'm not sure it's cool that your birthday is six days before mine. Everyone should be mentally preparing themselves for the day of worship that falls on June 12th and now they might be momentarily distracted by you completing another twelve month cycle. Not cool man.


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Over the last week or so I've come to terms with the fact that most of my friends are actually really shallow and short-sighted. It might sound really mean, but basically that is how the cookie-crumbles.

This is especially bad for one of my friends who is quite knowledgeable, but due to his stature and nerdy looks has little luck with women. It's compounded because he's quite quick to come to unfounded conclusions, particularly about women (an emotional defense mechanism?), yet wouldn't mind being stalked or similar. The guy's quite intelligent, but doesn't have either the interpersonal or intrapersonal intelligence to see that he'll end up isolating himself from the opposite sex forever if he doesn't drop the barriers.

The sad thing is, it's not really his fault. He never chose to be a socially-retarded bookworm with too much time for fantasy novels and miniature wargames. During his early school years, he was pretty much teased and picked on the most, making him somewhat subservient and vulnerable to further abuse. He kinda crawled into the safe shell of the alternate realities of fiction and video games. I did the same for similar reasons, but I was always more sociable and, when I came to high school, considered a quiet bookish guy (hah, how things change in a few short years) rather than a geek in hardcore denial about reality. Apparently, people find me funny. I guess that helps?

In any case, this guy never really pulled out. His family drives him hard when it comes to study, and his younger brother is possessive, highly judgmental and always has something to prove. The poor dude is basically under a barrage of emotional damage due to a combination of criticism, isolation, misunderstanding and culture bias, not to mention his own tendency to create a personality based on what he sees in anime and books rather than his own experience and values. At least I can be confident in his capacity to do well at school and earn a good living. The guy is honestly really cool sometimes, but his shortcomings are more obvious than his qualities which drives people that don't know him away really quickly.

Note that I'm not saying I hate the guy or that he'll never do blah blah blah. I just think it's really sad how a dude with so much potential is still as socially pigeon-holed as he is at almost 18 years of age.  i.e. he turns to the worlds of fantasy because he constantly faces total rejection by almost everything that is reality through no fault of his own.

I guess this post is a statement of discontent at the judgments people make and the true nature of counterculture? "Counterculture" is a good word here. This individual has taught me, over my years of friendship with him, that counterculture isn't really very cool or very sexy. It's actually very isolated and cruel. But the cool thing is, even if this guy's values are derived from unreality, they're his goddamned values, everyone else be damned. THAT is individualism, I suppose.

/raises glass

So here is to my friend, who is the coolest uncool person I've ever known. May he progress socially and make much money. Despite his shortcomings, he's a good friend and even if his tendencies piss me off sometimes, we've had good times and he's passively taught me some valuable lessons.


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Dear Blog Thread (and May):

She said Maybe.  She has plans this week(her birthday) and maybe next, but we are shooting for next.

Kudos for asking!


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Hey blog thread. Today I probably did poorly on yet another Oceanography exam, but I don't feel too bad about it, because we got to fill out course evals for that class today and mine was rather scathing. That class was pretty shit for a 100 level class and I am glad I never have to see my professor ever again. (I was honest on my review, but that didn't mean I had to be nice. Also, I know there were a few other not nice reviews, which also makes me feel not so bad. Yay schadenfreude.) And later I'm meeting a friend for lunch and we're going to Wendy's and getting frosties because it is hotttttt.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:

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i'm glad we have this thread. not that i'll ever have much to contribute because i am fairly boring but i like reading about your lives.

also, to keep on the topic of blogging: i fucked up yesterday and smoked a cigarette but i justify it because since i quit i have not been able to sleep for shit and it's been getting increasingly difficult to wake up for work in the morning. so i smoked one cigarette yesterday and i actually got to work ten minutes early today! oh well.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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Happy birthday to me, I guess.

Man. I thought we were tight, JC.

I'm not sure it's cool that your birthday is six days before mine. Everyone should be mentally preparing themselves for the day of worship that falls on June 12th and now they might be momentarily distracted by you completing another twelve month cycle. Not cool man.

JC is tight man.  I don't actually believe in Tommy and therefore do not celebrate on June 12th.


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Hi Blog Thread!

I have wanted to post in this thread for a while now, but everything significant in my life recently has been too big and grand and wonderful to convey in an internet post, or at least, I have not until now decided to dedicate as much time to writing such a post as would be fitting for the subject matter.

In the last month, I have (not necessarily in this order):

Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in psychology
Turned 21 (finally!)
Seen the best live show of my life (Flaming Lips, pure magic)
Had the best sex of my life (repeatedly)
Had the most powerful spiritual/visionary drug experience of my life (I am starting a thread about this after I finish this post)

My life right now feels so incredibly rich and vibrant and wonderful that I find it hard to describe.  If, far in my future, I look back into my life and find that right now was the time when I was happiest, and that everything went downhill from here (which will not be true, the way things are looking), I will be OK with that, because right now is so impossibly good, and still in the process of getting better, that I feel absolutely no right to complain about life.  If I ever forget about that and end up bellyaching and carrying on about whatever suffering I might be undergo in the future, it will be my own fault and I will deserve whatever misery I bring upon myself by ruminating and dwelling upon whatever problems might arise.  I should know better than that now.
also at one point mid-sex she asked me "what do you think about commercialism in art?"


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Long weekend away with friends - Friday and Monday.

Car overheaded after first 15 miles (topped up radiator and it was fine, but still need to find out why it needed it).  Then clutch linkage failed, and I drove the last 50 miles (including through one town) with no clutch.  I've done it before and am well practiced  :wink:.  Fortunately, I found this morning that the adjustment nuts had come loose, and simply vibrated to the end of the adjustment while I was on the motorway - it was a mere five minutes to find a spanner and fix it.

My wife wants to buy a new car, as this one is 14 years old; Yay!
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Dear Blog Thread,

I feel special. I was the first person (i think) to refer to the last blog thread as dear blog thread and other people do it too! I have started a cool new thing! Hooray!

Now onto more me things. I luckily did not fail my math class this year! I was oh so scared because I did really bad this last quarter and was probably gonna fail the exam. The way grading works is that there are 2 quarter grades and an exam grade for a semester. If you fail two of these grades, you fail the class. I luckily only failed the exam and passed the quarter so I do not have to take summer school. I also got a fucking A on my English exam, the hardest class I have ever taken. Which makes no sense since I got D's for both of my quarter grades.

Enough about grades, now I'm gonna talk about Maryland/DC/Virginia's fuck all weather, as Manda mentioned in the photothread. On Wednesday, at around four o'clock, everything goes to shit. It is all nice and stuff and then it's like a fucking hurricane hits or something within a matter of seconds. I was at work at a pool, but luckily it is indoor. However the power went out so the pool was operating on a generator. An old guy fell trying to leave the facility in the storm and cut his head really bad, so we had to care for him and call an ambulance and stuff. It was the first real emergency type thing I had been involved with there since I started working last year. 911 was really tied up though and it took us 15 minutes go get through! That seems really bad. Then later that night, right as we are about to close at 10:30, the pump room goes to shit. I don't know what went wrong, but one of the hot tubs would not fill up. The next day, my Mother and I had to fight through car accidents and busted traffic lights caused by the storm a day before to only find out that the pool was closed, presumably to the pump room problems. And my internet was out, so I spent the whole day playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas cause I couldn't chat and shit in Gabblebox. And I am out 6 hours of pay. Damnit.

That last paragraph is probably really incoherent, since I blather about so much shit. If anyone cares I will try and sort out anything confusing.

And happy birthday Johnny C! (thats twice now! i win!) (also this is the longest post I have ever written)
- 20% of canadians are members of broken social scene


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Dearest Blogging Thread:


How lame does it make me that on the way to the rehearsal, I was listening to "School's Out" By this man?

"Death is nothing, but to live defeated is to die daily."
 - Napoleon


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Alice Cooper is pretty awesome, and listenin to his music is also a sign of awesomeness
Quote from: Tommy on Gabbly
i'm not paying for your boob jon
Quote from: Darryl
I fuck at typos
Quote from: Squiddy
but you haven't sig quoted me yet kevin
Quote from: Darryl on meebo
9 inches is pathetic by today's standard


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How lame does it make me that on the way to the rehearsal, I was listening to "School's Out" By this man?

I used to play that on the last day of school too.

My point here is that you are as lame as I am.


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it's over 30 degrees outside and i am lobster red and sunburned from being outside just buying groceries and all day except for that time i bought food i have been sitting in my underwear trying to work and praying for death. i really hope the rest of the summer isn't like this.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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i think you maybe need some new material dude. like, i have really short hair now, you could try making fun of that maybe?
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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Degrees celcius. So around 85-90 degrees F.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Dear Blog Thread,

This morning I received a private message from one of the premier photographers in Newcastle, who runs a shop nearby and has contact with all our local pro photographers. He said he'd been checking out my photostream and that I had a fantastic eye, and he'd be disappointed if I didn't start going pro.
I am pretty much over the moon, and this has cemented the idea that I should look for a bigger better job when I get home from Canada.

Yippee and Hooray,

Ally Bawx
(Soon to be Pro Photographer)

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 I think I am afraid of mold. I check every piece of food I eat obssessively for mold now.
Hate, rain on me


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 If I sprayed that on my food it would taste bad and possibly be deadly.
Hate, rain on me


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Yum!  Congratulations Ms. Luncbox!


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Soon you'll be sleeping with him as he feeds you empty promises of making it big! (j/k, congrats)
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Dear Bliggity-Blog Thread,

I'm working seven consecutive days this week at my stupid retail zoo job, selling stuffed tigers and foam visors to whining, dehydrated schoolkids.  But it's a job, and I'm getting a paycheck, which I need if I'm going to be going to graudate school (I can't wait to be back in school... at that point, I'll have been out a year and a half, which is more than enough).  Mostly it's frustrating because despite the fact that I haven't had a school- and / or work-free summer since I was eleven, I feel like I should be coming up on some stretch of freedom now that it's June.  I want to go swimming in outdoor pools!  I want lemonade and lazy afternoons!

But another carrot on the end of the proverbial stick is that it looks more and more like, in moving out of my parents' house, I'm going to be moving in with my boyfriend.  We're both very excited (particularly now that the largest of hurdles--parental approval, financial issues, and school programs--have been worked out), but part of me is balking at the thought of all that adult responsibility.  Paying rent?  Buying a car?  Student loans?  Health insurance?  That's some heavy shit, braaahhh.


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Depressing post time!

My dog's name is Kit. My parents bought her when I was in fourth grade. I guess to keep my mind off of the attention I would not longer be receiving since they had a baby. Funny thing is, I was already receiving a lack of attention since they had just got back together and were spending most of their time together, without me(obviously). Anyway, the dog is a german shepard-chow mix, both known for having hip and join problems. Lately, it's been really hard for her to move around. She is pretty old now, and I'm certain that our weather lately hasn't been helping(it's been pretty rainy, and humid). She cries out when she moves, and she's stopped moving completely once, mid-step. I guess it hurt to walk. I'm pretty sure she is going to die soon, and if not, I may put her down. I don't like seeing her in pain, and I probably couldn't afford the medicine for her. I've looked into some organic hip and joint pills for her, but I don't know how long I could continue to afford things like that.

I've come to terms with her death. I have accepted the fact that she will die soon. It's depressing, and I will probably still cry, but I think I am ready to handle it. It's going to be terrible sad t see a friend for so long pass, but at least she had a good life.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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This is sad.  However, you may like to try Green-lipped Mussel Extract to ease her joint pain for now; it was very helpful for the old dog I had when she got arthritis.  (It has been found effective in proper studies, too).  You can get it at health food shops.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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I can tell you first hand green lipped mussel extract will work wonders!  I was getting awful joint pain from work so my dad sent me a bottle those.  They worked wonders!  Then I started forgetting to take them so everything hurts again.

But it's good stuff!
« Last Edit: 07 Jun 2008, 03:46 by ebony_willow »
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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Blog thread,

It is ninety degrees out today and sunny.  It has been rainy and roughly sixty degrees all week long.  I am pleased to say the least.  I really want to go swimming.


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I booked my flights to Germany! And in the past three days I've written two excellent emails and had a (very awkward) telephone conversation in German. So I'm feeling pretty good.

Also today I went shopping for some new clothes for said trip to Germany, because most of my clothes are a) too small b) too warm and c) too skanky to wear in a warmer country whilst caring for small children. I got very upset at one point when my mum objected to an extremely nice grey top, chosen by some of my friends, "because it is too clingy and looks horrible and I hate it" (it did not look horrible, but it was close fitting). I'm probably over-sensitive to comments from my mother about my appearance but I was hearing that as "you're too fat to wear that top".

On the other hand I tried on a lot of tops in size 12 and they were too big (UK sizing) so that's encouraging.

I think I've started to worry about my weight a lot lately, which is quite worrying since a few years ago I went through a period of mild anorexia. I'd rather not get back to that, but I've not put on any weight so I don't know why I suddenly hate myself. I think sit ups are in order.

Also, congratualations to all you people getting jobs and girlfriends and stuff. I'm quite jealous but I don't think that starting employment or relationships just before I leave the country for a month would be a good idea for me. So I shall not be envious.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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I am so fucking pissed off right now! I was refused service for CIGARETTES because I didn't have any ID. I'm 21 fucking years old! I have a fucking beard. But apparently, at least in Morrisons it's 'anyone looking under the age of 25'. TWENTY FIVE! What kind of pig-fucking nazi hell-hole is this country becoming? When do they ban enjoying yourself in a public place without written fucking permission. Fuck I am so angry I am on the verge of tears. Possibly because I haven't had a cigarette for hours! Now I have to walk all the way down to the fucking Spa. Sweet Jesus I hate this!
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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Wait, the under 25 rule isn't standard everywhere?

It's been like that here for a while, I thought.
You are 9/11.
You are the terrorist.


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I think itīs a bit lower around here. Somewhere around 21, mayhap.


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HEY BLOGTHREAD. You know that girl I'm always going on about in gabbly?

We're hanging out tonight.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Yay for you!

I think I've started to worry about my weight a lot lately

I have been, too, for various reasons (mainly health), but yesterday two of my friends and I were having a conversation about losing weight and some girl sitting near us turned to us, apologized for eavesdropping, and then asked why. She was genuinely concerned it was because of the whole "you must be thin" thing, while actually we all had different reasons. (Tired of being overweight, wanting to be healthy, wanting to get in better shape, etc.) She was just confused until we started talking and then she understood. But anyways, you saying some sit ups were in order reminded me of this conversation, because the girl we were talking to was an athlete and she gave us some exercise tips and one of which was not to do toning exercises first, but to do cardio workouts first and then add the toning ones later on, otherwise you don't burn off as much and it's harder to notice. And exercise makes you feel better about youself, or at least it does in my experience, so I would recommend doing things like riding your bike or swimming.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Shane that's fucking RAD, well done.
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
 :psyduck: psyduck is the most appropriate right now. FUUUUKC


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I'm so proud Shane!  It's about fucking time.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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Well done Shane! I hope for the best!

Anyway blog thread, I keep having dreams about the zombie apocalypse. Does this make me

a) Weird
b) Silly
c) Fucking awesome
d) All of the above

I swear, the only dreams I remember recently are about fucking zombies. And they aren't even nightmares. They're awesomemares.
- 20% of canadians are members of broken social scene


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Yesterday, I went to the dentist. My parents could drive me, so I took the subway/bus there and back. Which normally wouldn't be a problem, except there are two stops called saint paul street, on different lines. I, of course, never having taken the train to the dentist, went on the wrong line and ended up half a mile or so away. I realized it was the wrong place, so I thought, "I'll just see if it's the next stop or something. My dad might have given me a few stops off...", but 6 stops later I realized that was wrong. I went back to saint paul street, but it was definetly the wrong place. If I magically appeared at the dentist, I already would have been 15 minutes late. So I found out I had to walk half a mile in the drizzle, but I half-ran it, because I was so late. I turned up 25 minutes late and the doctor was on her way out, and I broke down crying because I hate being lost and late and now my teeth would stay messed up, and the whole thing was for nothing. She took me, and the actual appointment took all of 10 minutes. I got home just fine, though.
But today I'm in a good mood because I didn't do anything except read Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchet.
You know as much about Shakespeare as a chicken knows about tic-tac-toe!


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i keep having dreams about the zombie apocalypse.

i dream about zombies too! like all the time! it's probably not normal but hey, you're not alone.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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I do it too. Mine are pretty horrifying. I once told a good friend about it, in pretty good detail. I didn't think he'd think anything of it. I mean, we used to send each other pictures of really terrible things. People being chopped up, guts spilling everywhere, people with smashed heads, etc. Shit like that. But I described my dream to him. I told him about the bodies without skin, and the pool of blood, and the dead things everywhere, and after a pause, he said "That's fucked up, yo."
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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Out of all the fucked up dreams I've had, I've never had a zombie dream. If I do down the road, I blame you guys. (Not the people who've said they've dreamed about them, but more like the people who talk about them all the time. Meaning the zombie thread.)
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:
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