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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 771927 times)


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mine are always like videogames, i mean i run around down lots of hallways and pick up first aid kits and guns slowly rotating on the ground. sometimes i drive a big truck. mostly they involve my friends screaming and panicking while i'm all YOU HAVE TO SHOOT THEM IN THE HEAD, DAMNIT trying to protect them but everyone eventually dies anyway. they aren't scary so much as exhausting. zombies aren't real, what's there to be afraid of?
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Guys, I don't dream so can we please stop talking about them. It's depressing.


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Man, you are missing out. They are some wacky things.
Quote from: John
Liz is touching me.
Quote from: Bryan
Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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Dreaming is easy.  Just sit a journal and a pencil next to your bed, and go to sleep every night looking at it and telling yourself that AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP, you're going to write down whatever's on your mind.  I guarantee you you'll start dreaming within a few weeks if you do this every night.
also at one point mid-sex she asked me "what do you think about commercialism in art?"


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yay for shane! please blog all about it tomorrow. or at least tell us in gabbly. ^_^
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you do lurk below the surface of the forum, emerging occasionally to pluck a young man from our ranks before plunging back into the murky depths from whence you came
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You are pretty totally creepshow, yelley


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My dreams are fairly dull. They are just possibilities of what could´ve happened that day (or the day before that), and they are not even that interesting possibilities!


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Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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yay for shane! please blog all about it tomorrow. or at least tell us in gabbly. ^_^

Dear blog thread,

She told me to call her around 8ish last night and we'd make plans. She never answered her phone. I called again around 10:15 and left a message. =(

My phone then rang around 11:30, but it was a drunk dude looking for a girl called Kara. No, sorry. That is not me, mate.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2008, 05:31 by valley_parade »
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Wait, the under 25 rule isn't standard everywhere?

It's 27 now. 

My rant:

I umpire baseball.  I love the game, working with kids, and being out on a hot afternoon, but jeezus fuck last night was one of those nights that made me want to jump into the stands and wring someone's neck. 

In the 2nd inning, runner on first and the ball is hit to the second baseman.  the runner bumps into the second baseman while he is trying to field the ball.  My partner calls interference and calls the runner out, ending the inning.  Both coaches, who probably had 2 drops of baseball knowledge between them, come out blathering about he was "in the baseline" and "what's he supposed to do?"  It gets explained and the coaches are settled down, and we continue.  All the while the parents of the offended team are yelling and booing, with one VERY LOUD parent yelling multiple times, "NEXT TIME JUST RUN THE KID OVER AND MAKE IT WORTH IT!"  And others were AGREEING with him! 

These kids are frigging 10-12 years old!  Cripes.

What really made this different was after the game I was grabbing a drink and the kid who got called out for interference was sitting on the bleachers.  He waved me over and said, and I quote, "I guess I should have run that kid over, huh."  I politely told him that if he had that he would have not only been out for interference, but would have been ejected for malicious contact.  He looked up at me like I had just told him the sky was purple with red polka dots. 

We wonder why kids grow up to be violent, brain addled kids that would rather sit at home playing video games than being out playing ball until it got dark like I used to when I was a kid.  I wouldn't want to play either if I was under that kid of pressure and dealing with adults that didn't know a dugout from their assholes.

I like to hope that when my son and daughter are old enough to play sports that I'll be better.  Actually I just hope that when I'm in the parent role I'll have the courage to tell idiotic parents to STFU. 
I mean, it would still suck, but at least it would suck creatively.


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Shane, that sucks. Sorry. Also, Jens, awesome. The maybe-girlfriend-part, not the scared shitless-part, because I know how sucky that can be.

Today an old friend/someone who I've sort of become friends with by proxy, but don't really like, invited me to the opening of a restaurant/bar/something where she'll apparently start working. While it's nice to be invited, and I sort of feel like I should go and act like a normal human being for once, it's the kind of thing I definitely would not enjoy, and I would feel all sorts of out of place and not have a good time at all. I hate situations like this. I should just tell her that it's not really my kind of thing, but for some reason, I can't, and I'll end up making up some lame excuse, maybe. Blah.

In other news, it's good to be back home for the summer.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2008, 05:56 by Ladybug »


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I was sick over the weekend, which meant that after to planning to get extremely drunk for the first time in a while, I had to content on doping myself up on sudoephedrine and Vicks Vapo-Rub instead.

Although one good thing to come from that is that I learned that my girlfriend is very good at taking care of me when I'm really sick, which as anybody with experience in the field of long-term relationships knows, is really freakin' important.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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There is an art exhibit in town with nude pictures of me in it.  I was very happy for my friend Hawaiian Bryan the photographer, since it seems like he's finally got enough confidence in his art and drive in himself to put his stuff out there more.  So of course I went to see it on opening night, and stood around chatting with people.

My boyfriend was less than thrilled!

For one thing, he wouldn't come with us, saying that it would be weird to be standing there while people looked at naked pictures of me.  For the record, it's not weird, once people know that you're the model it's not like they start closely examining your breasts to make sure they match up.  The night ended in tears and a broken phone for him.  But before we hung-up I said "I don't want to argue because I have nothing to defend, but why don't you sleep on this and maybe go see the exhibit for yourself."  Bless his heart, the next night that's exactly what he did, and he met Bryan and apparently they talked for a long while.  Anyhow, he's now ok with it, and once again my breasts have paved the way for someone else's personal development.


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Jesus god, the snot won't leave me alone.


Hey everyone, I need to buy some new bookshelves. When I get back from Ikea and put them together you're all invited to the bookshelf launch party.


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I decided that I would suck it up and just tell my friend that that kind of thing wasn't really my..thing, so I didn't want to go, and I did! I wouldn't have done that normally, even though it's not really a big deal. Anyways, she said she kinda figured I wouldn't wanna go, but that she'd ask me anyways, which was nice, so it wasn't as awkward as I would've thought :) I should probably speak my mind more often.

Johnny C

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Last night I got a number from one cute girl that I've had a crush on since the high school but I also managed to fuck up a conversation completely with a cute girl that I've had a crush on since two weeks ago. Part of it was because I was hanging out with some friends who have clearly never been to that bar on a Saturday night and have no idea how to order drinks, what to do on the dance floor, etc., which meant i was semi-babysitting. Keep in mind that the level of drunk I got two weeks ago has kept me sober since.

So I guess it was a wash? On the plus side, everyone fucking loved my shirt.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2008, 11:09 by Johnny C »
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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I am finishing up my second week in New Orleans for a volunteer-type trip with my school. Physical labor nearly every day. There is always dirt under my nails and my legs are covered in mosquito bites. I think I am getting a tan - I did not know I was capable of this. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of what happened to New Orleans and the Lower 9th Ward was real shitty, but it should be let go rather than rebuilt. I am aware that it's a little ridiculous being here since we are all very inexperienced and volunteering in general takes away from jobs, so I don't believe that we are really helping; rather, I am grateful for the privilege of being allowed to learn by being here and hearing the residents' stories.

Did you know people here think the levees were blown up? I thought that was just bullshit the first time I heard it but now I see why they might believe it. I did not know that the levees were blown up after Hurricane Betsy in 1956. Basically, it allows the water from tourist areas to drain at the cost of poorer residential areas. I personally don't think the levees were blown up, but I find it significant that many residents believe it, as it is indicative of how the government neglected them.

I am meeting a lot of people I don't quite believe are real, just because of how different their life experiences have been. I have started smoking cigarettes, but I think I don't want to be a smoker. I just really like the smell. I just stayed up til 7 am with a stranger living at this place (it is a cheap-ass hostel with a mix of interesting and sketchy folks); should I kiss him sometime? I am starting to not be anxious about anything. It is a wonderful feeling. I don't want to live in accordance with anyone's expectations of me anymore. I want to travel and meet a bunch of people. I just need to think about how I am going to get started with this, but that's it. Fuck worrying.


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So hanging stuff in a gallery is much harder than I anticipated. Instead of the hour I thought I was going to be there, I was there for three hours. I think about an hour was waiting around for the gallery people to answer questions before I could start, but once I got started, it was good. Just a lot of measuring and making sure everything is exactly right. Definitely some good experience for the future.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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I wish I had been old enough to hear of New Orleans before it stopped being. It's one of those places I wish I could have gone to, but it's worse because I know it was there for the visiting and I just didn't know about it.

In other news, I saw The Philadelphia Story for the first time today and roared with laughter all the way through; it's the best film I've ever seen. Perhaps now I'll stop boycotting black and white films on the grounds that colour is superior.

It made me miss this one particular guy though, I'm not sure why. In general I tend to swing the other way but he's fairly special and I've never quite got the guts to tell him so. Now that I live a hundred miles away it's even harder, but I've got this sense of urgency that if I don't say something, it'll just drift off and we'll drift apart and I'll be left wondering for the rest of my life if it might have worked. Am I being a melodramatic teenager here? What I'm certainly being is a wuss but I've been being a wuss for nearly three years so why stop now?
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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I say go for it. But that's a little bit hypocritical of me as, on a similar note, I am feeling all kinds of mopey because one of my best friends who I also have something of a secret crush on is leaving the country for two months soon and I feel stupid that I've still not got the courage up to tell her how I feel.
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We should make a pact that we will both try our hardest to tell the respective person how we feel, except that I know I'd probably a) wimp out or b) not see him in the next two months (I am going away for a month and then he is going away for a month).
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Sounds like we need a pact to talk to them in two months time, then!
Quote from: Jens in Meebo


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Dear Blog Thread,

It was my birthday today, and it was awesome.

Sometimes I look at Achewood archives while listening to Spoon.


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Happy goddamn birthday.
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Liz is touching me.
Quote from: Bryan
Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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Dear Blog thread,

I have decided youths are terrible things!  Well, I mean, I am just cross at them because they broke our mailbox at 2am this morning!  Seriously, don't they have better things to do than perform acts of petty vandalism?  I mean, at least ours didn't get kicked down the street which was nice.  But it was annoying and they woke me up and i KNEW they were going to break it because I heard them say somethign about mailboxes (until that word my sleep mind was insisting they were talking in gobbledy gook) and I was like oh crap.  the SMASH CRASH HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Damn youths.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
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But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.

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Scarychips, how old are you?

Also, youths smashing shit is such a weird phenomenon. There was a big moment of united fury in a neigbourhood near mine a few months back when some dudes just cruised down a street at about 3 AM and smashed the shit out of the windows of cars parked on the street. What the hell is that about?
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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fuck you, bills
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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(Soon to be Pro Photographer)

On the one hand, that is awesome for you! On the other hand, that sucks for the coffee drinkers in your neighborhood.

Depressing post time!

My dog's name is Kit.

aaaand that is where I stop reading. I do not want to hear this story, you can't make me read it.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2008, 18:14 by jhocking »


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Apparently everywhere I went in America when I was there gets destroyed sooner or later. I went to the Twin Towers, New Orleans, AND the Universal Backlot. Coincidence? I think not.

Today I got some awesome T-shirts from Jeffery Rowland, and they came very fast considering I live in a magical far-away land. That crazy Oklahoman stunt-hacker runs a tight ship. I also have received the three "Case Of..." comics and have read them all cover to cover. There will be probably be a lot of photowhoring when I receive some of the other stuff I ordered off of the Internet lately.

Speaking of Internet T-shirts, did you all see what rstevens did?

I am still sick and I spent all of last night wheezing, coughing and making that horrible crackling noise. I haven't decided whether I want to go to class or not, because I always feel guilty when I don't, no matter how bad sick I feel.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Dear Blog thread,

Last night I accidentally bought a camera, but it's okay cause I actually wanted it.
(My bid-sniping program messed up and set my bid as $1441 instead of $41, luckily the auction ended at $39.)


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Speaking of Internet T-shirts, did you all see what rstevens did?

That is, by far, one of my favourite designs.


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Did you scroll down? Rich made a new website where he'll be selling a bunch of his and other artists' shirts in a "limited run" kind of dealie. I guess it's basically "webcomic's shirts greatest hits!" It's good because you can now save a bit of money on shipping even though you're buying from different vendors? Also it'll probably help get the artists more exposure, I imagine.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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the Universal Backlot.

I saw that burn from the freeway last week!  It's not even fire season yet, and we've already lost King Kong--this doesn't bode well for Southern California.


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Dovey: Not as impressive as what Rowland's done with Topato Co. over the past half-year though.


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Yeah, absolutely. I could've sworn I wrote another paragraph in that post to the effect of "between teeshirtparty and J-Ro's newest set-up you're pretty much set for all your awesome t-shirt needs..." I don't know what happened there.

Blog Thread, for the record, I stayed home today and am watching the first two seasons of Seinfeld and eating soup and thoroughly lathering myself with Vicks Vaporub. It's the first proper sick-day I've had in ages.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Scarychips, how old are you?

Fifteen years old, but people still think I'm seventeen.
Sometimes I look at Achewood archives while listening to Spoon.


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Good lord this place has gotten feral. I don't even recognize half the names anymore, either.

For those who actually give a shit, I've not been up to much, other than dealing with some pretty nasty depression and working a lot.

Time to go disappear for another few months. Bye now.


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I was hanging out with some friends who have clearly never been to that bar on a Saturday night and have no idea how to order drinks, what to do on the dance floor, etc., which meant i was semi-babysitting.

This happened to me two weekends ago. It ended in absolute fucking disaster and I ended up having to kick my friends and the two girls they brought back out of my apartment because they were shit all pissing me off.
I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
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I saw CAKE last night. What an amazing show. I got to be right next to the stage just beside where John McCrea was singing. They played War Pigs which made me happy. It's the best cover of that song I've heard so far. And apparently, they've been giving away trees because they found out how much carbon dioxide concerts produce.
There was kind of an Anton Newcombe moment when Mr. McCrea started yelling at a woman for having such a bright flash. She was taking a picture every minute, though, and I can imagine that would be quite distracting.


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Good lord this place has gotten feral.


Johnny C

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Ruyi's post on this page was really good.

Not all of us are doing an incredible thing and volunteering to help clean up the aftermath of one of the biggest disasters in North America in the last decade, you prick.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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I would if I could afford to get to New Orleans. This is why I am hoping my spring break tour will be heading there this next March instead of D.C or San Antonio again.
Quote from: John
Liz is touching me.
Quote from: Bryan
Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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So I am curiously coming to grips with what I am doing with this summer and how it relates to my life. It has really made me think about how much I'd like to learn more about history and probably do some cool engineering things, but really, I'd still probably be lazy in whatever discipline I was doing. For me, it's always been the other things I do that make me the happiest, like music, photography, cooking, baking, building, exploring, inventing...
Possibly this is because I've never really felt like coming to Waterloo for math was my choice; I kind of felt pushed into it and it wasn't entirely what I wanted to do, but it was partially what I wanted to do and it helped me avoid making a decision, so I rolled with it. On the other hand, my hobbies and interests have always, well, been my interests, I've just never thought to follow any of them professionally. I really need to do some of this.
I really want to work several jobs this summer and garden and make cider. Building a press and apples is not trivially cheap, though, so I need to make money, and going to B.C. is not cheap so I need to make money. That is why I'm working the overnight shift three days in a row starting tomorrow. It is going to kill but earn me many dollars.
I also need more people reminding me what I like to do. This girl who got back together with her ex after considering me for a short while would have been a great influence on me, I think. I know she's  a good influence on me now, and I'm talking to her less and less. My friend who suggested my baking blog helps, and even the fact that Dan mentioned an interest brewing is something to keep me thinking about it regularly. One of my long-standing cooking buddies is suggesting I go to the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, and I think that's a great idea to get me going.
I think one of the big problems with my present living situation is I'm sick of my roommate and that she doesn't make me want to do nice things. Not that she makes me want to do bad things, but she doesn't make me really happy and she doesn't inspire me to be nice to her. I also probably make me not want to do nice things for her, which certainly contributed to our decline. It's not really that she's a bitch in the least, but that I never felt like she respected me quite as much as I wanted.
At any rate, I need active, constructive people around me or I forget my own projects, and my present roommate and I are too much alike in our lazinesses that we're a negative-reinforcing loop. We're great when other people around, but on our own, we're kind of shit these days.

Ruyi's post on this page was really good.
« Last Edit: 09 Jun 2008, 16:36 by Slick »
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Dear Blog Thread,

In order to try and be healthier, and have more money, I've decided to quit smoking. It is day five, and I still want to kill things. I am in a terrible terrible mood and want to do nothing, which sucks because the weather has been lovely the past few days and I've not taken advantage of it, instead just staying in bed with my laptop and eating ridiculous amounts of chocolate to make myself feel better. As well as being a downer, the past few days have given me time to think and plan a fantastic little trip for myself in September, which would take me to New York City for 2 days, then up to Boston for a day or so, then back to New York and home. During this time I would meet up with a few folk, go to a few shows and hopefully, regardless of the fact that my 21st birthday won't be for another month and a half after said weekend, get absolutely wasted.

Should be rad.
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
 :psyduck: psyduck is the most appropriate right now. FUUUUKC


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Holy crap, blog thread, I just applied for 3 jobs online, none of which have anything to do with my major and none of which I particularly want to do. I am just desperate for a job. I have only been in this situation once, but it didn't last that long, but it was between high school and college, not college and ohmygodLIFE. I need to stop worrying and sack the fuck up, but it's hard.

That, and my mom is being a bit of a jerk (she's moody) about a lot of things and when I tell her I need to use the car to go job hunting, she gives me the dumbest looks and reasons about how I should not drive around to do that. Well, NOTHING IN THE WANT ADS IS RELEVANT TO WHAT I CAN DO AND HAVE EXPERIENCE IN, KTHANKS. I want a job so I can move. If I eventually find a job that takes me out of the state, I'm pretty sure I'll take it if I have the means of getting there. Also, if she gives me any shit about Toronto and tries to keep me from having a vacation, I'm going to blow a gasket.

Real life sucks. I want to go back to school and stay there forever. (No, I don't, but I keep saying that because I am scared shitless.)
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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At any rate, I need active, constructive people around me or I forget my own projects

You want us to give you a virtual kick in the pants every now and then? I mean, I could set up a recurring email that would tell you to get off your lazy ass and go do something every day or two. Like, on Mondays it could tell you to bake, on Wednesdays to work on your cider press and so on...

blah blah blah a fantastic little trip for myself in September, blah.

When in September? The internets want to know.

Real life sucks. I want to go back to school and stay there forever. (No, I don't, but I keep saying that because I am scared shitless.)

It's honestly not as bad as you think it will be. Remember this, though. No matter how freaked out you are at the moment, getting married within the next six months just because you're kind of freaked out about your next move would be a bad plan. That is all.
Ho, ho, ho!


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It's not a kick in the pants I need at all. I just need to be motivated by seeing people doing things and by subtle encouragement, not be someone telling me off. I need to see something cool and be inspired to do something else cool, and to have people around me who have and talk about accomplishments.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Oh, that makes good sense.

I'll try to brag about my accomplishments as often as I can, then, if you think that might help.
Ho, ho, ho!


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Holy crap, blog thread, I just applied for 3 jobs online, none of which have anything to do with my major and none of which I particularly want to do. I am just desperate for a job. I need to stop worrying and sack the fuck up, but it's hard. Real life sucks. I want to go back to school and stay there forever. (No, I don't, but I keep saying that because I am scared shitless.)

I'm in the same boat, although I've only gotten around to applying for one job so far. I got way more cash for graduating than I had ever expected to get. Honestly, it didn't hit me until maybe a day or two before my actual graduation that "hey, I might actually get some money for this." Even my parents gave me some money, which was surprising because I'm living with them for free at the moment, and they're pretty in debt after putting 3 kids through uni (2 of which are private schools). The extra cash means that I can take my time a bit to look for a job, but it's still quite intimidating. I guess I don't really care entirely if the job deals with my major, as long is it's something somewhat enjoyable and pays decently. I haven't really decided what I want to do with my life, so it's just something to help me get by until i can get my shit figured out (if that ever happens).


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the theme of the week in guelph is still sunny with spontaneous thunderstorms. i really have never seen anything like this. the last few nights while walking home from work there's been no rain or thunder, just the most amazing lightning in every single direction. right now there is a thunderstorm so intense the entire house is shaking and the lightning is like daylight. i wish i had a camera to take pictures, this really doesn't feel like it warrants an entry without them. i swear it is fucking crazy though.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Those of you who frequent gabbly may know that I decided just last week what I'm doing next semester for school.  Rather than go back to London to study, I'm instead going to be studying in Mount Holyoke, or as I like to call it, Mary Lyon's Institute for Miserable Lesbians (tm).  I'm very much looking forward to the larger course catalog, but I know I'm going to miss Richmond a great deal, and I get very sad inside and feel like maybe I'm not making the right decision even though I know it will make me more educated in a greater variety of fields. I am glad that I finally made a decision, but horrified at that decision I came to.  There are some very important people who confused the decisionmaking process for me greatly, and I'll definitely miss the advantages London provided (ocean away from oppressive family, great cosmopolitan city at my fingertips), but I finally have that prestigious name that I've been mentally self-flagellating for not getting the first go round.

Boston, I'm coming.  Grab a towel.
« Last Edit: 09 Jun 2008, 21:31 by ampersandwitch »
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