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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 770512 times)


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Still don't know what fyp is either.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Oh-ho, clever.


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Hi blog thread,

In the past week, I have been to my first Red Sox game and it was way more fun than I expected.  It sucked that my feet were killing by the end of the night, but still pretty neat.  My dad's been in the hospital with salmonella poisoning from a tomato.  This is why I don't eat tomatoes.... well, not really.  They're just gross unless as sauce on pasta or pizza.  Anyway, he's out of the hospital now, and I'm going to be a good daughter and go visit him tomorrow. 

Couldn't find my daughter again today after work.  She wasn't where they daycare person said she'd be... again.  Second time this week.  It's just a tad frustrating when I don't see my kid where I'm supposed to find her.
Cross-dressing national monuments are always exciting.


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I just sent out an email to lie (by omission) to somebody and let down my section, my corps, and all because I didn't get my goddamn shit together on time.

Honestly, I have never felt more like a jackass in all of my life. I am feeling sick to my stomach, my head is fucking spinning, and I have no fucking idea what to do with a weekend that should be completely full but is instead empty.

I don't know why I get into things that I can't hold up my commitments to. I am not ready to be a goddamn adult. I overextend myself, and then overextend the people around me because I can't support myself. If I had known that I would have to ask this much from people to do things like this, I would have never signed up.
Quote from: Wikipedia on Elephant Polo
No matches have been played since February 2007, however, when an elephant, protesting a bad call by the referee, went on a rampage during a game, injuring two players and destroying the Spanish team's minibus


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Dear Blog Thread,

So that job I had the interview for?  I am in the top 2 (again with the top 2 for jobs I interview for).  Which is good!  Second interview on Monday, hopefully all will be well!  There are only 2 problems with this job.
1) Although it will be a good amount of money a year, they are at least staring me/person who gets the job off on casual instead of salary. which means slightly more money, but no holiday pay/sick leave.  Which I wanted!  They did say after the 3 months probation there will probably be the option of salary though, so that's good!
2)  It's so so so so so far away from my house.  So loxley would have to take me to work all the time!  At elast until I make friends with someone who could carpool me!

But yay, I like being cool enough to be in the top 2!

Love Jodie
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you it be the mics taht are broked?
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But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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Dear blog thread,

Today was Friday the 13th! I only had 6 hours of work today, which was awesome, because I am still sick anyway and would hack shit out of my lungs out of the drive-thru window onto the cold hard pavement when I was certain no cars were around to spot me. Eventually I wound up having a pretty impressive pool of phlegm on the ground to show for my efforts! I didn't have my camera though, and between all the cars that will inevitably show up tonight and the rain forecast, it won't be there tomorrow. Oh well!

The ice cream machine broke, and I got a lot of mixed reactions. Some people thought I was joking. Others got really pissed off. Other others were really chill about it. "Oh I'll get a soda then!" No cute girls today.



Dear Hocking-person,

Yeah, I know that not allowing me to have my own friends is an instant deal-breaker. But saying they're too nerdy just adds insult to injury. If you don't want me hanging out with a certain group of people, at least make sure they're all members of the mafia beforehand. Christ!

A cold, steady gaze,
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Dear Blog Thread,

Tonight a girl I like told me she liked me too. We're going to a gig on the 23rd. I am quite excited.
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
 :psyduck: psyduck is the most appropriate right now. FUUUUKC


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So I was riding home from breakfast this morning, all giddy with glee because I had in my bag brand-new albums by the Silver Jews, Wolf Parade, and Tilly & the Wall, when what should happen as I rode past some parked cars? Why, I got doored, of course.

"OW! JESUS!" [sound of me almost falling of my bike as it ricocheted into the back of the car in front of me]

Actually, I'm all right, and the guy who doored me was very apologetic and insisted that he'd checked in his mirror before opening his door and hadn't seen me, in which case whatever, accidents happen I guess. Fortunately I was going pretty slowly due to trying to navigate through a knot of traffic backed up at some lights so I wasn't hurt too badly. However, now my left ankle hurts rather a lot (it took the brunt of the impact with the car door), which when put together with recent injuries to my right wrist (tendinitis) and my left wrist (got accidentally knocked over when playing touch football; tried to brace my fall with my hand; failed to execute said brace adequately) makes me fear that in a month I'll be hopping everywhere on my right food and performing all feats of manual dexterity with my mouth.

We'll see, we'll see.


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That is no good at all! I am finding it to be more and more dangerous to ride a bike, at least here in this part of Kansas City. People in large cars seem pretty apathetic about hitting people on bikes. Just the other day, a woman, older, was talking on her cell phone. I was on the sidewalk, and the crosswalk said I could go. She immediately drives up, and, without stopping or looking, swerves right. I made myself fall in the street to prevent being trampled. No good! No good at all. Just because you can afford to drive does not give you the right to plow through anybody.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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What a dick of a driver. That's not only illegal, but highly dangerous, and not only because the people who are likeliest to be walking or biking are kids. I always wait for a person in the crosswalk to finish going before I turn right (since that is what you are supposed to do duh) and I get road rage so hard when there's someone behind me honking at me because of it. I am really good at flipping people off now.
What about orgasmic chemistry.

I can expand the definition of that if anyone wants to roll around to my Fortress of Love.


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Drivers in Melbourne are pretty bad, and you see people rush through a corner on a pedestrian crossing or run a red light pretty often - however, I have to say that by far the worst offenders are cyclists. As a cyclist it makes me so angry to see other cyclists behaving like dickheads on the road - and then everyone wonders why drivers don't respect cyclists! Listen up, everyone: if you want to ride on the road, obey the damn road rules.


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The worst part is how that is a fairly common occurrence. I am basically waiting for the gas crisis to escalate to the point that nobody can drive though, because then I will rub it in their stinky faces. And set their useless cars on fire.

I am not a happy biker.

EDIT: Bikers who ride through red lights and stop signs and don't follow general road rules can suck it too.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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i worked out with my crazy intense rugby champion housemate today and it was one of the most difficult things i can remember doing in a very long time. we took turns alternating between skipping rope and doing abdominal exercises every three minutes, for about 45 minutes. apparantly switching rapidly between cardio and muscle-building exercises is really good for you and maximizes the benefits of both. doesn't sound so intense but i learned the hard way that it really is. i'm looking forward to doing a lot more of this in the future but jesus, i am terrified of what my limbs will feel like tomorrow morning.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Dear blog thread - one of the most irrational fears ever (fear of daddy long legs) brought me out of my half-sleeping stupor in the dark with my ear (ruptured drum) feeling fine all the way into a frenzy, in bright light, my ear throbbing, and me somehow shirtless.  This most recent development is when I mistook a thread on the shirt for one of the horrible spider-poseur's eponymous legs, and I "flipped shit," screaming "OH JESUS" repeatedly and clawing the shirt over my head.
I will not rest until that mayflylike motherfucker is caught and thrown outside my window (because I honestly can't kill in good conscience).


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motherfuck my night sucked way harder than it was supposed to. I was all pumped for the brewer game I went to with my brother and some friends, but the brewers played like shit and the game sucked. We paid double what we normally pay for tickets because the cheaper ones were sold out, and it wasn't even worth it to drive to Milwaukee and pay that much for a shitty game that we didn't even watch till the end.

After that, we drove back to Madison, but because of the flooding I94 was closed so we had to detour south all the way to Beloit, and then back north on I90 to Madison.
Here's the route- the blue is the normal route, the red is the detour we were forced to take:

 In all, what should have been a 75 mile trip taking about an hour and a half ended up being a 3 and a half hour drive covering 145 miles. I drove the whole way and now I'm tired as fuck. All in all, a trip that was not worth the money, especially since I got hardly any compensation from my friends for gas.


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why did you have to take such a massive detour, surely there were better options?


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There's not, really. I live in Janesville (you can see it on the map, slightly north of Beloit), and it really sucks--the only way to get to Milwaukee is to go south first, then north, or to go through a bunch of back-country roads till you hit the highway to Milwaukee.

Pro-tip for the future though--highway 14 works well--you can get off at Delaven, go through Janesville, then up to Madison on it. If you skirt around the towns, it saves about half an hour.
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated is to die daily."
 - Napoleon


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Just out of interest, where does the I95 go? I'm wondering whether there's more to it than just rhyming with 'big shiny eyes'.
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.


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95? I'm pretty sure it joins up with 85 in Nashville or some shit, doesn't it? I do know that 85 to 285 is one of my favourite freeway drives. Nothing but gorgeous Georgia pine forest the whole way until you hit Columbus, and by that point I'm just waiting to see the sign for exit 6 because that was the exit for my house when I lived there.
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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That's just really stupid, there appear to be a whole lot of roads that could be utilised instead of just sticking to the highways.

Just my 2 cents, I don't drive in America nor do I drive in Australia anyway.


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My plan to return to a normal sleep pattern is going awry.
I woke up at 11 today (Early for me!), but I do not think I will be in bed till 5 today, just like yesterday. Bad!


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So I was riding home from breakfast this morning, all giddy with glee because I had in my bag brand-new albums by the Silver Jews, Wolf Parade, and Tilly & the Wall, when what should happen as I rode past some parked cars? Why, I got doored, of course.

"OW! JESUS!" [sound of me almost falling of my bike as it ricocheted into the back of the car in front of me]

Actually, I'm all right, and the guy who doored me was very apologetic and insisted that he'd checked in his mirror before opening his door and hadn't seen me, in which case whatever, accidents happen I guess. Fortunately I was going pretty slowly due to trying to navigate through a knot of traffic backed up at some lights so I wasn't hurt too badly. However, now my left ankle hurts rather a lot (it took the brunt of the impact with the car door), which when put together with recent injuries to my right wrist (tendinitis) and my left wrist (got accidentally knocked over when playing touch football; tried to brace my fall with my hand; failed to execute said brace adequately) makes me fear that in a month I'll be hopping everywhere on my right food and performing all feats of manual dexterity with my mouth.

We'll see, we'll see.

How are the albums?!


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Durr blogthread,

After cashing my check yesterday afternoon, I went to the locally-famous hot dog emporium (Jack's Hot Dog Stand) with my friend for dinner. We parted ways and met back up at the baseball game later that night. After said game, we met up with some friends for hot wings, and ended up hanging out at some pretty cool bars in Williamstown (then again, I think they're the ONLY bars in Williamstown..).

A boring-ass night, honestly, but I had a good time anyway. It's nice going out, having a few drinks, and not waking up with a hangover. Plus our team won the game 4-0!
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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That's just really stupid, there appear to be a whole lot of roads that could be utilised instead of just sticking to the highways.

Just my 2 cents, I don't drive in America nor do I drive in Australia anyway.

There are a lot of secondary roads in the area, but most of them are under water, too.  This whole part of the country is swampland right now.  They could spend two days trying to find a detour that works, but they're hoping that by that time, the floodwaters will be down.  So it makes sense in a way to just stick to Interstates, which they know are clear.  Also, by time you take all those secondary roads going 25 mph through towns and hitting stoplights, it's actually faster to go twice as far on the Interstate.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who do not.


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I'm in the airport. I already went through security. I feel molested. Thankfully, they didn't accost me for my piercings. Our plane is tiny. I bought a book. Worst Case Senarios. I haven't ate. I don't feel like it. I've hyperventilated twice. After this flight I have an hour lay over, and then I get on another on. I don't want to be here.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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Dear Blogthread,

I graduated high school today.

That is all,


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Dear Blog Thread,

My face hurts.

My brother and I were paying catch in the yard at my parents' house. I backed up on a sidearm throw (Which I'm not used to from him) and tripped over a root and caught it right in the face. I got it right on the stitching and I've got a one inch gash right under my eye. It bled pretty profusely, and I'm going to have one hell of a bruise for a day or two, but it could've been much worse. It hit directly on my cheek bone. An inch higher and it would've gotten me right in the eye and done who knows what kind of damage. An inch or two to the right and I'd have caught it in the temple. A few inches lower and it'd have hit me in my damn near perfect teeth (Not bragging, they're just very nice teeth). A few inches up into the forehead and I might have a slight concussion. All told, I'll take some swelling and a small gash over any of the alternatives.
I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
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This whole part of the country is swampland right now. 

That is simultaneously awesome, nuts and annoying.


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That sucks, Jon.  Takin' a beaner to the face.


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This is what I did today:

I graduated college! Woohoo! Then I went to lunch with my mom and had some delicious italian food, which was kind of hard to order due to the tomato recall, but still good. And then I got home and took a 5 hour nap. Now I'm going to find some food and watch a movie.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Yay Linds! Congratulations on really being out in the real world.
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Liz is touching me.
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Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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So I was riding home from breakfast this morning, all giddy with glee because I had in my bag brand-new albums by the Silver Jews, Wolf Parade, and Tilly & the Wall, when what should happen as I rode past some parked cars? Why, I got doored, of course.
How are the albums?!

Intact! Other than that, too early to tell, as I've only had time to listen to each of them once. Keep your eye on the music sub-forum for further developments!

Blue Kitty

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Took my mom to see Kung Fu Panda.  Everything was going great until the final fight scene when something happened to the film that made it all blurry.  The characters could easily be made out, but it was like looking through glasses of the wrong prescription.

On the plus side someone had told the theater so we got to free passes, which expire in 2011.


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Congratulations Linds!

Dear blog thread,

I have failed in my pursuit of a tan. Whilst spending time in the Hawaiian sun, instead of losing my lily whiteness I have gained old man liver spots.

Stupid skin.
I review, sometimes.
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I love this vagina store!
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I sneak that shit
And liek


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I have also failed, but managed to get a sunburn worse than the first day in Crete last time I was there, after being outside for 3 hours in goddamn Bodø (just above the Arctic circle), the one day we've had decent summer weather after I've been home. And freckles. Tons of freckles.


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Hello QC Forums Blog Thread!

I haven't posted in here before, granted I haven't posted here in ages. I have been cheating on you here forums with Real Life and the XKCD forums. You still remember me right? This Real Life business is kind of fun, although it is a little complicated. But right now I am on holidays for another month and a bit, then I go back to uni where I am changing degrees. No more computer science, hello graphic design, it should be lots of fun and I hope I actually got the degree choice right the second time around.

I will try and come back occasionally QC, I kind of miss it here, but there is so much I missed and seriously, who the fuck are half of you people? I only really recognise some of you.

<3 Jmrz
Quote from: Daniel on Gabbly
princy, this is the time to think with your vagina
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nipples are deactivated at birth, to prevent misfires and accident


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Jamie, don't be mean to the newer folks. They are lovely! I love you, newish people. You make me feel young again.


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Perhaps I should be in gabbly more often and figure out how some of these people are. Also, whoever it was that added me to facebook, I have no idea what your forum name is, I'm sorry. I am sure you are all lovely, but it's like walking into a house you've lived in for years and all of a sudden you have acquired a bunch of new roommates that you had no idea about.
Quote from: Daniel on Gabbly
princy, this is the time to think with your vagina
Quote from: Iananan on Gabbly
nipples are deactivated at birth, to prevent misfires and accident


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You make me feel young again.

I got carded the other night, and that made me feel young. I had a streak going where for a few weeks I'd buy a drink and not get carded. I was starting to wonder if I look a hell of a lot older than 21. I don't think I do.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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When I went out to lunch after the ceremony yesterday, my waiter asked why I was wearing a lei*, so I told him I graduated. He paused before saying college and then apologized because I look young. I don't think I look 18, but maybe I don't look 22 either. I'm not sure if I think this is a good or bad thing.

*I was wearing a lei because my mom mentioned to a student in her dept. from Hawaii that I was graduating, so she mailed me a lei as a graduation gift for good luck.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:

Jimmy the Squid

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I wish I felt young. I can count the amount of times I've been carded since I was 16 on two hands. I worked in a shop last year and had one of those mystery shoppers evaluate me. I was shown the results and I was described as a "tallish man of medium build with dark hair, late twenties." When I worked in a bottleshop I would have 30-something mothers with squalling children make comments to me such as "You know how kids can be, you probably have some of your own." When I was invited to a 19th birthday party by a girl in my Mandarin class my friend (who was 26) turned to me and said "Man, it'll be a bit weird for us eh? Surrounded by 18 and 19 year old girls. I feel a bit weird about going" I asked him how old he thought I was and he blinks and says "My age aren't you? 26? 27?" When I told him I was 20 he looked at me and without missing a beat says "Dude, you gotta moisturise or something! Start taking care of yourself, you know what I mean?"   

When I was 12 people thought I was 17. When I was 17 people thought I was 22. I'm 22 in October and people think I'm 28.

You all make me feel ancient.
Once I got drunk and threw up in the vegetable drawer of an old disused fridge while dressed as a cat


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Man fuck you guys.  I've been told on three different occasions that I "look like [I'm] fifteen."  I don't think I do, and it's kind of a bruise to my self esteem, but it means that every amorous escapade from jerks that I no longer like I can think of as sublimated pedophilia.  Wait, is that a good thing?


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I went to a garden party today (disappointingly no big hats) and the woman at the door (no idea who she was) said "so glad you came, one more for my bouncy castle" which was nice and all, but the only people on the bouncy castle were three seven year old boys. I do not think that I look like someone who would enjoy bouncing with three seven year old boys, even if they are all wearing the same blue checkered shirt.

Anyway yesterday we got two kittens! It was a bit of a surprise, it was all arranged pretty much overnight. They are nine weeks old, and almost identical to the point that we have to keep checking which is which by looking under their tails. The boy will be called Moses and the girl Miriam, when they get big enough for colour-coded collars. At the moment they are just the Squeakers.

It's been a really nice, long-feeling weekend. Yesterday I had my driving theory test (I passed! 48 out of 50 on one section, 61 out of 75 on the other which is good since pass is 44) and bought some new clothes, and saw a carnival. Then the kittens came. Today was the garden party and afterwards I took the dog and the adult cat for a walk. We had to come back quite soon because the cat is not allowed to go past the crossroads at the end of our road, and he got all anxious and miowing when we left him. Sucks that tomorrow is college again but we have Tuesday off. It's meant to be a review day where we all go in for a fifteen minute "progress update" but no one ever goes, we just have the interviews some other time.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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i look like i'm 14.  my boyfriend is 26.  it is pretty damn awkward when women start hitting on him in front of me because they think i'm his little sister.  it's probably even more awkward for them, though, when i nonchalantly grab his ass and kiss him on the lips.

also, barmymoo... you walk your cat?  is this normal?  because near my house in rome there is a lady who walks her cat and another one who walks her rabbit and i always thought that was kind of strange.


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I've seen people walk their cats before. We even got a harness for my cat when he was younger, so we could take him outside, but that didn't work, because he'd just fall over and pretend he was paralyzed. The rabbit walking is a bit odd though.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Cat walking is an awesome concept, but I don't think my cat would agree.


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95? I'm pretty sure it joins up with 85 in Nashville or some shit, doesn't it? I do know that 85 to 285 is one of my favourite freeway drives. Nothing but gorgeous Georgia pine forest the whole way until you hit Columbus, and by that point I'm just waiting to see the sign for exit 6 because that was the exit for my house when I lived there.
I95 runs north along the eastern seaboard from FL, through GA, SC, NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, PA, NJ, NY, CT, RI, MA, ME, and ends at the Canadian border. It never goes through any landlocked states, like TN.



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I walk my cat. Not on a lead obviously, that's just fucking weird. She follows me.

I've walked her since she was a kitten. She loves going on adventures. I seriously think that people should walk their cats at least twice a week.
That's adorable, Tommy.


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That's what my cat does when we bring him outside. And then he slowly crawls back indoors.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:
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