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Author Topic: Dragon Age  (Read 175299 times)

Storm Rider

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #50 on: 29 Oct 2009, 16:17 »

No, although between that and the gay sex I'm sure that Fox News is gonna have a great segment about this game.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #51 on: 29 Oct 2009, 16:21 »

Are you talking about the social networking thing they're doing?  Or is this a story-specific thing that is a huge risk to be taking in terms of acceptance from the general public?
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #52 on: 29 Oct 2009, 16:56 »


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #53 on: 29 Oct 2009, 17:25 »

Storm Rider,

Mark the spoiler, and tell us what you're talking about.


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #54 on: 29 Oct 2009, 17:49 »

Spoiler tags don't work here.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #55 on: 29 Oct 2009, 17:50 »

Let's see if I can work around this with the good old-fashioned tiny text. It is a story-based spoiler, so do not resize this if you want to go in blind:

The romance subplot can result in pregnancy, and the player can choose to have the baby aborted. Whether it's tied to a specific character's romance, or whether a female PC can get herself pregnant, I don't know.

It's definitely something that's never even been approached in games before. My concern is whether the scene will be totally jarring with the tone of the rest of the story, more than finding the decision to include it objectionable. As much as "gamers" like to complain that video games aren't taken seriously as an artistic medium, whenever somebody takes an actual stab at including some remotely socially relevant subject matter, the audience usually turns on them for putting actually thought-provoking stuff in their escapism.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #56 on: 31 Oct 2009, 07:19 »

Oh I can see Fox news go absolutely batshit CRAZY over this. I think their reaction will be the funniest thing that will happen this year.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #57 on: 31 Oct 2009, 10:19 »

Fuck, I love digital downloading. Tomorrow, I pre-load Dragon Age. Then, on release day, I shall play it immediately like the gigantic nerd that I am.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #58 on: 31 Oct 2009, 10:40 »

For whatever reason I decided to get a physical copy...I don't fucking care because it's going to rock me that much harder after I wait 20 minutes to install.
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Storm Rider

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #59 on: 31 Oct 2009, 17:23 »

I'm getting the 360 version, but it sounds like stores already have their copies so I should be able to get it on Tuesday rather than waiting a day for it to ship. That's been the case for all of the games I've bought on release in the past few months, it seems like publishers have just gotten smarter and shipped further ahead of time to avoid the whole ship date/street date annoyance.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #60 on: 02 Nov 2009, 07:48 »

Alright, looks like it should be shipping from amazon today so I should be playing by Wed or Thursday. Until then, I'm gonna try my damdest to get the last 7 levels for my Hunter in Borderlands.

Also, I need to finish that flash game. I wants my goodies.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #61 on: 02 Nov 2009, 13:03 »

The Flash game is decent fun, considering it's a free flash game, but I cannot create an account for the Bioware network so I can get my rewards from it and the character creator into my game. It keeps telling me on the sign up page that not all fields are filled in correctly, even though they definitely are. Highly irritating, maybe I can get it fixed before I start playing the game tomorrow night.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #62 on: 02 Nov 2009, 20:00 »

So yeah, I'm playing the PC version as an earth / ice mage and so far it's playing more like NWN than BG2, in design, pace and interface. Which is to be expected - Bioware never looked back after changing their design philosophy after BG2. I've been playing it for 5 hours now and it's, well, it's not BG2. Even for how big it was BG2 was fairly brisk in its pace, and Dragon Age really, really takes its time. Sort of fun, but it's not got that love at first playthrough feel that BG2 or even Mass Effect had. But then I'm only about 5% through the game. It could get better.

As for the story and characters, it's definitely got more of a KOTOR vibe than anything else, but that might just be because with full VA it's hard not to do that. I've yet to see any real intra-party interaction or naturalistic character development but I've only procured 4 party members so far (dog's the best character thus far, which is... good?) so that could change. I doubt it will though. The game has already told me that party members will only really open up at "camp", which I suppose just means that character backstory will be doled out in increments between portions of the main quest, as it was with all Bioware games post-NWN. For all the griping people did about Serious Conversations immediately after slaying bands of orcs in BG2, it felt a lot more natural than this. Ever since that time Bioware NPC development has basically been a parallell quest running alongside the main storyline. Which is obviously the easiest way to implement it, but it feels canned to an unnecessary degree. Intra-party interaction has been limited to light banter ala Mass Effect's elevator rides.

My biggest gripe thus far has to do with the camera. Not to use a tired term but Dragon Age for the PC is pretty well console-ified. playing isometrically BG2-style only kind of works, and that's just in combat. The control and camera system are straight out of KOTOR otherwise. I would like it a lot more if you could enable camera rotation by moving the cursor to the edge of the screen. In over-the-shoulder mode moving the cursor does nothing, in isometric mode it scrolls but cannot rotate. To do that you have to use the keyboard. It's been consistently annoying me since I started playing.

As for the story thus far, It's nice that they've made their own setting and all, but I don't find Lord of the Rings very interesting, so I don't find this terribly engaging either. The nice thing about the Baldur's Gate series was that it was in effect a personal sort of narrative - it was about your status as a child of a God and the people who wanted to manipulate or kill you because of it. I don't think the whole Saving The Universe spiel works as well, although I really liked it in KOTOR, which I guess you could call a hybrid of the two approaches.

One thing I'll say for sure - Holy shit is replaying through the beginning of the game going to be a slog. Like I said, I've been through this for 5 hours and I've hardly gotten to the beginning of the game. Make sure you know what you want your build to be before you play. You don't want to waste hours on a character just to figure out you don't like him.
« Last Edit: 02 Nov 2009, 20:08 by KvP »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #63 on: 02 Nov 2009, 21:35 »

Oh my fucking god. I had originally pre-ordered this from the EA store rather than on Steam since the latter hadn't announced many details of what their release was going to look like. Well, I did that before finding out the EA store is a buggy piece of shit. I couldn't even check my order history or anything that you should easily be able to do on a modern online store (hell, at one point I couldn't even log onto my account anymore), so I got cold feet and decided to cancel. Besides, by then Steam had released some more details and I liked their pre-order bonus better, plus I could now get a Steam discount. This shouldn't have been a problem because EA's cancellation policy is simple: If it's not in stock, and it hasn't shipped, you can cancel at any time, and this was around the 18th that I made this decision. I got in contact with customer service and by the next morning they said that it'd take 5-6 days to waive the charge from my card. I responded with an email saying that should be fine because they hadn't even actually charged my credit card yet, another one of the many funky things I didn't like about going through their pre-order process. As long as I wasn't going to be charged, I was fine. No further responses. I then went ahead and ordered the Digital Deluxe version from Steam, which of course went smoothly. A few minutes ago, I checked my credit card balance and found out that EA just charged me 72 fucking dollars, sending me 3 dollars over my credit limit and netting me a $40 overdraft fee.

It's going to be really hard not to send them an email containing phrases like "Bitch, I will destroy you."


What bothers me most is that I feel like I should have sort of have expected something like this from a publisher that could conceivably survive without an online store. That they're in a privileged position in the industry isn't an evil in and of itself, but the fact remains that a certain amount of financial success in one area can insulate you from the fallout of having serious shortcomings in other areas. I guess I just kinda figured it's 2009 and that an online store should work better than theirs does, but I guess this is what assumptions get you.
« Last Edit: 02 Nov 2009, 22:24 by Alex C »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #64 on: 03 Nov 2009, 13:50 »

I want to know what y'all have named your dogs.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #65 on: 03 Nov 2009, 13:56 »

Sergeant Scruffles.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #66 on: 03 Nov 2009, 14:02 »

I'm calling mine Scruff McGruff

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #67 on: 03 Nov 2009, 14:05 »

I have my copy in my bag right now, gonna try (and probably fail) not to play it when I get home because I need to study for my history midterm.

I think I'll name my dog Princess.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #68 on: 03 Nov 2009, 14:26 »

Pirating the game at first turned out to be a Good Idea because Steam is being a dick right now. I just spent 45 minutes decrypting the game, but it won't start. So I start it up again and it turns out I have to decrypt it again, but starting at 75% instead of 0% (apparently the key server got dropped at some point) Unfortunately for me the last 20% of the decryption process took up a good half of the total decryption time.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #69 on: 03 Nov 2009, 18:45 »

So maybe Steam isn't all that bad after all. They bumped me up to a Deluxe Edition even though I paid for a regular digital release. I'm 100% that was not intentional. Too late to fix their mistake now - I redeemed the code they gave me.

To celebrate I am going to spend the $15 accidentally saved on alcohol. High fives all around!
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #70 on: 04 Nov 2009, 05:52 »

So, I found a dead body in the Korcari Wilds during part of my origin story (which I haven't finished yet); it had a note showing the location of a chest left for the dead guy.  Instead of giving waypoints on a map or just a general direction to follow, the path was laid out by landmarks (find the tree leaning against a ruin, go under the tree bridge, past the sunken tower on your right, etc.)  When I got there, I had to fight off some wolves, but it had a pretty good sword and some heavy armor in it...I just thought that was a really cool twist to what would ordinarily be a fetch quest.  I hope there are others like it out there.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #71 on: 04 Nov 2009, 09:32 »

Picked it up yesterday and have discovered my newest timesink.  Thank god I don't have any more midterms till the end of the month.  Picked it up for PS3 cause I know my laptop couldn't handle this at all. 


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #72 on: 04 Nov 2009, 15:00 »

It just got dropped off at my doorstep, so after the wife is done with her peggle time, I'm a gonna start off with a Dwarven Warrior, Noble origin I think.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #73 on: 04 Nov 2009, 19:10 »

Morrigan gets pissy at me whenever I try to help people, so it looks like I'm gonna be romancing Leliana this playthrough. Also having to find a trainer for your specialization is not something I expected. I've hit level 7 but can't find the Spirit Healer one, which is a bummer.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #74 on: 04 Nov 2009, 21:05 »

She'll come eventually. You might have already encountered her, even if you couldn't bring her into the party.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #75 on: 04 Nov 2009, 21:11 »

Oh, I think I know who you're talking about, since she's in the Mage origin. Can I only get the specialization through her? I feel like every time I level up without having the training is one level closer to being unable to max out the skill trees for those classes. I'll see if I can find her after I finish up Redcliffe.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #76 on: 05 Nov 2009, 10:37 »

max out the skill trees for those classes.
Ha. For a shapeshifter at least there's only one skill branch, and it's got four slots. The guy at Bioware I know got to level 26 before the end of the game. So you should be okay.

It might just be the case that you haven't taken the right mission yet, or something.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #77 on: 05 Nov 2009, 10:39 »

I'm having such a hard time deciding if I want to play throughall the origin stories before I continue on with any specific character just yet. The Dwarven Noble (as a warrior)origin I've loved to bits and I'm pretty eager to see the others.

It especially mystifies me that being a City elf actually like really intriguing. Typically I never play an elf if I have a choice.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #78 on: 05 Nov 2009, 15:53 »

max out the skill trees for those classes.
Ha. For a shapeshifter at least there's only one skill branch, and it's got four slots. The guy at Bioware I know got to level 26 before the end of the game. So you should be okay.

It might just be the case that you haven't taken the right mission yet, or something.

Oh, so 20's not the level cap? I was worried because each specialization I want has 4 skills each, and I'm already almost at level 10 and haven't unlocked any yet. I did get the party member, but I can't seem to do whatever you need to to get her to teach you the talent. I did with Alistair, which is fully useless since I'm not a warrior.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #79 on: 05 Nov 2009, 20:04 »

Got it off Steam and am liking it.  Wish the camera was about 2x farther away than it is for the fights though.  Playing on hard and can't imagine how normal must be.


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #80 on: 05 Nov 2009, 20:39 »

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #81 on: 06 Nov 2009, 11:06 »

Morrigan gets pissy at me whenever I try to help people, so it looks like I'm gonna be romancing Leliana this play through.

I don't have any intention of romancing her, but luckily(?), Morrigan is Captain Moodswing, so she's easier to keep happy than you might suspect. She's not Alistair; he's pretty patient but only gives me 2 to 4 points of approval here and there per decent conversation. I've never really upset him, yet the incidental points of approval from handling things the way he would have handled them have been important since he's such a mopey, guarded dude under all the jokes. Morrigan, on the other hand, is easy to irritate and we've had our disagreements in regards to events, but when she likes you, she really likes you; I've managed to get 7 points of approval out of her before without even really trying to humor her in camp conversations. She talks a big game when it comes to being independent of emotional attachments, but I'm kind of getting the impression that she's as sheltered in some ways as her background might suggest; a little approval (okay, that and a necklace) gets you pretty far with her.

Of course, now that I've said that, my next quest will probably be saving a box of kittens from a burning building, which will make her so angry that she'll turn into her spider form so she can kill me and lay eggs in the dessicated corpse.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2009, 11:56 by Alex C »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #82 on: 06 Nov 2009, 11:31 »

Also, I'm thinking of restarting as a rogue so I can stick with the Me-Alistair-Morrigan-Dog team without feeling like I"m missing some skills. I like my warrior, but Alistair-Morrigan conversations are delicious and me and Alistair overlap too much skillset wise.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #83 on: 06 Nov 2009, 11:53 »

Man...this is the first Bioware game I've ever played and jesus...this is freaking sweet.  I've noticed a few things:

This is the first RPG where I'm actually roleplaying.  I have actually invested time and thought into who my character is, what his motivations are, and what his plans are.  I have never, ever, played an RPG like this.  This is setting the bar pretty high for RPG's, at least for me.


I've played for about 15 hours now and already I've come to regret about 3 decisions.  Maybe a couple more.  The morality system in games like Infamous have always bothered me, there's black and white and those are your two decisions.  With this I'm spending much more time thinking about how my answer is going to affect the person/thing I'm talking to.  I let some seductress demon take this knight away because she said she wanted to make him happy....and I'm not sure about whether or not I'm comfortable with the decision I just made.


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #84 on: 06 Nov 2009, 12:32 »

Also, I'm thinking of restarting as a rogue so I can stick with the Me-Alistair-Morrigan-Dog team without feeling like I"m missing some skills. I like my warrior, but Alistair-Morrigan conversations are delicious and me and Alistair overlap too much skillset wise.
Word to the wise - at this point the dex-based damage bonus to piercing weapons is bugged beyond function, so unless you wait till patch you're going to have to invest in strength along with all the other stats Rogues are dependent on if you want to be doing anything at all in combat.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #85 on: 06 Nov 2009, 12:45 »

That sucks.

As far as morality goes, I'm just glad they decoupled alignment/morality from your abilities for the most part. For example, it bugs me that in D&D that good and evil are so absolute and that some spells are capable of being considered essentially and irrevocably evil according to the game's cosmology, even though the Priest of Ilmater the Crying God over there just caved in some poor shmuck's skull with a holy symbol. For example, aside from spells that directly counter the undead, necromancy is a dark art and undeath itself is evil, full stop. There's been an exception made here and there, but overall those are just that, exceptions, and rarely last an edition, baelnorn aside. Then again, I'm the sort of guy who heard about Blood Magic and thought "Who cares if it's my blood? Fucking pansies," so maybe my stance here is skewed. If it ain't Star Wars, I don't generally think morality should affect how you do violence, and even then it's an oversimplification of the setting.

Christ, I'm such a huge nerd.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #86 on: 06 Nov 2009, 14:24 »

I was over at the store today, and it sells for 399NOK to PC, but 499 to PS3 and Xbox. Either the store has figured out a good way to fight pirating, or they are absolutely rad, or I don't know, but the flash game was excellent as far flash games go, and it's Bioware, and oh God I'm buying this after my birthday presents all come in.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #87 on: 07 Nov 2009, 07:26 »

Hmm. Think I might just wait and add this to my Christmas list. I'm sure it's a tremendous game, but thankfully I avoided all the hype about it, so I don't have that horrible craving I get for games that I've been following since their announcement. It can wait. :)
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #88 on: 07 Nov 2009, 08:36 »

Man, I played this game for 5 fucking hours yesterday.  When I told myself I'd be working on that project due next week.  Fuck.  BUT I KILLED A FUCCIN' DRAGON!

So it's all good.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #89 on: 07 Nov 2009, 13:01 »

Normally, I'm a boy scout in these games, but I rerolled as a mage and now for whatever reason I've suddenly turned into the most cheerfully mercenary SOB to walk the lands. I'm a freakishly resilient Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage and pretty much every scenario starts with Zevran (kind of annoying) and Morrigan (likes me so much now that the conversation options are essentially reduced to "try to get into her robes" or "willfully antagonize," which is kinda funny since I'm not bothering with the romance) egging me on while Ohgren stands around being too drunk to care. Usually the encounter ends with us merrily curb stomping half the people in Ferelden. Sometimes we even kill darkspawn.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #90 on: 08 Nov 2009, 09:01 »

I like this game because it's easier to be evil without feeling terrible than it is in most Bioware games.

Playing a city elf rogue. Barely started.


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #91 on: 08 Nov 2009, 16:23 »

I had to buy online a copy of the ps3 version because it doesn't come out retail here until the 20th of November.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #92 on: 09 Nov 2009, 12:42 »

Word to the wise - at this point the dex-based damage bonus to piercing weapons is bugged beyond function, so unless you wait till patch you're going to have to invest in strength along with all the other stats Rogues are dependent on if you want to be doing anything at all in combat.

Actually, a bioware dev put up an unofficial dex hotfix that seems to get the job done. It has made archers pretty scary (shortbows/crossbows now actually have a reason to exist!), but I think the impact of the dexterity bug on dual wielders hasn't been as severe as some people made it out to be. Unless you're completely foregoing strength in favor of dexterity/cunning (something I don't really suggest; wearing decent armor seems a lot more useful than the odd bauble you can find in a treasure chest, although ymmv), longswords will often outperform or at least compete with an equivalent tier dagger provided you can meet the prerequisites of wielding it in the first place. So really, the fix is mostly good for boosting offhand damage and keeping rogues who concentrate on utility over damage competitive, since they can keep at least within striking distance of combat rogues despite not having the strength to wield the latest weaponry. Either way my own rogue is actually built more for damage than utility, and he was a wrecking ball before I even installed the fix. The biggest change is that I actually bother checking dagger damage before grabbing the newest longsword.
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2009, 12:46 by Alex C »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #93 on: 09 Nov 2009, 12:46 »

links or it didn't happen
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #94 on: 09 Nov 2009, 12:51 »

There you go.

I planned on linking it, I just didn't bother to bookmark any of that stuff when I came across it last night, so it took me a second. And please remember, it's highly experimental and has been tweaked a few times already as it is. Still, this version actually appears to work, unlike the first try they did, so I'm not surprised you hadn't heard of it yet since it was fixed in the wee hours last night. I haven't slept since they did it though, which is the only reason I'm a bit ahead of the curve on this one.

Anyway, I still suspect that the best way of damage dealing as a rogue is still to build a warrior that happens to be able to backstab, since you'll hardly if ever miss that way and can wield high base damage weapons, but the change is still definitely a buff no matter how you slice it. I could definitely see how a Dex/Cunning Lethality based rogue could hit like a truck with all that armor penetration, but when I initially tried it myself accuracy was a bit of an issue.

BTW, the daggers will still be listed as scaling with .85 strength as opposed to a Strength/Dexterity split, but my own jiggering with things indicates that you do definitely get a boost from leveling dex now.
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2009, 13:02 by Alex C »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #95 on: 09 Nov 2009, 13:01 »

I was feeling all bummed out because I thought I couldn't play this game!

Never checked the system requirements.  But now I did it looks like my computer is actually a bit better than the low end requirements!

I am totally buying this game when it goes down in price.

Missed out on the $10 Best Buy card...I will have to look for for sales next week.

Is this worth paying full price?  Is the special box version worth it?


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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #96 on: 09 Nov 2009, 13:05 »

If you're going to buy a deluxe version, I'd recommend buying the digital one off of Steam. I believe the boxed version only includes one of the DLC xpacs, but the Steam version has both. I'd say it's worth it, Shale is the best tank in the game.
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #97 on: 09 Nov 2009, 13:07 »

Yeah, I was going to get Warden's Keep regardless, so the Digital Deluxe was a no brainer. Tycho from PA refers to the Digital Deluxe as the "Complete Game Edition," whereas with the Collector's edition you get.... a cloth map. Woo.

« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2009, 13:13 by Alex C »
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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #98 on: 09 Nov 2009, 13:14 »

Whereas with the Collector's edition you get.... a cloth map. Woo.

I f****** LOVE cloth maps.  I own many.  I have two cloth maps just of Britannia.

...don't judge me.

So anyways I am going to see if there are any deals next week on this.  This is looking like my next gaming experience.  Maybe I will play a character who is a bit of a jerk this time.

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Re: Dragon Age
« Reply #99 on: 09 Nov 2009, 13:15 »

But see, I already have a map. I look at it by pressing "M."

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