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Author Topic: Sven and Faye's "relationship"  (Read 66339 times)


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #100 on: 23 Jan 2009, 16:21 »

It really frustrates me that anyone gets mad at Sven in a situation like this. Faye hooks up with him, he wants it to become more serious. She says no, absolutely not, we're just friends with benefits. Sven says "well that's dumb" and states that if the relationship is not serious then he isn't going to avoid looking for someone new. Faye says "No, you have to wait for me and see if eventually I'm willing to stop being a dumb bitch." Why he doesn't ditch Faye is beyond me, but he definitely should. Kind of goes back to me disliking the fact that when Raven is all shallow and doing different people just like Sven, it's funny and cute, but when Sven does it he's an "asshole." Makes zero sense to me. Regardless, I vote random plot twist to get Raven and Sven togeather, the only two characters in the comic who seem willing to just say "Let's not be whiny bitches and be happy with the good lives we have." Besides I'll admit, I have a soft spot for Sven what with his whole "All talent no work" thing, as it's quite like me :p.
« Last Edit: 23 Jan 2009, 16:23 by KP »

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #101 on: 23 Jan 2009, 16:28 »

The thing about Raven is that nobody knows anything about her relationships. For all anyone knows, they're casual, healthy flings. What Sven is doing is more akin to playing with fire; he sometimes gives the impression that he is all too willing to let people include him in their mistakes. Personally, I wouldn't stay in a relationship in which the other party seems unhappy, but that's just me.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #102 on: 23 Jan 2009, 16:33 »

I dunno, I just don't get how people can get so mad about Sven like they do. He states up front "hey, this is casual" and then when he follows through with that and tells them the next day "yeah, that was just casual" everyone goes "HE'S SUCH A DICK!" Why? For doing exactly what he said he was going to the night before, for NOT lying? I see no problems. I guess the strip has shown that he was somewhat deceptive in the past, but he definitely isn't anymore, so why all the Sven hate? Maybe I'm misguided just because I relate to the guy (though not with the whole ladies thing. Two girlfriends ever, and the first breakup was pretty much "This kinda sucks now" "Yeah, let's not do this anymore" and second is still going)
« Last Edit: 23 Jan 2009, 16:35 by KP »


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #103 on: 23 Jan 2009, 19:56 »

I dunno where Faye and Sven are now.  I know where Sven was at the start.  He found a girl who was willing and able to challenge him on every level he needed to be challenged at.  She hit him emotionally, she hit him intellectually, she hit him musically.

Then she tried to blow him off.

Fact is, she couldn't blow him off because she's an emotional cripple.  He doesn't know that, so now they're bouncing off each other.

He thinks he's playing her, but he's really not.  His supposed playboy-facade is just a buffer (along with her PTSD) that let's both he and her get closer together without really acknowledging it. 

He pretends to be a slut, she pretends to be a prude.  Meanwhile, they both find peace.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #104 on: 23 Jan 2009, 20:05 »

Out of curiousity, why do you like presenting yourself as such a creep?

Because it makes people like you ask me questions like that.

Confidence is one thing, but posts like this one are basically just perverse.

Yes, and?

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #105 on: 23 Jan 2009, 22:45 »

and I had hoped the answering might be more interesting than that. Oh well.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #106 on: 24 Jan 2009, 13:04 »

Well gosh.  Sorry to disappoint you.  What kind of a response were you looking for, so I can try harder next time?

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #107 on: 25 Jan 2009, 20:25 »

Jeez, S-bro, take a chill pill.  Just because you had a similar experience doesn't mean Faye is the girl that ate your heart for breakfast.  She's been maturing the comic, this relationship is just another part of that.  She'll come to recognize what she did for what it is, and probably regret it.  Pity her for taking so long, but outright hate?  Sad.

I've had my healthiest relationship start as a "friends with benefits" deal too; admittedly, we had very open communication right from the beginning, though, so I'm sure Faye and Sven will at the least be far more rocky in their descent into madness love hate healthy emotional growth.
« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2009, 20:30 by sevti »


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #108 on: 25 Jan 2009, 21:01 »

So, posit for a moment that Faye does deserve a relationship where she knows it's all her fault.  Is that any reason to give it to her?  This is (pretend) reality: drama, pathos, etc.  It's not a medieval Court of Love.  If Jeph wants these characters to grow as people, maybe there's some forgiveness in Marten that can make both him and Faye better people.  Maybe Faye and Sven will stumble through falling in love the hard way, hurting each other and grwoing through it with shouting and spurts, until they decide they're finally mature enough to get married.

Different relationships work out in different ways.  I'd love to back up in time and reverse some mistakes I made -- not to end up with someone I failed to "catch" in my younger days, but to not hurt some people who didn't deserve the pain from my youthful lack of awareness here and there.  I made out quite well for myself; we celebrate our 25th anniversary this week.  I got hurt more than I caused hurt, but I'd still like to be a little less of a jerk in a few spots.

I've been Dora; I've been Sven; I've been Marten, Ellen, Monica, and Steve -- I see pieces of my past in some of their best and worst moments (although I never pulled steel to intimidate an inadvertent rival).  I'm going to sit back and see how Jeph decides to work this out.  I'm still cheering for Marten and Faye to grow up enough that they get together; I think the grounds of their initial friendship have a high potential for a great supportive romance -- about mid-2012, at the strip's current plot rate.

In the meantime, Sven and Faye are still working through feelings I remember all too well: the tug of wanting to be exclusive, the feelings of wanting your freedom (even though I rarely got into the latter part for long).  Jeph has cranked up the plot tension quite nicely, and I'm having fun watching.  Even if this doesn't resolve as soon as I'd like ... well, in another 50 years or so, I'll know it all, anyway.  I'll wait.

Oh -- and can we tone down the value judgments and name-calling, please?  Read postings again, and see if there's a different way to hear the writer's voice?  I can see Mr. S. as a creep, or simply some laid-back guy who's having fun with the characters' quests for social functionality.  But assuming that he's a creep is ... well, assuming.  Even if you're both sane (which, to all appearances, you are) and correct (another point where I'll wait 50 years).  Heck, I might drink to that level of plot resolution, myself.  As long as it's happening to cartoon characters, and not my kids, it's entertainment.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #109 on: 26 Jan 2009, 09:23 »

I didn't say he was a creep, I said he was posting like a creep; he pretty much confirmed it by posting that what he's doing is in large part some kind of goofy attempt at piss taking. That's different from thinking the guy is actually sitting in his room plotting the demise of a fictional character as we speak.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #110 on: 26 Jan 2009, 12:17 »

Mr. Skawronska: I'd buy you a beer buddy.

Everyone has that someone in life that fucks with their minds at some point. Its like the common thread that connects the universe.

...I thought this was the thread that connected the universe...

lol, yarn requires cosmic sheep.

Unfortunately there are too few cosmic sheep to explain it.

Cosmic misery spins alot more thread.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #111 on: 28 Jan 2009, 07:24 »

Just because you had a similar experience doesn't mean Faye is the girl that ate your heart for breakfast.

No, but she REPRESENTS that girl, and since she's not real, it's a relatively healthy and entertaining outlet for me to smother her in Hatorade.  And ironically, it allows me to NOT treat the real-life girl like that. (yes, I still know and associate with her on a regular basis).

So, posit for a moment that Faye does deserve a relationship where she knows it's all her fault.

I'll suspend disbelief long enough to listen.

Is that any reason to give it to her?

Oh Hell yes.  In deleriously miserable spades.

I can see Mr. S. as a creep, or simply some laid-back guy who's having fun with the characters' quests for social functionality.

Yay!  I'm a CREEEEP!!!  A wounded, malicious, vindictive, spiteful CREEEEP!!  See Me Do My Creepy Dance!

I'm a creep who's having fun...but a creep nonetheless.  I couldn't be laid back unless I had a daily dosage of Diazepam that would lay low a rinoceros.

goofy attempt at piss taking.

That's not a phrase I'm familiar with.  Other than the obvious "relieving your bladder", what's the context?  Do you mean taking a metaphorical wiz on Faye?

Cuz I don't really get down like that;  Not into watersports.

I didn't say he was a creep,


I said he was posting like a creep;

Stupid is as stupid does?

Cosmic misery spins alot more thread.

All creepiness and faye-hate aside, that is a rather poignant truism.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled creepiness...

...I hate Faye;  I hope she gets what's coming to her, again, and again, and again.  Hmmmph!!  This booze won't drink itself!

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #112 on: 28 Jan 2009, 07:49 »

lol, what would be funny is if there are real life characters like these who are reading the forums to find out what to do next.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #113 on: 28 Jan 2009, 13:09 »

Sorry, it's something I cribbed from Brit slang; the gist of it is that you're taking the wind out of someone's sails, ie, taking the piss out of 'em. It's typically exagerration for humorous or dramatic effect, often through parody. For example, when Tina Fey made a mockery of Sarah Palin, that was piss taking. In this case I mostly meant that I don't think you utterly lack self awareness and therefore some of your rhetoric is calculated; hopefully that also answers your stupid is what stupid does comment.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #114 on: 28 Jan 2009, 20:29 »

lol, what would be funny is if there are real life characters like these who are reading the forums to find out what to do next.

Now, that would be creepy !!  Life imitates art ... on purpose.  That wold be like quoting Seinfeld at your place of work.  Who's'a thunk it?
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #115 on: 28 Jan 2009, 20:50 »

In this case I mostly meant that I don't think you utterly lack self awareness and therefore some of your rhetoric is calculated; hopefully that also answers your stupid is what stupid does comment.

Correct in both cases.  I come off as creepy because it's intentional.  I'm not looking to woo the ladies, I'm here to relax and unwind and have a good time with people who have a wacked-out sense of humor.

So I'm doing the "creepy old man" persona...mostly because eerily, in many ways, it fits.

And from the feedback I'm getting, I'd say I'm portraying it right.

And I'd say that ALL of my rhetoric is calculated to some degree...though I'll admit, some more carefully calculated than others.

But every line I write is to entertain one person:  Me.

If others are entertained...great.  But I'm not Jeph.  I don't HAVE an audience other than myself.  The rest is just me sharing wierdness and feeding off the reactions.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #116 on: 12 Feb 2009, 21:00 »

In this case I mostly meant that I don't think you utterly lack self awareness and therefore some of your rhetoric is calculated; hopefully that also answers your stupid is what stupid does comment.

Correct in both cases.  I come off as creepy because it's intentional.  I'm not looking to woo the ladies, I'm here to relax and unwind and have a good time with people who have a wacked-out sense of humor.

So I'm doing the "creepy old man" persona...mostly because eerily, in many ways, it fits.

And from the feedback I'm getting, I'd say I'm portraying it right.

And I'd say that ALL of my rhetoric is calculated to some degree...though I'll admit, some more carefully calculated than others.

But every line I write is to entertain one person:  Me.

If others are entertained...great.  But I'm not Jeph.  I don't HAVE an audience other than myself.  The rest is just me sharing wierdness and feeding off the reactions.


??? you're creepy? I must have missed the part where you wanted to put heads on spikes or drink virgin goat blood or marry michael jackson or donate sperm to a single mother so she can have umpteen children without ever meeting you... Damn, my creep-dar must be out of batteries, I just thought you were having fun.

btw, cheers to random british slang!


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #117 on: 12 Feb 2009, 22:54 »

Yes, it's typically called "friends with benefits", and it's not a good idea.

We all want sexual freedom and sexual power, but sharing that kind of intimacy just to scratch an itch? It leaves you vulnerable and doesn't lead to a mutually rewarding relationship (short term satisfaction does NOT lead to long term mutual respect and commitment).

very well stated. geez, where were you in my life a few months ago? although, i think whenever we're involved in situations like that we do really know it, we just convince ourselves that maybe this time will be different.

whatever happens, its a lot more fun to watch it play out in a comic storyline as opposed to real life :p


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #118 on: 13 Feb 2009, 03:00 »

just noticed 714's picture thingie (previous post)  and it totally looks like Sven has breasts and Faye is fondling them.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #119 on: 13 Feb 2009, 03:44 »

Yes, it's typically called "friends with benefits", and it's not a good idea.

We all want sexual freedom and sexual power, but sharing that kind of intimacy just to scratch an itch? It leaves you vulnerable and doesn't lead to a mutually rewarding relationship (short term satisfaction does NOT lead to long term mutual respect and commitment).

I have an inkling that Faye is going to learn that the hard way.

Because someone just called this bit up.

Not everyone is interested in long, "meaningful" (read: expensive) relationships.  There are plenty of people out there that want nothing more than to rut like a couple of animals - hey, I'm one of them - and don't give a flying fuck about a(n) "expensive, tedious, annoying rewarding relationship."  I'm totally clear on this, too - I meet a girl and talk to her.  If we hit it off, I ask her if she wants to fuck, with nothing behind it.  If yes, cool.  If no, also cool.

I've never been in a "rewarding relationship", as far as I'm aware, but I've never wanted that - I'm perfectly fine with the way things are right now.  Maybe that'll change later, maybe not.  But to label friends with benefits, fuckbuddies, or whatever your preferred term for the situation is as a bad idea isn't strictly true.

As far as the comic goes, I'd say Sven should fess up and Faye should just deal with the impending emotional trainwreck that it's going to cause.  It's her own damn fault for not being totally honest and in the open about her thoughts and feelings.  Or maybe Jacques will have her brush it off like it's nothing (and then have a breakdown at home, that poor Marten will have to deal with.)  STAY TUNED, VIEWERS!

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #120 on: 21 Feb 2009, 07:05 »

must have missed the part where you wanted to put heads on spikes or drink virgin goat blood or marry michael jackson or donate sperm to a single mother so she can have umpteen children without ever meeting you

Wow, I never really gave a lot of thought to those.

I feel kinda creepily inferior because of it.

Although, I gave some consideration to donating "the natural way" to a couple of hot single mothers once...didn't work out.


Nowadays, they'd have to be too drunk to "accept the donation" so that's out, too.  And I ain't randomly donating Jack Squat unless I get a kiss first.

But, let's move on.


There?  Was that more creepy?

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #121 on: 21 Feb 2009, 07:41 »

must have missed the part where you wanted to put heads on spikes or drink virgin goat blood or marry michael jackson or donate sperm to a single mother so she can have umpteen children without ever meeting you

Wow, I never really gave a lot of thought to those.

I feel kinda creepily inferior because of it.

Although, I gave some consideration to donating "the natural way" to a couple of hot single mothers once...didn't work out.


Nowadays, they'd have to be too drunk to "accept the donation" so that's out, too.  And I ain't randomly donating Jack Squat unless I get a kiss first.

But, let's move on.


There?  Was that more creepy?


nope, that was just sad...  :laugh:

Besides, how can you tell a goat is a virgin??


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #122 on: 21 Feb 2009, 09:12 »

You ask it, silly.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #123 on: 21 Feb 2009, 09:54 »

But then you risk offending it. I can't TELL you how many goats have slapped me when I ask them.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #124 on: 22 Feb 2009, 20:05 »

You check the goat's MySpace page.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #125 on: 22 Feb 2009, 20:16 »

Nope.  Goats are more likely to have Facebook pages rather than Myspace pages.  Of course, some of them have linkedin pages, but that's not likely to have the information you need.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #126 on: 23 Feb 2009, 00:24 »

I'm sorry to be an asshole and post on topic, guys.

Is it just me, or is Fai's reaction perfectly and sadly normal to this situation? Why do people go after the third party? "My boyfriend cheated on me, so I want to kill the bitch." It doesn't make sense why someone would do that.

Actually, it does make sense. They want to be with that person, so they go after the one who disrupted the relationship. It just seems like someone who'd rather be naďve and happy than be honest with themselves and hurting.

Sorry if all *that doesn't make sense. It's hard to properly word my thoughts.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #127 on: 23 Feb 2009, 03:18 »

I'm sorry to be an asshole and post on topic, guys.

Is it just me, or is Fai's reaction perfectly and sadly normal to this situation? Why do people go after the third party? "My boyfriend cheated on me, so I want to kill the bitch." It doesn't make sense why someone would do that.

Actually, it does make sense. They want to be with that person, so they go after the one who disrupted the relationship. It just seems like someone who'd rather be naďve and happy than be honest with themselves and hurting.

Sorry if all *that doesn't make sense. It's hard to properly word my thoughts.
Faye's reaction is totally in character for her. It's the cowards solution, that doesnt require her to face the real problem, and it's just enough of pyscho to make me want to give her that bottle of valium she so desperatly needs


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #128 on: 23 Feb 2009, 03:47 »

Really, are all you people so amazing, that in the initial fits of anger your all calm and serene and think about everything rationally? no you bitch you moan you plot murder etc etc then you cool down, realise its silly or whatever and then rationalise.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #129 on: 23 Feb 2009, 19:18 »

when my girlfriend cheated on me i was pissed too,

then he got convicted of statutory rape and wentto jail for 15 years.

and i just couldn't help but laugh.

im still laughing, actually.

dumbass bitch lol


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #130 on: 23 Feb 2009, 19:44 »

Really, are all you people so amazing, that in the initial fits of anger your all calm and serene and think about everything rationally? no you bitch you moan you plot murder etc etc then you cool down, realise its silly or whatever and then rationalise.

I'm as likely to freak out and scream and plot my girl/boyfriend's downfall as much as the boy/girl that they cheated on me with. Then again, I haven't really been cheated on, so...I guess I can't really say.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #131 on: 23 Feb 2009, 20:54 »

when my girlfriend cheated on me i was pissed too,

then he got convicted of statutory rape and wentto jail for 15 years.

and i just couldn't help but laugh.

im still laughing, actually.

dumbass bitch lol

holy cRaP! what an awful story! Was she a mental case? How old was this guy? I knew a guy who did three or four for SR, and ended up marrying the girl. They were both kind of stupid, but I always suspected they were both damaged in soe way when they met. It's usually that way, isn't it?
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #132 on: 24 Feb 2009, 08:10 »

Statutory rape is when someone has sex with an under-age person, right? I never quite understood how that works- the under-age has to file charges, or not?


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #133 on: 24 Feb 2009, 08:13 »

Usually it would be the parent or guardian of the underage person. In many cases, the underage person isn't aware that anything's wrong.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #134 on: 24 Feb 2009, 08:17 »

so if two 15 year-old kids have sex, is that considered statutory rape?


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #135 on: 24 Feb 2009, 11:28 »

Wikipedia says yes; but in some jurisdictions the closeness of their ages constitutes a defence ("Romeo and Juliet" laws).
« Last Edit: 24 Feb 2009, 11:30 by pwhodges »
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #136 on: 24 Feb 2009, 14:50 »

So what, legally, most people I know (and probably most people on this forum) are rapists or something?

How does that make any sense

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« Last Edit: 24 Feb 2009, 14:53 by Siibillam-Law »
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #137 on: 24 Feb 2009, 15:11 »

Most states, I believe, have romeo and juliet clauses.  It's only a very few that extend them such that an 18 year old can have sex with a 17 year old.  In most, two 17 year olds can do it; but when one hits 18, they have to stop and wait for the other's birthday to roll around.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #138 on: 24 Feb 2009, 16:24 »

Here in the UK it's 16, of course, so not so difficult to handle.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #139 on: 24 Feb 2009, 20:00 »

Most states, I believe, have romeo and juliet clauses.  It's only a very few that extend them such that an 18 year old can have sex with a 17 year old.  In most, two 17 year olds can do it; but when one hits 18, they have to stop and wait for the other's birthday to roll around.
really? I thought that was more urban legend actually. You know, everybdoy egnored that year of a kid's life in favor of letting them get laid (him and her I mean)
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #140 on: 25 Feb 2009, 00:45 » (I picked MA because that's where the characters live and because it's got something funny in the statutes)

The age of consent in MA (18 or 16) depends on whether the younger participant is "of chaste life". So Steve really would have been illegal with Ellen before her birthday.

Other states are all over the place. Some of the exceptions for two young people are written in terms of what their age difference is. Virginia seems to work the way Surgoshan said, with the added wrinkle that the two hypothetical 17-year-olds could still be charged with having sex outside of marriage. That's a misdemeanor unless they do oral, which makes it a felony.

This is a fascinating topic drift. At least Kenny Wallace was in the clear: Georgia's age of consent is 16.

« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2009, 01:06 by Is it cold in here? »
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #141 on: 26 Feb 2009, 00:07 »

so if two 15 year-old kids have sex, is that considered statutory rape?
No, they wouldn't be charged with that in most states, since neither of them is over 18.  However, some teenagers got charged with distributing and possessing child pornography recently, because they took naked pictures of themselves with their cell phones, and sent the photos to their boyfriends.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #142 on: 26 Feb 2009, 20:06 »

when my girlfriend cheated on me i was pissed too,

then he got convicted of statutory rape and wentto jail for 15 years.

and i just couldn't help but laugh.

im still laughing, actually.

dumbass bitch lol

holy cRaP! what an awful story! Was she a mental case? How old was this guy? I knew a guy who did three or four for SR, and ended up marrying the girl. They were both kind of stupid, but I always suspected they were both damaged in soe way when they met. It's usually that way, isn't it?

well the great thing is that she broke up with me, then he cheated on her with a 15 year old, and he got 15 because he was already registered as a sexual offender.

oh god the whole story just makes me laugh.

Yeah my ex is really messed up, she was interesting though, and I liked the fact she never stayed the same way for very long, I knew it wouldnt last, but it was definitely fun while it lasted.

but yeah, now he is rotting in jail for I think it was called sexual assault? not that I care he's gonna rot and all is right in the karmic circle


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #143 on: 01 Mar 2009, 10:33 »

god damn it no one cares if two 15 year olds have sex so even if it is against the law no cops are going to arrest them for it so it is irrelevant

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #144 on: 01 Mar 2009, 18:40 »

what if an adult watches two 15 year old have sex?  :|
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #145 on: 01 Mar 2009, 18:45 »

I assume it's fine: no doubt God's doing it right now
And if God does it, it's good
There is no sin except stupidity


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #146 on: 01 Mar 2009, 18:51 »

what if an adult watches two 15 year old have sex?  :|


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #147 on: 01 Mar 2009, 20:53 »

god damn it no one cares if two 15 year olds have sex so even if it is against the law no cops are going to arrest them for it so it is irrelevant
But a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old can result in a 10-year prison sentence.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #148 on: 01 Mar 2009, 22:23 »

I assume it's fine: no doubt God's doing it right now
And if God does it, it's good

ahhh but what if two 15 year olds watch god...o0oohh I just grossed myself out.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #149 on: 02 Mar 2009, 00:17 »

I'm sorry to be an asshole and post on topic, guys.

Is it just me, or is Fai's reaction perfectly and sadly normal to this situation? Why do people go after the third party? "My boyfriend cheated on me, so I want to kill the bitch." It doesn't make sense why someone would do that.

Actually, it does make sense. They want to be with that person, so they go after the one who disrupted the relationship. It just seems like someone who'd rather be naďve and happy than be honest with themselves and hurting.

Sorry if all *that doesn't make sense. It's hard to properly word my thoughts.
Faye's reaction is totally in character for her. It's the cowards solution, that doesnt require her to face the real problem, and it's just enough of pyscho to make me want to give her that bottle of valium she so desperatly needs

I kinda agree with Mr. Snow (also apologizing with being "on topic") and so I don't necessarily understand how this makes Faye psycho.  Unless of course you want to say that every person that ever acts or feels in this same way is also psychotic.  Which is a lots of people.  :/
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