New Theme is : "joy"
Original work only!
So, I was thinking of ways to encourage myself to do more art. I have this problem where if I'm not given a project, I won't do anything. Then I thought about the creative community here, and that there are at least some people here that kind of feel the same. So I was thinking of making a thread where someone suggests a theme for a current activity. A deadline is created, and by that deadline everyone who wants to submit a piece should have. People can submit multiple pieces, etc. Everyone wins because you've created something new. Then once it's passed, a new theme is suggested. Etc.
Theme can be something like 'tell a story'. Than you can draw a comic, write a little tale, do a stop motion video, etc etc etc.
The ultimate point would be to encourage the participators to do something extra.
Would there be any takers?
Has this been attempted before? If yes, is anyone down for resurrecting it?