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Author Topic: I maintain that the usage of the word 'thread' in this title was acceptable  (Read 4869 times)


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This is not the blog thread.

I woke up on the couch, having accidently fallen asleep there last night while trying to convince myself to finish my stat. mech. assignment. I went to my bed, slept for an hour, got up, went to campus, and skipped class to do the assignment, slipping in to hand in the assignment as people were leaving so as to hide the fact that I hadn't actually been there.
Went home again, ate a smoked salmon & cream cheese bagel from the cafe, a piece of chocolate tofu pie, a package of pudding, and a perogie left on the stove from the night before. Watched Jon Stewart from Monday, showered, came back to campus. Half-listened to hopefully the last lecture on diff. geo. in general relativity, looked at block diagrams in control theory. Daydreamed through quantum (seriously, I have taken enough quantum and PDEs by now that this month is all just review review) and now I am sitting around thinking about doing my the pre-lab I have to do for noon tomorrow and the symbolic computation assignment due for midnight tomorrow. Chatted briefly with the girl in the C&D, I helped her get her bike on the bus bike rack the other day and now we say words to each other and I am oddly off-game around her for some reason. She seems neat.
In a few hours my housemate and I will meet up and get pad thai, we'll talk about the assignment and discover he's got much more of it done than me, we'll probably part ways and meet up again at home and watch at least one of a)Jon Stewart from yesterday b) Colbert from yesterday c) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, depending on how much work we've gotten done by then.

This is the boring thread. Take us through a day which is characteristic of your life right now.
« Last Edit: 30 Jan 2009, 18:38 by Slick »
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jan 2009, 13:47 »

I get off work at 8:30 AM.  On the drive home I call my dad and then my best friend Josh.  When I arrive at home I decide to make some eggs and bacon, mmm bacon.  I drink a beer and lay on the couch and pass out.  I wake up roughly 1:30 PM and wumble(walk/stumble) into my room.  I fall back asleep till 5:30 PM and get some food cooked and eated.  I pick up my friend Josh and we go lift.  He complains about his pregatron girlfriend.  After lifting I take him back to his girl's place.  Then I go home drink a protien shake and go to work.  Some where in there I masturbait roughly between 2 and 18.5 times.
Hey guys let me tell you about my intercourses.

My intercourses, let me tell you about them.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:06 »

Wake up.

Smoke a cigarette.
Eat a bowl of cereal, have a cup of coffee, and a glass of grapefruit juice.

Spend the entire day watching Veronica Mars, or One Tree Hill, or whatever TV series I am currently into.

Maybe watch a movie, since I have a bunch of Academy screeners laying around.

Eat something for dinner.

Go to bed.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:20 »

-9:00- Wake up and try to remember if it's Saturday or not.
-9:15- I realize it's not Saturday and that i have 15 minutes to get ready for work. Go upstairs, chug some juice out of the bottle then wander around aimlessly for a couple minutes hoping that i'll fall down the stairs or something and not have to go to work.
-9:20- Put my pants on, go outside, turn my car on. then i go back inside, brush my teeth, get dressed, wander around some more.
-9:35- Leave for work, carefully choosing the right music to listen to on the way, and deciding the exact point in my commute where i will smoke a cigarette.
-9:50- Stop at this nice, little convenience store run by this nice Korean guy to grab a Mountain Dew (breakfast of champions). At this point, i may or may not smoke another cigarette, depending on my mood/the weather/the whim of Zeus.
-10:00 - 12:00- Sit at my desk and listen to music, browse the internet, and generally slack off.
-12:00- Lunch break! i drive to Fred Meyer, pick up a quart of chocolate milk, then smoke a cigarette on my way to the cafe/coffee shop where i eat every day.
-12:20- Arrive at cafe, order the same exact thing i order everyday, flirt with cute waitress, read while i wait for my food.
-12:30ish- take my food out to my car where i read and listen to music while i eat.
-12:45- finish eating, smoke a cigarette or two while i read a little more.
-1:00- go back to work.
work work work
work internet work
(listening to music all the while; my job is pretty sweet)
-???- at some point between 1:45 and 3:00 i will take at least one smoke break. the time and number of said breaks are determined by the day of the week.
-6:00- get off work. if the weather is nice, i will go skateboarding for a couple of hours; if not, i will go straight home.
-6:30-(bad weather) Get home, put my pajamas back on. play video games.
-7:00 - 8:30- somewhere in this time period, one or two of my friends will probably come over. we will probably smoke pot and play video games, or maybe watch some tv or a movie  or something. Maybe even break out the instruments and play some music.
-12:00 - 1:00- go to sleep.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:36 »

This is my second snow day in  a row, so its also the second day in a row where i have been trapped inside the house feeling like I have gotten nothing done. However, the sunset right now is giving the clouds a really pretty shade of orange that goes very nicely with listening to post-rock.

Fuck I need to go to school tomorrow. Plus I need more cigarettes. How much longer till saturday guys i wanna write some music.
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:37 »

Oh shit the shade of the clouds just got that much deeper and my god its actually kind of amazing. Too bad these things look like shit when photographed.
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:43 »

-6.30 a.m. hit snooze
-7.00 a.m. wake up, shower, eat breakfast
-7.45 a.m. leave house, pick up buddy
-8.01 a.m. arrive at work
-8 a.m - 5 p.m. work
-5.30 pm - either basketball or running
-7.00 pm - gym
-8.30 pm finally get home for the day, eat a sammich, browse the web, watch tv
-midnight - oh shit, time for bed
Well yes but (sorry andy) she doesn't look half as fucking bad ass as this motherfucker in Poland.

Dude is hardcore.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #7 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:46 »

I woke up in my girlfriend's bed. She was already up, watching an old episode of Gilmore Girls. We fooled around a bit, then got dressed and went to breakfast.

Had Econ class.

Went to the library to use the computers there.

Had Advanced Spanish.

Went to Coffeeshop. To get some coffee.

Went to Latin American Politics class.

Came back here. Went on computer.

Boring day.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jan 2009, 14:52 »

Wake up.
Take a shower.
Go outside and start car.
Scrape ice and snow off car.
Slowly drive to work in the snowstorm.
Get to work late.
Sit at computer browsing the web and waiting for phone to ring.
Answer two phone calls.
Eat lunch.
Answer three phone calls.
Drive home in the what has now become ice storm.
Shovel the driveway.

That's as far as I got. Kind of depressing...


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jan 2009, 15:11 »

On a typical day I wake to the sound of far-off drums and with the slightly acrid tang of woodsmoke in the air.  I wipe the sleep from my eyes, the spiders from my pillowcase then make my way downstairs to the bear gallery for my morning wrestle.  After washing the blood and offal from my person in a nearby brook I dress myself in the leathers handed down to me when the High Father Mercury was laid to rest, shunt my cap to a rakish angle, then head out to work.

At work I sit at my desk and stare at a computer screen for most of the day because we don't really have all that much to do around here.  Sometimes I get up and go for a walk to talk to people around the office.  Sometimes there's something simple to go fix.  I get coffee downstairs at lunch and grab something to eat.  The afternoon drags on most days, and as the sky darkens approaching the time to head home my heart is filled with a dread that slowly turns to steely determination.

The screeching usually starts when I am halfway to the station.  They never come out until after dark, so most times I make it to my train without incident.  On the off chance I work back I keep a small stack of plastic-coated playing cards on my desk to ensure I get there safely.  The train is covered in hundreds, maybe thousands of small black studs spread out evenly across its outer surface.  They know not to approach the train.

I'll normally pick a few things up from the store during the walk home from the train station and either make a smallish dinner or just buy some thai or indian or something like that instead.  After dinner I dunno, depends on the night.  Watch some TV, play some games.  Sometimes an intruder gets in and we have to burn the body.  We have a medical friend who gives us money and sometimes barbiturates or ketamine in exchange for non-diseased organs, so it's not that bad.

Later in the evening a slow, constant thrumming will generally start up behind my eyes.  At times the thrumming will shift through fields of static in a fashion I can only compare to the sound of someone attempting to tune a shitty car radio while underground.  During these times I may hear brief snippets of the following:

- ragtime piano.
- morse code.
- gutteral muttering and/or whispers.
- my dead grandfather repeating "Oh Jesus" over and over again.
- radio commercials from the 60s.
- children screaming.

I will generally start drinking heavily around 11:30.

By the time the Sandman comes I am ready for him.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jan 2009, 15:37 »

I have you all topped:

* Get up between noon and 1 PM.
* Lounge around the house while eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.
* Some light gaming, TV or movies.
* Smoke break at 4 and sometimes around midnight.
* Interact with parents between 7 and 8:30 PM.
* Some more serious gaming with light showers of playing music or drawing something in Photoshop.
* Sleep.
The Donk of Canterbury wishes everybody good tidings.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #11 on: 28 Jan 2009, 16:39 »

woke up at 9, showered
went to the cafeteria, ate eggs
went to Shanghai and Hong Kong class
went to Sociology of Punishment class
went to cafeteria, ate a sandwhich
went to Emergence of Latin American Nations class
went to the computer lab, printed lots of readings out
went to the library, read
went to the cafeteria, ate bread with cream cheese
went to my room, sat there, wasted time on the computer, listened to music (i.e. right now)

Monday and Wednesday are busy...
I punched all the girls in the face on the way to the booth to vote for Hitler.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #12 on: 28 Jan 2009, 16:48 »

I shoveled people's driveway and walkways for money.
Played games for the rest of the day

On the plus side, I got a snow day( 2nd in a row) and i can finally buy Left 4 Dead

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #13 on: 28 Jan 2009, 17:54 »

6.30pm - Wake up
6.32pm - Watch Futurama and The Simpsons
7.30pm - Make dinner
8.20pm - Eat dinner
8.40pm - Check e-mail, etc.
8.45pm - Play Football Manager 2008 for the next 4 hours.
10.20pm - Watch the penalty shootout in the Celtic-Dundee United game.
1.40am - Read today's QC strip. Laugl very loudly.
1.53am - Write this.

Should end up going to bed around 4/5am depending on what I do later.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #14 on: 28 Jan 2009, 17:56 »

went to Shanghai and Hong Kong class

What do you learn in this class?


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #15 on: 28 Jan 2009, 18:11 »

4:30 am- get a call - I have a snow day
4:31- turn off alarm, crawl back to bed and fall back asleep
10:45- wake up
10:50- eat breakfast (rolls w/peanut butter, milk+ovaltine... yum)
11:10- start shoveling my driveway, all psyched about snow and stuff
12:15- finish shoveling walk, hating snow
12:30- kick my sister off the computer, check my facebook
12:35- find out my friends are meeting at one of their houses starting half an hour ago
12:50- get a ride from my mom there
1:10- snowball fight which I am completely unprepared for... I forgot gloves or a hat, I'm in a wool coat and sneakers... not great
1:45 or so to 5:55- hang out with my friends, apples to apples, and tell a guy I still like him (he knew before but he assumed I'd gotten over him since then... not true
5:57- find out the guy I like likes my best friend and is gonna talk to her about it- he asks me if I'd be offended and I lie and say he should do whatever is best for him and it won't matter to me.
6:00- leave the house, get into my mom's car to go home.
hang around for a while not doing anything.
7:00- fold laundry.
8:00 to current moment- waste time on the internet and regret what I've done about the guy I like.
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #16 on: 28 Jan 2009, 19:48 »

Woke up this morning at 6 to get the girls up and off to school. Came home, showered, got dressed, when into the coffee shop. Had some bubble tea, went to a modeling shoot and spent the rest of the day there, dressing up and being told how to stand. Was fun. Came home, cooked some dinner, did some homework with the girls and now am online.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #17 on: 28 Jan 2009, 20:49 »

It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #18 on: 28 Jan 2009, 21:17 »

Dear Boring thread,

Today I woke up and wrote in the Blog thread

Love fatty.
est: she is basically an ass to everyone


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #19 on: 29 Jan 2009, 00:39 »

I was actually going to post something like this in the blog thread anyway! Hi Boring Thread, I am glad you are here. Let me tell you about the days I have been having lately.

5:50am- Alarm goes off- hit snooze, roll over and contemplate the shittiness of the day ahead
6:00am- Snooze alarm goes off- pull self out of bed and dress, brush hair, brush teeth in the dark
6:15am- Get in car, drive to job at The West Australian Newspaper, always be surprised at just how much traffic there is at 6:15am
6:34am- Arrive at The West, late.
6:34-8:00am- Deliver newpapers around the building for employees to read. Lots of heavy lifting. Hurt back.
8:45am- Take company car to post office to collect mail. Chit chat with small minded bigot who runs car pool. More heavy lifting. Exacerbate back pain.
9:05am- Arrive back at The West, sort and deliver mail, maybe sit down.
9:30am-10:30am- Run around, fix photocopiers, deliver messages, sit down a little more and read newspaper if I'm lucky.
10:30am- Leave the West.
10:45am- Arrive home, eat big bowl of cereal/bagel and watch yesterdays Daily Show & Colbert Report.  Maybe do some housework.
12:30pm- Change clothes, pack bag
1:00pm- Walk or bike 5km to train station, catch train into city, walk 2km to second job at SAE Perth
2:00pm- Arrive at second job. Stuff envelopes, enter data, troubleshoot audio stuff, reply to emails
6:00pm- Eat tiny microwave dinner, enter more data, fuck around on the internet, listen to music (sometimes my job is OK)
9:30pm-10:15pm: Shut down computers, lock up studios, leave SAE. Finish work at 10pm but get held behind by students packing up too slow.
10:07pm- Miss last bus
10:15pm- Walk 2km back to train station, fall asleep on train, wake up, walk/bike home from train station
11:00pm-ish- Walk through front door, mutter at my housemates, lie awake in bed for half hour failing to sleep due to the walk/bike home

aaand repeat.

tl,dr: I gots the sleep madness
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #20 on: 29 Jan 2009, 03:16 »

Ideal day
Wake up at 3-4pm, go to Kung Fu
Go home and get a burrito or burger
Go to work at 10pm
Be on the internet from 12am to 7am
Drive home
Sleep at ~9am

Most days
Wake up at 9:45pm
Go to work at 10pm
Be on the internet from 12am to 7am
Drive home
Be on th einternet from 8am to 12pm
Sleep at 12:30pm
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Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #21 on: 29 Jan 2009, 03:20 »

Oh my, Boring Thread, I feel you are a thread that is worthy of my time and typing efforts.

Today, as usual, I was woken up by my kitty Tiger meowling and pawing at me for breakfast. I get up, feed her, and stumble back to bed, checking the time on my phone as I fall into the lonely messy covers. It is usually about 3:30AM. At 5:30 my alarm goes off, but I strike out madly at my phone until it stops the cheery music, and I have respite until it starts up again at 6, which is my "Emergency Have To Get Up Now Or Else" alarm. I shower, washing my hair and cursing at the mess the shower always seems to be in. I brush my teeth quickly and dive back down the hallway, strap my watch on and realise I spent fifteen minutes in the shower, shove some clothes and makeup on and leave my shoelaces untied because I'm always running late for my bus, which comes at 6:30. Today I managed to miss it by the smallest of margins. I blame the little red man at the crossing. He takes so long to figure himself out. It doesn't help that I live on a very busy highway.
Since I missed my bus, which is actually a pretty rare occurrence, I decide I can either wait the 20 minutes until the next bus, which takes half an hour to get to work, or walk to the station, ten minutes away, to check my chances at catching a train that will (usually) get me there in ten minutes.
The train doesn't turn up till 7, I note glumly as I pant at the top of the station stairs. I collapse onto a wet bench, not caring that I will have a damp bottom all day. I debate the merits of plugging myself into my ipod, decide not to because, you know, sometimes it's nice to hear things other than blaring post-rock through earbuds that really need replacing.
The train gets me to work at 7:25, and I'm 25 minutes late. Luckily my workmate Jon has already unlocked and started setting up, so it's just my job to get the coffee on. From then on it proceeds as usual.
Jon's girlfriend Kay hands me my usual turkish raisin toast with loads of butter and strawberry jam, and I make them their usual lattes, we stand around reading the paper and talking until customers start to waddle in. I man the espresso bar, Jon cooks the food. We have a nice  little rhythm. Our coffee shop is set up just so, I know 90% of the customers' names and how they take their coffee, they drop whatever money they like into the little money dish we have on top of the machine. I love first thing in the morning, there's usually very few sounds except for "Hey Darren." (Darren from NewsCorp, lives in Balmain, doesn't have a girlfriend, takes a large soy latte with no sugar.) "Hey Ally." *clink of money* *foosh and rumble of espresso machine* "Thanks Darren." "See you later."
Phil, our boss, turns up at about 8:30 and we work the machine together, making a couple of hundred coffees (not at all an exaggeration) till 10:30, when I have my break and customers actually start getting to work. I call a couple of real estate agents and text message my boy whilst I drink a coke and eat a chicken wrap.  
The day passes slowly and lazily until we have a lunch rush (I wait tables) and then I sign off at 2. The city is mine.
Today, since my internet is still down at home, I go to an internet booth at a convenience store around the corner and print out bunches of real estate details and maps so that I can check out the locations and things before my inspections on Saturday. I walk to one that is in the same neighbourhood, and pretty much fall in love with the street, it is quiet and tree lined and cosy. Hopefully the apartment is nice inside and also I am approved for it, because I feel it would be pretty perfect (also save me a bucketload on public transport!) but it is a pretty popular neighbourhood and the apartment is pretty cheap so I don't know.
I wander back into the city and jump on  the first bus I see that is headed towards the next suburb I want to check out. It goes through places I never heard of, but they all look lovely and exciting and I consider checking out if there are any apartments going there if I don't end up getting anything from this weekend. I don't recognise any of the street names when I am told to get off the bus at the last stop. Turns out I'm in an entirely different part of the suburb, and the map that I thought I'd printed out actually only shows a centimetre or so at the top of the page, for some reason cut off.
I wander for about forty-five minutes, in circles, in the blazing sun, up and down hills full of nice terrace houses and happy children. My temper is foul. I am hot and exhausted and hungry and why can't I find this street already? I asked for directions at a petrol station and the man got a map and sent me in the 'right' direction, but when I got there the street I want seemed to be a park instead. I cross the road to catch a bus back to the city, defeated, and find my street. Right there. I check out the apartment building and it is pretty awful. I won't come back to this one on the weekend. I guess that's saved me another trip.
I jump on the first bus to city. I want to buy some more supportive shoes for work (since the knock-off black cons I wear are coffee stained and falling apart), and Jon told me that there's a place in Centrepoint that has a sale. The bus crawls through the city in peak hour. I make it to centrepoint at last and get lost in the gargantuan maze of levels and escalators. I find out one thing. This part of the mall is closing for renovations, so everyone that is still open are having throw-out sales with massive savings. I can't even find the shop I'm looking for. I give up and go and book myself an appointment for tomorrow at a really fancy expensive hair salon nearby.
I figure I deserve it.
I pop into a Coles as I try to find a busstop, pick up some ingredients to make pesto for dinner, and a big box of chocolate chip cookies. I eat the cookies on the bus home. So. Internet's not working. I can't hack it any longer. I call tech support (after a whole lot of confusion about which phone I should use and which computer, and the router's in this room and the phone's in another and this computer is wired and this is wireless, this is a mac and this a PC...) and end up talking to someone in India, we make it five minutes before somehow I become disconnected. It's okay, she had a pretty terrible temper anyway and we weren't getting along. My second lady is much nicer.
My internet finally connects.
My day is made.
I cook myself up my pesto (managing to get some in my eye as I looked into the blender a bit too soon) and eat it with pasta and a cold, cold beer at my desk. Oh, Internet. I missed you.



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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #22 on: 29 Jan 2009, 04:59 »

My day yesterday ended at 7. I have not gotten much sleep the previous several days because so busy, so I just collapsed into bed last night and slept for nearly 12 hours straight. I'm glad my body has gotten conditioned into waking up at the same time every day, because I never even set my alarm last night.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #23 on: 29 Jan 2009, 07:50 »

Wake up at about 9.30- to the most creepy "its time to get up" voice on my phone
Wake self up by putting the ipod on.
Watch some QI/ MST3K on youtube for a few mins
Go for shower, listen to something on youtube, possibly sopranos theme.
Get out of shower, have apple for breakfast and grab a quick drink
Leave house and go for lectures, if no lectures, go to library and either read the books or 2. Sit and watch Ed Byrne on PC with the headphones in.
Possibly go to gym
Come back at about 3.00, have sandwhich
Stay online, chatting to you guys/ having a mess around on the interwebs (I have now read most of tv tropes)
Wait till about 6.00/7.00 and then go up stairs and cook dinner, if others are around, talk to them
Come back down, finish any work, fall asleep at around 1.00
Then rinse and repeat.
« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2009, 09:04 by Josefbugman »
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #24 on: 29 Jan 2009, 08:57 »

I just 5*'d blackened on Rock Band

shit yeah, my life rules
also israel


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #25 on: 29 Jan 2009, 09:00 »

I just 5*'d blackened on Rock Band

shit yeah, my life rules

I think you want the boring Blog Thread, not the Boring Thread.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #26 on: 29 Jan 2009, 09:05 »

Wake up at approximately 11:25 AM.

Line up three shots of cheap scotch to wash the taste of failure out of my mouth.

Consider shower.

Pass on shower. Who the fuck do I need to impress?

Search craigslist, jobfox and job listings for approximately one hour.

Send off nasty E-Mails to publications I don't actually read.

Play WoW for three to twelve hours.

Line up three more shots of cheap scotch, lament how low the bottle is getting. Ponder roommate's possessions I could sell to get more.

Watch old home videos made in High School while polishing off bottle.

Begin swearing at videos, calling my younger self an idealistic retard.

Fall asleep on couch in puddle of sweat and tears.

I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #27 on: 29 Jan 2009, 09:07 »

Jon, do you still need that $40 that's hanging out in my PayPal account?
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #28 on: 29 Jan 2009, 09:13 »

my weekday schedule:

5:00am- wake up
5:01-5:10am-eat bowl of cereal & banana
5:11-5:14am- dress up in my bike clothes (shorts, jersey, arm&leg warmers, shoes)
5:15am- leave for bike ride
9:00am- return from bike ride
9:02am- shower
9:10am- dress up in regular people clothes
9:12-am-9:44am eat another bowl of cereal & banana whilst reviewing homework/reading e-mails
9:45am- leave for school
10:00am-6:00pm- school
6:00pm-10:00pm- work
10:15pm-whenever I finish my homework (usually 12:30am-3:00am)
whenever I finish my homework-5:00am- sleep

weekends are pretty much the same, except I get up at 7:00am instead of 5:00am and also don't have class (obviousamente)


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #29 on: 29 Jan 2009, 12:03 »

just wear pants and a long sleeved shirt. What is the point of shorts and legwarmers? or a sleeveless shirt and arm warmers? They have inventions for those already, pants and long sleeves.

Oh hay boring thread, I watched about 4 hours of anime just now. Goddamn I need to sleep.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #30 on: 29 Jan 2009, 14:03 »

just wear pants and a long sleeved shirt. What is the point of shorts and legwarmers? or a sleeveless shirt and arm warmers? They have inventions for those already, pants and long sleeves.

If you know anything about being on a bike for several hours at a time with little or no breaks, regular pants do not work. Neither do regular shirts. If you happen to be wearing regular pants right now (which is probably most likely, unless you are not wearing any pants at all), looks down at your crotch where the four seams of the pants come together. Imagine that little bead where they all meet- rubs against your nether region for 3+ hours. I reckon that it would not be comfortable. Bike shorts are specifically designed not to have any seams where there is movement, so that the only hurt is coming from riding so hard that you deplete all your glycogen stores. Bike jerseys, and also shorts, are also designed to fit right next to the skin. When you are (trying to) ride faster than 20mph while wearing your parachute pants and cape for an 80 mile ride, all the flapping from the loose fit of your clothes not only slows you down, but gets on your nerves. There must be a reason why all the professional bike racers wear that stuff. And there's also a reason why MC Hammer pants are not very functional. It is for function, not form- aerodynamics and comfort. As for the arm and leg warmers- they are designed to be removed- when I start my ride in the morning it is around 35 degrees F. On longer rides I can go into the afternoon, when it is 80+ degrees.


carry on with the boringness...


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #31 on: 29 Jan 2009, 14:17 »

Dear Harun,

Why do "serious" cyclists shave their legs?

Fond Regards,

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #32 on: 29 Jan 2009, 14:59 »

this may vary on the day of the week


The alarm rings

I turn off alarm,half sleeping
Another alarm goes off
I turn off alarm, half sleeping
Another alarm goes off
I turn off alarm half sleeping
Then I roll out of bed and turn the laptop on
After showing, I check my email to see if people have emailed me sometime between 1AM and 7AM.
I talk online to people who live on the other side of the world about the same things, thusly:

what's up
not much
[appears to be offline and may not reply]

then I go to uni
midly interesting stuff happens
then I come back
I eat coleslaw or cucmber or garlic bread, or all three if I'm feeling adventurous
I go online, and write shit on the QC forums
I watch a dvd, probably something Asian or Blackadder as they're only DVDs inmy apartment
Then some slightly less interesting than the shit that was midly interesting shit happens

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #33 on: 29 Jan 2009, 15:00 »

They will claim that hair causes wind resistance.  I'm not sure how effective it is, but generally, if doing something makes you feel faster, it can't hurt.  Guys on my cross country team did the same thing.  They joked that the shaving was for aerodynamics, but later admitted the real reason. 

Hair covers up muscle definition.


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #34 on: 29 Jan 2009, 15:05 »

Also, if you crash and burn on your bicycle, ingrown hairs can kill. (This is why a high school friend of mine shaved his legs, or so he claimed.)
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #35 on: 29 Jan 2009, 18:48 »

The aerodynamics thing is total BS. Even if you did an experiment in a wind tunnel, shaving might take off less than a quadrillionth of a second. Hairs are just too small to cause any significant aerodynamic drag.

Crashing is a valid reason. I have first hand experience. You get pretty nasty road rash when you fall on asphalt/pavement going 30+mph with nothing more than a couple millimeters of fabric protecting you. Ripping off bandages hurts like a motherbrother, and not having any hair will significantly decrease the discomfort of removing them. Ingrown hairs are mostly from not shaving correctly.

The definition thing is also pretty true. When you reach a certain fitness level cycling/running/any leg thing-ing, you will have pretty good muscle definition. It's mostly an ego thing. Another ego-based reason is than you get a much more even tan. Again, not performance-oriented, but still true.

Probably the number one reason is for comfort/after-care. When you expend as much energy as you do with your legs when cycling or any intensive aerobic sport, your muscles will hurt. A lot. All that lactic acid buildup makes you feel like you can barely walk. Massaging those sore and tired muscles loosens up all that lactic acid enough for you to be able to walk or even ride again the next day. Massaging hairy legs is not a pleasant experience, even if you're massaging yourself. No, actually massaging your muscles. No, that is not a muscle. Pro cyclists are blessed enough to have team masseuses that work on every rider after a hard race/ride. They probably wouldn't be able to ride as hard and fast as they do if they have sore legs.

« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2009, 18:50 by Harun »


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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #36 on: 29 Jan 2009, 23:05 »

I have known swimmers to shave extensive parts of their bodies, this seems to help them more as the medium they travel through is more viscous than air.
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #37 on: 30 Jan 2009, 06:21 »

And for extra effect, we used to wear baggy stuff during practice. As in, we'd wear multiple layers of baggy swimsuits for extra drag during practice, and then shave completely for important races.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #38 on: 30 Jan 2009, 06:51 »

 I have no milk but I want Cocoa Pebbles so bad. Also I have a sore behind my damn ear.
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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #39 on: 30 Jan 2009, 07:12 »

I actually did not know that about the bike thing. I thought you just went out peddling, not like, serious biking. I guess it makes sense though. Carry on with your skin tight clothing.

I was going to join the swim team in high school until they told me I'd have to shave my body and cut my hair super short. I didn't mind the hair thing, but I wasn't gonna shave my body, that'd feel weird.
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Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.

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Re: Boring Thread
« Reply #40 on: 30 Jan 2009, 09:04 »

Currently most of my days, my routine goes thusly:

At about 9am I awake to Juniper, one of my girlfriend's cats leaping upon me with wild abandon and repeatedly jumping over us both in a circle. I swear loudly and growl and spit and roar and so forth. Eventually one of us rises and feeds him and his brother Florian. I then hop back into bed for another hour.

At about 10am I arise refreshed and ready for an exciting day. Sometimes. But mostly I awake unrefreshed, groggy, regretting staying up so late, and angry. So at 10 I rise and have some toast, make some tea for Luci, coffee for myself, then switch on the news. I get slightly frustrated by how shitty the world is doing and switch the news off. Then I sit and learn my lines.

At about 1 or 2 I head to the theatre(stopping for a sandwich and coffee on the way) to rehearse until about 6 or 7.

Some evenings I go straight from the theatre to the pie shop for grub and then depending on the evening, rehearse or go to a housing meeting. some evenings I head back to my girlfriend's for dinner. This is followed by more writing and lots of peppermint tea. After this it's a bit of tv or a film, maybe some reading. then bed. and sexy time.

If only I was earning money.
What thou lovest well remains,
the rest is dross.


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This is the boring thread. Take us through a day which is characteristic of your life right now.

This seems kind of a contradiction because today I ate magic mushrooms mushrooms, listen to Clutch records and play video games until it is time to go to work, at which point I will probably forget I am working and just hit the dance floor and nobody will notice because there's fuck all to do anyway and then a bunch of people are coming back to mine after work at 2.30 am to get stoned and play smash brothers and then I pass out for 16 hours because I haven't slept in three days and then I will go out to a gay club where I am going to take a lot of ecstasy and amyl nitrite and maybe some cocaine and then go home with a pretty girl and that's my equivalent of a Wednesday.
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Is that a day that is characteristic of your life?
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Every day, I wake up. I eat some cereal. I go on the internet, talk to a few people about the same shit I have talked about for ages, and do nothing. I may learn something on Wikipedia, but usually I don't. I put some clothes on so I can look respectable or productive enough to satisfy my mother for the day. I listen to how shitty her day was, then resign myself to my iPod for the night. Then, when she has gone to bed, I continue talking to people about nothing, then go to bed.

I have done this every day since the end of May, 2005.
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Is that a day that is characteristic of your life?

James, that is completely a normal day in the life of brett.
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But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.
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