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Author Topic: Hey there, stranger.  (Read 22488 times)


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #50 on: 31 Jan 2009, 15:21 »

i'm tania. i'm 21 and i live in canada. i study sociology and social psychology at the university of guelph. i joined the forum in 2005 and used to be a more frequent poster but now i sort of come and go. when i do post now it's usually to get needlessly angry about something. i am a bit more interesting on MSN and AIM but lately i don't use those much either. i spend my free time trying to be good at everything and running around flailing my arms when it inevitably doesn't work out. i'm an okay person.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #51 on: 31 Jan 2009, 15:30 »

...and stranger still.

I'm Scott.

I started college in 86 and still haven't finished.  Along the way, I've changed my major more times than a porn star changes male leads.  I am categorized as a Renaissance Man/Polymath.  I have a diverse skillset that includes but is not limited to: computers, locksmithing, firearms, fiction, forensics, medicine, insurance, and most aspects of security.

I'm a tragic, bitter tale of wasted youth, and I'll confess here and now, and probably never again, that yes, I do mostly say things for the reaction value.

Right now I make my money transporting critically ill patients and giving free estimates to people who are bleeding, daily thwarting natural selection much to my great disgust.  I work for someone else having found out that being an expert in something does not also make you a good businessman.

Yes, I'm creepy.  Yes, I'm old.  But I'm not looking to date anyone or get all huggy-smoochy.  I come here to relax and say things I think are funny (whether YOU do or not is your business).  I have a sick sense of humor (which is where the creepiness part comes in), and I'll talk all day about myself without saying a damn thing because running my yap is something I like to do.

And I'm always astonished when someone actually LISTENS.

And finally...

*clears throat*


« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2009, 15:32 by Mr. Skawronska »
"Social niceties are for those who can tell the difference between fightin' and fightin' words, son."

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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #52 on: 31 Jan 2009, 15:45 »

I'm Jimmy. I'm 22 and I live in Sydney. I have a Bachelors of Arts majoring in Psychology and a Graduate Diploma in Psychological Studies from the University of Western Sydney (basically the worst university in NSW). I did not get accepted into any of the courses I applied for this year so at the moment I guess I'm not studying anything. At the same time I can't really get a job that is at all related to my studies as I am not qualified for anything other than data analysis and I've been fired from every data analysis job I've had within three months of being hired. I currently work in an inbound call centre.
I'm about 6'1 and I weigh about 104kg (230ish pounds) as I am kind of stocky and I enjoy food. My hair changes colour periodically because I get bored often and my girlfriend is a hairdresser. I like tattoos and I don't think I have quite enough of them yet.
I mainly stick to the I Like HURRRRR section of the forums, occasionally posting in DISCUSS and the Movies, TV and Books threads. I have opinions on music but they are largely unpopular and so I never enter the Music Forum. My opinions on films are just as unpopular but I like them enough to argue my points. I've learned to stay out of the Fashion Advice thread because no one agrees with my fashion choices (I basically only wear black and it has been said that I dress like a "gay cyborg-vampire") and because I am genuinely dismayed at what everyone seems to think is good.

If you are not an utter cunt I will probably think you are pretty alright.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #53 on: 31 Jan 2009, 16:14 »

hello, i'm yelley. i am 24 years old and right now i live in modesto, california. i am half filipina half french canadian, originally from southeastern michigan, but in the last 5 years i have also lived in indiana, japan, arizona, and a different city in california. i move around a lot.

i have my BS in biology from the university of notre dame, class of 2005. i spent most of my time in college studying, bowling (i was captain of the bowling team), defending my lack of faith to the mostly catholic student body (i am an atheist), and learning japanese (my minor). my original plan was to go to med school, but after i decided that i didn't want to make a hospital my number one priority in life i changed my mind. i also realized that i don't really care about people, i care about the things that kill them... i think a profession in which i had to deal with patients would have been a terrible choice for me. after college i moved to japan to work as an english teacher for one year. while i was there i saw a lot of japan, and also traveled to korea, thailand, and china. i have also been to the philippines twice, to visit my mom's family. i love to travel and i miss it now that i don't have much of an opportunity for it.

after i got back from japan i had a job making anthrax vaccine, but i got fired because of my racist macrame skills (long stupid story that most of you know already). somewhat shortly after that i found a new job that enabled me to move to california. unfortunately that job didn't work out, so i got another job that didn't work out, and now i am at my current job. basically what i am saying is that i am not very good at living in one place or keeping one job. hopefully that will change now, since i love my current job and i am happy in the city i am in. right now i am a supervisor in a food microbiology testing laboratory. it is a large lab, so we test for a lot of major food companies. if you buy food in the US, odds are my lab has tested some of it.

i first joined these forums my junior year of college, so in 2004. i guess that makes me somewhat old school? maybe. i have kind of developed a reputation as an internet predator, but only for boys named jason. while living in japan i met a qc person named jason stationed in okinawa and we dated for a while. when i moved back from japan i met another qc person named jason and we are still together. really i feel that it takes more than two occurrences to make a trend.... but i guess when you meet two guys from the same forum with the same name and sleep with both of them.... yeah, that does sound kind of bad. (don't worry redlion, i am not actually after you. the jason i have right now is pretty rad and i am very happy with him.)

when i'm not at work and not in meebly (so not very often) i like to knit, play video games, and cook. i think i am getting better that the first and third, maybe worse at the second.... these newfangled video games and their high def graphics are too much for me sometimes.

i feel like i don't get along with people very well, mostly because of The Burden/because i am pretty bitchy brutally honest a lot of the time. (The Burden... kind of a long story... just know that it involves mensa and a guy that is pretty tactless.) i am not good at telling people what they want to hear, instead i tell them what i think, and this gets me into trouble a lot. i come off as condescending, bossy, bitchy, whatever... i just can't stop myself from telling things how i see it. i try to be nice and i can force relationships if necessary, and it usually is, but there are very few people in real life that i am actually close to and open with. i feel like i have much more of a connection with my internet friends than i do with people i meet in real life... that is why i still come to these forums even though i don't really care what happens in jeph's comic anymore.

i think i am pretty interesting on paper, but in real life i disappoint. that was really long. did anyone actually read all of it?
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #54 on: 31 Jan 2009, 16:19 »

so you are essentially a female version of house? Without the MD, and instead focussing on diseases themselves? Cool.
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #55 on: 31 Jan 2009, 16:41 »

i have never watched house.... but i think he is that misanthrope doctor? yeah, that would have been me... a doctor that is supposed to help people but actually hates people, i guess.
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you do lurk below the surface of the forum, emerging occasionally to pluck a young man from our ranks before plunging back into the murky depths from whence you came
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You are pretty totally creepshow, yelley


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #56 on: 31 Jan 2009, 16:42 »

Oh do watch it, just for the joy of watching Hugh Laurie messing about with an American accent.
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #57 on: 31 Jan 2009, 16:59 »

Which is completely different Hugh Laurie than anyone ever knew...
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #58 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:04 »

Fuck you Darryl you're going to have to work to unravel the rich tapestry that is me.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #59 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:05 »

Hi Darryl. I am John.

I am, as has been mentioned, one of the old farts hereabouts. I am 47, average height, and average weight for someone about seven-foot three. I live in Birmingham, Alabama, where I have lived all my life. I have travelled extensively in north and central Alabama, and much less so anywhwere else. My only foray outside the States has been to the border town of Reynosa, Mexico.

I was a graphic designer/writer/development expert for nonprofits until 2007, and was a Youth Director for about ten years or so. Since then I have tried to sell life insurance and failed, and currently work nights at (not in) a coal mine. I also have a part-time job at the place i used to sell insurance for, calling to make appointments, and a third not-quite-job as a Commissioned Lay Pastor for a small Presbyterian church. I am not, in other words, the example one might want to follow to become a success in life.

I internet at the night job, in between filling orders for things I have never heard of or seen and trying to construct sermons that are, if not brilliant, at least not stultifying. I think I sometimes succeed.

I read when I can, and voraciously; lately books on Reformed Theology for obvious reasons, though I am a fan of Thomas Wolfe, James Lee Burke, and pretty much any author who is decent. Oddly enough, though I've read two of his novels, I am not at all fond of Hemingway. I cannot explain this obvious flaw in my character.

Were I to ever again enjoy free time, I might take up the guitar again. I am not good at it, but I enjoy it. I used to paint as well. I used to post in Discuss! a lot, but found it utterly pointless for the most part, and now spend nearly all of my time in Hurr, with occasional forays into the comic threads to point and laugh.

I used to work in television and radio. I was once a circus clown. I resemble an old and fat Jamie Hyneman.
[21:19] andy: Mai, I am sorry, I am going to say this outright that I would doeverything in my power to try and have sweet girl love with you.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #60 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:09 »

Hi, I'm Rachel.  I'm 25, live outside of Boston, and currently date Jon (aka 0bsessions).  I've got my Associate Degree in Medical Office Management, but realized I hated it after my internship, so I currently work as a training coordinator for a fucking huge financial company (that has recently done a shitton of layoffs. ugh)  I've got a 3 yr old daughter who is pretty fucking brilliant.  I'm a pretty boring person who likes to go dancing and get drunk once in a while.  I used to go a lot more, but my baby is getting more entertaining so I don't feel the need to do it as much.  I love to sing, and I used to compete a little when I was in high school, but then life happened.  

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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #61 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:22 »

Hello. my name is Hannah!

I am another one of the Australian contingent, being a 21 year old, 5'4" (cyborg) girl. I have been around here for three years, starting out when I lived near Newcastle, then down in Canberra, and recently I have been spending all my time in Sydney with est. Soon I will be back near Newcastle again. I am short (as earlier stated), skinny and boney, but will still try and do things that are too much for someone my size. I have scoloisis, which resulted in me having most of my spine fused when I was nearly 17, so I really should be taking better care of my back, but the constant barrage of people asking me if I was ok has caused me to overcompensate a bit and do more than I should. I have two parents and an older brother, all who through extended exposure know exactly how to efficiently irritate me; luckily for me it works both ways. I have a kitty cat, but she is living with mum now, so I may need to get another one when I move home so I am not left alone with my dad's chihuahua.

I like to write (I have a writing/art blog in my sig). I went to Canberra to get a degree in Creative Writing (based in communication, so it would help me get jobs in editing too), but did not enjoy most of my subjects, or the place in general, so I have transferred up to Newcastle to do an even more pointless degree because I dont really know what I want to do, other than learn. I also like to draw, and would like to get better at it, but still not take it really seriously. Words are what I get interested in a lot, so much so that I bought a dictionary and a thesaurus to read and find new words to use. I am very generally knowledgable, but don't really know much about specific subjects, so when I talk about something there are a lot of "thingies" and "whatshisnames" involved in the conversation.

I have met from this forum: est, Inlander, JimmytheSquid, fatty, aztex, lunchy, jmrz, jodizzle, godinpants, violentdove, gilead, elcapitan, vergo, rizzo, bibliophile, thnikkaman, and talked on the phone with Hat. I see a lot of these people on a fairly regular basis, and keep thinking I should spend more time with them, because they are buckets of fun. I will be hanging out with more people from around here soon.

I have never gotten a serious PM about me offending anyone, so maybe I am a nice person?  Sometimes I am too nice for my own good and will put everyone else's needs and wants ahead of mine, because I like people to be happy. I would like to maybe one day own a coffee shop full of bookcases and squishy lounges so that I can make people smile. I would be a really boring celebrity.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #62 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:45 »

Might as well do this too...

I'm Andy. 17 going on 18, 5'8". Resident of Glasgow, Scotland and a Journalism student at the University of Stirling - although I might be getting into Politics at Glasgow soon.

Joined a few weeks back so I'm hardly a regular poster but I might start getting more involved if I can't find anything better to do.

Ardent supporter of Celtic FC, although I also follow the New England Patriots.

Like writing and hope to make a living of it someday - failing that I'll probably become a fucking teacher or something. Also probably joining a band so working hard at the moment writing music as well, although mainly the lyrics because I'm basically shite at writing anything bar lyrics and catchy tunes that get on my tits and my arsehole 'friends' used to wind me up with.

That's basically the essentials about me. Everything else is pretty much superfluous unless you want to get to know me better...


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #63 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:46 »

Hello, Darryl.

Its Tyler. We should talk. I am a 24 year old living in Connecticut still meandering through an education taking classes to eventually get towards a Masters in political policy. Politics is one of my grandest enjoyments, particularly the philosophies and compromising that comes out of it. I have worked for various political campaigns over the years, not limited to those of Al Gore, Wesley Clark, Ned Lamont, and of course, Obama. I have a penchant for bizarre decision making and often find myself in jobs that are completely unrelated to each other. I spend a lot of my free time traveling about, especially to New York City. While much of my life is in flux, I tend to live a rather fulfilling day to day, and figure now is the time in life to enjoy the chaos. It also tends to lead to amusing romance stories that are then relayed to Julia.

I have been a member of these forums for a few years, and was actually a member of Gabbly before I even officially joined the boards. I began chatting with you folks when I was attempting to get myself fired from an office job I had while attending the University of Connecticut. I started using the forums a few months later, and tend to come and go every 6 months or so. Aside from my school, jobs, and political activism, I spend a great deal of time invested in reading, music, and the NY Times crossword. I DJ occasionally for extra cash, and even had a stint as a bouncer for a friend's pub. During the summer months, I am an avid gardener, badminton and croquet player. I also have never had relations with another person from this forum. That should be noted. I have, however, had lovely experiences with the people here, ranging from Coachella with Kieffer and Julia to Tronnocon to excellent NYC experinces to slumming in pubs with Daniel.

I do enjoy talking to people from this forum, even new people. Feel free to send me a PM or message on AIM or MSN if you so choose.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #64 on: 31 Jan 2009, 17:47 »

Hi, I'm Bryce, I hail from 6' up and weigh in at 140lbs. I'm a student in Ottawa studying economics and math while doing volunteer work in Parliament. I tend to be pretty quiet as I like to keep my opinions to myself. I'm an avid skier and biker and am learning how to play hockey in this frozen city. Je suis essaye etudier Francais parce que je veux travailler au Parliament. I'm going to spend my summer camping in Nothern Ontario while working for a reforestation company. For fun I read everything I can get my hands on, play the sax, drink coffee, meditate, drink beer, and smoke weed.

It should be: J'essaie d'étudier le Français parce que je veux travailler au Parlement. J'applaudis ton effort. C'est avec la pratique qu'on devient meilleurs.

This is how I would speak it, I've never been good with written French, but couldn't you say:

Je suis en train d'essaye etudier Francais...
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #65 on: 31 Jan 2009, 18:00 »

Yes you could, but with minor corrections: Je suis en train d'essayer d'étudier le Français.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #66 on: 31 Jan 2009, 19:30 »

Good evening, Darryl.

Well, if we are actually going to  introduce ourselves on this forum...

I am a 68 year old retired nerd, geek, engineer, physicist, and math/physics/computer science instructor.  I have a BS degree in Physics, an MS degree in Physics, and a second BS degree in Information Technology. 

I currently live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, but I have lived in a number of places all over the country. 

I joined this forum on 09012006CE.

I tend to like Celtic music, with some of my favorite artists being Aideen O'Brien, Shilelagh Law, Dulahan, Brid Dower, Eachdraidh, Eccentric, and Karan Casey. 

I am really mediocre guitar player, but I play anyway, and sing old folk songs to myself, and occasionally to my wife. 
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #67 on: 31 Jan 2009, 19:56 »

hi darryl! i talked to you in gabbly ages ago!

for those of you who don't know me yet, i'm anna and i am 20 and my username has nothing to do with jazz music. it is actually the title of an album by throbbing gristle, a band i listen to sometimes, but not even one of my favorites, strangely enough. internet people tell me i have good taste in music and i kind of snicker at that. i hate writing introductions. if you really want to know anything else about me, just ask.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #68 on: 31 Jan 2009, 20:27 »

Hi daz. We sometimes talk in meebles/gabbly, so you might know me a little bit.

Anyway, I am Sean (might change my qc name to that, current one is a bit lame)! I was born and currently live in Rockville, Maryland. It's within the DC metro system so I sometimes claim to be from DC. I also do that because I go to this really lame rich all boys catholic private school in DC and my friends live in various places around the area so I am always running about and spending lots of time in DC. According to my profile on threadless I am precisely 17.7 years old and I happen to be a boy as well. If there was one thing I care about in the whole wide world it would be music. I know that doesn't sound that special here since there are a bunch of music nerds/musicians but it really is my number one priority. I have been playing bass for about 3 1/2 years now and I have been playing cello (so badly) for around 6 months now. I would like to think I am good at bass but i do not know if I am. For college I hope to go major in music and to stuff with that, so that might be cool. If you have ever seen me post in the music forum, you have probably noticed I am obsessed with post-rock. Oddly though, my favorite band is probably A Silver Mt. Zion (maybe post-rock? if you stretch really far?). I saw them play last may and it was so rad but they lost two members and that makes me kind of sad. I also listen to lots of math-y sounding stuff, shouty hardcore that could be referred to as emo/scremo/skramz(ew), ambient and quiet  stuff and just other rad things like silkworm (i apologize if none of care about that but I kind of do so).

I guess there are some other interesting things about me so I will say those too! I am generally a nice guy I think but I am super bad at meeting new people so I think I come off as kind of an ass to people. But maybe I don't I do not know! I am kind of politically minded and I have very left leaning tendencies, I suppose. I guess they even verge on anarchistic. I really do not know where I fall though so I always wind up being very vauge about these kinds of things. When I am not in school I am usually adventuring around DC, having band practice, and adventuring around some more. I also go to basement punk shows sometimes because they are pretty fun. I am a very silly human being and I tend to make very silly jokes and shout various things. Sadly this does not work that well on the internet and I tend to fail when I try to do that. I really like reading books but I have a lot of trouble starting them so I do not read that much. I sometimes play video games when I stumble across one I have never played before. I dont watch a lot of tv but i do watch it before i go to bed usually, since it is a good way to wind down. And this is where I think i will stop, since I have gotten down to rambling off random facts. Also congrats if you read this big ol' fat mumble jumbo of writing of mine. It is so sloppy but that is what happens when I start typing a lot.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #69 on: 31 Jan 2009, 20:33 »

I am more than just a post on the internet.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #70 on: 31 Jan 2009, 20:56 »

I... am not.
[21:19] andy: Mai, I am sorry, I am going to say this outright that I would doeverything in my power to try and have sweet girl love with you.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #71 on: 31 Jan 2009, 21:04 »

Fuck you Darryl you're going to have to work to unravel the rich tapestry that is me.

Gilead's real name is Tom. He is 20 and is moving to Sydney this week, where he will be studying at film school. Tom is a writer, actor, artist and fashion plate whose taste in music tends towards the more indie side of emo I guess. He tends to have a way with pretty ladies and once dated the forum's very own Lunchbox.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #72 on: 31 Jan 2009, 21:17 »

Hey Darryl. My name's Eugene; I'm a 17 year old hailing from New York City. I spend my time not attending school, playing in various bands, and taking photographs.

I hope to attend SVA (the School of Visual Arts) to pursue photography in a bit over a year and continue making music.

I have a habit of drooling over guitars and cameras, in the Guitar Topic and elsewhere. My number one wish is limitless disposable income to acquire aforementioned things.

Be my friend.

I'm Robbie. 18 year old physics student from Scotland. Most of my time spent as a student is not really physics

It's more like defying the laws of physics.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #73 on: 31 Jan 2009, 21:36 »

We'll all be your friend

*big hug*
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #74 on: 31 Jan 2009, 21:39 »

Don't lie to me; you're only my friend because my avatar depicts psychedelic anal sex.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #75 on: 31 Jan 2009, 21:44 »

Hello there Darryl. My name is Steven, and I'm from west coast Canada, where the beaches are always sunny, but never warm.

I spend my time with friends, making short films, playing guitar, or if it's a special day, making short films of my friends and I playing as a band. I hope to get into the Vancouver film school, and one day be in the credits of a movie, if only it's "Boom mike handler".

Aside from movie making I find philosophy very interesting, and hope to dabble deeper into the depths of knowledge.

Probably haven't seen me, I tend to lurk around these forums due to my problems with grammar tend to bring me under attack. I have no idea why I struggle with grammar, but such is life.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #76 on: 31 Jan 2009, 23:32 »

Are you there, Darryl?  It's me, Jeff.

I'm an 18 year old college student in Columbia, Maryland, just about halfway between Baltimore and DC; maybe a few miles closer to Baltimore.

I'm currently getting my cores out of the way at Howard Community College, before I transfer to James Madison University, hopefully for the spring 2009 semester.  I haven't yet decided whether I want to study something I'm interested in that will net me a really good job if I succeed, but will be hard as shit (Arabic), or something I really enjoy that will make me live in a cardboard box but goddamn if I won't be loving life (music instruction/music history).

I play guitar every now and then but school is a bitch so I haven't played nearly enough lately and have fallen out of touch with the wonderful instrument.  Instead I play video games.  I think I'm ok at them.

The pure amount of angst, self-doubt, and self-pity in my self-conscious could probably become tangible and strangle a man.  I've gotten pretty good at pushing it down when I interact with people.

I hail from Jamaica, and...

And what?  That's it?
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #77 on: 31 Jan 2009, 23:47 »

I just got to say that all you jerks that treat people (like steven) different on the fact of their grammar should probably revise some stuff.

It's nice to hear from you all, nice to see some of you remember me, amusing to see people I speak to everyday or have know for years addressing me like we just met and good to see some enthusiastic new blood spilling.
Obviously, this thread isn't just for my benefit, but for yours as well. It's tough to have a strong community when nobody knows who anybody else is. I think this is something that has changed dramatically in the last few years on the forum.

My name is Darryl. I just hit 20 last month. I registered for the forums in 2005 when I was pursuing Art and Design. I got pretty good at and kept it up a good few years before I became really jaded with the community and left in a sulk. I then took nearly two years off from life to try and gain "wisdom and shit".
That didn't work, and so I got back into education as a music tech student, which is what I'm doing right now.

On the forums I am terribly inconsistent and my post probably seem to flit around like a vampire bat after feasting on an AA meeting. I apologise for that. I'll aim to improve. For you.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #78 on: 01 Feb 2009, 00:10 »

My name is Emaline, I'm 20, and usually drunk.

I work at a shity record store that also sells video games and movies, and 90% of our customers are whiny rednecks.

I have problems with alcohol, and life. I am usually failing at something. I have low self esteem, and am very whiney. My life is fail and suck. In the past few months, my family abandoned me, my little sister died, the guy I was madly in love with started dating another girl, and after being threatened at work by a customer, none of my friends wanted to pick me up from work(I walk home) nor come over to my house to comfort me.

When I am not complaining, whining, working, or drinking, I can often be found reading too much, watching gameshows, and making art.

I'm quite on my way to spinsterdom.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #79 on: 01 Feb 2009, 01:43 »

I have awesome body mods that I am proud of and should tell people about who don't know of them.

I have a huge webcest crush on one David Dovey

There are good things to say about me!
I'm like the boy who cried "you guys are faggots"


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #80 on: 01 Feb 2009, 01:51 »

I feel that honest is the best policy.

You forgot to mention my webcest crush on James as well.

My web crushes go:

1. James
2. Dovey
3. Jodie
4. Tania


Also, I love drinking tea and am obsessed with cephalopods.

At this point if you don't know who I am, we have obviously never met.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #81 on: 01 Feb 2009, 01:54 »

Hello there Darryl, sir.

My name is Ally. Hello! Since there's already one Ally (and one Ali) in high rotation on these forums, it might be easier if you call me Lunchy. My housemate Jimmy the Squid does so without fail, so really it's okay. I won't feel slighted.
I live a pretty simple life here with my kitty, Tigerlily. I don't study anything, which alarms some people. Instead I work five days a week making coffee at a trendy little shop and dabble in photography, which I am looking to become professional in since I've been actually making money off it lately! I am terribly in lust with a boy none of you would know, and currently most of my thoughts and words are taken up by him. I know it's annoying but humour me hey?
As for the facts (do you need facts?) I'm 23 and skinny and around 5 foot 4 I think? I'm perennially cheerful and enjoy baking and flowers and muscle cars and pretty things. My bad habits are biting my nails, acting aloof and awkward around new people, being terrible with money, and spending too much time on the computer. I think however that I am a nice person to know! Hopefully I will see you around.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #82 on: 01 Feb 2009, 02:59 »

Why hello there. I'm the man who shares your dreams (ooooh spoooooky).
No, but seriously. We met in real life. If your memory is that fraught with cavities I believe you may need to attend the doctor post-haste.
[02:29] Danosaur: I'd Spektor your Regina.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #83 on: 01 Feb 2009, 03:16 »

Well, hello Darryl, and the rest of you!

I'm Andrej, 24, from a little town called Osijek in Croatia. I'm 6.6 ft tall (if google is converting accurately) and too skinny for my good. Currently I'm studying for a BS in Computer science (tried mathematics for a while, but it didn't work out).
 In last 5 years or so I've flirted with writing(both poetry and prose). Wrote a story about the girl I liked. The girl sent that story to some contest and it won me some money. I bought the guitar and started the band, so now I'm engaged to that girl and a singer in a band, as I really suck playing a guitar. Of other activities, I've been a journalist for a while, acted a little in a theater(the only play we did, I got stuck acting the part of a dwarf, yay!), am hosting a radio show, trying to finish a novel, and trying to make this little movie I had in mind.
 My english skills are not as good as I would like them. In real life I'm even much more shy than on the internet, and I've been on the forum for a few months, mostly just lurking.
 I read sf / f a lot, play some video games (cute indie arcades mostly), and like all kinds of music (which was as general statement as possible).

 Nothing comes in mind for now. Will edit later.



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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #84 on: 01 Feb 2009, 03:33 »

My web crushes go:
3. Jodie

Oh Emaline <3
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #85 on: 01 Feb 2009, 03:42 »


My name is Alexander. I am 18, turning 19 next month. I live in Australia.

Also, next month, I am starting my first year of University as a Bachelor of Psychological Science. My ideal career is playing guitar in a non-mainstream-but-well-known-to-fans-of-the-genre metal band, but I don't think there are courses for that, so I'm playing that one by ear. I am a pretty competent guitarist, but "competent" doesn't cut it for me. A lot of the music I like has an unfortunately large helping of technicality, so I have to get really really good at some point.

I have am alright enough with the ladies, but frightfully insecure. Single and ready to mingle!

Other things I partake in include:
- Video gaming
- Tabletop gaming
- Pen and paper roleplaying
- Wishing I knew people who shared my taste and passion in music

Essentially, I'd be your stereotypical metal geek if I had long hair and wore a lot of band shirts.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #86 on: 01 Feb 2009, 06:55 »

4. Tania

i am on my way to illinois right now
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #87 on: 01 Feb 2009, 07:04 »

During the summer months, I am an avid gardener, badminton and croquet player.

See, I did not know this. We should hang out and play croquet this summer.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #88 on: 01 Feb 2009, 07:10 »

Good evening, Darryl.

Well, if we are actually going to  introduce ourselves on this forum...

I am a 68 year old retired nerd, geek, engineer, physicist, and math/physics/computer science instructor.  I have a BS degree in Physics, an MS degree in Physics, and a second BS degree in Information Technology. 

I currently live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, but I have lived in a number of places all over the country. 

I joined this forum on 09012006CE.

I tend to like Celtic music, with some of my favorite artists being Aideen O'Brien, Shilelagh Law, Dulahan, Brid Dower, Eachdraidh, Eccentric, and Karan Casey. 

I am really mediocre guitar player, but I play anyway, and sing old folk songs to myself, and occasionally to my wife. 

I am 45 years old which makes me the fifth oldest person here. Celtic Geek, Paul, Orbert, and Tragic_Pizza thwarting my idea of changing my forum name to Older Than You.

Fixed my post.
Sorry Celtic Geek.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #89 on: 01 Feb 2009, 07:57 »

Hello there Darrly, we met once.

I am May, 18 on Tuesday and live on the English side of the Welsh borders. I work in Sainsbury and I'm taking A levels in Law, German, Sociology, English and General Studies with a view to reading Law next year. I've met Will (Pack of Wolves), Luke C and Darrly so far and I'm going to Camp Edith and ChicagoCon in the summer. As well as work and college, I edit a student paper, train with a local hockey club and play the piano. Oh and I'm vegetarian. That'll do for now.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #90 on: 01 Feb 2009, 08:36 »

Like a couple of other posters, my name is Elizabeth. I'm 19, 5 feet tall, and I live with my boyfriend and his family in a small town of 500 in Colorado. Before then, I lived in Florida for 8 years and Georgia for 10 years and somehow I got off with just having a slight Southern accent.
I work at Starbucks so I can pay my way through college, which I'm starting this fall. At home, I mostly go on walks, play WoW, post on/read message boards, read, and bake cookies.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #91 on: 01 Feb 2009, 08:43 »

EDIT: Shane, when do you think you're transferring?

Probably spring '10. If all goes well, I'm moving down in late August and finishing my ABA at Bunker Hill CC.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #92 on: 01 Feb 2009, 08:50 »

Hello stranger, let us not be strangers, but embrace the clash between our spirits.

My real name is Tristan. I try. I really do. Some say too hard, some say not hard enough. But really I try. Anyway, I finished High school last year, I like all kinds of music. And I try my hardest not to be a whiny or annoying shit. Some days though, a little bit of self pity escapes the razor wire fence. I try to be clever, I don't know how good I am at that. I like good music, clever music, these days I'm a lot less picky as to the genre. But metal is still a dominant force among my library. I have pretty long hair, and I'm 18, I don't know, I guess this should have been at the start, but I'm just writing this and then sort of seeing how accurate it is, rather than trying to structure it properly. I try and talk how I type, I feel it has a more conversational flow to it. Uuuh, what else?... I'm a big fan of philosophy and modern history (yeah I'm that guy, always filling his head with knowledge that has no real practical application, and thinks he is clever). I'm also trying to get some proper lucid dreaming done, but it seems I can never recognise I'm in a dream, which I find to be a real shame. Some days, I'm pretty quiet, and some days I'm very over the top and quite abrasive, but I try and keep myself under control to the best of my ability. I'm into what most people consider to be deep and quite heady subjects. But I consider my actual knowledge of these things to be very limited. I'd like to think I can write, but I don't really know these days. Apparently my friends think I'm pretty clever and funny. But you make up your own mind. I also live in Austfalia if this means anything.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is... Aw shit, fuck it, to hell with the summary sentence.
« Last Edit: 01 Feb 2009, 09:04 by Iron_Fist »
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #93 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:21 »

Hello Darryl, hello all.

My name is Alex, and I am 18 years old, about 5'6" tall and I weigh close to 120 lbs.  I make the occasional post on the forums, mostly in Music, MoviesTVBooks, HURRR and Discuss.  I have been here for a little over a year.  I grew up in Chicago, but I currently live in St. Paul, Minnesota because I am at college. I don't know what I want to major in yet so I am just studying a bunch of things that are interesting.  Music and movies are really important to me.  I feel like a good movie or a good album can really permanently affect the way you think about things, your outlook on life, or just generally make being alive more interesting.  The same is true for books, certainly, but I don't really read as much any more as I feel I ought to. I am a fan of comic books.  I occasionally have opinions on things.  I am occasionally politically active, also not as much as I ought to be.  I drink a fair bit and I am a fan of some drugs.  I can play the guitar but I'm not very good. I like going to shows! I met Liz and Brittany at a Deerhoof show and it was pretty neat. I am unsure of what else to say.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #94 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:22 »

Hi there, Darryl.

My name is Kristin, but most people on the forums calls me Kris because Kristin was registered in Gabbly so I had to shorten it. I am a 20 year old girl from Norway, and as you probably know I am the sister of our fellow forumite Jens/Jeans. Funny story, he introduced me to the forums about a year ago, I posted once, and he was the first (and only) to yell at me for doing it wrong. I didn't post again in months.

Anyway, I study art history at the University of Oslo, although currently the art history is on the shelf and is replaced by various media and literature classes. When my BA is done next year I will probably start all over again with a degree in fine arts, because that's what I wanted to do in the first place, but I chickened out. Hopefully I will end up doing this in either Britain or USA.

I work at a bakery/cafe on the side, which I am pretty happy with. On my spare time you'll find me either online, in front of my brand new easel, in my bed with a book or out with good friends. Of outdoors activities I really enjoy skiing, ice skating and swimming, although I don't get to do any of those things nearly as much as I'd like to.

I love traveling and have been in quite a few places and countries over the years, and this summer I will be going on two major trips. The three last weeks of June I'll be in Italy with three friends, and in July/August I will be attending Camp Edith/Chicagocon with lots of forumites. I am really excited about both trips, and I believe that the summer 09 will be the most incredible summer ever.

So, there you have it.
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[00:07] Liz: Jordan tell us how you feel about Edison.
[00:08] Ozy: FUCK YOU LIZ
[00:08] Ozy: has left the room


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Hey there, reader!
« Reply #95 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:30 »

Hi Mr. Darryl,

please find enclosed the latest diatribe of yours truly, me.

:-D :-D :-D EVERNEW  :-D :-D :-D
Nobody Prepared You For Gym Class - The Recent Past of Jonas

Warning: The post below is quite long. That's why I made the print slightly smaller so it is not quite as long.
For the tl;dr crowd (and everybody else because these details will not be repeated later, kids):

I am 22, studied business administration in which I got my MEISTERs degree (oh yeah I'm German and toy with the stereotypes),
am now getting ready for (read: slacking off until) my first real job as a strategy consultant and have on more than one occasion been described as both a "cool guy" and an "asshole".
But that's not the story here.

This is.

The year is 1994 and I just skipped a grade in elementary school.
This sentence works as an introduction to anything written about me because everything that happened after it is a direct or indirect consequence.

So hi, I'm Jonas, ~65 kg (on the way up, usually not so much), dark blonde hair (presently very short, usually not so much), from Germany.
Boring facts are boring.

1999. So this one day I go to gym class at my new high school after moving halfway across Germany and the hapless little smart-ass that I am, I already made enemies.
That is, the bully population of my class was hot on my trail.
The end of the story was that my athletics shoes are stuck in the net of a basket. Basketball basket? That.

Luckily, not everybody in my high school class was a bully. I fell in with a group of nerds and we had great times playing card games between class, playing computer games on the weekend, going to shows once we got older and every once in a while we even went to a party that wasn't preceded by the words "LAN".
And life was good. Not great, not too bad, mostly so-so.
Fast forward to 2004. Graduation from high school. Through tedious work, I got out of the nerd corner. (blatant lie)
I am still a nerd.
But on top of being in the school orchestra (the European equivalent of being a band geek),
editing the freshly-started school zine (more classic nerdery here) and
pursuing my other nerdy pastimes I also have
- a band (we play punk and suck but hey, I'm not asking for much at this stage)
- girls (mostly just one but sometimes there is overlap which makes me feel really cool)
- a spot in a good university.

Summer 2004 was my cocoon stage. In as a caterpillar, out as a butterfly. At least that was the goal.
Have you ever tried to rid yourself of the shit which you feel is keeping you down?
Anyway, after graduation I decided not to let anyone ever decide for me who I was going to be.
So come freshman year at university, I'm a happy-go-lucky guy with a bad haircut and not a care in the world.

High school was, academically speaking, a breeze. Not so much socially.
University was the polar opposite. I made friends quickly but barely skated by in exams.
A low point was reached when I failed Introduction to Math ... or math for morons.
On the flipside, after being out of high school for half a year, I finally got the girl. You know, the one girl you always liked but could never have.
So I had a girl, studied more, drank a lot, travelled, did some internships, travelled some more and whoops where did the time go it is 2008.

I hand in my thesis, move out of my flat and prepare our ambulances for a 7,000-km trip through Eastern Europe, Turkey and Iran.
The trip is fucking gorgeous. Three weeks of trucking, hanging out with our awesome group and reminiscing.

Then I go back home, find a job, decide to travel the world and have to go home yet again because of an accident.

If you read this far, chances are you either forgot about the introduction or couldn't care less.
I'll tell you anyway.

The smart-ass-itude, going from the top in high school to the bottom in university, being so hung up about girls and others, ...
it all goes back to me being the youngest kid in most social contexts I can remember. Imagine being the youngest sibling to 100 people.
This fueled my need, drive, urge, obsession etc. to prove people how cool, mature, grown-up, un-childish I was until I was about 21.
If everybody looks down on you, the one thing you want the most is just to be equal for once.
After high school I had sort of and after uni I had definitely reached that point.

So now I'm pretty happy.
But who am I now?

Jonas the musician ... I learned to play the piano and the cello and taught myself guitar, bass, percussion, a little bit of drums and the ukulele. Love listening to Sublime, RATM and selected bits of "adult contemporary pop" and rap which I pull out of the Mediaf!re thread. Also, my last successful music project was an acoustic band in which I played the cello and sang.
Jonas the incapable artist ... I like comics, writing, reading, all of it. But I can't draw. Really like reading old French comic books (Asterix, Lucky Luke, fighter pilots stuff) and am currently writing short stories. Two to be precise. One I came up with on acid, the other one I didn't.
Jonas the career man ... in November, after six tedious interviews, I got a call from a company that put an end to the awkward dating dance stage of relationships. It was a little bit first kiss and a little bit take your top off. I have a good job now. And if you didn't get the comparison, getting a job is like flirting.
Jonas the nerd ... 4 LYFE YO! Computer games, Scrabble, gadgets, yada yada, I'm a nerd. Yeah.
Jonas the smart-ass. That will probably never change.
Jonas the slacker. This one will definitely not change until I have more responsibility than over myself.
Jonas the everything else ... I longboard, I snowboard and I still like basketball, shoe incident nonwithstanding.
Sometimes I like to smoke pot, go to art galleries, put on my headphones, set the tunes to shuffle and just wander between exhibits. Sometimes a song will just "click" with a painting or a photo. Try it, it's a lot of fun.

What am I not?
Jonas the ladies' man? ... the girls are gone, most of my friends have moved away for their jobs or straight up abandoned me.
Jonas the insecure ... I have come to peace with myself. This is something most people will say about themselves when they are about to croak, I know.
But I'm not insecure anymore. I'm happy. 'Cause I got myself to this place and nobody else.
The Donk of Canterbury wishes everybody good tidings.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #96 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:32 »

Hey if someone wants to make a better post about me than the one I am about to do I will totally give them $10 (Australian)

Darryl, forum,

My name is David Anthony Dovey- most folks refer to me by my last name- and I am 22 year old male from Perth, Western Australia. It totally surprises me that I am older than a fair share of you guys because it seems that you all lead way more interesting, adult lives than me. Even the whiny teenagers.

It says on my diploma that I am a sound engineer but for the most part I do menial and repetitive jobs in offices. The upside of this is that I have a lot of free time on my hands and I put it to good use arguing about bullshit on the Internet, or thinking about the bullshit I want to argue about on the Internet. Compared to most people I know in meat life I am an intellectual type but my knowledge on almost every subject I care about is routinely put to shame every day by someone else, usually on this forum. I know a little about everything but not everything about anything. All of this means I tend to swing between insufferable arrogance and crippling feelings of inadequacy. Similarly I am completely shy and silent around people I do not know and an uncontrollable loudmouth around those I do. I try to talk like I am a cross between Roast Beef and T-Rex but I still haven't quite incorporated all of the vernacular into my everyday speech yet. I have to fight the urge to communicate entirely in image macros sometimes.

I more or less quit drinking about 8 months ago after realising that I wasn't enjoying the feeling of alcohol intoxication anymore, nor who I was when I was drunk. I wish I took other drugs more often but I have absolutely no contacts whatsoever.

I wear glasses but I do not really need them. I have a very weak astigmatism in my left eye that gives me headaches from reading or staring at a computer screen but other than that I see fine. I just prefer the way I, and pretty much everyone else, look in glasses. It is kind of my fetish I guess?

My dream job is to basically be Jon Stewart and get exorbitant amounts of money to yell at the T.V. news.

I am interested in nice clothing and if I had the money I would have no problems spending eleven thousand dollars on a pair of shoes or something. I do not have any money so mostly I wear webcomics shirts and jeans. I wish I lived in a colder climate so I could wear a suit more often.

I have six tattoos, all of them arguably stupid, depending on who you ask. They have more than once ignited internet debates (Sersious).

I would cut off all of the hair on my head if it meant I cold grow a decent beard.

I came to this forum as a metalhead type guy what with the long hair and the wearing the black and now I guess I am pretty much one of those hipster people they talk about?

I am travelling to Sydney in a couple of weeks to meet a fairly large percentage of the Australian forum people.

I hope to travel the world next year, hopefully meeting (and sleeping on the floors of) many of the people on this forum.

I know myself far too well to write one of these posts.
« Last Edit: 01 Feb 2009, 09:37 by David_Dovey »
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #97 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:35 »

Dovey you better be stopping in Fargo or there will be hell to pay.

Just sayin'.
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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #98 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:41 »

Addendum: QC ladies seem to like me? I still find this inexplicable.

Liz I don't see why not. ( I will be travelling with my girlfriend though so forewarned)
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Hey there, stranger.
« Reply #99 on: 01 Feb 2009, 09:44 »

if you decide to hit up toronto (and you should, lots of qc folks in this area!) and i have my own place by then you are of course more than welcome to stay on my floor. with any luck it'll be a guest bed and not a floor.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.
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