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Author Topic: WCT February 9-13  (Read 87176 times)


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #200 on: 12 Feb 2009, 18:04 »

Wow the Intern has a pair,good to know.
I do agree though,he should tell Faye,i just wonder how she would take it.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #201 on: 12 Feb 2009, 18:28 »

You know what would be awesome right now?

A comic about Steve.

I could go for a Steve interlude.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #202 on: 12 Feb 2009, 18:33 »

You know what would be awesome right now?

A comic about Steve.

I'd like a storyline where Sven and Steve go on a bender and then start hanging out and double-dating and shit. There aren't enough good bro male relationships in the strip.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #203 on: 12 Feb 2009, 18:41 »

I'd like to see Sven, Steve, and Marten pose as a team cause shit just got real.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #204 on: 12 Feb 2009, 19:03 »

I've been in Lydia's situation before and it is incredibly shitty. If you say something, you risk ruining somebody else's relationship. But if you DON'T say something, it poisons your relationship with those same people.

I'd rather err on the side of honesty, and have in the past.
There's one worse: being given such information by Party S, biting the bullet and keeping your lip zipped, and then finding out that Party S has told everyone he knows except Party F, the person that it matters to, and that, by playing the odds, has managed to get somebody to finally spill it to Party F, which was apparently the plan all along. You're left with the Charlie Brown question: are you a hero, or a goat? Me, I felt like eating laundry, stinking, and shitting all over the place*, i.e. decidedly goatlike.

And by the way, for everyone wanting to slam Lydia, there's a decided difference in taking someone into your confidence for help in working something out and casually dropping a stink-bomb the way Sven did.

*Well, verbally shitting.

Edit: Which, I realize I didn't say, is what I think Sven would do if he could. Drat Wil for being on a road trip!

Why would it be "biting the bullet" not to say something you'd have to go out of your way to say?   Do you really think Sven is going to tell everyone except Faye? 

I guess it's my advanced age -- I've been through this particular situation from a few different viewpoints over the years.  There are no good scenarios.  I've been the one told I was being cheated on (I didn't want to believe it.  Once it turned out to be a lie, and once it turned out to be true.  Both times, the drama was large, the relationships were ruined all the way around, and it was ugly).  I've been the one who told about a cheater (same scenario, only I got something thrown at me) and I've been the one who told the cheater I wasn't carrying his news for him, he better do it himself. (The only one where all things DID NOT go up in flames, although there was ugliness afterwards).  Lydia isn't even Faye's friend with some sort of loyalty involved.  She's met Faye, what, two or three times in great awkwardness?

Here's a thought -- perhaps there will be more conversation and Sven will talk this out and come to a decision.  Personally, I hope he will be an adult about it and do the telling because it's the right thing to do, and that Faye will handle it non-violently (sorry, I don't think violence is an appropriate choice in this situation -- funny, yes, but it is just another way to control people -- do what I want or I will cause you pain). 

However, I will say that Jeph has done his job as writer -- we are obsessing about it!  Hell, I'm on vacation for my birthday and I'm obsessing about it!
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #205 on: 12 Feb 2009, 19:27 »

Biting the bullet because I didn't and don't like seeing people used badly. I admit that now I would keep my mouth shut, too, as* I now believe, on a whole, in allowing people to 'enjoy' their own amusements. But sometimes I'm very afraid that what this really amounts to is being "old and tired."

So cheers to Lydia for being willing to "go out of her way" for a fellow human being. Although, as both yesterday and today's strips show, what she's really trying to do is make Sven do what's right via a threat (in a way, the same thing). Which, as I said before, must be what he wants.

edit: 'but' was the wrong conjunction. Post actually makes sense now. Sort of, anyway.  :-)
« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2009, 02:51 by raoullefere »
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #206 on: 12 Feb 2009, 19:35 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #207 on: 12 Feb 2009, 19:50 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.

I'd say Sven is a dick, but Sven's not a real person.

I think he SHOULD tell her and I think that Lydia should if he doesn't man up and do it himself. You can say stay out of it all you want, but by not telling she's tacitly approving, and she'd made it clear she think's Sven's a ho anyway. Also, she would be lying by omission. But mostly I hate selfish asshatery from people: what you don't know CAN hurt you.

And I hope to hell Faye can be a grown up and not come out punching. Yelling is totally acceptable, but violence isn't. If Sven hit her, we'd all have a fit. But she shouldn't be hitting him, either. That's sure as all damn the wrong way to handle problems.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #208 on: 12 Feb 2009, 20:26 »

Sven's fighting it, but I think he will tell Faye in the end.  Lydia is probably playing the role of the voice of his growing conscience.  I think too that Sven actually does  care about Faye more than he cares to admit to himself even now.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #209 on: 12 Feb 2009, 21:03 »

I think sven knows he's going to get it, but he wants to delay the pain as long as possible to make everything feel much worse when faye gets to poundin'.

or will she?!



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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #210 on: 12 Feb 2009, 21:28 »

I'm hoping Sven doesn't tell Faye, so that when Faye does find out, poop hits the fan... the turbo charged fan... and the poop really really stinks, not like that poop that sometimes doesn't stink so much because you managed to keep to a healthy diet for a week or so.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #211 on: 12 Feb 2009, 22:49 »

so i occasionally come out of lurking...

so, i'm one of those faye/sven fans...cliche? yes. but i still totally wanted it. and am definitely disappointed in the turn of events. i guess i thought if it ended it would be sven getting bored and walking away or something? i don't know. In any case, instead of seeing Faye freak out i think she'd be so much more effective if she didn't say anything at all and just left ending it all like that. I think that would really mess with sven. and in the end, like most people here have said as well, both of them were clear on what this was, so even though it doesnt seem right, it can't really be called cheating.

in regards to the intern....i think it would depend on the situation. if it was a close friend of mine, then i'd feel obligated to tell them what was going on. i don't think it's really her place to tell faye here, because as someone pointed out earlier they've only met a handful of times. but seeing as how she does know sven, there's no reason she can't act as his conscience. I like the intern.

on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #212 on: 13 Feb 2009, 00:59 »

I don't think Faye's actually going to resort to violence. It seems like that joke's passed, thankfully, as it always felt a bit weird to me. I think she's more likely to go off and cry or something. I imagine this is what Sven's more afraid of than her yelling at him, at the very least he didn't want to actually hurt Faye. This burst of remorse is probably him realising he should have turned her down in the first place and saved her a load of hurt.
on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.
Urgh, I can't imagine this. She's so childlike in her current form it'd just feel weird.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #213 on: 13 Feb 2009, 01:51 »

My question at this point is that after the yelling (assuming Faye does at least some), whose shoulder does she cry on? It's a given that she'll talk to her therapist at some point, but who is her go-to person on something like this. Dora? Marten? Hannelore? Penelope or Raven? I dunno.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #214 on: 13 Feb 2009, 02:14 »

on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.
Urgh, I can't imagine this. She's so childlike in her current form it'd just feel weird.

Not without a guy who's not equally as innocent and perhaps obsessive/psychotic at least.

But if there WAS such a guy, they'd be so cute together, what with never even touching and all. 


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #215 on: 13 Feb 2009, 03:49 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.

No moreso than Faye's being an inexpressive bitch.  Honesty all around would do them a world of good.

Yes, they're comic(book) characters, but I think most folks have encountered people similar to them at some point in their lives, which is what I base this off of.  The characters themselves are just convienent stand-ins.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #216 on: 13 Feb 2009, 05:27 »

on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.

that's not how mental illness worksharblgrbrlsarjdnf


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #217 on: 13 Feb 2009, 06:40 »

on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.

that's not how mental illness worksharblgrbrlsarjdnf

Not everything is necessarily directly part of her OCD, even things that can be blamed on it to some extent. I'd suspect her trouble interacting with people has more to do with how she was raised (on a space station, right? and we've met her mom.) than with the OCD anyway.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #218 on: 13 Feb 2009, 06:45 »

man i'm still waiting for a female character that isn't hannelore that has redeeming qualities

i thought the intern had potential but no she had to go and fuck it up


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #219 on: 13 Feb 2009, 07:07 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.
Indeed. We've never seen that one before, right ?

so, i'm one of those faye/sven fans...cliche? yes. but i still totally wanted it.
Cliche ? Uh. If something is stereotype, you would at very least expect it or something.

For me, wishing for the Faye/Sven relationship is something extremely weird. Why join the girl with issues with the extremely immature playboy ? Seriously !

on a total side note, i think its time to give Hanners a love interest, get her to break out of her shell a bit more or something.
That would be some kind of Wil.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #220 on: 13 Feb 2009, 07:12 »

Why join the girl with issues with the extremely immature playboy ? Seriously !

so basically you want sven to be celibate


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #221 on: 13 Feb 2009, 07:29 »



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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #222 on: 13 Feb 2009, 07:59 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.
Indeed. We've never seen that one before, right ?

Even for Sven, though, that's being a dick.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #223 on: 13 Feb 2009, 08:04 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.
Indeed. We've never seen that one before, right ?

Even for Sven, though, that's being a dick.

how so

he's said several times that it's not exclusive or words to that effect, why the hell are people saying that his behavious is dickish

do you just hate sex


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #224 on: 13 Feb 2009, 08:36 »

do you just hate sex

Yes. Sex makes me angry in ways even genocide can't provoke.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #225 on: 13 Feb 2009, 08:37 »

do you just hate sex

Yes. Sex makes me angry in ways even genocide can't provoke.

well shit

sex with you must be wicked sweet if we posit that angry sex is kickin'


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #226 on: 13 Feb 2009, 09:55 »

Wow, Sven's being a dick.
Indeed. We've never seen that one before, right ?

Even for Sven, though, that's being a dick.

But his facial expressions are SO awesome when he's feeling introspective and remorseful.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #227 on: 13 Feb 2009, 11:28 »

I hope in the end that faye and sven  become a couple  :lol: I really do.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #228 on: 13 Feb 2009, 14:07 »

I wouldn't mind one way or another if Sven and Faye stay together or break up (although I think I might prefer together. I liked the old banter). I'm just not excited about the angsty big reveal. I hate to admit it but I feel legitimately sorry for these characters sometimes. I know if Faye starts crying and retreating back into denial land or Sven starts whoring and drinking I am just going to be unreasonably upset.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #229 on: 13 Feb 2009, 14:36 »

I can't decide if Sven needs to grow some balls or chop his off, either way, he isn't healthy where he is.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #230 on: 13 Feb 2009, 14:51 »

Great strips this, as usual, but none of them amused me quite so much as est's Weekly Comic Discussion comic.

Nothing much to add to the "Sven is an arse" discussion, really.
Man, if I was the sort of person who quoted things like that in my signature, I'd quote that it my signature.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #231 on: 13 Feb 2009, 15:02 »

Another thing to add to the list of reasons why I must not get moshed to death by Glaswegians this Sunday*. I need to see what happens next!

The list also contains Starcraft 2 and the Watchmen film.

(*Defenders of the Faith tour. Lamb of God for the win! \m/)
« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2009, 15:03 by teh Dave »

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #232 on: 13 Feb 2009, 15:10 »

"She's the one who said if I slept with anyone else she'd leave" -- that's what Sven's really afraid of. He isn't scared of Faye's wrath, he's proven several times before he can handle her. He's scared he will find himself a dumped man for the first time in...forever, most likely, and that he'll miss her.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #233 on: 13 Feb 2009, 16:35 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here.  If someone cheats and then confesses it to their partner then they're a selfish bastard.  The only real reason cheaters confess is because they feel bad and they know confessing will help them feel better even though it will make their partner feel a whole lot worse.  So really the selfish prick just wants to feel better and doesn't care if you feel worse.  If your conscience is paining you then maybe you deserve it and you should stew in it.  If you absolutely must the go tell your priest or your shrink but don't go burdening your girlfriend just to make yourself feel better.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #234 on: 13 Feb 2009, 16:43 »

Great strips this, as usual, but none of them amused me quite so much as est's Weekly Comic Discussion comic.

Actually, that wasn't est's.

The thread that he borrowed it from:,22188.0.html


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #235 on: 13 Feb 2009, 22:37 »

Is it just me, or does Sven look like he dropped about seven years or so.
I would have pegged Sven at 30-31 in the earlier comic, but lately he looks 23-24. IMO, of course. YMMV.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #236 on: 14 Feb 2009, 04:53 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here. [...]  If you absolutely must the go tell your priest or your shrink but don't go burdening your girlfriend just to make yourself feel better.
  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o

Confessing to your girlfriend you cheated on her is SELFISH ???

 :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #237 on: 14 Feb 2009, 04:57 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here. [...]  If you absolutely must the go tell your priest or your shrink but don't go burdening your girlfriend just to make yourself feel better.
  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o

Confessing to your girlfriend you cheated on her is SELFISH ???

 :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o

basically the only reason to confess that you cheated to your significant other is to relieve your guilt is what he's saying

there are also health reasons which is the thing that he's missing and also perhaps you feel that your girlfriend should know (because if you've cheated once you're statisitically much more likely to cheat again than someone who never cheated and you think that she should be fully informed about the relationship)


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #238 on: 14 Feb 2009, 06:09 »

Teen Drama Scenario: Faye is pregnant. She decides to tell Sven, while Sven has decided to tell Faye about his cheating. Faye drops the bomb first, making Sven unable to tell Faye about his cheating. Now he just wants to be there for her and never tell her what happened. Only to make an even uglier mess when Faye finds out...

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #239 on: 14 Feb 2009, 06:20 »

Great strips this, as usual, but none of them amused me quite so much as est's Weekly Comic Discussion comic.

Nothing much to add to the "Sven is an arse" discussion, really.

That's actually mine, from this thread.,22186.50.html

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #240 on: 14 Feb 2009, 08:11 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here. [...]  If you absolutely must the go tell your priest or your shrink but don't go burdening your girlfriend just to make yourself feel better.
  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o

Confessing to your girlfriend you cheated on her is SELFISH ???

 :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o  :-o

basically the only reason to confess that you cheated to your significant other is to relieve your guilt is what he's saying

there are also health reasons which is the thing that he's missing and also perhaps you feel that your girlfriend should know (because if you've cheated once you're statisitically much more likely to cheat again than someone who never cheated and you think that she should be fully informed about the relationship)

Why does he even have to tell Faye for health reasons?  He goes to the clinic, gets tested; if he's negative, Faye does not need to know.  As long as Sven has not contracted any diseases or gotten Gina pregnant, there is absolutely no good reason for Faye to know this happened.

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #241 on: 14 Feb 2009, 12:02 »

If Sven wants to keep sleeping with Faye, even as big of a dick as him couldn't avoid guilt, which wouldn't let him sleep with her unless he told her.  But then, if Faye wants to keep sleeping with Sven and he refuses, then Faye will become curious and she'll find out anyway. 

I would say that if you've done something wrong to your "partner" (and let's not argue about whether or not this is a "relationship" and whether or not Sven and Faye are "partners", please) it's better you be honest and tell them than they find out that you were trying to hide it.   
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #242 on: 14 Feb 2009, 12:15 »

Why does he even have to tell Faye for health reasons?  He goes to the clinic, gets tested; if he's negative, Faye does not need to know.  As long as Sven has not contracted any diseases or gotten Gina pregnant, there is absolutely no good reason for Faye to know this happened.

Some STD's take a while to show up, but are transmittable in the mean time. Oral herpes is a great example. And some are asymptomatic in many people, like say HPV.

But really, I personally don't think it's a health thing primarily. That's only a secondary issue. It's about being honest in your relationships. You know, do unto others and all that.

Also, being honest tends to kill drama stone dead. Sven's whole "If I don't tell her, she won't find out, and there will never be any consequences" rationalization is obviously mistaken. Faye IS gonna find out, sooner or later, one way or another. If he tells her right away, the amount of drama will be way less. The longer it takes for her to find out, the more drama...
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2009, 23:22 by ModernRonin »

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #243 on: 14 Feb 2009, 12:16 »

Faye made it clear her consent required monogamy.  Whether or not they are in a relationship is moot.  If Sven doesn't tell her then her consent is based on false pretenses.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #244 on: 14 Feb 2009, 12:41 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here. 

Some people's definition of "reality" is curiously similar to my definition of "sociopathy."
« Last Edit: 14 Feb 2009, 12:44 by fifthfiend »

Doug S. Machina

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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #245 on: 14 Feb 2009, 14:28 »

Great strips this, as usual, but none of them amused me quite so much as est's Weekly Comic Discussion comic.

Nothing much to add to the "Sven is an arse" discussion, really.

That's actually mine, from this thread.,22186.50.html

Sorry, I thought est had just whipped it up to make the point. Good work, sir.
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #246 on: 14 Feb 2009, 22:04 »

Let's acknowledge one bit of reality here. 

Some people's definition of "reality" is curiously similar to my definition of "sociopathy."

That just tells me you don't even know what the definition of sociopathy is.  I'm just not seeing the chronic immoral and anti-social behavior.  Personally, I see people as fallible and imperfect so the important thing would be to resolve not to do it again and move on.  The milk is spilled and crying about it won't solve anything so take it as a learning experience and move on.  There is certainly no benefit to confessing at this point other then to make yourself feel better at the expense of other people which is selfish so just resolve not to do it again and let that be the end of it.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #247 on: 15 Feb 2009, 00:02 »

Not related to the comic strips themselves, but still: I am not a fan of the new colouring scheme of the site. The former was... friendlier and more welcoming.


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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #248 on: 15 Feb 2009, 00:26 »

For someone who doesn't care about being monogamous, he certainly seems concerned about her leaving. Just sayin....
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Re: WCT February 9-13
« Reply #249 on: 15 Feb 2009, 00:50 »

I'm surprised people aren't looking at the deeper issue here.

"So I'm a liar. I can live with that."

That just screams resignation and defeat. This guy has gone through some serious shit in the past, and he doesn't enjoy being how he is at all; it's to protect himself.

Sven got caught in the heat of the moment and lost control. He doesn't feel guilty, he's mad, disappointed, and depressed with himself for once again succumbing to his desires. He may not have done the best thing, but don't be so quick to judge this guy. I suspect he's got a history of some psychological issues we could only begin to guess at.
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