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Author Topic: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)  (Read 8823 times)

Cap'n Treacherous

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Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« on: 17 Feb 2009, 17:30 »

I lost some faith in the powers of the QC cast to compel me, but I was sincerely moved by this most recent comic, especially Faye's hurt under-reaction.  She's usually been a bit over the top in her responses, but this was just right.  Sven's closing line was pretty accurate too.  I think the two are really in love- but can an irrepressible cad change his ways or a standoffish chick hers?  Goodness, the drama.
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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #1 on: 18 Feb 2009, 12:32 »

I was just about to make a thread exactly like this. These last two strips are stellar. Keep this up Jeph.

Also: I really liked the third panel in this latest strip too. Experiment like that more often.
Baby, you got a stew going.


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #2 on: 19 Feb 2009, 13:27 »


Jeph. Come on man. Where is the magic of the last two? Wanna know why Octopus Pie is better than QC? Look at the latest strip. It's this big dramatic moment, and there are a total 4 things said in 9 panels. Now look at your latest strip.

I want you to imagine Penny not saying anything in that last panel.

Bam. Look at that, already better.

That one's yours. Free of charge.

I genuinely want to see this comic get better and see you progress as an artist and writer. I've been reading this comic for years, and it's frustrating to see you stagnated like this. Pare down the dialogue. Hone the characters to they're not all just vague copies of themselves (particularly Dora and Marten). Ease up on the female characters. Bring Steve back. Steve adds a nice balance. Try different paneling techniques. Experiment. And for the love of jesus add some new settings. Just some friendly advice.
Baby, you got a stew going.


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #3 on: 19 Feb 2009, 13:33 »

friendly advice delivered like a dick ain't so friendly.

still I will take it into consideration.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #5 on: 20 Feb 2009, 07:15 »

[ giving Jeph some positive feedback so he won't die of all these lazer beams of death.]

Don't know if I'm the only one who is thinking this but I feel if the storyline  or art is pressured it in anything it  ruins everything.
So all this " this comic's strip is better then yours wah wap wah" stuff is kind of a buzz kill at least for me if I was in his shoes.

I think QC is alright how it is- its a comic that entertains people and has its up and downs like every other comic or anything else for the matter. So yeah thats my two cents aimed at all the HxC crazy QC fans who drive me up a wall.
I mean the stuff I read its like you live in the QC town and all the QC cast is your BFF.
Take the red pill blue pill red pill people!

« Last Edit: 20 Feb 2009, 07:18 by viatriphop »

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #6 on: 20 Feb 2009, 07:27 »


Hi Jeph.  It's your comic.  Do what you want with it;  It's been successful so far.  Otherwise you wouldn't have such a diverse readership of people who are just dying to take control of the plane away from the pilot.

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #7 on: 20 Feb 2009, 07:53 »

Jeph, I'm going to tell you the truth here (at least as I see it).

Please, PLEASE NEVER let the fans determine the course of the strip.

Oh sure, you can play off their expectations, throw a curve ball here or there, toss a little fanservice our way (if you're so inclined: this is HARDLY a request), but the strip shouldn't turn into a dialogue with the fanbase at large.

I've seen what's happened with this in PvP, how he turned the strip into his own little soapbox to the people on his forum. It wasn't pretty.

QC is alright just like it is. I love the interaction you have with us fans, but at the end of the day, please keep the strip yours and yours alone.
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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #8 on: 20 Feb 2009, 08:55 »

Nah I take the green pills to avoid the annoyance of rabid fans who mentally live in the QC.
Well all the drama I mean.Sorry if I came off all RAWR.
edit: Also I have been lurking this forum for like 3 years[sadly] so this isn't just random sign up find QC  forum rage either.
« Last Edit: 20 Feb 2009, 09:09 by viatriphop »


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #9 on: 20 Feb 2009, 12:06 »

hooray pill poppin


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #10 on: 21 Feb 2009, 21:17 »

Just have someone kick Sven in the crotch and run!

(not really, but I use this line which I stole for all solutions now. Hugs to whoever gets it)
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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #11 on: 21 Feb 2009, 23:13 »

Sven doesn't need the ability to reproduce. More Svens in this world would be h0arrific.

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #12 on: 24 Feb 2009, 02:32 »

Baby, you got a stew going.


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #13 on: 24 Feb 2009, 07:17 »

[ giving Jeph some positive feedback so he won't die of all these lazer beams of death.]

Don't know if I'm the only one who is thinking this but I feel if the storyline  or art is pressured it in anything it  ruins everything.
So all this " this comic's strip is better then yours wah wap wah" stuff is kind of a buzz kill at least for me if I was in his shoes.

I think QC is alright how it is- its a comic that entertains people and has its up and downs like every other comic or anything else for the matter. So yeah thats my two cents aimed at all the HxC crazy QC fans who drive me up a wall.
I mean the stuff I read its like you live in the QC town and all the QC cast is your BFF.
Take the red pill blue pill red pill people!
An artist should consider the criticism he recieves and try to push himself in new directions and improve his work or he'll become shitty and stagnant. Debaser's advice was actually really really good and sucking jeph's dick and telling him to never change just because it's 'good enough' is really dumb.

Strike Da Mic

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #14 on: 24 Feb 2009, 08:20 »

Hey Jeph, hey QC fans,

wow. First post!

I've hit QC by accident like 2 weeks ago, and ever since I devoured the 1300-something strips because QC has what I've been missing in all the other webcomics lately - originality, proper sarcasm and wit, and humor.

And hell, this one strip actually really touched me. Faye is perfectly drawn, and the way she looks at Sven after he made his confession expresses so much pain and disappointment. Kudos!

Oh and yeah, to the "friendly advice" guy - If I were your friend, and you came up to me telling me that you think your relationship is going pretty bad and you don't want it to crash but you just don't know what to do about it, would you want me to go "Oh well maybe you suck in bed dude, here, try this and that, the bitch'll love it. Oh and if not, send her to me, she'll love it THEN, har har, here, this one's for free." Would you pat my back and go "Thanks for listening man" or would you kick me in the nuts? Yeah, thought so.

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #15 on: 24 Feb 2009, 08:23 »

[ giving Jeph some positive feedback so he won't die of all these lazer beams of death.]

Don't know if I'm the only one who is thinking this but I feel if the storyline  or art is pressured it in anything it  ruins everything.
So all this " this comic's strip is better then yours wah wap wah" stuff is kind of a buzz kill at least for me if I was in his shoes.

I think QC is alright how it is- its a comic that entertains people and has its up and downs like every other comic or anything else for the matter. So yeah thats my two cents aimed at all the HxC crazy QC fans who drive me up a wall.
I mean the stuff I read its like you live in the QC town and all the QC cast is your BFF.
Take the red pill blue pill red pill people!
An artist should consider the criticism he recieves and try to push himself in new directions and improve his work or he'll become shitty and stagnant. Debaser's advice was actually really really good and sucking jeph's dick and telling him to never change just because it's 'good enough' is really dumb.

Yes it is, but expressing it like Jeph was some kind of absolute newbie to the process and absolutely helpless without his help isn't really productive and/or constructive either, right?


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #16 on: 24 Feb 2009, 09:14 »

Apparently it did since jeph is not a 14 year old girl and took it in to consideration instead of crying about the fact that it wasn't phrased in the nicest way.

Also your analogy to what debaser said was really innacurate.

Strike Da Mic

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #17 on: 24 Feb 2009, 12:39 »

Apparently it did since jeph is not a 14 year old girl and took it in to consideration instead of crying about the fact that it wasn't phrased in the nicest way.

Also your analogy to what debaser said was really innacurate.

The first line in your post, quoted above, is really inaccurate (see bold text). I wouldn't say that he "cried" about it, but he remarked it in a rather clear way, I'd say. And I think he was right about doing that.

I don't consider it inaccurate (except for the 'relationship going bad' part maybe, because Jeph's comic is obviously doing great), only exaggerated to emphasise the point.

Anyway, I think he should just leave it like it is and continue. I admire his work, and in all the strips he has created so far, there wasn't a single one which I really disliked (and I don't mean the 'meh, I dunno, this one wasn't really THAT good' way of disliking something).


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #18 on: 24 Feb 2009, 21:33 »

ok, I've come to terms. After reading this latest strip I now see what you want QC to be and I can respect it. I was just confused

Anyway, sorry for being a dick, that was uncalled for. OP and QC are entirely different comics done by entirely different people with entirely different goals and I shouldn't have made such a rude comparison. I was young and dumb.
Baby, you got a stew going.


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #19 on: 24 Feb 2009, 22:43 »

I find it ironic that it wasn't Faye who laid him out with a roundhouse right, but Dora.

Faye not doing anything was so against her character that it was about the only thing she could do.

Either way - awesome sauce with a slice of cheesecake, Jeph.
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Strike Da Mic

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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #20 on: 24 Feb 2009, 23:29 »

I find it ironic that it wasn't Faye who laid him out with a roundhouse right, but Dora.

Faye not doing anything was so against her character that it was about the only thing she could do.

Either way - awesome sauce with a slice of cheesecake, Jeph.

I feel the same way. Kinda shows me that Faye is really hurt and was caught off guard by what Sven did (even though she kinda HAD to see it coming with a guy like Sven, right?). Makes Faye's character a lot more sympathetic and realistic.
« Last Edit: 24 Feb 2009, 23:33 by Strike Da Mic »


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #21 on: 26 Feb 2009, 19:56 »

I think it is more to the effect of she is trying to be less of a horrid bitch and going and beathing the hell out of him for something she probably saw coming would be very horrid bitch-like


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Re: Congrats Jeph on a great comic (2-16-2009)
« Reply #22 on: 27 Feb 2009, 00:06 »

ok, I've come to terms. After reading this latest strip I now see what you want QC to be and I can respect it. I was just confused

Anyway, sorry for being a dick, that was uncalled for. OP and QC are entirely different comics done by entirely different people with entirely different goals and I shouldn't have made such a rude comparison. I was young and dumb.

It ain't no thang, I didn't think you were setting out to bum me out with crude words. Advice is advice and it would be pretty dumb for me to not at least consider it when offered. In the end it can only benefit me.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.
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