i was hanging out with some kid and i let it slip that 'if i had to choose a favorite genre i guess it would be twee'.
so then he asked 'what the fuck is twee?'
i spent a few minutes stuttering something about 'a bluh calvin johnson... twee as fuck... punk rock for wimps' but when i noticed his blank stare i told him 'you know fuck it, let me just make you a mix & explain it that way'.
and that's when i realized oh shit i love twee but actually i know nothing about it and now this guy thinks i'm an expert and i'm totally not, my cover is blown!
so ummm... hey there music forum! i notice the last topic on twee was back in 2006 so why don't we have another one? let's talk about sarah/k records & what twee is/isn't & recommend some bands/songs & ...ok just blatantly help me build a mix.
appearing on the mix: beat happening, heavenly, all girl summer fun band, tullycraft, belle & sebastian, talulah gosh, the lucksmiths, math & physics club, the softies, cub, bunnygrunt, the field mice
debating whether to include: architecture in helsinki, boy least likely to, camera obscura, i'm from barcelona
i'm terrible at talking about music so i'll let you guys get started and then i'll try to jump in with more detailed descriptions and suggestions.