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Author Topic: Dark Void  (Read 8817 times)


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Dark Void
« on: 21 Nov 2009, 17:07 »

Holy shit you guys: Dark Void. We're going to have so many games in the first quarter of 2010, since they all wanted to avoid getting caught in the MW2 hype, and Dark Void is one of them. It has jetpacks made by Nikola Tesla with 7.62 mm assault guns on it and shapeshifting alien larvae with massive bionic suits, to start with.

Introduction trailer:
Watchers trailer:
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #1 on: 21 Nov 2009, 17:16 »

Slow ass flash site.

But the game looks pretty cool.
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Storm Rider

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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #2 on: 21 Nov 2009, 19:42 »

I've actually been keeping tabs on this game for a while. I really like the aerial combat elements, especially since these are the ex-Crimson Skies dudes, and the added dynamics the jetpack brings to the normal third person shooter formula. I'm not completely feeling the art design for the aliens, but the environments quite good and they've shown off a couple of classic Capcom giant fuckin' bosses as well.

I think that this is probably the best gameplay video out right now. It doesn't show too much of the UFO-on-UFO combat, but it does show how the jetpack flight works, the vertical cover combat, and how many options the jetpack opens up when taking on guys on the ground. My only worry from that video is that the enemies look a little bullet-spongey, but maybe that's just the weapon he was using. He also mentions that BSG composer Bear McCreary is doing the soundtrack, which is pretty cool. You can hear some of it from the man himself in this video, where he describes a technique he developed for the game soundtrack that (if it works) seems like it could do a lot for video game music in general.

The real bummer for me is that it's being released the week before Mass Effect 2. So... I'm gonna be busy then. But if it reviews well, I'll hopefully pick it up after I play so much ME2 that I need a palette cleanser.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #3 on: 05 Jan 2010, 11:22 »

Wise fwom your gwave.

Demo hits Live tomorrow.
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Scandanavian War Machine

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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #4 on: 05 Jan 2010, 11:38 »

Definitely looking forward to trying the demo out. I've had my eye on this one for a while (I'm a sucker for flying, which is why I'm buying Just Cause 2 on day 1, heh) but I have to play this one before I decide since I've got alot of other games in my present and future and I can only handle so many, you know.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jan 2010, 19:35 »

Well, I downloaded the demo and it's... short. The flight seems to work fine, although it's a bit disorienting at first. I think the look of the game is also pretty good, it manages to dodge the typical UE3 traps of monochromatic color palate and ridiculous roided-out character models. There's absolutely none of the vertical combat sections in the demo, which seems strange to me since that has been a pretty big selling point for the game. As for the on-foot shooting... it's kind of hard to say from what little there is in the demo. I do know that I was relying on melee a lot, especially when you come across some dudes that are reminiscient of the infectors from Dead Space. It seemed much easier to kill them that way than the guns, which is a concern. Then again, I only had the starting gun and no upgrades, so maybe that's less of a problem as the game goes on.

Also, the soundtrack is very obviously Bear McCreary. It's not as heavy on the pounding bass drums as BSG, but it definitely has his slightly esoteric instrumentation all over it.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #6 on: 07 Jan 2010, 00:45 »

The premise of the game looks intriguing but the more and more I see, the less and less I am impressed.  It seems to be a completely generic 3rd person shooter where the gimmick is the "vertical combat" and the jetpack.  From what I've seen the vertical combat is exactly the same as regular combat, just tilted 90 degrees.  Instead of running from chest-high-wall to chest-high-wall you're jetpacking from ledge to ledge.  The jetpack is interesting and I like some of what I've seen with it.  The problem is that it feels way, way too slow.  I would like a sense of the jetpack being this dangerous thing that you have to pay attention to at all times but from what I've seen and heard, it moves so very slowly. 

Also.  When will people stop using Nolan North for voice acting?  Or at least tell him "Now, we do NOT want you to sound like Nathan Drake, it's distracting."  The guy is incredibly emotive and is a fantastic's just that every time I hear his voice I think of Uncharted and there are very few games that can stack up against it.


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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #7 on: 07 Jan 2010, 01:10 »

Somebody at Capcom doesn't know how a demo works.  Not fighting the boss only pisses people off.  And I wanted to fight the Robo-Pangolin.


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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #8 on: 07 Jan 2010, 02:07 »

And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #9 on: 08 Jan 2010, 15:33 »



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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #10 on: 09 Jan 2010, 01:07 »

The best part was the flight, and I can just drop points on Crimson Skies.
*removes game from purchase list*


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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #11 on: 09 Jan 2010, 01:23 »

I saw some sort of demo for this and didn't understand why people were jizzing about it.  It looked b-grade for everything, and who cares about jetpacks when everything else sucks?

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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #12 on: 09 Jan 2010, 20:25 »

I actually thought it was kind of fun.

I mean, the demo definitely sucked but the flying was fun and the shooting was passable. I'll definitely rent it.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #13 on: 11 Jan 2010, 09:19 »

I went to the demo page and was confused for a moment why the Dead Space guy was in the picture.

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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #14 on: 11 Jan 2010, 10:33 »

So I've actuallly been playing the shit out of this demo over the weekend. I found it to be infinitely more enjoyable if you played it more like this than say...I dunno...a video game where you shoot stuff.

It's actually a lot of fun boosting towards the peak of a mountain, cutting all rocket power just below the top, and then using my inertia to carrry me over the mountain to an awesome cliff-skimming basejump/freefall through some badass canyons and eventually into a narrow sea cave.

I think I'm going to use this to get me by until Just Cause 2 comes out and I'm going to have a blast doing it. Fuck all y'all haters.

then again, I have pretty low standards and my results may not be typical. Bear in mind that I'm the guy who bought the licensed movie game The Incredible Hulk a couple of days ago. On purpose.
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Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.

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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #15 on: 11 Jan 2010, 11:49 »

I didn't think the demo was bad, it was just too short for me to really get a feel for it. I think the game is still an unknown quantity for me, so I'm probably going to wait on reviews. Either way, I'm not buying any more video games until I'm done with Mass Effect 2, so it wouldn't matter either way.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #16 on: 14 Jan 2010, 13:42 »

alright, so i put $20 down on it while i was picking up the new Mario & Luigi game for DS today.

We'll see how I feel about it next week when I can play the real deal.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jan 2010, 10:41 »

oh yeah, picked this shit up yesterday!

I'm not very far (haven't even gotten the sweet helmet yet) but I've been having a blast and the shooting isn't actually that bad once you upgrade your guns a little bit. My machine gun shoots exploding bullets now, so it doesn't take nearly as long to kill things as it did in the demo. Oh also, that demo level is way better in the actual game. That floating white building on top of the blue energy pillar, for example. You have to go inside of it to shut the shields off and when you do, it falls out of the sky so you have to basejump through the thing, dodging pillars and beams and lasers on the way out. It's like it was ripped straight from the rulebook for making action movies....except you actually have to do it yourself.
What else...oh the vertical cover thing! Not sure why they left it out of the demo completely but it's pretty sweet. It's intuitive and easy to use, and timing your grenade throws so as to not blow yourself up is pretty satisfying. Beyond that, it's pretty much just like fighting on the ground except you occasionally have to hammer on a random button to keep your "grip" and prevent yourself from falling off if an explosion goes off near you or something.

The graphics are actually pretty good (besides the faces, oh god the faces). There colors are a little extra saturated and there's lots of lens flare and heavenly-looking bright white light, so it looks very pretty and impressive even if it technically isn't.

Also, there was apparently a pre-order bonus that I didn't know about that gives you a golden jetpack that's pretty baller. Speaking of which, I bought it for ps3 but they gave me an extra code to redeem for the jetpack...for 360(?). So if anyone's playing this on 360 and didn't preorder, I have an extra gold jetpack code that's available.
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Re: Dark Void
« Reply #18 on: 03 Mar 2010, 13:25 »

Having played through fully, my general opinion is that the game is deeply flawed, but it's still a ton of fun. Also, it's overpriced for a $60 game - it'd be a great $30 game. It's also short enough (ten hours or so?) that you can probably play through in the course of a rental if you don't want to buy it.

I threw up a full review neah:

Another review I think was good:

PS: Maybe it's just because I have my 360 standing up on four rolls of electrical tape, but I'm almost never seeing framerate issues. (Or maybe it's because I have a newer-gen "falcon" 360 with the 65 nm GPU that doesn't overheat as easily, who knows...)
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