BTW, is it software or firmware? 
I've never been clear exactly what the difference is—what 'firmware' describes, from the level of instructions to the method of storage, seems to vary from one type of device to another. I would suspect that the 'core' AI (basic personality) of each anpc is software, else it wouldn't be as easily transferable as Winslow made it appear. I'd also expect, though, that, just as in many new portable devices, everything that can be done with hardware is to save on power and, thus, heat generation. Getting wildly speculative, I wonder if that's why the 'Linux' anpc needs a 'neckbeard' heat sink—it uses less, perhaps the bare minimum of the standard hardware, and thus its processor(s) emits more heat grinding out functions through software that are built into the hardware of units such as Pintsize, Momo, and Winslow. Such a set-up would make the system less controlled and its abilities less restricted by 'the man' (the companies making the 'standard' anpc hardware components), but at a price.
Even more wildly speculative: Perhaps Apple used the same rationale with libido in their anpcs as they did with Adobe's Flash on the IPad; to wit, anpc libido uses power to achieve something Apple, at least, doesn't think is necessary, since the same or similar tasks can 'mostly' be accomplished in a less energy-hungry (and heat generating—Winslow looks to be far more 'air-cooled' than the other anpcs—less room for fans) manner. In other words, removing libido wasn't 'too much trouble' for Apple, but instead a worthwhile design objective.
Having said that, I still like the idea that the anpcs' personality is influenced by its owner's.