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Author Topic: Dungeon Siege 3  (Read 7155 times)


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Dungeon Siege 3
« on: 19 Aug 2010, 21:57 »

I was not a fan of the first two, but the third is being made by Obsidian Entertainment (specifically the team that made the Mask of the Betrayer expansion for NWN2) and the first screenshots have been released and their new engine looks niiiiice. All that's really known is that the engine is tailored to render from very far distances, which will be utilized in-game (no "map", but rather a zoomed out perspective on the area) and that there's an emphasis on (a) Animations (b) Real-time lighting and (c) Physics-based combat (not gravity-gun type stuff, but force and gravity going into damage and death animations and the like).

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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2010, 02:06 »

This is the tech they developed for Crucible, right? At least some of that project lives on in a game that will get commercially released. I'm not a fan of Diablo-style games in general, but if the game has as hook beyond 'get phat lewtz', which I would presume considering that Mask of the Betrayer is the best written RPG in years, then maybe I'll make an exception. Hopefully they can figure out how to not make it control like ass on console.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #2 on: 13 Oct 2010, 12:52 »

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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #3 on: 13 Oct 2010, 19:02 »

omgomgomg I love Dungeon Siege!!  About as much as I love Cake.

If I had a choice between cake and playing some Dungeon Siege I would legitimately be hard pressed to decide.  I'm not exaggerating.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct 2010, 01:39 »

Just got around to watching that footage. John, did you notice that the PR guy said "Square Enix and Obsidian's first collaboration"?

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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #5 on: 14 Oct 2010, 01:56 »

I didn't. I do know that Obsidian's always keen on developing lasting relationships with publishers, though they didn't pick very good mates in Atari and Sega.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #6 on: 14 Oct 2010, 01:57 »

If the far-fetched prediction I made months ago ends up being true I am gonna be the smuggest motherfucker in the world.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #7 on: 14 Oct 2010, 09:06 »

Looks like they're making some major changes to the core gameplay, compared to the other Dungeon Siege games. No more mouse-pointer-issued commands, and the combat got a whole lot flashier as well, courtesy of Square Enix, no doubt. I'm not sure what to think of this. Free movement is definitely an improvement, and will make moving around less RSI-inducing. On the other hand, click-spamming attacks may turn out to take its place. I guess that means the western-RPG-style combat tactics are taking a back seat, although the first Dungeon Siege never really called for tactics the way Dragon Age does now. Ten-year-old me was playing the fuck out of this game without ever needing to consider crowd control or tanking.

I wonder if the plot of DS2 is going to play any part in the story. It seems they're using DS1 as a reference point, considering the statue of the farmer (an unflattering name for the savior of the kingdom of Ehb) and the role of the tenth legion. It's been a long time since I played either games, so I can't quite remember how the two backstories related to each other. They may just ignore what happened in DS2 altogether.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #8 on: 14 Oct 2010, 13:09 »

Didn't DS2 happen after the world of DS was destroyed in a great war or something? Or was the story lines on different worlds/continents/whatever?

I'm not sure about the changes to gameplay, it might be that they've gone the same way as (I think I've read that) Bioware is doing with the next Dragon age, as in making gameplay on the PC different from the gameplay on console, simply because what you can do on one isn't something you necessarily can do on the other. But it's a shame if they've chosen to go with diablo's approach to hack'n'slash instead of Dungeon Siege 1/2's version. They are pretty different, with dungeon siege focusing more on pre-setting the skills and spells to be used, and then just manage what to attack and where to use special abilities. It made the game perfect for picking up whenever you wanted to do something simple and easy, but fun. I'm just afraid that it won't be interesting to play it if it's pretty similar to Diablo 3, since Diablo 3 is going to be better at the Diablo thing.

I mean, if you look at the demo, DS3 even has those green, floating blobs of health pick-ups. What happened to potion bottles which you actually drank partially? I liked that.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #9 on: 14 Oct 2010, 16:05 »

omgomgomg I love Dungeon Siege!!  About as much as I love Cake.

If I had a choice between cake and playing some Dungeon Siege I would legitimately be hard pressed to decide.  I'm not exaggerating.
The answer is Dungeon Siege
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #10 on: 15 Oct 2010, 05:20 »

Aranna is a lie.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #11 on: 05 Jun 2011, 13:04 »

This game comes out in a little over 2 weeks! In America, at least. The demo is out presently, and it plays a lot like the old Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games. Check it out!
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #12 on: 05 Jun 2011, 13:30 »

omgomgomg I love Dungeon Siege!!  About as much as I love Cake.

If I had a choice between cake and playing some Dungeon Siege I would legitimately be hard pressed to decide.  I'm not exaggerating.
The answer is Dungeon Siege
Okay, true.

Now Dungeon Siege vs. a Dungeon Siege themed Cake.

I'm feeling some heavy cognitive dissonance here guys.   :psyduck:
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #13 on: 05 Jun 2011, 18:29 »

After playing the demo the game feels a lot like the Dungeon Siege series and the Fable series had a baby, and miraculously the baby had none of the crippling genetic defects that the Fable games have.  I mean all of this in a good way.  And then Dragon Age/Mass Effect came in and gave the baby a crib with the conversation system.

The combat (played the 360 demo) was very similar to Fable with lots of pointing the stick in the direction of the enemy and mashing buttons at them.  However, the game has more abilities than Fable or Dungeon Siege.

The set up for the controls is nice: you have three active, and they are activated by pressing X, Y or B.  Holding L lets you use defensive abilities, and holding R lets you use souped-up versions of the otherwise mapped abilities that use powers.  Doing this uses up a power slot, which are recharged by whacking enemies.  That part is almost exactly the same as the powers from DS2, except that they are powerful versions of otherwise existing abilities.  I like it!  It's mindless actiony enough like the original but with just enough strategy.

Elements of the controls took a little bit getting used to, like RB being the "use/action" button.  Never seen that before!  But no matter.

Items and equipment wise it's same old DS looting system.  Items and gold fly out of chests and enemies like always.

Graphics are nice, reminiscent of Fable again, but I like them.  Dungeon Siege games have always had pretty interesting environments.

Skill & RPG elements are very different.  Gone are the four skill bars of Melee, Ranged, Nature M. and Combat M.  Instead there's a three-step process in leveling.  First, you pick a new ability.  Second, you upgrade an ability in one of two ways.  And then third, you upgrade some passive effects.  Over all it's nice and effective.  Both of the two characters you can play have totally different skill trees.

Also of note are the different stances.  Seems like every character has two different playstyles.  Lucas has a sword-n-board style which is defensive and has lots of incapacitating skills, and then a two-hander stance which has aoe and had a lot of damaging skills.

What I didn't like were:

The voice acting and character models for the two playable main characters sucked.  Both of their voice acting were as stiff as boards.  And Lucas looked like some kind of emo kid.  I really, really hope character models are customizable.

Also, the frame rate was crappy, especially in town.  I'll have to see if that's any better on the PS3 demo (which is what I'd likely buy the game for.)
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #14 on: 06 Jun 2011, 09:05 »

poor voice acting aside (some of the npcs were well acted, I thought.  but the main characters (at least, the lady I played as.  I haven't tried the fighter yet) not so much), I really like the writing in this game.  The lore in particular.  The tone of the setting seems similar to that of the Witcher, and not just because it's also set in pseudo-Eastern Europe.

 I also liked that you seem to be able to traverse the world without encountering loading screens (You Must Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth).  It definitely makes it a more immersive experience.

while the graphics are nothing special (at least on the 360), some of the environments look really cool.  The Witches Lair and the Chapterhouse stood out for me.

The actual combat and level progression seem pretty intuitive.  Granted, this was only early in the game, obviously, but I only died twice in the entire thing, and I'm not very good at these kinds of games, usually.  It was because I was a a dumbass and didn't take the heal ability.

My only real gripe is that sometimes your character will stop walking at normal speed and slow to a crawl, which has something to do with the camera controls and where you're walking towards.  This isn't helped by the fact that the game will rotate your camera automatically a fair bit, and it's annoying when you're in battle.

edit: I didn't have any problems with frame rate, actually.  my 360 is pretty new, so maybe that makes a difference?  not sure
« Last Edit: 06 Jun 2011, 10:39 by Damnable Fiend »
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #15 on: 06 Jun 2011, 11:18 »

I don't think the character models are customizable, unfortunately. And the VA for the female character is treated digitally, I think - it's supposed to be somewhat off-putting, given that she's essentially an alien.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #16 on: 07 Jun 2011, 10:06 »

Wait, there was Dungeon Siege, and then Legends of Aranna, but I thought Aranna was the expansion to Dungeon Siege, not Dungeon Siege 2.  Or was there a proper DS2 that I missed and we're really on DS3 now?
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #17 on: 07 Jun 2011, 10:15 »

There was a DS2, and it was execrable
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #18 on: 07 Jun 2011, 10:24 »

Thanks.  Not sure what that word means, but it doesn't sound good.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #19 on: 07 Jun 2011, 11:10 »

The demo hit Steam today. First impression? The menu system is incredibly convoluted. I mean, wow. To equip an item, you need to open the character screen with C, press 'equips', press the appropriate tab, then click on the item to equip it. Your armor consists of pauldrons, vambraces, greaves, and a cuirass. Yeah... It might be an interesting change from the basic chestplate-gloves-boots formula, but I don't see the point, really. To get back into the game from this point you need to press Escape three times. This... you don't do this in a game focused on loot! Fuck!

Then there's the character building. Leveling up gives you points for Talents (10 available), Abilities (9 available) and Proficiencies which modify your abilities (2 per ability). And these three possibilities are in three goddamn seperate windows with iconography so big you'd think they're catering to the nearly-blind.

I'd give some thoughts on the combat as well but it seems the demo is unable to save your progress when you quit mid-game. So I'm done with this.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #20 on: 07 Jun 2011, 12:35 »

on consoles you can access the equipment menu with one button press
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #21 on: 07 Jun 2011, 12:58 »

You're right. It's almost too stupid to not include such a hotkey on the PC version, so I double-checked, and apparently it can be done with F. The game serves a passing mention of this, only once. After this there is no way of looking up which keys do what. Much less rebind them.
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #22 on: 07 Jun 2011, 13:42 »

Sounds like a pain in the ass.  I liked original Dungeon Siege back in the day because it was similar to Diablo and Diablo II (which I actually like a lot) but rendered in actual 3D.  What I thought it was missing was the randomly-generated maps.  I'm one of those who would rather play "new" maps each time than play the same thing over and over.

I was hoping that this might basically be Diablo/D2 but 3D, but it seems like they've intentionally made it different (not inherently bad) but so different that it doesn't make any sense (bad).  I guess I'll just wait for D3.  Hell, it's already been five years or whatever, what's a few more?
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Re: Dungeon Siege 3
« Reply #23 on: 08 Jun 2011, 02:13 »

Wait, there was Dungeon Siege, and then Legends of Aranna, but I thought Aranna was the expansion to Dungeon Siege, not Dungeon Siege 2.  Or was there a proper DS2 that I missed and we're really on DS3 now?

Legends of Aranna was the expansion for DS1. Dungeon Siege 2 was... well, not deep and engaging, but it had a lot of just plain fun monster smashing. It's the kind of game which is great to have if you're not really sure what you want to do, but you want it to involve monsters in more pieces than they started out with.
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