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Author Topic: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010  (Read 137064 times)


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #100 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:14 »

Also yes I am aware that I'm once again brandishing The Useless Broom Made Entirely Out Of Dicks at the fanboy ocean, and I DO NOT CARE.

OK, where the hell did you get this reference from?

Remember last week's "Awkward Pause" comic when Dora said she hated Toto and it ended with a shot of Sadface Marten?  I commented on last week's thread that Dora's reaction to Marten's question, and therefore Marten's reaction to Dora's reaction, made perfect sense in context and were not a reason to start screaming about how they were destined to break up.
I then noted that trying to argue against the screaming horde of plot-haters was rather like "Trying to hold back the ocean with a broom made entirely out of dicks".

This week, as you can see, the Useless Broom Made Entirely Out Of Dicks is back in play.

I remember that, I just can't figure out where the hell the concept came from.

That's where it came from.

We've witnessed the birth of a brand new meme, right before your very eyes.

Wait, does that mean the QC Forum is becoming 4chan?


Oh God!
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #101 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:16 »

As long as there are no goddamned cat macros. Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that. I now brace for the onslaught of I CAN HAZ RELATIONSHIP DRAMAZ "jokes."


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #102 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:26 »

Dora SURELY isn't that insecure/stupid.   :|
She's having her periods.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #103 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:27 »

"Hey Marten! Don't come back to your OWN BED THAT YOU LET ME MOVE INTO."

This is what irritates me the most. It's not like it was your apartment to begin with, Dora. You know this.

This is what irked me more, Dora was being Dora as to the spat tbh.

Telling Faye to not come to work (being that she was fired or just temporarily either way) was wrong too, this is why friends don't make good coworkers very often.

However, we'll see what happens. Dora usually comes around and apologies even if she usually needs someones help to get there.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #104 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:48 »

I've had a little time to think about this comic, and although I agree Dora's being a cunt, a three word phrase that I usually hate sprung to mind. It's usually associated with politics, but it fits here.

Appearance of impropriety.

Yes, I know nothing was actually happening, and I think on some level Dora does too. But, boyfriend and female roomie, on couch, in undies, hugging.

As she said, it's a LITTLE inappropriate. Even if nothing was definitely going on.

Now, here's tomorrow's comic. Marten opens the bedroom door, steps in, closes.

Marten: OK, you walked in on an........odd situation. You got understandably upset. But I'd like to believe that you know you've overreacted. And now that you've had a little time to cool off, I'd like to think.....
Dora: Shut your fucking piehole and get out.
(pause for 2 panels)
Marten: Fine. My apartment, my bed, my sheets, my pillows. You have 5 minutes to get dressed and get out, then I'm calling the cops and having you arrested for trespassing.
Marten leaves the room, Dora sits up with an "oh shit" look on her face.


(Where the fuck would you GET a broom made of dicks?)

Between HannErsatz and PseuDora, I crown you the king of doppelganger names.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #105 on: 31 Aug 2010, 02:52 »

(Where the fuck would you GET a broom made of dicks?)

San Francisco, but you can get them shipped to anywhere except Texas, Mississippi and Alabama.

They're usually a custom job though, what with them being completely useless and all, so you'll have to consider that when you first see the sticker price on one.
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #106 on: 31 Aug 2010, 03:10 »

Alright, finally sick of Dora.  :x

Not only is she utterly retarded, I wonder if she's realised who's actually allowed them to move into this apartment? Hmm?
I am in desperate need of a life and common sense.

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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #107 on: 31 Aug 2010, 03:12 »

Well, well, that was certainly painful to watch. Oooh, Dora! *facepalms*

I do agree that Hannelore would be a good candidate to call Dora for her shit, but that wouldn't be as interesting as other options. For example one involving Angus asking where is Faye, Dora saying something stupid, Angus returning home in despair, telling Marigold about it, Marigold going to Faye in anger for hurting Angus, Faye storming int CoD in RAGE for Dora jepoardizing her budding relationship with Angus, etc.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #108 on: 31 Aug 2010, 03:39 »

Hell, Angus doesn't even know that Marten used to have a thing for Faye!!  Oh man...

Sure he does. They talked about it in the Awkward Zone.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #109 on: 31 Aug 2010, 03:48 »

Call me sort of petty too, but the thing about the argument that got under my skin the most, most immediately was Dora's exiling of Marten from the bedroom, as well.  My initial reaction (on Marten's behalf, of course) was "Fuck you. This is my apartment, first and foremost, if YOU want to take a time out YOU can sleep on THE COUCH - or get the fuck out. See if Hanners has the patience to put up with your never ending jealousy and self-absorption."

Which, I wanted to put my two cents in on: I think Dora's problem, even more so than her insecurities and jealousy, is the self-absorption/involvement they're rooted in. So much of her explosions seems to come from this sense that every thing that happens in everyone else's lives or every action other people take, is somehow based around her or related to her and her life. When Faye slept with Sven, OBVIOUSLY it was all because of her and her relationship with Marten. OBVIOUSLY Marten and Faye could have been in this position for no other reason than an illicit one and even if the reason was innocent OBVIOUSLY it was no so important they shouldn't have stopped to consider Dora and her feelings. I second what an above poster said about Dora belittling Faye's panic attack. Anyone who has ever genuinely had one knows they're sort of terrifying. "Sorry, I didn't think to stop and put on pants in the middle of the night, in my own apartment, before going to talk to my best friend, just because you live here now." It's not like Faye and Marten haven't hung around each other half clothed before. Prior to moving in, I have to wonder, how was Dora not riddled with nigh constant worry that Faye and Marten weren't banging behind her back the whole time?

I feel like Dora (and i know I'm getting very srs bsns pyschoanaltyical about fictional characters) could have a legitimate mental/emotional problem such as Bipolar or Manic-depression. Her jealousy an insecurity seems to stem at least partially from low self-worth and she always seems to be operating on extremes either super-giddy-silly-happy-pants, or omg-what-am-i-gonna-do-the-world-is-crumbling-around-me-stress-out, or everyone-is-out-to-get-me-no-one-really-loves-me , or i-am-such-a-bitch-why-would-anyone-even-like-me-anyway. She needs to learn to process her emotions in a more mild-, moderate, healthy manner.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #110 on: 31 Aug 2010, 03:52 »

Well, well, that was certainly painful to watch. Oooh, Dora! *facepalms*

I do agree that Hannelore would be a good candidate to call Dora for her shit, but that wouldn't be as interesting as other options. For example one involving Angus asking where is Faye, Dora saying something stupid, Angus returning home in despair, telling Marigold about it, Marigold going to Faye in anger for hurting Angus, Faye storming int CoD in RAGE for Dora jepoardizing her budding relationship with Angus, etc.

Faye storms into CoD, Dora brings out the weaponry in the back, catfight ensues, Hanners, Penelope, and Cosette try to stop the fight, Cosette gets hit by the sword, ends up dying in the hospital, Dora goes on trial for manslaughter. Sven takes over the coffeehouse, hires Wil. Dora, faced with her brother running the one thing she felt like she was doing successfully in her life, ends up hanging herself in prison while waiting for sentencing. Faye returns to drinking. Marten, now having lost Steve, Marigold and Angus as friends, and with Dora in prison, can't handle the stress anymore and shoots himself in front of Faye.



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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #111 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:03 »

Throw in some extreme close ups, heavy-handed symbolism, inexplicable insert shots, and a midget or two and you've got yourself a David Lynch film.

« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 04:10 by smilesvssmirks »

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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #112 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:12 »

oh god why did I open this thread

Don't do it man, run, run far - don't look back!
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #113 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:17 »

I WILL say this: Dora is definitely being an irrational twat.

Then why is Marten still with her?

Because he has the brain and balls to actually try to make a relationship work? This isn't fairytale-verse, there are are arguments. People do irrational dumb shit occasionally. Dora is officially being a bitch right now, but most of the time she isn't and they have a good relationship. If you are even slightly serious about a person - and Marten has said time and again that he loves her - then you DO NOT go straight for a breakup every time the relationship hits a pothole.

Relationships don't just trundle along and turn out perfectly by default. They involve effort and work, sometimes hard work. You have to concede to each other's quirks and flaws, sidestep the areas where you don't match and nurture the areas where you do.  There are going to be fights, and some of them will be blistering rows until both of you have learned how to avoid them. In a relatively young relationship, neither side will have really learned how to stop themselves from being irrational cockbuckets, nor how to safely disarm the opposite number when they are.

Marten gets a really raw deal from the fans really. In the past he's done the sensible, mature thing and let it slide off, then picked things up and moved on. And for that he gets called a "pussy" and "spineless" by people who clearly don't understand real relationships.

Maybe this one will turn out to be particularly bad. Maybe it'll turn out that one or both of them get off the defensive and call Dora on her bullshit. We don't know, but we're going to find out in about 20 hours or so


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #114 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:23 »

This seems kind of out of character for Dora... hasn't she said something before to Martin about not having any problem with him checking out other girls, and even joked that he could bring one home for a 3-some?


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #115 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:26 »

People have different opinions in different moods.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #116 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:31 »

Suddenly doesn't seem so funny anymore.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #117 on: 31 Aug 2010, 04:45 »

I WILL say this: Dora is definitely being an irrational twat.

Then why is Marten still with her?

Because he has the brain and balls to actually try to make a relationship work? This isn't fairytale-verse, there are are arguments. People do irrational dumb shit occasionally. Dora is officially being a bitch right now, but most of the time she isn't and they have a good relationship. If you are even slightly serious about a person - and Marten has said time and again that he loves her - then you DO NOT go straight for a breakup every time the relationship hits a pothole.

Relationships don't just trundle along and turn out perfectly by default. They involve effort and work, sometimes hard work. You have to concede to each other's quirks and flaws, sidestep the areas where you don't match and nurture the areas where you do.  There are going to be fights, and some of them will be blistering rows until both of you have learned how to avoid them. In a relatively young relationship, neither side will have really learned how to stop themselves from being irrational cockbuckets, nor how to safely disarm the opposite number when they are.

Marten gets a really raw deal from the fans really. In the past he's done the sensible, mature thing and let it slide off, then picked things up and moved on. And for that he gets called a "pussy" and "spineless" by people who clearly don't understand real relationships.

Maybe this one will turn out to be particularly bad. Maybe it'll turn out that one or both of them get off the defensive and call Dora on her bullshit. We don't know, but we're going to find out in about 20 hours or so

I agree with you for the most part. While I do like Dora as a character and do agree that this is a more realistic portrayal of people I can also see why some people would have a...negative reaction. Big reason might just be that most of the time Marten seems kind of like he has the losing end of things. Dora freaks out on him when he doesn't mention getting hit on at work, and does it in such a way that it feels like she tried to trap him. She goes berserk at Faye for sleeping with Sven and when Marten points out why he doesn't feel as betrayed and that her view on it might be wrong she goes off on him. Not to mention some of the stuff between Tai and Dora, it's not serious but it does seem like it makes Marten feel a little uncomfortable but even in those cases he doesn't really say anything presumably because he trusts Dora. It might also be worth noting that Dora tends to be fairly stable and calm but when she goes into hell bitch mode, she really goes into it. Thus it's a lot more memorable and it can seem contextually to be a lot worse than it was.

Though I will make a side comment that it might be funny for Pintsize to yell at Dora or something similar, either out of some level of care for Marten or as a way for him to add in a vaguely pornographic or scatalogical comment at the end of an otherwise coherent and articulate commentary on what's occurred.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #118 on: 31 Aug 2010, 05:35 »

I understand where Dora's reaction is coming from (she's insecure, she's tired and she's been in a bad mood for a couple comics now) but that doesn't mean she is right. If fact, she's so wrong that Marten needs to give her a good yelling at.

Is this the first QC without a punchline since #504?


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #119 on: 31 Aug 2010, 05:41 »

At least this is happening on Tuesday, usually stuff this intense happens at the end of the week, the week before Comic-con, and we have to wait through a whole week of guest strips.

That might mean the OhNoesHellaDramas is just beginning.

Hold on to your buttsLols folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #120 on: 31 Aug 2010, 05:49 »

Kinda off-topic, but with all the links to older comics here (as one might guess from my lack of posts, I'm not much of a forum-goer) it's really amazing to see how far Jeph's art style has come.

Then why is Marten still with her?
Masochist tendencies. Look at what his mother does.

Or, you know, love.  Just 'cause pisses you off with their stupid bullshit doesn't mean you don't still love them.
And this is so very very true... I'm in the middle of... something right now and despite all of it, still love her.
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 05:57 by Kaziel »


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #121 on: 31 Aug 2010, 06:06 »

Dora has ISSUES. The kind of issues that no one's partner should be subject to. She should not be in a romantic relationship and inflicting that on anyone. I'm thinking Dora should go see Doctor Corrine.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #122 on: 31 Aug 2010, 06:14 »

I understand where Dora's reaction is coming from (she's insecure, she's tired and she's been in a bad mood for a couple comics now) but that doesn't mean she is right. If fact, she's so wrong that Marten needs to give her a good yelling at.

Is this the first QC without a punchline since #504?
May be something to that. That was a sea change for Faye: maybe now it's one for Dora.

Looking at all the posts, I see a large number of people essentially discarding Dora as a 'bitch,' 'cunt', or worse. Looking at the comic itself, though, I'd say you need to get in line behind Dora herself. It seems clear, to me, anyway, that she's managed to convince herself that as a romantic interest, she's worthless. Think about it: who is Dora really hurting if she pushes Marten and Faye away? If they really are rekindling their romance, won't that accelerate the process?

Dora may be irrational right now, but she's not stupid. On at least some level she knows that. What you're actually seeing here is a preemptive strike—Dora's been noticing Faye's been getting better for a while now, and she also knows that Faye's depression was the thing standing between Faye and Marten. Nevermind that Faye's seeing Angus, nevermind that Marten has always been faithful to whoever he was involved with—even if the involvement's not fully reciprocated—near to the point of absurdity (I mean, moving across country to follow the girl when she was clearly ready to end things? C'mon). The part of Dora that hates herself because she's sure she's not worth anyone committing to brushes that aside and moves to hurt them before they can hurt her, and above all, to get away from them before she has to endure another betrayal playing itself out. I'd hoped she'd finally gotten over that when she decided to move in with Marten and go beyond her assumption that their relationship was going to fall apart at any time, but sadly, I was wrong. Dora's self-hatred appears to be too strong to let herself be happy.

Oh, and those who're wanting Marten to toss Dora out of the apartment may be disappointed—if she isn't brought up short, Dora may very well take care of that herself.

Of course, I may be projecting all this, but since he seems to be reading this thread, on behalf of an on-and-off-again good friend of mine, I'd like to invite Jeph to stop raiding the poor guy's past behaviors.  :-)*

Edit:* Of course, I'm kidding. It is a bit alarming to see, though.

« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 06:17 by raoullefere »
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #123 on: 31 Aug 2010, 06:50 »

"Hey Marten! Don't come back to your OWN BED THAT YOU LET ME MOVE INTO."
Honestly, I don't care it would be out of character for Martin.  I would like to see his balls descend and be all like "Wait what? No.  Goddamn it no it doesn't work like that.  You cannot kick me out of my own bed, in my own house.  You don't wanna sleep with me tonight?  YOU can not come to bed."


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #124 on: 31 Aug 2010, 06:58 »

Okay, try this on for a perspective.

Y'know how, every time Jeph writes Dora as acting like something other than a bisexual Stepford Wife, people seem to go nuts?  The Marten-Faye shippers scream until they're frothing at the mouth, the Dora-haters get right behind them, and then the people who like Dora and her relationship with Marten start screaming right back, and the whole merry-go-round goes up in flames.
Which MAY potentially be a reason this was only hinted at before.  Sure, Faye's allowed to be an irrational bitch but it's okay because her Dad shot himself!  Well, no, actually, she's been a real bitch.  And when it became such an issue she couldn't function with her friends, she confronted it, and started to overcome it.  Well, guess what?  Now Dora's being the irrational bitch.  And she is damn well allowed to be.

This is confrontation.  Confrontation leads to resolution.  In the past people use terms like "Angst" or "Drama" to reference what's happening in the comic because that's about as strong a term as we can apply to it.  And because there's never been real conflict there's never been a real resolution, which is the reason WHY the issue of Dora's problem with Marten and his female friends has kept coming back.
Now there has been direct confrontation.  And, guess what?  There's going to have to be a resolution.  One way or another, this WILL be resolved.

It's called progress, people.  Despite what you may have learned from Sesame Street, it doesn't come from everyone holding hands and being the bestest buds.  If there's no conflict, it's because there's no problem.  Therefore if there is a problem, there must be conflict in order to solve the problem.  THAT IS HOW THE UNIVERSE WOKS.  And I for one am damn happy to see the turn this comic has taken, because now that this big obstacle for the gang is out in the open, they are going to have to fucking well deal with it.  Which I very much look forward to seeing.

Jeph:  No sarcasm, no backhanded meaning, and no reservations in saying this, but THANK YOU for actually being willing to take the plunge with this story arc, despite the fan rage I'm sure you knew it would cause.  Regardless of how this arc turns out, I'll stay riveted, and even if the resolution doesn't take the story in ways I've expected, it cannot fail  to take the characters in directions I will enjoy.  Even if everything turns to shit, it's better than the alternative - nothing.

And if anyone here actually thinks I have something resembling a point, by all means - grab your Useless Brooms Made Entirely Out Of Dicks and stand beside me, fighting the fanboy ocean as hard as ever we can.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #125 on: 31 Aug 2010, 07:05 »

"Hey Marten! Don't come back to your OWN BED THAT YOU LET ME MOVE INTO."

And if he can't sleep in his own bed.... geez, isn't Dora just *asking* him to sleep in Faye's?

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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #126 on: 31 Aug 2010, 07:07 »

And if anyone here actually thinks I have something resembling a point, by all means - grab your Useless Brooms Made Entirely Out Of Dicks and stand beside me, fighting the fanboy ocean as hard as ever we can.

Can't I just put on my Canute costume?  It'll be easier to explain than the broom to my spouse.

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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #127 on: 31 Aug 2010, 07:16 »

Can't I just put on my Canute costume?  It'll be easier to explain than the broom to my spouse.

If you have your own weapons and armour, that's fine too.  Useless Brooms Made Entirely Out Of Dicks are available for those who need one, if you change your mind.  Just talk to the horrible, horrible little man in his horrible, horrible little booth over there.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #128 on: 31 Aug 2010, 07:27 »

So many walls of text in this discussion :(

My two cents. One, Dora's reaction is reasonable if not a bit excessive. Two, Faye and Marten were hugging in undies sitting on a couch. Three, it is Marten's apartment.

I'm sure this will blow over eventually. Dora will calm down one way or another.

But I did feel quite unhappy reading this strip. Feels bad man.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #129 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:04 »

I thought Dora was being very unreasonable when she got pissed off about the Cosette thing, and about Faye sleeping with Sven. But in this case? I can totally see where she's coming from. Yes, she's not being completely rational, but come on... They were snuggling on the couch in their underwear in the middle of the night and they used to have a very obvious thing for each other. I can't blame Dora THAT much for getting angry, even though she went a bit over the top with it and she should have listened more to what Marten and Faye had to say.

Anyway, I'm excited to see where this arc is going.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #130 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:11 »

Not trying to belittle anyone's points, but Dora's hardly just crashing with Marten rent-free. He invited her to move in and if he was just going to use the apartment as something that he could hold over her "Hey, it's MY apartment", then I think that would make him the jerk.

And yes, she's being terrible right now, but sometimes you are terrible and everyone has been the asshole in a fight at some point. She's overreacting, but her overreaction is not without roots at all. It was her boyfriend (in his underwear) holding her best friend (in her underwear) in the middle of the night and chances are ever since Faye decided that she was date-ready again there was a nagging fear that Marten would go back to his "first choice". Yes, that is a dumb and insecure feeling, but we've all had them. Everyone has felt not good enough at some point. She should absolutely seek out therapy and eventually apologize, but she should not be repeatedly insulted or be kicked out of what is now her own apartment too.
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 08:16 by sandysmilinstrange »
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #131 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:16 »

SPOILER: The whole week will be the most disturbing relationship drama until friday comes with a EXTREME CLIFFHANGER robot hijinks strip.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #132 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:16 »

I don't get all the Dora-hate.  She just gave Marten implied permission to spend the night with Faye, and even gave Faye the day off so they don't have to stop banging.  What's bitchy about that?


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #133 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:17 »

Which MAY potentially be a reason this was only hinted at before.  Sure, Faye's allowed to be an irrational bitch but it's okay because her Dad shot himself!  Well, no, actually, she's been a real bitch.  And when it became such an issue she couldn't function with her friends, she confronted it, and started to overcome it.  Well, guess what?  Now Dora's being the irrational bitch.  And she is damn well allowed to be.

Yes, Faye has been a bitch in the past, but as you said, she's realised this and got over it. Or at least, is working on it. She's also not always been a bitch, some of it has been genuine issues (eg, leading Marten on).

Dora, on the other hand, has regularly come down far too hard on Marten for no real reason. Remember the Cosette thing? Or what about when she freaked out at Faye and Marten when Faye got with Sven. Dora has, completely and utterly, proven that she is incapable about seeing anything Marten (and often Faye) does that she disagrees with as anything other than a personal attack. Which it quite clearly, in this situation and the other, isn't.

Edit: Also, clearly not many people have shared accommodation with people they are neither related to or in a relationship with. Being in your underwear/sleepwear together is hardly unusual.
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 08:19 by Thorbard »


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #134 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:18 »

Not trying to belittle anyone's points, but Dora's hardly just crashing with Marten rent-free. He invited her to move in and if he was just going to use the apartment as something that he could hold over her "Hey, it's MY apartment", then I think that would make him the jerk.

Good, Marten needs to add a tiny bit of jerk to his personality.  There is laid back, and then there is meaningless.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #135 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:22 »

To me, the main reason Dora is being an unsufferable abusive bitch right now, and why she fully deserves that someone tells her to JUST SHUT UP ALREADY, is she doesn't let them any chance to explain themselves, by CUTTING THEM MID-SENTENCE. THREE FUCKING TIMES.

I'd already have slapped her. OK, probably not, but I would have counter-yelled that's for sure.
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2010, 08:24 by Schmorgluck »
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #136 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:36 »

Tergon, thanks so much for saying what I was thinking, and doing so in a much better way than I could have. 

Here I stand, broom in hand, fighting the surging tide
useless dicks against the pricks of comments both snarky and snide

I've lived 26 years with a woman who used to have teh irrational jealousies and fears.  They can be worked through, though they never go away completely.  It takes a lot of love and patience, not threats and ultimatums. 

Fortunately for Dora, I think her friends care enough to do it right, and not dump her/dump on her. 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #137 on: 31 Aug 2010, 08:50 »

A Chinese emperor in olden days was such a tyrant that he decreed harsh punishments for many crimes, real or fancied.  Death for striking an elder.  Death for insolence.  Death for petty thefts.  More and more, death was the penalty for everything.

A group of villagers rushed to the fields, gasping in dismay.  The road had been washed out, forcing them to take a detour.  Suddenly one pulled up.  "Weng, what are you doing?  Do you not know what we risk, in our delay ...?" hissed another.

"My friends," Weng replied solemnly, "You know what the penalty for not being in the fields at the appointed hour is."

"Death," they intoned somberly.

"It is true," Weng answered.  "But do you also know the penalty for rebellion?  For killing the emperor?"

"Death," they intoned again.

"Well," said Weng, glancing up at the rising sun, "Boys, we're late for work."


For quite a few years now, my wife and I've used "Boys, we're late for work" as a code phrase for the concept that if you're going to get screwed over whether you behave yourself or not, there's little incentive to follow the rules.  I agree Marten's not the type to do it, but I'd love to hear him say "If you're going to jump down my throat every time I'm with another female and unsupervised, what's my incentive to behave myself?  You're treating me like a cheater anyway."
It's not that I don't understand what you're saying.  It's that I don't AGREE with what you're saying.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #138 on: 31 Aug 2010, 09:01 »

... she doesn't let them any chance to explain themselves, by CUTTING THEM MID-SENTENCE. THREE FUCKING TIMES.

Not only an unfair tactic when in an argument where you are demanding answers, but also incredibly rude.  The thing is, the people that do this to others (in my own personal experiences) HATE it when you do this back to them.  It magnifies this even more when you not only do it back to them, but then point out that they were originally doing it, thus provoking the response from you.  I have a feeling that the first time someone does this to Dora, she'll start to analyze her own behavior, and possibly change it (hopefully for the better).

Yes, I know they are fictional characters.  Yes, I know it's a webcomic.  I gave way to acceptance long ago that I actually do care about them, much as some people care about the characters in their soap operas.  I don't care.  They matter to me.
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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #139 on: 31 Aug 2010, 09:16 »

more Dora Is Jealous comics

because Dora is Jealous


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #140 on: 31 Aug 2010, 09:45 »

I agree Marten's not the type to do it, but I'd love to hear him say "If you're going to jump down my throat every time I'm with another female and unsupervised, what's my incentive to behave myself?  You're treating me like a cheater anyway."[/color]
Quoted for truth.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #141 on: 31 Aug 2010, 09:50 »

Dora is a business running boss, in hospitality no less.
First sign of trouble *bam* stop it now, act to stop it from happening again.

Boss like reactions evolving emotionally close people -late at night with a sleepy head- are going to end like this, hell could have been worse!
The morning is when the drama starts after the dust has settled.

Also, underwear guitar solo interlude (In my head).
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Burn your leather on the floor, Grab anybody's daughter.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #142 on: 31 Aug 2010, 10:02 »

Dora SURELY isn't that insecure/stupid.   :|
She's having her periods.
All of them. At once. Her Super Period will destroy us all.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #143 on: 31 Aug 2010, 10:24 »

Is her constant flirting with Tai indicative of a serious relationship? No. Neither was Marten/Faye midnight underpants hugging.

This is just another case of Dora jumping to conclusions and getting herself riled up about what she wants to believe is happening. She's the type that has to be in control and has to "win" every argument. Good for management, bad for relationships. She jumps the gun like this every time there's even the remote possibility of her relationship being in jeopardy.

Of course she's not being completely irrational, but she should know her boyfriend and longtime friend-employee better than that by now. She knows damn well that Faye likes Angus, and Marten doesn't have the spine/cojones to cheat on her.

I figure worst case scenario, Faye's fired from CoD and Marten breaks it off with Dora.


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« Reply #144 on: 31 Aug 2010, 10:36 »

As I see it, this whole string of events started when Angus forced himself upon Faye at her place of work.

So all the blame here should go to Angus for starting off this unfortunate chain of events with a sexual assault.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #145 on: 31 Aug 2010, 11:07 »

I mostly agree with you, I think the problem some people have is that when Dora has gone on a rage due to jealousy it gets kind of...severe. One example would be the whole thing with Cossette where it seemed more like Dora was trying to trap Marten (he didn't mention it, not out of any desire to keep it hidden just because he didn't think it needed to be said). Dora also fantasizes about other people and it doesn't seem to bother Marten, especially when Dora seems a lot more...forward with some people. I agree that it's more likely Dora is stressed and then this kind of has her in GRRRR mode but I can also see the perspective of the people who get very angry with her for her actions. It might also be noted that Marten seems to have a vague Charlie Brown syndrome going on.

Dora has talked about her fantasies straight up. She makes a joke out of it and flirting is usually done in Marten's presence, in a way that shows she has nothing to hide. Marten has a what-she-doesn't-know attitude about his potentially-flirtatious encounters.

Yes, Dora's jealousy is severe, and it comes in fits, but I'm pretty sure her reaction in this particular situation is not only completely in-character but also completely understandable. Not that that will stop people from hating her, I guess ^^

Think about this: Faye knocked on a door which belongs to both Marten and Dora, but she only asked for Marten. Marten, or Faye, or both, could easily have given Dora a shake when Faye is panicking hard and talked it all out together--Dora -does- do comforting well when given the opportunity. Marten was in his room--he had pants handy, he could easily have pulled a pair on before walking out, though I understand why he didn't. Instead, Dora wakes up in the middle of the night to find her boyfriend gone, she walks out into the living room and sees him hugging a girl she knows he used to like.

I wouldn't want to hear their explanations either. She was right there and was left out. Not only that, she knows Marten and Faye's relationship has been borderline for a long time. They were platonic because Faye didn't want Marten, not the other way around. Yes, they've given her no reason to suspect they would start an affair, but I definitely wouldn't expect that insecurity to go away until Faye is happily settled into her own relationship.

Yes, her attitude is rude. People are not angels all the time, and Dora is an outright bitch when she has a reason to be, but she -does- have a reason. Yes, this is a self-centered reaction, but people are generally self-centered. So while yeah, she's probably overreacting and being a bitch, give her some time to calm down before going full on with the hate and calling her irrational.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #146 on: 31 Aug 2010, 11:10 »


"I looked in the trap, Ray."


And wow, apparently I underestimated Dora's capacity to overreact.   :|  Queue Faye Panic Attack Mach II?  I'd say Dora should talk to Dr. Corrinne, but she'd be on hold til Faye got done.

Though kicking Dora out would be extreme (and unproductive, and quite unlike Marten), Marten should definitely stand up for himself.  She needs to hear him, and he needs to be heard.  I know she's being irrational (as Jeph pointed out), but Marten loves her and I think he cares enough to fight to keep the relationship.  I don't hate Dora for her reaction, but I do hope she starts to see reason once she calms down.  Of course, having said that, tomorrow's comic will have Marten and Faye actually making out and Dora's fears completely justified.   :roll:  Woo, pointless conjecturing ftw!

Maybe it's the purple hair.  In fact . . . I've got it: Dora becomes more and more angry/irrational, isolating everyone she knows, and years later, she encounters a wormhole that sends her back in time to attack Marten, Faye, and herself in an alley!  FutureDora = Vespavenger!

 . . . Yeah, um, any of those dickbrooms left?
Actually, I would posit that purple elephants do not contribute to the ruination of everything forever in any way.


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #147 on: 31 Aug 2010, 11:11 »

Personally I like some drama. It keeps a comic from becoming Peanuts or Family Circus. Couples fight, usually over inconsequential shit. Some people, like Dora, are prone to spates of irrational anger.

Plus, maybe this is a chance for Faye to do something other than make lattes all day. You know, be an artist or something.



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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #148 on: 31 Aug 2010, 11:39 »

Maybe it's the purple hair.  In fact . . . I've got it: Dora becomes more and more angry/irrational, isolating everyone she knows, and years later, she encounters a wormhole that sends her back in time to attack Marten, Faye, and herself in an alley!  FutureDora = Vespavenger!

I think it's bad that my first thought, "That should totally happen in the comic..."


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Re: WCDT 30 August- 3 September 2010
« Reply #149 on: 31 Aug 2010, 11:45 »


oh god why did I open this thread

Pretty much the only option. A shitstorm was only to be expected. Though perhaps Jeph only intended to gauge reaction to his latest twist, in which case I hope he now knows that these Dora irrationality episodes are more annoying and aggravating than funny or plot advancing.

I should note though people that the Monday comment said he did this on a whim, so I doubt that this will result in any long term changes, just like Cosettegate. Shame too. Dora needs a serious epiphany at some point, because this is the third time she's gone crazy at one or both of the two people she can absolutely trust with anything. I dunno, maybe the Wednesday strip will start with her behind the bedroom door, hands on her face, saying "oh my god, I'm such a bitch". Then, sloppy make outs on the couch with Marten.  :-D

Seriously, "my friends used my to bang my brother" was barely a reason the first time (with Faye), not a reason the second (with Marten), and just not acceptable this time. She knows that Faye just got back from her first date in forever and was more than slightly worried. She knows what kind of guy Marten is. It's like once being in a house collapse then freaking out standing under the Eiffel Tower.

I'm not with the Dora haters, since I prefer to wait and see. But I had been hoping that today's stripe would have her go "lol chill guys, how was the date?", not perpetuate her irrationality. And irrational is not a catchall excuse when what she knows is so overwhelmingly more significant than what she assumes on the spot.  I don't give a damn that they were in their undies and hugging, it's nighttime, they're very good friends one of them just got back from a massive leap forward with another dude, etc. Underwear is a mouse compared to that elephant.

It's not that I expect her to be a 'Stepford smiler, so don't try that'. When she went ballistic on Sven after he cheated on Faye that actually had logical and emotional backing (even if their relationship was allegedly FWB), so it worked. This doesn't.

But you know, whatever happens happens. I'm not going to stop reading the comic, and I doubt any of the haters or shippers will either. But I reserve my right to complain about this arc and Dora's behavior. :evil:
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