I don't really think nostalgia would be enough to take Duke Nukem beyond being a low rent novelty release if the gameplay isn't there. It's easy to forget now in this post Counter-Strike everything-can-be-modded world of ours, but Duke Nukem wasn't just a cheeky game with titties and pig cops. The maps were pretty inventive for the day and the title took the faux 3d sprite based shooter about as far as the model could go. Quake's robust modding community and next gen engine would eventually dethrone Duke, but for a while there it was a tighter contest than is readily apparent from just looking at engine capabilities with the benefit of hindsight. I mean, let's face it: for all their technical excellence, Id games tend to be as dull as dishwater when it comes to the little details. God bless John Carmack for all he's done for 3d gaming, but forgive me if I point out that a shotgun and a super shotgun isn't really a very compelling and diverse set of gameplay tools. Meanwhile, Duke 3d had jetpacks and trip mines. Combine that with elevators and Duke had a real edge when it came to dopey fun like booby trapping hallways and camping your friends until they got so mad that they tried strangling you with your own mouse cord. Duke wasn't truly revolutionary, but it was about much fun as you could have with a pc for a good 8 or 9 months even without the low brow humor.