*Sigh* Headaches and what-not kept me off the forums for most of this—plus, after 'herp-derp' I really didn't have much to say, beyond various sounds from the nausea it induced*. I will say this—looks like Sven's having it easy. Again. Goes on a date with Hanners, freaks her out in the restaurant, then gets to 'redeem' himself by the astounding act of not killing her and knowing a meme she's fond of, and, of course, using the charm.
Hanners may be doing what you way, Carl, but she also strikes me as giving the answer to Dora that most parents have heard after their girl-child goes on a date with a guy who has an iffy reputation. Yeah, whoever said something about girlfriends picking Hanners brains after the date is far aff the mark. Dora and Faye are acting as Hanners in situ parents; nor can I say I blame them. Everyone wanting to fry Dora for being 'bitchy' needs to take a step back. She's been mothering Hanners for a while now, and seeing her 'little girl' going out with her brother the masher took some sitting on herself.
Plus, of course, Dora has to feel like everyone's turning on her. It's not true, sure, but she clearly feels that way, and I, for one, can't really blame her. One (non) fucking herpderp goddam date does not mean Sven's discarded his behavior with women (not particularly with Faye; that was mostly par for the course with him, save at the very end). For Hanners to turn up her nose at Dora tells me she knows that, and simply doesn't want to admit it, and perhaps not just to spare anyone's feelings.
Somebody on this thread quoted Jeph as saying none of his characters are ever completely right in an argument. I'd say that applies to Hannelore, too.
*or possibly disappointment. I expected Hanners to call Sven on his comments about his relationship with Faye, which might have started the real growth he needs to become the mensch someone said he could be. I agree that's possible (as I've said repeatedly, he showed ever sign of being so capable with Faye before their affair), but it's not going to be as easy as this. Being a mensch means being responsible—Sven's just started on that road.