I don't know what's worst: That he misspelled quidditch, that I
know he misspelled quidditch, or that I'm the first one to say that I noticed this.
Also, it's insane how much slash has been made for Harry Potter when the only canonically gay dude is Dumbledore. I mean, what about all the ladyfolk that clearly had vibes for each other? Or that steps to the boys room that girls could climb? Or Hagrid and all his- okay, never mind. I think I'll go polish my wand or stroke my dragon now (SNL heyoooooooooo!).
Also noting tai squadron and the use of the number 42 and the triforce minicomp that looks a bit too much like a DS to me- I could have sworn it was a DS lite or i until the last panel.
Also noting that Goldie is either really slow at switching/ closing tabs, or that netbooks suck even more than I already thought (don't get angry, I have big fingers- I hate smartphones too.).
Also noting that any dude would be butchered if he looked at prawn at the coffeeshop he was working at.
Also noting the hilarity of a lesbian who doesn't even want to have sex with a girl a dude came in (I know there are mitigating cir
cumstances, stop poking me) is writing slash.
Also noting that a third of what I've said has already been said in differing ways. Oh well.
Also noting that I note too much.
Then there's the whole question of why Tai, presumably an Eng. Lit. grad student, would find JKR's laundry-list-dull writing style appealing in the first place... 
In lieu of murder charges, I will forgive you. Besides, she's made a billion of choose-your-currency, she can take it.