Maybe I'm just in a sour mood already today (since it's Monday), but I just didn't find Hanners to be that funny. "LOL BUTT" humor rarely makes me laugh, anyway, so maybe it just falls into the "different strokes" category today.
Probably doesn't help that on another forum I was reading this morning someone posed a modified "What would you do if you had enough passive income to live moderate-middle-class on and all of your debts were paid off?" question and I got to thinking about how I'd move to DC and basically spend the rest of my days visiting awesome landmarks and museums and researching things at the National Archives and... then I looked around at my office here and started getting even more aggravated than usual for a Monday.
EDIT: DC basically being the hot single woman capital of the US, especially compared to the wasteland rural area I live in when I get home from my commute just adds insult to injury here.
I think I'm in a very bad place this morning.