I really hope Jeph surprises me and doesn't do what I think he's going to do. I'd be fairly disgusted if he did.
What do you think he is going to do??? 
Sorry for the delay in responding, didn't really check in after my post yesterday. What I'm afraid he'll do is that he'll hook up Tai and Dora (nothing wrong with lesbian relationships, so anyone who wanted to try to flame me over that can kiss my other cheek), then have Marten find out and then...no consequences. I'm weary of Saint Marten of Reed, who lacks anger, a backbone, or any ability to selfishly pursue something he wants, to get angry and lash out, to do
something. "Oh, if it makes you happy" la di da the rest. If Tai and Dora hook up, I want to see him react instead of just burying it all. Quit his job! Tell them off! Grow a backbone and express displeasure! Something!
Moving away from that, I am loving the espressosaurus. Faye, can I have one, please?
Though now that I think about it....if the reason it's launching the neck and head is because of too much pressure, that means there's a design flaw somewhere. Judging from the comic, it seems there's too much heat and steam built up, and nowhere for it to go but out. I'd guess that if she added vents to give the steam a place to go...
...am I really discussing engineering on a comic forum?