The thing about stereotypes is that there are negative
as well as positive aspects about a subgroup that are seen so often that they become the identifying ideas about a people.
For example, I'm a 26 year Irish male. Looking at the negative aspects of stereotyping, I should be a drunken, ignorant lout with about a dozen kids, all the while harping on about going to Mass while eating a mountain of potatoes. Well, straight off, if you went with that, you'd be completely wrong about me, I still have 11 bottles from a 24 box of Heineken in my front room, left over from Christmas. I just don't drink. I have two degrees in Applied Science and Quality Assurance, while serious contemplating on going back to college next year to try and work on an English Degree. I have a girlfriend, but there is no way I can see kids in my future before I'm 30-35. I haven't been to any church service since my best friend's father passed away in 2008. And my diet usually consists of salads, rice, the occasional sushi/Thai dish, supplemented by apples, bananas, grapes, pommegranites, etc.
So, no negative about the Irish people applies to me, or to the vast majority of the people I know, but what about the positive? Are we a people who go out and take the bull by the horns? Yeah, we'll probably be trampled into the dust, but we'll get up and try again. Will we have a 30 minute chat with some stranger we've literally met there and then? Definitely. Will we help someone in need even if we don't have much ourselves? Again, definitely. Are we a people who are always humourous, and willing to make people laugh? Well I definitely do.
The point is, there are two sides to every coin, and that the stereotype of the stereotype being a bad idea, is both pointless and useless. As its been said, there have obviously been people who have led to the creation and formation of a stereotype, but in the end, thats all it is, an idea. In regards to the comic, Tai has always been shown to be a sex mad student, quite willing to have her cake and eat it too (

as an aside, does anyone else feel this saying makes no sense whatsoever? I mean, why have cake but not eat it? Cake is meant to be eaten damnit!), who why is it now, when Tai is alone with Dora and another woman that sudden people are trying to call Jeph out on using a supposed negative stereotype? Jeph has used these archetypial characters before, building them up before tearing them down in an often brutal manner. Example, Sven the (former) manwhore, Faye, the tsundere who would pound someone into dust as soon as their stare stayed a second too long.