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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #250 on: 11 Jul 2012, 08:41 »

Uggh.  I did a lot of dreaming and woke up remembering, not just the dream I was having, but the one before too.  I hate that because it always makes me feel a bit restless during the day.  I go through periods sometimes where I remember my dreams to well and I start to feel unsure of which things really happened and which were fake.  I will remember something and then have to reason with myself about whether it happened for real or not.  It is an easy decision for some dreams (no you did not learn to fly last week Kat...) but more difficult for others (didn't we get a check in the mail, and use it to pay the electric?).

Todays dreams:
1. I went home to visit my family, specifically my father (who got very ill last year in real life).  I had extended interactions with him, my mother and my brother.  My father had 5 ferrets living in my old bedroom.  My brother was fixing their bathroom for them (the bathroom was under construction most of my life, like with missing plaster and what not, but was professionally fixed a few years ago).  My father also could walk without assistance, though he still didn't have full use of his left hand (since the illness in real life he shuffles with a walker, and has lost use of his left hand)  Also, in real life he lost over 150 pounds during his illness, but in my dream he had gained most of it back, and I was concerned for him, because he (really) has congestive heart failure so being heavy is really bad for him. 

2. I was in prison, and making food selections from the sort of menu you get in a hospital.  I ordered shredded carrots, a chicken and mac and cheese.  People were surprised by this for some reason.  There was a fight somewhere down the hall, and a guard (played by Nic Cage?) put his arm splint under a door for some reason and the prisoner took it and used it to beat himself.  Later in the dream Nic Cage was being taken away for abusing the prisoner, while the prisoner looked on and grinned.

3. The filming of a commercial for a cruise ship.  A very pregnant woman in a bikini is laying on the front of the ship, dangling her head over the edge while her man sits nearby and asks if she is nauseous.  She says something witty about pregnancy and nausea and how motion sickness is nothing! Then it magic camera's to 6 months earlier and they are on a cruise, diving from the ship into he water, where they get freaky... the implication being this is how she got pregnant, on an earlier cruise! This is the end of the commercial, but I become the woman, that is I have her body and am in the water.  In the dream the prison thing is haunting me, like I feel like it all happened but I can't tell the guy.  I keep plunging under the water and panicking because I think I won't surface in time.  also I am naked and I am worried people will take pictures so I won't get back on the boat.  Other people start swimming and I am talking to one of them.  Mariska Haggerty is also there.  A girl near me observes that she is pretty, and I agree, and say something like, "Man when I see her I am always like <noise>" making the noise makes me sink, straight down, but I can't stop... I start to panic because I keep sinking, and my chest is tense and still making this noise, and I know when I stop I will need to take a deep breath, but I am so far underwater...

I woke up. My mouth was super dry, which has been happening lately, I think because I am mouth-breathing and snoring.  My tonsils have been swollen for a few months now and I think they are causing this.  I wonder if all the drowning paranoia in the last dream was because I was not breathing well in real life. 

[update] Uggggggggg I fell asleep again and had more vivid dreams and now I feel all swimmy and dizzy and it is hard to stay awake, even though I should have had plenty of sleep. 
« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2012, 10:34 by Papersatan »
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #251 on: 12 Jul 2012, 05:39 »

Haven't had notable dreams in recent weeks. Although...

1. I wrote my IB Chinese exams in English.
2. I got an impossibly shitty result for said IB exams. (I recently got the real ones - better but only slightly (drama))

3. Recurring childhood nightmare of running down a corridor being chased by Cruella deVille and 2 huge dalmations. Oh the cackles...
4. Recurring childhood nightmare of stumbling down a dark corridor with invisible walls. Darkness all around.  There was this vague sense of primal terror, that I was being chased and had to escape some formless horror. Then suddenly a ungodly sound of piercing/tearing/shattering rips my reality in two, and I wake up in cold sweat. Thank goodness it's long gone and conquered - it inspired a production I created.

Flying dreams are absolutely my favourite kind of dreams, what with that vertigo and weightlessness of being in the air. Leaving the ground is like starting an old car though. I need a running start and/or lots of jumping up and down. Then I flap my way up in the air. For the most part I have control, though sometimes I start falling for no reason and I either can't take off again or it takes a lot of effort. Still, the best dreams I've ever had.

Years ago I had this dream about the perfect girl, that I knew with such conviction was the right one for me. I felt such love, or what seemed like it (never been in a relationship) to this random girl whose face/name/detals I can't recall. Sigh...

I wish I could have lucid dreams. To hold such unimaginable power...


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #252 on: 13 Jul 2012, 09:22 »

Actually, given that they're dreams, I'm pretty sure it's the most imaginable power there is.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #253 on: 14 Jul 2012, 06:19 »

My wife and I were in the car, in a road race from a northern Detroit suburb to what might have been the Ford hq in Dearborn. Clara was driving most of the way, and a trip that should have been quite fast, mostly on freeways, was boggled by every imaginable obstacle: A wrong turn trying to get to a freeway dumped us into traffic. Another wrong turn dumped us into a clogged parking lot; one thing after another. We'd started with a clear lead, but as we blew the lead, I was getting cranky with my wife. I think my bladder was starting to wake me before we finished; my memory was that someone told us we'd come in 10th or 11th, but my memory also says that I was putting words in that someone's mouth, maybe to punish my wife. WTF?
She's been gone a year and a half. I was driving between rural towns yesterday, missing her beside me. So whatever my feelings in the dream, I was glad to see her.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #254 on: 16 Jul 2012, 23:11 »

It's quite rare for me to remember enough of a dream to record, and this is rather fragmentary...

I was picked up from work in a car along with Faye, Sven and Akima, possibly by my old boss Ian; there should have been one other person (don't recall who) but we decided to leave him.  On arrival in the crowded market place of a nearby town, we proceeded to put up a marquee (a large one with poles a foot in diameter) in which we then put on a performance of an opera.  We were both doing the backstage work and performing on stage, facing the audience which was outside the marquee.  It appeared that we were actually miming the performance to a CD recording, as we were able to pause it when someone wasn't ready.  The opera was Wagner's Die Meistersinger.

This is probably a reference to Longborough Festival Opera, which is near the market town of Chipping Norton, not far from Oxford, one of whose trustees I was talking to a couple of weeks ago, and which is putting on their complete Ring cycle next year - this may be the most practical possibility for me ever to get to see the cycle on stage.
« Last Edit: 16 Jul 2012, 23:18 by pwhodges »
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #255 on: 17 Jul 2012, 04:23 »

this may be the most practical possibility for me ever to get to see the cycle on stage.
Have you had any opportunities to see the Met Live in HD? I saw the complete Ring cycle in the last year in theaters in Tucson Arizona and Battle Creek Michigan. I knew I'd love the music, but the entire production was amazing, despite/including a strange set. It's possible to "rent" the operas via live streaming, although it doesn't appear that the Ring cycle is on the list. Looks like screens in London, Newcastle and Nottingham carry the series.
But you probably know all this.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #256 on: 17 Jul 2012, 09:01 »

Super-long dream coming up. I already posted this on another board but figured someone here might also find it interesting. This was a VERY strange dream for me, not because it was one of those weird fever-dreams that don't make sense, but because it's a subject that I don't think about, consciously or not. I am not a very "woo, girl power" type of person, and I am non-religious/non-spiritual. Normally if someone told me a story like this, I would roll my eyes and think they were too melodramatic for their own good, so the fact that it stuck with me for a few days before I wrote it down is definitely odd. Actually, the fact that it was NOT a weird fever-dream is odd in and of itself. Usually my dreams are pretty disjointed, but this played out like a movie. Very linear and very clear.

A word of warning - it deals with "girl stuff" so if you're squeamish about blood, don't read.

The first thing I remember is that I'm walking along a path in a medieval setting - people are wearing garb, there's a large castle nearby, and there are knights on horses coming up the path behind me - maybe 15 or 20 of them. I notice almost all of the knights are women, but there are several men too. All are wearing leather armor and carrying swords, daggers, or bows and arrows. They command my full attention and I feel a sense of majesty about them - they are to be trusted, not feared, and would do anything to protect this kingdom and the people in it. I get a distinct feeling that they would do anything I ask of them, but I also know that I would never ask them to do anything that would go against their nature - not necessarily because I am a good person, but because they are, and it would not be right for me to do so. I also feel that they are very powerful warriors, and that they would win any battle because it's part of their nature - that they are somehow the universe's way of balancing out any evil in the world.

In the front of this line of knights on horses is a man on foot, portly and gruff, about 50 years old, who appears to be commanding the knights, but somehow I know that he answers to them, not the other way around - almost like he is protecting their identities. I can tell that even though he is surly, he is not heartless. He can also be trusted completely, but he doesn't carry the same nobility as the knights. He tells me to move off the path so they can get through and I clumsily oblige, apologizing. He sourly tells me not to apologize and I feel embarrassed, like I've offended him somehow. This apparently frustrates him even more and he mutters under his breath at me as he walks past.

As the group of knights passes by, I hear a commotion up ahead of them. Everything is suddenly chaotic as they charge by, ready to fight. The gruff man steps off the path to let them through and is shouting orders at them. I notice that as they go past, beaded bracelets are falling off their arms and landing on the ground, breaking and throwing glass and clay beads everywhere. As the last horse charges past, I run to the path to pick up these beads in order to give them back, feeling that they are very important in some way. As I'm putting the beads in my basket, the man starts yelling at me. I hurriedly try to explain that I'm not stealing them, I'm going to give them back, and he yells that I need to get to the castle immediately. I'm flustered at this point and worried that I'm being punished for stealing, and he becomes more angry. "Just drop the basket and get to the castle, we need you NOW!" This statement confuses me, and I drop everything and run as fast as I can. They need me? Who? Why?

I make it to the castle and there is utter bedlam. People are shouting and running everywhere, and I can't figure out where to go. As I'm standing there in a panic, I feel a trickle going down my leg; I look down and realize that my period has started. Blood is now gushing out of me and I have no way to stop it or clean it up. I'm deeply embarrassed but can't figure out where I can go to hide or clean up. A woman grabs my arm and says, "This way," and sends me running down a corridor. There are no other people down here, and I didn't even know this alley existed until now. As we're running, she yells to me, "How serious are you about this?" I have no idea what she's talking about and stumble on my words, unable to make a sound. "How serious are you?! We need to know! Will you fight?" she screams. I feel that I'm about to make the most important decision of my life and that there is no going back no matter which way I answer. Somehow I feel that answering "no" would be the biggest mistake I could make. "Yes, I'll fight, but what are you talking about?" I say, frightened. The woman pushes me into an opening in the wall that's just big enough for me to crouch through, and says, "Go." I look ahead and see that there is water gushing through this tiny passageway - so much that it fills it to the top. I suddenly wonder if she's trying to kill me. If I go in there and there's no way out...

"If you're going to do this, you need to go now! There's no more time! You're needed!" she yells. I realize that she's not going to let me back out anyway, so I take a deep breath and jump into the rushing water. I slide down the inclined passageway with no control, wondering how far it will go and whether I'll be able to take another breath. I can tell that she's sliding down right behind me and that makes me feel slightly better, but it doesn't answer my questions either. We get to a spot where the passageway isn't inclined anymore, and somehow I hear her say, "You have a choice; you can open your mouth and breathe the water and continue forward, or you can turn your head and turn away." I realize that if I breathe in the water I will most likely die, but it's the path I have to take and I will be alright. If I turn my head, it will burst my eardrums but I wouldn't die; I'd be free to live my life as it was before, but I would regret the decision forever. My blood is now mixing with the water, making it even harder to see, and I realize time is running out. I'm scared to death to do so, but I move forward and breathe in the water... but I realize I'm breathing air instead. The water level starts going down and is not filling the corridor anymore. I'm sliding downward again. As I slide, my clothes are falling off and I can't do anything to hold onto them.

I finally burst out into the open outside the castle, completely naked by now, and continue down what is now an open water flume. The woman is not behind me anymore; her work is done. I see that there is a round pool at the bottom of the flume, in the middle of a huge field of rolling hills. There is forest and a dirt path surrounding the field in the distance. I realize it's the same forest I was in before, but I hadn't known this field or the pool existed, even though I must have walked past it before. Even though it was daytime when I was at the castle, it's now nighttime here. The full moon is out, and I can see everything perfectly. I splash down into the pool and swim to the surface. Brushing my hair out of my eyes, I look around at smiling faces - there are 6 or 7 women, and one man, treading water along the edges of the pool, and all are grinning at me, almost giggling, but I can tell that they're kindhearted and are only amused at how bewildered I look. I suddenly feel ashamed that I have dirtied this pool with my blood, but I then see that the water is perfectly clear. I realize that I'm still menstruating, but the blood becomes part of the water and that's what makes the water pure. It's so clear that it is like crystal and reflects the moonlight all the way to the bottom of the pool, easily 20 feet - the water almost glows, like every atom of it is reflecting the light, not just the surface.

I suddenly realize that all of them went through the same ritual that I just did, and that we are all knights now. Men can become these knights also, but only a very few are chosen and they must be entirely pure of heart. Only those men that have always had the utmost respect for the women around them would be allowed to join. They would not, however, have the same power that the women do, because our power comes from the fact that we menstruate - a sort of blood magic. As I am contemplating this, I hear commotion in the distance and see horses coming through the forest and charging up the path toward the castle, and know that we have to go defend our people. I think back to the gruff man and realize that he was not frustrated that I was in the way - he was frustrated because I was so timid and underestimated myself terribly, when really I held a great amount of power. I smile and wake up.
« Last Edit: 17 Jul 2012, 12:55 by Elysiana »


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #257 on: 17 Jul 2012, 09:35 »

Wow! Except for the nudity and the blood, it sounded Tolkienesque. Well, that and the authority extended mostly to women.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #258 on: 17 Jul 2012, 12:58 »

It really kind of was like something straight out of a fantasy book or movie. While I do read/watch them, I certainly wouldn't say that's my favorite genre or that I daydream about being in a setting like that. I know a lot of girls who would be very "Ahmuhgah, it was soooo awesome, yay team vagina" about a dream like this, but I'm still very "What?"


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #259 on: 17 Jul 2012, 13:51 »

Last night I dreamt Michael and I were leaving home for NYC. Except home was in the middle of nowhere country (looked West Virginia) and I had a jerk father (I do not have a father). So I spent so much time planning everything with Michael and packing and trying to decide what to take and what not to take while Michael planned getting out there. The day comes for us to leave and I find out he only bought one plane ticket - for himself. He was under the impression I'd get my own and that I wouldn't care if we were on different flights. So I have to wait around to buy a ticket and when I finally do arrive to NYC, he doesn't pick me up. So I have to find the apartment we were going to be staying in by myself and when I get there I find out we've moved in with another girl and they are sharing a room together while I'm in a tiny, dinky room by myself.

At this point I woke up because I was angry at this stupid dream. Seriously, most of this dream was spent packing and trying to hide the fact I was leaving from my father. I don't really know where this one came from, it makes no sense to me.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:

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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #260 on: 06 Aug 2012, 15:31 »

I was talking with someone who had worked on the SR-71 program and he was so pleased with my enthusiasm that he gave me one of his keepsakes, one of the jets's ignition keys.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #261 on: 06 Aug 2012, 15:42 »

Did the aircraft have an ignition key?


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #262 on: 06 Aug 2012, 19:30 »

My bandmate Matt and I got into a huge fight over who got the last piece of presliced cheddar in the package. We threw our shoes at each other.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #263 on: 09 Aug 2012, 21:53 »

Did the aircraft have an ignition key?

Pretty sure it didn't. They couldn't even start themselves.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #264 on: 10 Aug 2012, 15:47 »

Had another dream about my ex...

So a bunch of us were at a house gathering, complete with the music, drinking, etc, except it had a high class atmosphere, despite that we were all in casual dress.  So anyway, I'm off to one side, enjoying my drink, when the ex comes up and corners me and flat out asks me which of her friends I'm sleeping with; not in an angry tone, more of a matter-of-fact "how's the weather?" tone.  I deny the accusation, but she keeps pressing the question, placing her hands against the wall on either side of me so I can't just duck away (we're about the same height and she's in very good shape, she could probably take me down).

She then starts trying to guess by listing off various names.  She apparently doesn't find the right one, but then says something along the lines of, "I don't really care, anyway, because I know you want this," and then starts kissing me and wraps herself around me (metaphorically, not literally like a snake or something :P ).  The dream continued from there, but details get fuzzy.

Now here's the ironic thing:  Dream-ex was right, I am seeing one of her friends in real life (hey, she approached me long after me and ex broke up, and we're agreed that it's strictly a friends-with-benefits deal).  My take on the dream is that it's my subconscious trying to convince me to try pursuing the ex instead, but since this is real life afterall, I know that it would never work out like it does in a movie (or dream).
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #265 on: 10 Aug 2012, 16:43 »

4. Recurring childhood nightmare of stumbling down a dark corridor with invisible walls. Darkness all around.  There was this vague sense of primal terror, that I was being chased and had to escape some formless horror. Then suddenly a ungodly sound of piercing/tearing/shattering rips my reality in two, and I wake up in cold sweat.

This sounds eerily like much of the narrative in House of Leaves.  I'd recommend you read it, but if you haven't already, it might well bring back the nightmares...



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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #266 on: 14 Aug 2012, 11:51 »

Last night I had a dream that was quite unlikely for me, even though it must be one had by thousands of girls every night.  I.... went on a date with Justin Beiber.  He was very polite.  I felt ridiculous about it in the dream.  I must have won a contest or something cause neither of us really wanted to be there, but we were nice about it.  His fav band is a Norwegian metal band.  A news blurb came on the radio that their house had been robbed and he lost his shit.  I remember taking a long time trying to word a complement about his fashion sense.   The bus we were on went underwater and I panicked, but her was cool as a cucumber.  He was not very comforting though. 

Also, now his song "Boyfriend" is in my head.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #267 on: 15 Aug 2012, 05:36 »

I had a celebrity dream as well. A strange one. It involved Cameron Diaz coming home late with her kids to her husband, and from the context I gathered that he was abusive. Or I might have made that up on the spot, you never know. Also, I didn't actually know she was Cameron Diaz: I did see her face but the part of my brain that connects faces to names must have been asleep at that moment, because all that would register was 'famous person'. Anyway, I think I suggested borrowing clothes from me that would make it look like she just stepped out for a moment and wasn't gone all night, but she said that wouldn't work because none of my clothes are, well, what a famous person would wear, even at night. It didn't strike me as important that I only owned men's clothes.

I don't even have any conscious memory about Cameron Diaz's personal life, nor have I seen any movies starring her recently, so I don't know where this came from.
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I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #268 on: 26 Sep 2012, 15:44 »

Wow, I actually woke up from a nightmare this morning. Like, an honest scared-out-of-your-wits nightmare. I haven't had a nightmare in years.

It was preceded by a regular dream where large parts of a department store were apparently bought up by some shadowy corporate entity, and they allowed people to just take stuff out of the store without paying for them, which was very likely illegal. I found a pair of really cool jeans in that store, so I'm kinda sad they're not real.

Strangely, the nightmare was a very controlled experience. The previous dream faded into being in a dark suburb at night. The whole thing was basically like playing a video game; I knew that it was dark, scary and dangerous, but even though you might be scared of what happens in a game, you're likely going to act anyway because there's no real threat. In this case, there was a glowing white, blurry, featureless and shapeless thing in the middle of the road. When I approached it, it became angry and started screaming like you would expect a featureless and shapeless thing to scream, which is a noise unlike any scream you will ever hear, but a scream nonetheless.

At that point, I decided that this game had been scary enough, so I mentally switched it off and woke up back in my room. But that wasn't the end of it. I was still scared half to death, and this was reflected by the way I was unable to turn on the lights, which would flicker and die, and how it was still very dark outside. In a panic, I ran out of my room and into the kitchen, where I thought of how stupid I'd look if one of my fellow tenants found me running through the apartment, deathly afraid of nothing at all. So I gathered some courage, and walked back down the corridor to my room, still wheezing and shaking from fear, and went right back into my room, where I found that it was now mid-day and sunlight spilled through the windows, which instantly calmed me down. That's when I really woke up: only after becoming completely calm.

It's interesting that the entire time, I was aware that none of these scary things were at all dangerous. I was in control of what happened in (what I thought was) the horror game, but I wasn't able to stop feeling incredibly scared after I stopped the game. Afterwards, even when I thought I had 'woken up', I still knew that whatever I was afraid of was not real. The fear was absolutely real, but part of me knew not to trust the fear, because it was still reacting to something that wasn't really there. It felt weirdly divisive.
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.

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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #269 on: 26 Sep 2012, 16:21 »

It's a really good thing that my body's good at determining whether I'm dreaming or not. Because I really had to pee in my dream , and I was trying -so hard- to go in the dream. Then I woke up, and lo and behold, still had to pee. Went to the bathroom, then went back to sleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue where I left off.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #270 on: 26 Sep 2012, 17:52 »

I remember reading a comment (on a Cracked article, I think) about someone who said that they had a dream where they really had to pee but they couldn't get out bed because their brain was telling them that they were addicted to peeing and that it was staging an intervention.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #271 on: 27 Sep 2012, 06:24 »

At that point, I decided that this game had been scary enough, so I mentally switched it off and woke up back in my room.

I absolutely HATE when I "wake up" in my dreams. I've actually overslept because I turned my alarm clock off irl and then proceeded to go through my morning routine in my sleep, convincing myself that I'm already awake.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #272 on: 27 Sep 2012, 06:40 »

Like Calvin?

I had the opposite recently. I dreamt that I turned off my alarm, then I woke up ten minutes later thinking "oh shit I overslept!" and saw that my alarm wouldn't have gone off for another 40 minutes.
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I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #273 on: 27 Sep 2012, 07:38 »

Had a weird nightmare last night (don't really remember much of it, other than some sort of zombie dog pieces chasing me), but the way I woke up was basically going, "ohshitohshitohshit" while hyperventilating and when I woke up I was also hyperventilating. Nightmares are stupid.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #274 on: 28 Sep 2012, 10:46 »

Yes! Just like that lol
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #275 on: 02 Oct 2012, 22:15 »

I, too, have fantasy dreams sometimes; in fact, I just had one as recently as a few weeks ago:

I and several others were apprenticed to a giant (about Hagrid's size, but otherwise incomparable), who was teaching us small magics as well as swordfighting and archery.  Most of the dream was just me or us running around the Frozen Forest (it was exactly what it sounds like, and that was the dream's only setting) doing some sort of training task; once, we were in a competion against the other groups who are traing there like we were.  The thing is, the entire Frozen Forest was enclosed in a gigantic single-room building that you could always see the simple but immense ceiling of, high above you and the trees.  The dream continuously skipped a lot of intermediate time (including in-character sleep), and by the end of he dream I had the impression that a couple of weeks had passed.

Then we (that is, my teacher's group) somehow found ourselves next to one of the building's walls, in a spot where the wall (same material and construction as the ceiling) had a large matching wooden door, which was open.  I knew (in that way that you "just know" stuff in dreams) that the door led into the home/throne of the ancient god (who had a name, but I've forgotten what it was) who ruled the place.  Without me noticing, the room must have transformed in that instant to be much smaller than it was before.  All the ice started melting, and a lot of burly-looking men with swords and other close-quarters weapons strapped to various locations on their bodies were sitting on and standing next to perhaps a dozen wooden benches (again, same style of construction) that had inexplicably replaced the entire forest, although at the time I found nothing at all odd about this.  All the men had determined looks on their faces.  I stepped through the door and headed up he short side ramp of the raised platform that was in the room beyond.  On the platform was the god, sitting on his throne with a simple golden crown on his head and looking like a tired old man. There was also the god's high wizard and chief advisor, who was standing behind and to the leg of the throne.  Completing the tableau was a selection of the god's valuable possessions, displayed on pedastels along and towards the back of the rest of the platform and interspersed with four or five armed guards.

I saw a man in journeyman magician's robes enter the room, upon which the high wizard immediately stood up, fluidly pointed his ornate wooden staff in the air, and commandingly boomed, "Do not think!"  Blue and white lightening blasted out across the entire room from the top of his staff.  I left that room, and noticed that everyone was getting restless.  The giant who had been instructing us explained quietly that the god had told his high wizard to wipe the minds of any magician who entered his room, because the god did not want his thoughts being read.  I said (and now quote verbatim), "So everything has been leading up to this."  Our giant replied (also an exact quote, except the name of the god), "[Whatever the god's name was] wanted them to keep his room warm.  Well, they kept it warm, all right.  Too warm.  There's a reason this forest sits on a bed of frost."  Everyone started to move towards the throne room door.

Then I woke up.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #276 on: 03 Oct 2012, 02:43 »

I dreamt I was taking a exam in history which I hadn't studied for and all I could think of was how I could cheat. I'll probably have these dreams for the rest of my life..


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #277 on: 03 Oct 2012, 02:45 »

I crashed a car. That happens every time I drive one, probably cause I don't know how to drive. Fortunately, my mom said the insurance will cover the damage.
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #278 on: 03 Oct 2012, 04:52 »

I dreamt that I had already gotten ready for work, fancy makeup and all (I don't really wear makeup), and then I'd gone to work and there was a rivalry between the two sides of the office. A lady who is sort of my friend IRL said that my hair was terrible. And then I woke up and got to work very late so that sucked.
what she said was sad, but then, all the rejections she's had, to pretend to be happy could only be idiocy


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #279 on: 03 Oct 2012, 04:57 »

I dreamt (again) that I was the Admiral of an armada of tiny battleships that fought other tiny ships in some sort of water-maze. Near the "end" of the dream the enemy ships turned into naked ladies, though :psyduck:


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #280 on: 28 Nov 2012, 12:47 »

Just had one of my memories that was really a dream. 

I ran across this photo online:

And I thought "Yeah the milky way was really pretty last night.  and then they way Jupiter showed up and you could see the storm and the rings on Saturn... wait.  That is not a thing that happens... Also, I haven't been far enough away from a city to see the stars in months, and after I saw the planets I ran into a building with funny staircases and a stage, and I was hiding, from what? doesn't matter that that didn't happen either."  Fuuuccck you brain full of dreams. 
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[12:08] ackblom12: I'm tired of lookin at that ugly little face


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #281 on: 28 Nov 2012, 12:50 »

I dreamt about storks. Thousand of storks, flying everywhere, in gardens, through windows, open doors, trees, buildings, everywhere.

I fed one peanut butter. Because my dreaming brain believes that every living thing likes peanut butter.
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #282 on: 29 Nov 2012, 12:23 »

My dreams always seem to play out in extremely disturbing ways. Usually they swing between two themes; me getting chased and/or killed, or some weird Paprika-esque sequence that transitions without warning. I can only assume that it's indicative of my self hatred and my suspicion that nothing is actually real XD On a brighter note, I've become quite proficient at kicking myself out of dreams, and if I ever end up making indie games, I'll have no lack of inspiration for "quirky" ideas.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #283 on: 08 Dec 2012, 08:24 »

I dreamt about storks. Thousand of storks, flying everywhere, in gardens, through windows, open doors, trees, buildings, everywhere.

I fed one peanut butter. Because my dreaming brain believes that every living thing likes peanut butter.
There are many, many...many babies in your future :P

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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #284 on: 08 Dec 2012, 13:51 »

I've had a fever later and I've been having some batshit hallucinatory dreams that I keep forgetting as soon as I wake up (as I always have with my dreams).

However I've vaguely remembered a couple.

One is where I was the leader of some kind of organised crime network localised entirely within my own bedroom. As in, I was asleep in bed, and that was it running fucking PERFECTLY. Every time I tossed or turned, BAD SHIT WENT DOWN.

The other one was the head of health and safety from where I work coming to my flat to assess the mould problem. He said that the job would normally cost £6000 to fix, but for me, as a favour, he'd do it for £6200.

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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #285 on: 08 Dec 2012, 14:19 »

I remember a bit about being thrown in jail and getting involved in a big fight between the inmates. All because God had it in for me.
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #286 on: 20 Dec 2012, 03:51 »

Woke up during the night and heard a couple funny noises last night. Stayed up for ages just listening. Eventually fell asleep and dreamed about people breaking into the house. Woke up again, heard different but weird noises but checked time. Was just after 8am so it was neighbours waking up and going to work. Wanted to get a little more sleep, convinced myself no smart thief would break into a house at 8am, slept.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #287 on: 20 Dec 2012, 04:23 »

Last night in my dream I designed a Leica camera that could be switched between film and sensor between shots; it was rather clunky, but not an impossible design, I think.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #288 on: 20 Dec 2012, 08:09 »

Really bizarre dream last night but I only remember parts of it....

In one part, Nick and I got a second cat. Fuzz got along with it but I was in a constant state of panic because I was convinced that they would start attacking each other (like Fuzz tried with the last cat we brought home in real life and had to get rid of). Dream Nick didn't remember the real life incident and I did so I kept getting angry at him for telling me I had nothing to worry about.

Then, we're sitting at a party with a group of family, friends and friends' families. We all had big bags full of stuff from an "antique store" but all the bags were filled with weird little mismatched things that weren't of any particular use. Then someone dies in the house that we're at and everyone seems fairly calm about it. I'm the only one that is freaked out because HELLO SOMEONE JUST DIED RIGHT OVER THERE. My parents go to the place in the house that the person died to pay their respects and the dead person is gone. Again, no one thinks this is odd but me. We leave and I then realize that I left my bag inside the house. I really don't want to go back but everyone I'm with tells me that I shouldn't leave such valuable things there, so I return to get them and then wake up.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #289 on: 20 Dec 2012, 17:20 »

I woke up bawling because I had a dream where my drummer Paul had died and I was at his funeral.

When I woke up from it this morning I texted my other bandie Matt and asked him if Paul was okay. He was confused and I told him about my dream and he was like "...holy shit, dude, damn, that's heavy"

Fuck, I hate how I only ever remember my dreams twice a year, why did this have to be one?
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #290 on: 20 Dec 2012, 18:26 »

I dreamed last night that I was in the PLA, but for some reason we were fighting alongside US Marines, somewhere hot, dry, dusty and mountainous. Afghanistan? I don't know. There were few of them, but they had all the heavy weapons. There were many more of us, but we only had rifles, grenades etc. We were defending something in some caves, but nobody had told me what it was. I was some sort of technical specialist, not an infantry soldier, but someone pushed an old Type-56 assault rifle into my hands and ordered me to the front. All my equipment was too big. Artillery burst closer and closer. Someone shouted "Here they come!" in Chinese. I kept shooting, but had no idea if I hit anything in all the dust. After that, I don't remember.

It was very weird indeed; I don't think I ever had a war dream before.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #291 on: 21 Dec 2012, 00:10 »

There was this island with hillbilly samurai. They looked and acted like authentic 17th century samurai, but spoke English with these backwoods accents. There was this medieval Chinese warlord who may or may not have been immortal. He owned two talismans: a shark's jaw that somehow guaranteed whoever possessed it to gain the upper hand over their enemies, and an insanely sharp sword, which could kill or hurt people by cutting a picture of them. The sword wasn't made out of metal, it appeared to be carved from some kind of bone, possibly from some kind of demon or monster. The samurai tried to fight him, but were too bound by their codes of honor to resort to underhanded tactics: "Naw, reckon I can't do that. Ain't the way of a warrior!"

Meanwhile, on the mainland, there were these other warlords, who belonged to some kind of sect that would convene at the ruins of a massive city somewhere way off in the middle of a cold, arid plane every year to take part in a ritual that involved some kind of mind altering substance that came from the dust and the water from the wells. When the lords returned to their respective domains, still visibly reeling from the experience, there would be another year of guaranteed peace and prosperity.


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #292 on: 21 Dec 2012, 08:51 »

Had a dream I was a cop, and we chased a criminal into a building site. Somehow my partner got cut in half, but was not only alive but seemingly pretty okay with it. The ambulance arrived and established he wouldn't fit in the back like that, so they cut him up into smaller pieces, and just piled him up in a box with a head on top. Then I woke up.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #293 on: 21 Dec 2012, 14:41 »

I had one where I visited a business and asked whether they had a millimeter-wave camera I could use to look at the cosmic microwave background radiation. And a sex dream in which the majority of the time was taken up trying to remember where I had parked my car.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #294 on: 22 Dec 2012, 00:53 »

That's how I usually do it, what's strange about that?


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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #295 on: 22 Dec 2012, 06:41 »

What, you often have sex dreams where you wonder where you parked your car?

Also, "parking the car" is a rather different way of putting it.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #296 on: 23 Dec 2012, 09:13 »

Not if you speak Albanian! The crude slang word for "penis" is in fact "kar." Anglophones are encouraged to use the word "makina" when telling your road trip story to an Albo.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #297 on: 23 Dec 2012, 09:40 »

Well, you learn something new every day.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #298 on: 27 Dec 2012, 05:00 »

Christmas Eve I slept badly and had a stressful dream about trying to go to my corporate office in Bethesda for a class, but instead of taking us up, the elevator left the building and cruised around a city (Baltimore? Philadelphia? not DC) for a while. Then we went through a traffic circle that looked like the one at 16th Street NW/Eastern Ave/Colesville Road in DC, but the sign said Wilson Blvd or something, and then it was all kitschy bars and little houses made up to look like hobbit holes. Somehow we got back to corporate but when I tried a different elevator it was the freight one and it went down into the garage with the doors open but nobody working there seemed to care. I tried a third elevator which was marked Biofuel Powered which I thought would be cool, but actually it wasn't biofuel. You had to run on a treadmill until you had generated enough electricity to run the elevator up to the floor you wanted. When I finally made it to the class, it was my 6th grade social studies teacher leading people in arts and crafts.
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Re: Weird dreams you've had
« Reply #299 on: 31 Dec 2012, 20:15 »

I had a dream that my sister's friend was a demon. She wanted to tear a hole in this dimension just big enough to suck my house and about a 1 block radius around it into an interdimensional vortex because I had refused to organize some things up in the attic.
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