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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1700 on: 29 Mar 2016, 12:23 »

Pixels. I enjoyed it, but I think that's mainly because I was with friends. It was a good turn-off-your-brain movie, but not really my scene.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1701 on: 29 Mar 2016, 14:18 »

I haven't seen it, but...Peter Dinklage, so it can't be all bad, right?
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1702 on: 22 Apr 2016, 13:37 »

So I finally got around to seeing American Hustle after putting it off for almost three years... and I loved it.

I don't much like Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner or Robert de Niro but enjoyed each of their performances. Amy Adams was solid. Plot was decent, direction was excellent and the soundtrack was dope.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1703 on: 22 Apr 2016, 13:47 »

I can't fathom not liking one of those actors, much less not liking any. How's that even possible? :psyduck:
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1704 on: 22 Apr 2016, 14:00 »

I don't much like Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner or Robert de Niro

I dunno..

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1705 on: 22 Apr 2016, 19:19 »

I haven't seen it, but...Peter Dinklage, so it can't be all bad, right?



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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1706 on: 23 Apr 2016, 11:20 »

Finally saw Zootopia and I loved it so much, I am having lots of feels about the characters and events. Good job, Disney.

Also saw The Boy. It was decent, had good pacing and the creep slowly burned and I was genuinely surprised by it, which is fun when that happens.


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1707 on: 23 Apr 2016, 15:59 »

Zootopia - good idea, competent execution, tailored esp. for younger millennials and checks off all the boxes for a blockbuster feelgood animated comedy with important messages. Enjoyed it overall but it felt too polished and deliberate, like someone'd decided to try to combine the strengths of all similar smash-hits from the past five years. To me, it felt like one of those solid movies with tried-and-true plots and dependable all-star ensemble casts brought together for the purpose of making a movie that doesn't suck. I loved the visuals and esp. the visual humor as well as the cameos and the throwaway gags. The soundtrack was very disappointing. I guess this is what they call "damning with faint praise"? I did like it though.

Mr. Right - I expected to be entirely underwhelmed by this romantic action-comedy about a messed-up former hitman's whirlwind romance with a messed-up but cool girl against the burning and blood-spattered backdrop of a worlde gonne madde and a one thousande cartoonish villains. At first blush, this movie has no reason to exist and it's been panned by critics. We've already had Grosse Pointe Blank, Smokin' Aces, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Killers, Shoot 'Em Up and a dozen more movies with similar plots, themes and tone. But the ginger and I loved this movie. Sam Rockwell is as likeable as always, Anna Kendricks delivers one of her best performances ever as winsome messed-up millennial T-Rex (yes, T-Rex) with a great attitude, Tim Roth does his thing well apart from a painful sequence featuring an incredibly grating southern accent, and the supporting cast is solid albeit a little cartoonish. There is a slight comic-book-y feel to the movie but they decided to forgo the increasingly popular excessive ultra-violence as well as to keep the unbelievable assassin-tricks at a reasonable level. Most importantly, Rockwell and Kendricks have great chemistry. It's not revelatory, and it has its flaws, but it was just the right kind of movie for a tipsy date-night at home with the missus :) ymmv.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1708 on: 24 Apr 2016, 17:49 »

I finally got around to watching the film adaption of The Martian over the weekend. I was somewhat disappointed by the book, and I'd rate the movie as... competent.

The movie starts out with the advantage that the fundamentally "third person view" of films (with a very few exceptions) smooths away the rather grating viewpoint shifts of the book. Film adaptions of books always compress their complexity, but much of the hero's work in keeping himself alive on Mars is skipped through in "hard work montages", and this makes some parts of the movie feel very rushed, and yet, about three-quarters of the way through, I found myself thinking: "Wow, this is a long movie!". It is 141 minutes, but any movie that has you thinking about its run-time at all while watching it is doing something wrong.

The film looks good, and its depictions of technology, space-travel, Mars etc. are convincing within the reasonable limits of film-making. Watney's deteriorating condition is done well, better than the book. However, there is one horrible special-effects/set-building failure which looks particularly cheap and bad in an otherwise expensive-looking movie:
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The cast is very good, I think, delivering performances as strong as the rather bland script permits. Matt Damon carries the movie, but that's not really surprising given the work. Kristen Wiig is completely wasted as an Annie Montrose so sanitised and uninteresting as to be unrecognisable as the character from the book. This is a problem with the script generally, in that the adaption pretty much sucks all the realistic conflict and tension out of the original story*, and treats the Chinese intervention in a manner that is frankly childish. The climax is just silly and bad, abandoning the film's previous realism, and apparently being based on the idea that you can't have a science-fiction film unless the commanding officer behaves like Captain Kirk. The same "scene" in the book is completely tense and absorbing as it stands, as well as much more realistic.

Overall, I judge the film, like the book, pretty good but very overrated.

*I don't know if this was the price of getting NASA's cooperation.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1709 on: 24 Apr 2016, 18:33 »

I finally watched Trading Places after having seen the beginning of the movie 3 or 4 times. It's a nice 80's comedy with a surprising amount of nudity in it. Maybe it's cause I've usually started watching it on cable but I didn't expect that.

I also watched Willow Creek, which was kind of confusing as far as horror movies go.


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1710 on: 24 Apr 2016, 19:17 »

Saw the Jungle Book yesterday. I liked it, captured a lot of the charm of the animated version.

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Only gripe I have would be Idris Elba as Shere Khan. I think Idris Elba is a great actor, he's versatile and has good range, I just don't think he works as Shere Khan. George Sanders, the voice of Shere Khan in the 67 version, had a certain charm that made Shere Khan affable and at the same terrifying. In this version, the tiger just comes off as just brutish.

Christopher Walken, brilliant actor and one of my favourites. Terrifying as King Louie and his voice sends chills up your spine when he sings "I Wanna Be Like You". Unfortunately, Disney went into uncanny valley territory by basing King Louie's glare on Walken's own stare, which is just plain scary.


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1711 on: 26 Apr 2016, 13:21 »

Watched what I expected to be a crap horror movie called Circle on Netflix. It's about 50 people who wake up in a room and find they're being bumped off one by one. It almost entirely takes place in that one room. I expected it to be terrible, but it's admirably ruthless and not bloody. It's no masterpiece but I expected horror shlock fun and got something genuinely quite gripping.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1712 on: 26 Apr 2016, 13:34 »

I watched that a while back and felt the same way. Thought it was a really neat concept and I have a soft spot for relatively simple to execute films.

Killers on Netflix was something I expected to be just mindless blood and gore but it caught me by surprise and became an instant favourite to me. Not the Kutcher/Heigl film. This one is set in Indonesia and Japan, and the Netflix description was basically wrong. Seems to happen a lot on it. I thought Housebound was going to be a more straight thriller/paranormal thing based on the description but I'd more compare it to Braindead/Dead Alive.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1713 on: 30 Apr 2016, 16:55 »

I just watched Keanu and it was a dumb/fun movie. Not much to it but it still gives some good laughs. I'm gonna miss Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1714 on: 02 May 2016, 04:33 »

Watched "What we do in the shadows" the other nights.  A mockumentary of vampires put together by the guys from Flight of the Concords. It was really funny take on vampires.  I got what each vampire represented (Vlad was obviously Dracula, Viago was Louis from "Interview with a vampire", Peter was the Nosferatu, Nick is the modern vampire).  I couldn't for the life of me figure out what movie/book Deacon was an allusion of.  Was he suppose to represent folklore/urban legend vampires?

« Last Edit: 02 May 2016, 04:43 by LeeC »
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1715 on: 02 May 2016, 05:15 »

I'm gonna miss Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele
Wait, where are they going? Did their show get cancelled?
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1716 on: 02 May 2016, 12:21 »

Yeah, the last episode was in September 2015


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1717 on: 02 May 2016, 14:41 »

Watched an Australian film called "All About E" with my gf this weekend. It was pretty good. The pacing was a bit off in the middle, but the acting was really solid. One of the better pieces of lesbian cinema I've seen and some of the best on screen chemistry I've seen between the romantic leads. Mandahla Rose, who plays the titular E does a phenomenal job. Its also one of the rare lesbian themed films where no lesbians die.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1718 on: 02 May 2016, 15:47 »

Yeah, the last episode was in September 2015
Dang, I'm watching the last season now, didn't know there wouldn't be another until now. Gonna see Keanu tonight, though!
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1719 on: 02 May 2016, 19:10 »

Gonna see Keanu tonight, though!
Just saw it and it was everything I hoped it would be.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1720 on: 03 May 2016, 09:19 »

Just watched the 1963 film, Siege of the Saxons.

The entire final battle was lifted from the 1954 film The Black Knight. THE ENTIRE FINAL BATTLE!!! The hero was even wearing wearing Alan Ladd's armour from the film!

I know they had cheap production values back then but that's ridiculous.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1721 on: 05 May 2016, 04:28 »

As in they copied the choreography or they actually used the footage?
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1722 on: 07 May 2016, 13:33 »

The second season of Grace & Frankie is out. I love this show so freaking much.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1723 on: 07 May 2016, 22:04 »

Saw Green Room tonight. A really good horror movie with Sir Patrick Stewart as the main villain.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1724 on: 22 May 2016, 12:49 »

Finally got to watch Zootopia, and I loved it. Nick carries the DreamWorks smirk much better than they ever did themselves!

I think it clear that Pixar isn't the #1 animation studio anymore.
« Last Edit: 23 May 2016, 01:46 by Edguy »
I dunno..

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1725 on: 22 May 2016, 19:04 »

Saw The Nice Guys the other night. Fun stuff.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1726 on: 25 May 2016, 17:28 »

After having rented it from the library twice I finally watched The Band's Visit. It's a movie about a group of Egyptians that get on the wrong bus and end up in a place that sort of sounds like where they're supposed to go. They end up in a quiet town and have to spend the night there til the bus comes in the morning and takes them to where they are supposed to go. It's a nice quiet almost comedy and I probably should have paid more attention to it. Despite the setting, it being a town in Israel and most of the people being middle eastern, they mainly speak english to each other with little asides in Arabic and Hebrew.

Honestly, this New York Times article does a better job than I ever could talking about the movie


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1727 on: 01 Jun 2016, 07:42 »

Warcraft - decent and fun. Will appeal more to genre fans closer to the casual end of the spectrum than to a mainstream audience. Would've been better as a high-budget TV-series. Good casting, good visuals (characters as well as effects), good action, nice soundtrack. Would've enjoyed it more if fewer of the protagonists had been baby-faced or, esp. in the case of Lothar, just annoying. At the same time, some of the things I disliked have already begun to grow on me.

X-Men: Apocalypse - had extremely low expectations and was happy to find that I enjoyed it more, on the whole, than the previous two movies featuring this cast. Even so, about half of it was either forgettable or outright sucky. Much of the dialogue was esp. bad, with only McAvoy and Peters managing to transcend the limits of the mediocre writing. 

Fassbender has either chosen--or been forced--to go down the same route as Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, with his later scenes featuring a great deal of painful melodrama and even one instance of a single solitary tear falling from his eye.

Oscar Isaac's Apocalypse was fairly uninspired and not particularly menacing. Not his fault, I reckon. Lawrence as Mystique remains unsatisfying although I guess opinions differ on the matter. Sophie Turner's Jean Grey was... well, it wasn't all bad, but mostly so. The guy playing Scott was appropriately douchey I guess :o Nightcrawler was all right. Storm was wasted. Psylocke was just so. much. facepalm. Angel was surprisingly compelling for being a character with almost no lines, very little screen-time and an abundance of lameness. Of the Horsemen, I think I liked his portrayal the most.

The standout performances were by Evan Peters as Quicksilver (not only limited to his show-stealing scene that almost topped the one from DoFP. Made me forget Aaron Taylor-Johnson's misfire from Ultron) and Tómas Lemarquis as Caliban.

Visuals were meh. Makeup was meh (esp. for Beast and Mystique). Action (what little we got) was meh. Scenes of global destruction were abundant and almost more provocatively underwhelming (as in, so underwhelming that it almost makes you mad) than they were in Man of Steel. Pacing was off and some excellent scenes were either unnecessary or poorly timed.

Negativity aside, it's worth seeing on the big screen, and those who really liked DoFP may like this one almost as much. It's just that this story has been dealt with far better in other media, including the kiddie-version in X-Men: Evolution. This movie would have been better if they'd slashed most of the disaster-footage and invested screen-time and money on more and better dialogue. I guess some of the things that frustrated me about the movie may have been the result of decisions made during the editing process and perhaps the Director's Cut will be better, but I honestly think that several people dropped the ball wrt the script. Gonna crawl off somewhere and hide now :(

PS. The intro was pretty cool
« Last Edit: 01 Jun 2016, 08:12 by Aimless »
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1728 on: 06 Jun 2016, 22:36 »

Saw H8ful Eight, I'm not much of a fan of Tarantinos' movies (Deathproof is the favorite 'cause it's a car chase movie without CGI), and this is another one I'm not too crazy about storywise, especially the ending .....

But the cinematography!!!!! :-o :-o :-o :-o To hell with 4K digital cameras, why aren't more films shot in UltraPanavision?
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1729 on: 07 Jun 2016, 11:47 »

I was lucky enough to see it projected in 70mm. Holy shit.

This weekend I saw Weiner, the movie that lucked into greatness. It was supposed to be just a documentary about Weiner's mayoral run, but the second scandal happened during that. It doesn't villify Weiner or make him seem innocent (to quote the subject himself, "I did the thing".) The only one who comes off 100% sympathetic is Huma Abedin, and rightfully so. Definitely check it out if you can.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1730 on: 07 Jun 2016, 16:15 »

I finally watched Krampus and I really liked it. The costumes and effects are as on point as Trick R Treat was. And I'm really glad that they played it as straight as they did, with a cast of Adam Scott and David Koechner I thought for sure they were going for comedic effect.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1731 on: 07 Jun 2016, 16:25 »

Wait, they weren't?
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1732 on: 07 Jun 2016, 19:57 »

According to the commentary track, they were going for a Gremlins/Poltergeist feel (a full-on horror film tempered with humor to make it family friendly), and certainly got it.

(Saw it this weekend)
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1733 on: 07 Jun 2016, 21:04 »

Gremlins was supposed to be full-on horror? I always took it as just straight up comedy.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2016, 11:01 by sitnspin »
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1734 on: 08 Jun 2016, 04:34 »

I haven't seen Gremlins, but I did see Krampus and that's why I was surprised when you said it wasn't going for comedic effect, because...well, it kinda was. Horror comedy, but still comedy.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1735 on: 09 Jun 2016, 11:37 »

I saw Warcraft.

It sucked.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1736 on: 09 Jun 2016, 11:54 »

Oh friend, you didn't have to spend more than $10 to find that out.

I finally watched the Minions movie like I knew I would and....meh. It's not good, it's not extremely bad, it's just there. It's 1 hour and 31 minutes and nothing really happens during it. I had it on in the background while beating Kirby: Triple Deluxe


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1737 on: 09 Jun 2016, 13:55 »

First of all, it was IMAX 3D, so it cost £15, which I think is in the region of $28?

Second of all, I went with students for work so I paid nothing. In fact, I GOT paid to watch it  :mrgreen:
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1738 on: 09 Jun 2016, 14:20 »

Fifteen quid is a little under twenty-two US dollars.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1739 on: 09 Jun 2016, 14:37 »

The Nice Guys - First third was a little rubbish, remainder was pretty fun. Black's Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang has a very special place in my heart and I felt like Nice Guys had more than a passing similarity to that gem, but with far less heart and worse chemistry. It kinda felt like Black had been given a second shot at making the movie he really wanted to make, with more than three times as money, but then had to squander most of it on Gosling and Crowe. Each work reasonably well on his own, and both characters grow on you over the course of the film, but I didn't feel like they really clicked until somewhere near the end of the movie. I'm ambivalent about the precocious daughter, and some of the antagonists plain sucked. Loved the setting and the soundtrack. Coulda done without some of the gratuitious nudity. My whining aside, it was a lot of fun and def. worth seeing :)
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1740 on: 09 Jun 2016, 16:31 »

First of all, it was IMAX 3D, so it cost £15, which I think is in the region of $28?

Second of all, I went with students for work so I paid nothing. In fact, I GOT paid to watch it  :mrgreen:

According to all the reviews I've seen of the movie so far... you still got ripped off. I'm sad, because I was really hoping it would be good. Blizzard has a reputation of canning projects if they think they aren't going to live up to their standards. Which makes me wonder how an apparently horrible movie got by them.


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1741 on: 09 Jun 2016, 16:54 »

According to all the reviews I've seen of the movie so far... you still got ripped off. I'm sad, because I was really hoping it would be good. Blizzard has a reputation of canning projects if they think they aren't going to live up to their standards. Which makes me wonder how an apparently horrible movie got by them.

Many will find it horrible, but many others have obv. enjoyed it, which may, I guess, answer the question at least partially. It's flawed but it seems to have a reasonably appreciative audience. I went in expecting to hate it but I enjoyed it more than X-Men which I saw just an hour later. I was also surprised to hear Kermode's surprisingly positive review:

Opinions will differ :)

I had to watch KKBB again just now. It can't be denied that Shane Black has some serious issues with his portrayal of women and his take on masculinity that make his movies off-putting, but damn do I love that movie.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1742 on: 09 Jun 2016, 19:25 »

I saw Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. I won't say it was a good movie, but I did rather enjoy it.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1743 on: 11 Jun 2016, 10:20 »

Went with my 2 older daughters. Eldest is our hardcore gamer. She is the only one I know who was able to farm enough gold in game from raids and dungeons to actually buy a game token and thus extend play time. Middle child is far too casual a gamer but it just happens to be her birthday weekend so this is a treat to her. Then there's me.
I'm more of a solo artist in game (in other words I couldn't be bothered to pug random players just to raid or run dungeons).

Overall we agree it was a good movie. My eldest commented that she felt this was like a lore primer for people who are unfamiliar with the game. She also seemed a little disappointed by how Dalaran was depicted. My middle one liked how they transitioned from Orcish to English and dropped the subtitles in the process. This did kinda bite her in the butt later though because due to the Orc's heavy accent it was unclear what they named the baby so we jokingly and lovingly nicknamed him Moses. I liked a lot of the special effects such as the magic casting and fell corruption effects. Was a little bewildered as to why they flashed the location shots for only Stormwind and IronForge (seems they forgot or omitted it for Dalaran).

So yeah anyway hope I didn't spoil too much.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1744 on: 19 Jun 2016, 13:38 »

I saw Warcraft this afternoon. I had seen a lot of bad reviews, so I was prepared for the worst. It wasn't that bad... But it also wasn't great either. In some ways, I think it fell victim to taking itself to seriously. Like the games are not slapstick... but they are kind of tongue in cheek. They know the setting is absurd and they have fun with it. The movie... It's like they tried to make a couple of abortive efforts at it, but quickly dropped it and got back to serious business. The acting was generally not great either. It wasn't horrible... It was just kind of phoned in for the most part it seemed, and emotions seemed... dulled. Lothar and Garona flirting was painful to see.

They also seemed to be all over the place in their adherence to lore. While they showed some great shots that showed what might as well been live action versions of in game scenes from World of Warcraft of Iron Forge, Stormwind, common architectural features... They also kind of completely ignored the fact that most of those places did not exist like that in the era this movie takes place which is the setting of Warcraft 1. Instead they seemed to want to pull from the more familiar looks of World of Warcraft. So yeah, I'm right in with a common complaint of a lot of reviewers that they spend a lot of time trying to do the lore... but then they get the lore wrong and mixed up. Someone who doesn't know Warcraft wouldn't get that. But fans who have been following the games for years you can't avoid it. It's like doing a period-accurate piece on World War I.... where everyone keeps checking their digital watches.

I think it was an okay movie. But it could have been so much better. And I was hoping it would be so much better. But as matinee fodder it's not bad. I doubt I'll pick up the DVD though. Which is probably saying a lot considering what a fangirl of Warcraft I am...


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1745 on: 24 Jun 2016, 17:07 »

Oh, why, why?....why did I watch The VVitch alone, with the lights off last night???
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1746 on: 24 Jun 2016, 20:25 »

went and saw the new Independence Day: Resurgence movie.

It is a solid B movie.

good entertainment, enuf so I'll buy the DVD when it comes out.
Old enough to know better: Still too young to care.  PONG was my 'gateway' game.

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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1747 on: 24 Jun 2016, 20:29 »

Oh, why, why?....why did I watch The VVitch alone, with the lights off last night???
So fucking good.
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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1748 on: 25 Jun 2016, 04:34 »

This weeks Midnight Movie at my art theatre was Yojimbo, one of my favorite films. Hadn't seen it in awhile and me and less than 10 people watched it last night. I forgot how weird it is at points.


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Re: I just watched [movie x here]
« Reply #1749 on: 08 Jul 2016, 12:05 »

John Wick

Genuinely regret not having seen it sooner. Struck a perfect balance between ugly and gorgeous and, unlike most other movies in the genre, was carefully executed with a view towards restraint and class while still nailing that larger-than-life feeling. Casting was spot on for both main and supporting cast. Soundtrack was AWESOME. Fight-choreography and action v. satisfying. Me like :)
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