Just started on
The Expanse, Season 2 - Damn, Frankie Adams makes a
magnificent Bobby Draper! And the visuals are just *squuuueeeeeee!*

Dominick Tipper is equally superb as Naomi Nagata, and Shohreh Aghdashloo as Crisjen Avasaralla is
perfect - overall, casting is awesome on that show, with the minor peeve that Steven Strait is a little too tall by comparison to the Belter & Martian characters (what's the point in busting your ass casting 1.8m tall women for characters that are supposed to stand close to 2m due to growing up in low/microgravity when you
then cast a 1.88m male supposed to play a short-ish Earther? But seeing as they cast loads of
very buff Belters, who are actually supposed to be extremely tall and beyond skinny, I guess they gave up on the 'tall, skinny Belter'-look ... I just liked how in the books, the physical differences between Inners and Belters made the racism between both visceral in so many little ways. Like how Naomi isn't
quite Holden's 'type' initially, and how his falling in love with her parallels his maturing as a person, from
happy-go-lucky-prettyboy to caring captain)
And while I
love Wes Chatham's Amos, in my mind, Amos will always be black ... (though I like that the only two
"Northern-European-whites" amongst the main cast play the nutjobs).
Speaking of Wes Chatham's Amos - The great thing is that he's actually
more threatening when his manner and mimic are harmless and friendly (Ok, that's mostly because his manner doesn't fit with the stuff coming out of his mouth in those situations). It's not the
"British Actor being a menacing Hollywood Villain"-politeness - Chatham manages to let his Amos look like he really believes that violent shit happening is simply normal and people shouldn't get so damn' upset about his killing their friends, or loudly pondering the ups and downs of shoving Holden off the
Roci without his helmet (
"Naomi wouldn't like that") ...
EDIT: And Miller's gun is a nod to Togusa's Mateba